18 research outputs found

    Percepción de la calidad de vida en el trabajo y su relación con el área donde se labora en una empresa cárnica

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    In the workplace the employee carries out its activity, connects to its subject matter and its work area, with the instruments of production and the elements from the physical or natural environment that are involved in the production process. It is just there where are present the risk factors that can affect its health and cause work related diseases. Objective: Determine the perception of life quality at work and establish whether such life quality perception is related to the work area. Methodology: Descriptive and correlational study. We surveyed 60 employees of a meat company: 30 administrative and 30 operative personnel through the quality of life instrument CVT-GOHISALO. Findings were correlated with the area where the worker performs its activities, using the X2 Pearson test. Results: The study population aged between 19 and 60 years, with predominance of men in the operational area (86,7%) and women in the administrative area (53,3%). The relationship between perceptions of life quality at work and work area do not yielded significant differences for the assessed dimensions: institutional support (P = 0,458), safety at work (P = 0,329), integration to the workplace (P = 0,251), job satisfaction (P = 0,734), welfare achieved through work (P = 0,186), free time management (P = 1,000). Conclusions: The perception of life quality at work was not related to the work area.En el ambiente laboral el trabajador realiza su actividad, se relaciona con su objeto y zona de trabajo, con los instrumentos de producción y elementos del medio físico o natural que intervienen en el proceso productivo. Es ahí donde se encuentran factores de riesgo que pueden alterar su salud y producir enfermedades relacionadas con su trabajo. Objetivo: Determinar la percepción de la calidad de vida en el trabajo y establecer si existe una relación de la misma con el área donde se labora. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo y correlacional. Se encuestó a 60 trabajadores de una empresa Cárnica: 30 administrativos y 30 operativos por medio del instrumento de calidad de vida CVT-GOHISALO. Los hallazgos se correlacionaron con el área donde se labora, utilizando la prueba X2 de Pearson. Resultados: La población de estudio estuvo comprendida en edades entre 19 y 60 años, en el área operativa hubo predominio de hombres (86,7%), y en el área administrativa mujeres (53,3%). La relación de las percepciones de la calidad de vida en el trabajo por área no arrojó diferencias significativas para las dimensiones del instrumento: soporte institucional (P = 0,458), seguridad en el trabajo (P = 0,329), integración al puesto de trabajo (P = 0,251), satisfacción por el trabajo (P = 0,734), bienestar logrado a través del trabajo (P = 0,186) y administración del tiempo libre (P = 1,0). Conclusión: La percepción de la calidad de vida en el trabajo jo se relaciona con el área en la que se labor

    Freshwater Prawns (Palaemonidae: Macrobrachium) with Abbreviated Larval Development in Rivers of Mexico: Uses, Management, and Conservation Opportunities

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    The Macrobrachium genus in Mexico is represented by two big groups: the first one, where the larval stages are extended, and the second one, has an abbreviated larval development. There are three main slopes in Mexico or exorheic basins and several endorheic basins such as lakes and inner lagoons. The species with extended larval stage are M. carcinus, M. heterochirus, M. acanthurus, M. olfersii, M. hobbsi, and M. faustinum in the Atlantic and Caribbean slope, while in the Pacific slope, these species are M. americanum, M. occidentale, M. digueti, M. michoacanus, M. acanthochirus, and M. tenellum. These species have important fishery activities on different basins because they live from oasis in desert to main rivers in the bigger basins. However, there are some rivers that have an extended region on their upstream such as Usumacinta, Grijalva, Papaloapan, and Coatzacoalcos basins that in general are considered as hydrological regions. Just in these extended regions, there are more caves in freshwater, springs, and primary or secondary streams, which are covered by short area rivers, and in these places, there are the following species: M. totonacum, M. tuxtlaense, M. oaxacae, M. cosolapaense, M. oaxacae, M. jacatepecense, M. mazatecum, and M. vicconi, while in the cave are M. villalobosi, M. acherontium, and M. sbordonii. However, for these species, the uses are more for the local groups mainly indigenous cultures such as Mayan, Lacandon, Zapotecs and Mixtecs, and others, and their commercial use is only in the local region depending on where these species are distributed

    Subterranean waters in Riviera Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula: Vulnerability and the Importance of Monitoring

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    The Mexican Caribbean coast has great scenic beauty both on the surface and underwater, which is why it has been a developing area for tourism since the 1970s, establishing sites such as Cancun and Playa del Carmen and empowering others such as Cozumel and Tulum. Their biological richness is enormous, especially in the Mesoamerican Reef of which they are a part. However, this richness and scenic beauty are not possible without the ecological assemblages that exist within these regions’ adjacent ecosystems, mainly the surrounding seasonally dry tropical forest and the coastal wetlands that, together with the oceanographic characteristics of the Caribbean Sea, potentiate it, turning the region into the most visited in Latin America. To this end, groundwater plays a very important role in the assemblages of biotic and abiotic elements that are shared with the Caribbean Sea; thus, its constant monitoring allows us to identify how the changes that occur in the tropical forest are producing various changes in the composition and abundance of coastal reef elements. Here, we present results of our study of groundwater conditions (temp, pH, oxygen dissolved, and salinity) in nineteen cenotes and underground rivers of the Riviera Maya and six cenotes of Cozumel. We also profiled the predominant vegetation on the surface of this region, which is a seasonally dry tropical forest, to understand the components and functioning of these subterranean ecosystems to assess their vulnerability and identify their threats from human development (population growth, tourism development, mobility capacity). These threats not only affect the cave and coastal organisms but also the tropical karstic landscapes that are characteristic of these systems

    The Habitat Types of Freshwater Prawns (Palaemonidae: <em>Macrobrachium</em>) with Abbreviated Larval Development in Mesoamerica (Mexico, Guatemala and Belize)

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    The freshwater prawns of genus Macrobrachium with abbreviated larval development have been reported from a diversity of freshwater habitats (caves, springs and primary streams from so-long basins). Here we analysed 360 sites around the Mesoamerican region (Mexico, Guatemala and Belize). At each site, we measured temperature, salinity oxygen dissolved, pH, altitude and water flow velocity values. We documented the riparian vegetation and occurrence and abundance of Macrobrachium populations. All these values were analysed by multi-dimensional scaling and principal components analysis in order to identify key features of the environmental data that determine the habitat types and habitat diversity. The results show that there are Macrobrachium populations in 70 sites inhabiting two main habitats: Lotic and Lentic; and each one have fours subhabitat types. All are defined by altitude range and water velocity that involve the temperature and oxygen variables. In some specific areas, the karstic values on salinity and pH defined some groups. Within the lentic habitats, we identified the following subhabitats: (1) temperate streams, (2) neutral streams, (3) high dissolved oxygen, (4) multifactorial; and for lotic habitats, we identified: (5) water high carbonate, (6) moderate dissolved oxygen, (7) low dissolved oxygen, and (8) high altitude streams. All these subhabitats are located on the drainage basin to the Atlantic Sea, including places from 50 to 850 meters above sea levels and have specifically ranges from temperature, water velocity, pH and salinity for some cases. Also, the geological analysis from the basins where the Macrobrachium inhabit is located showed that the geological faults align with these habitat subdivisions. In this chapter, we discuss the environmental heterogeneity, morphological plasticity and their relationship to physiographic regions across the species ranges

    Impact of climate change on rainfed sugarcane in Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective: To estimate the expected quantitative changes of the rainfed sugarcane yield in four sugar mills in the state of Veracruz using climate change scenarios for the end of the 21st century and considering that the same climate change could also affect soil fertility. Design/methodology/approach: The data on the cultivated area with the rainfed sugarcane such as topography, principal properties of soil fertility, crop yields for the beginning of the 21st century, current climatic data from the meteorological stations and future ones based on existing climate change scenarios were analyzed. Then, by means of a physiological model of this crop based on biological, climatic and soil characteristics, proposed by IIASA/FAO, the current and future agricultural productivity of sugarcane was calculated. The actual productivity calculated with this model was compared with the observed data. Then, the productivity of this crop for the end of the 21st century was calculated. The comparative impact on the productivity of the expected changes in some climatic components and corresponding expected modification in soil fertility was assessed. Results: The results of calculations indicate that if the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases by 2 or 2.7 times at the end of the 21st century and the current varieties of sugarcane and their crop management will conserve, the yield of sugarcane will decrease up to 20% depending on the climate change scenario and location of the plot. The main climatic factor influencing the decrease in sugarcane productivity is the expected decrease in precipitation. Limitations on study/implications: Monthly average climatic variables are used for both current and future productivity calculations since there are no estimates of daily data. There are also no predictions on the development of crop management technology as well as on the expected change in pests and diseases for the end of the 21st century. Findings/conclusions: The IISA/FAO physiological model of sugarcane growth based on agroecological principles, considering even limited number of climatic variables, is useful for calculating of sugarcane productivity with correlations greater than 90% for calculated and observed data. This allowed us to estimate the expected impact of climate change in the productivity of rainfed sugarcane in Veracruz State of Mexico at the end of 21st century

    Tropical Subterranean Ecosystems in Mexico, Guatemala and Belize: A Review of Aquatic Biodiversity and Their Ecological Aspects

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    The subterranean ecosystems in tropical areas of Mexico, North of Guatemala & Belize are very abundant because the karstic soil that allow these formations are the main composition in the Yucatán Peninsula and several mountains systems in these countries; also, they have a strong relationship with tropical forest adjacent where the main energy into the caves have an alloctonous origin. In these three countries there are three different cave conditions: a) freshwater semi-dry caves, b) flooded freshwater systems and c) anchialine systems. Mainly crustaceans and freshwater fishes are the major representative group in the aquatic diversity in these systems because the anchialine members are restricted to Yucatán Peninsula and Islands adjacent. Around 5000 entries to subterranean world there are among these countries, where the Yucatan Peninsula is the area with major caves or cenotes in comparison with southern of Mexico, North of Guatemala and Belize. Into these systems are possible found crustaceans and fishes from different families. The objective of this paper is present a review of these systems according with each karstic areas and show the current map including the location of each systems; as well their subterranean aquatic biodiversity and, finally discuss the relationships among these different areas using their biological aquatic richness in consideration with ecological subterranean conditions

    Percepción de la Calidad de Vida en el Trabajo y su Relación con el Área donde se Labora en una Empresa Cárnica

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    In the workplace the employee carries out its activity, connects to its subject matter and its work area, with the instruments of production and the elements from the physical or natural environment that are involved in the production process. It is just there where are present the risk factors that can affect its health and cause work related diseases. For this reason, it is important to determine the perception of life quality at work and establish whether such life quality perception is related to the work area. Methodology: Descriptive and correlational study. We surveyed 60 employees of a meat company: 30 administrative and 30 operative personnel through the quality of life instrument CVT-GOHISALO. Findings were correlated with the area where the worker performs its activities, using the X2 Pearson test. Results: The study population aged between 19 and 60 years, with predominance of men in the operational area (86,7%) and women in the administrative area (53,3%). The relationship between perceptions of life quality at work and work area do not yielded significant differences for the assessed dimensions: institutional support (P = 0,458), safety at work (P = 0,329), integration to the workplace (P = 0,251), job satisfaction (P = 0,734), welfare achieved through work (P = 0,186), free time management (P = 1,000). Conclusions: The perception of life quality at work was not related to the work area.En el ambiente laboral el trabajador realiza su actividad, se relaciona con su objeto y zona de trabajo, con los instrumentos de producción y elementos del medio físico o natural que intervienen en el proceso productivo. Es ahí donde se encuentran factores de riesgo que pueden alterar su salud y producir enfermedades relacionadas con su trabajo. Por esta razón, es importante determinar la percepción de la calidad de vida en el trabajo y establecer si existe una relación de la misma con el área donde se labora. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo y correlacional. Se encuestó a 60 trabajadores de una empresa Cárnica: 30 administrativos y 30 operativos por medio del instrumento de calidad de vida CVT-GOHISALO. Los hallazgos se correlacionaron con el área donde se labora, utilizando la prueba X2 de Pearson. Resultados: La población de estudio estuvo comprendida en edades entre 19 y 60 años, en el área operativa hubo predominio de hombres (86,7%), y en el área administrativa mujeres (53,3%). La relación de las percepciones de la calidad de vida en el trabajo por área no arrojó diferencias significativas para las dimensiones del instrumento: soporte institucional (P = 0,458), seguridad en el trabajo (P = 0,329), integración al puesto de trabajo (P = 0,251), satisfacción por el trabajo (P = 0,734), bienestar logrado a través del trabajo (P = 0,186) y administración del tiempo libre (P = 1,0). Conclusión: La percepción d

    Factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina:

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    ResumenEl factor de crecimiento I Similar&nbsp;a la Insulina (IGF-1, del t&eacute;rmino en ingl&eacute;s insuline Like Growth Factor) forma parte de una familia de factores de crecimiento cuyas acciones est&aacute;n encaminadas a la proliferaci&oacute;n y diferenciaci&oacute;n de m&uacute;ltiples tejidos en el organismo. Su efecto fisiol&oacute;gico se alcanza por su interacci&oacute;n con receptores espec&iacute;ficos ubicados en toda la econom&iacute;a del cuerpo.Palabras clave: Hormona de crecimiento, Factor de crecimiento 1 similar a la insulina, Proliferaci&oacute;n celular, Enzimas tirosinkinasas, Diabetes mellitus