770 research outputs found

    Changes in New Mexico Agriculture 1995

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    Industrial Organization,

    De la sortida del túnel al gran safareig

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    Estudio experimental del Sistema de Albañilería Integral en la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes. Experimental study of the Integral Masonry System in the construction of earthquake resistant houses

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    This paper presents the application of the Integral Masonry System (IMS) to the construction of earthquake resistant houses and its experimental study. To verify the security of this new type of building in seismic areas of the third world two prototypes have been tested, one with adobe and the other with hollow brick. In both cases it’s a two-story 6x6x6 m3 house built to scale 1/2. The tests are carried out at the Laboratory of Antiseismic Structures of the Department of Engineering, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru in Lima, in collaboration with the UPM (Technical University of Madrid). This article shows the design process of the prototypes to test, including the sizing of the reinforcements, the characteristics of the tests and the results obtained. These results show that the IMS with adobe or brick remains stable with no significant cracks faced with a severe earthquake, with an estimated acceleration of 1.8 g. Este artículo presenta una aplicación del Sistema de Albañilería Integral (SAI) a la construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes y su estudio experimental. Para verificar su seguridad para su construcción en zonas sísmicas del tercer mundo se han ensayado dos prototipos, uno con adobe, y otro con ladrillo hueco. Se trata de una vivienda de 6x6x6 m3 y dos plantas que se construyen a escala 1/2. Los ensayos se realizaron en el Laboratorio de Estructuras Antisísmicas del Departamento de Ingeniería de la Pontificia Católica Universidad del Perú (PUCP) de Lima en colaboración con la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Este artículo muestra el proceso de diseño de los prototipos a ensayar, incluido el dimensionado de los refuerzos, las características de los ensayos y los resultados obtenidos. Estos resultados muestran que el SAI con adobe o ladrillo permanece estable sin grietas significativas ante un sismo severo, con una aceleración estimada de 1,8 g

    La dinàmica industrial i exportadora de les comarques gironines

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    Tree-level scattering amplitudes from the amplituhedron

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    7 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Proceedings for the "7th Young Researcher Meeting", Torino, 2016A central problem in quantum field theory is the computation of scattering amplitudes. However, traditional methods are impractical to calculate high order phenomenologically relevant observables. Building on a few decades of astonishing progress in developing non-standard computational techniques, it has been recently conjectured that amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are given by the volume of the (dual) amplituhedron. After providing an introduction to the subject at tree-level, we discuss a special class of differential equations obeyed by the corresponding volume forms. In particular, we show how they fix completely the amplituhedron volume for next-to-maximally helicity violating scattering amplitudes.Peer reviewe

    Planting period is the main factor for controlling maize rough dwarf disease

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    Maize rough dwarf virus (MRDV) is one of the main yield-limiting factors of maize in the Mediterranean. However, knowledge about the interactions between the agroecosystem and the virus–vector–host relationship continues to be limited. We used multi-model inference to test a landscape-scale approach together with variables measured in the field, and we estimated the effects of early and late planting on MRDV incidence. The results revealed that the virus incidence increased by 3% when the planting was delayed, and this increase was coincident with the first peak of the vector population. The variables at the field and landscape scales with a strong effect on virus incidence were the proportions of grasses in adjacent crops, in uncultivated areas, and in edges close to maize plants. Grass plant cover in the edges also affected virus incidence, but these effects varied with the planting period. These findings provide new insights into the causes of MRDV incidence and may provide some guidance to growers to reduce losses caused by the virus. Among the recommendations to be prioritized are early planting, management of grasses at field edges, and non-overlapping cultivation of maize and winter cereals in the same area.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Yangian Symmetry for the Tree Amplituhedron

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    17 pages, 4 figures; v2: extended discussion of results, minor typos corrected, version published in Journal of Physics ATree-level scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang-Mills are known to be Yangian-invariant. It has been shown that integrability allows to obtain a general, explicit method to find such invariants. The uplifting of this result to the amplituhedron construction has been an important open problem. In this paper, with the help of methods proper to integrable theories, we successfully fill this gap and clarify the meaning of Yangian invariance for the tree-level amplituhedron. In particular, we construct amplituhedron volume forms from an underlying spin chain. As a by-product of this construction, we also propose a novel on-shell diagrammatics for the amplituhedron.Peer reviewe

    Effet de la matrice de l'eau sur l'élimination des micropolluants organiques par ozonation. Partie 1. Consommation spécifique de l'ozone dans un réacteur

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    A partir des réactions possibles entre l'ozone, les radicaux et les principaux composants d'une eau à potabiliser, des formules théoriques de formations de radicaux et de décomposition de l'ozone sont établies. La matière organique est schématisée par les composés qui réagissent avec l'ozone (Si), les initiateurs, les promoteurs et les inhibiteurs de la réaction radicalaire (SIi, Sp,i, Ss,i). La décomposition de l'ozone est ensuite mesurée pour 56 eaux naturelles caractérisées par les analyses suivantes (pH, Absorbance à 254 nm, COT, Alcalinité). En se basant sur les connaissances acquises et les valeurs expérimentales du taux spécifique de consommation de l'ozone w, l'équation théorique est simplifiée et on obtient:-(d[O3]/dt)=([O3](∑kDlSl,i)(∑klDP,i[SP,i])) / ([HCO3-](k9+k10 10pH-10,25))En prenant le COT comme représentatif des [Sp,i] (attaque radicalaire non sélective) et l'absorbance à 254 nm comme representative de SI,i (attaque directe sur les cycles aromatiques), une analyse multifactorielle permet d'obtenir l'expression:log10w = -3,93 + 0,24pH + 0,75 log10 Absorbance à 254 mm + 1,08 log10 COT - 0,19 log10 alcalinitéL'équation ainsi obtenue peut être utilisée dans tous les modèles prédictifs faisant appel aux bilans massiques sur l'oxydant.From the numerous reactions between ozone and other components of raw water in a drinking water plant, we obtain theoretical equations for hydroxy radical concentrations (1) and for the disappearance of ozone (2). Dissolved organic matter is divided in to four components: substances which react with ozone by a direct mechanism (Si), initiators, promotors, and scavengers ofradical reactions (SI,i, SP,i, SS,i). We also take into account the reactions between hydrogen peii*iâô. orThe, and free radicals to simulate advanced oxidation processes.[OH∘]= ([O3]{2k1∙10pH-14+2k2 10pH-11,6 [H2O2] + ∑kdl,i [Sl,i]}) / (klD[P]+[HCO3-] (k9+k10∙10pH-10,25)+∑klDS,i [Ss,i])   (1)-(d[O3])/(dt) = {kD[P]+∑kD,i[Si]+∑kDl,i[Sl,i]+3k110pH-14+k210pH-11,6H2O2]}[O3]+[OH∘]{k8[O3]+[H2O2](k210pH-11,6+K7)+∑klDP,i[SP,i]   (2)For 56 natural water samples, we measured the disappearence of ozone directly in a completely stirred batch reactor. Water samples were characterized by pH, TOC, 254 nm UV absorbance and alkalinity. Kinetics were first order with respect to ozone(d[O3])/(dt) = -w[O3]with w : specific ozone disappearence rate.Each term of equation 2 is discussed and, based on the experimental values of w, a simplified equation 3 obtained :-(d[O3])/(dt) = ([O3](∑kDISl,i)(∑klDP,i[SP,i))/([HCO3](k9+k10 10pH-10,25))The TOC parameter can represent [SP,i] because radical reactions are non selective, where as the 254 nm UV absorbance can represent [Si] because organic matter (Fulvic and Humic acid) can react directly with ozone via its constituent aromatic rings.Using the data set of 56 w values measured in natual water samples, mathematical correlations can be calculated :log10w = -3,93 + 0,24pH + 0,75 log10 Absorbance à 254 mm + 1,08 log10 COT - 0,19 log10 alcalinityA strong correlation between experimental measurements and predicted w values is obtained