14 research outputs found

    About the Vibration Modes of Square Plate-like Structures

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    In the experimental vibration analysis of an oil pan, two eigenmodes are observed that did not appear to be those of a standard rectangular plate vibration. As a result, a numerical, analytical and experimental investigation is launched to discover where these modes are originating from. In this paper, the finite element method is applied to determine the vibration behavior numerically, and experimental results are obtained with the help of a laser doppler vibrometer in order to determine the origin of these two eigenmodes

    The use of modern telemedicine technologies in an innovative optimal cardiac rehabilitation program for patients after myocardial revascularization: Concept and design of RESTORE, a randomized clinical trial

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    Despite proven efficacy of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) in reducing the all-cause mortality in patients after myocardial revascularization, the penetration of CR, due to patient-related factors and referral rates remains limited. To improve the outcomes, home-based tele-rehabilitation (TR) has been proposed recently. In theory TR enhances the effects of standard CR procedures due to implementation of an intelligent monitoring system designed to ensure optimal training through on-demand transmission of vital signs, aimed at motivating the patients through daily schedule reminders, setting daily goals and creating a platform for mutual feedback. Several meta-analyses assessing various studies comparing these two methods (CR and TR) have proven that they are at least equally effective, with some of the research showing superiority of TR. Although there was a small sample size, lack of long-term follow-up, reporting effects of TR itself, no integration with tools designed for coaching, motivating and promoting a healthy lifestyle constitutes an important limitation. The latter carries a hopeful prognosis for improvement when utilizing a broad-spectrum approach, especially with use of dedicated technological solutions exploiting the fact of a large and yet rapidly increasing penetration of smartphones, mobile PCs and tablets in the population. The above-mentioned findings worked as the basis and rationale for commencing the RESTORE project aimed at developing and delivering state-of-the-art, comprehensive TR for patients after myocardial revascularization and evaluating its molecular aspect in view of how it influences the atherosclerosis progression attenuation. This paper presents the current state and rationale behind the project based on up-to-date TR efficacy data

    The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source

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    An overview is provided of the 15 neutron beam instruments making up the initial instrument suite of the European Spallation Source (ESS), and being made available to the neutron user community. The ESS neutron source consists of a high-power accelerator and target station, providing a unique long-pulse time structure of slow neutrons. The design considerations behind the time structure, moderator geometry and instrument layout are presented. The 15-instrument suite consists of two small-angle instruments, two reflectometers, an imaging beamline, two single-crystal diffractometers; one for macromolecular crystallography and one for magnetism, two powder diffractometers, and an engineering diffractometer, as well as an array of five inelastic instruments comprising two chopper spectrometers, an inverse-geometry single-crystal excitations spectrometer, an instrument for vibrational spectroscopy and a high-resolution backscattering spectrometer. The conceptual design, performance and scientific drivers of each of these instruments are described. All of the instruments are designed to provide breakthrough new scientific capability, not currently available at existing facilities, building on the inherent strengths of the ESS long-pulse neutron source of high flux, flexible resolution and large bandwidth. Each of them is predicted to provide world-leading performance at an accelerator power of 2 MW. This technical capability translates into a very broad range of scientific capabilities. The composition of the instrument suite has been chosen to maximise the breadth and depth of the scientific impact o

    Co-combustion of hard coal in power boilers equipped with retort burner with alternative fuel produced on a basis of wastes other than dangerous

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań cieplnych i pomiarów emisji substancji pyłowych i gazowych z kotła wodnego typu MKR 470N, wyposażonego w palnik retortowy, opalanego mieszanką węgla kamiennego typu ekogroszek z odpadem - kod 19 12 10 odpady palne (paliwo alternatywne) wytworzone na bazie odpadów innych niż niebezpieczne na liniach do segregacji odpadów komunalnych. Celem prowadzonych badań było wdrożenie paliwa alternatywnego w procesach odzysku energii przy współspalaniu z węglem kamiennym.Water boilers in Iow and semi temperature water heating installations are heating devices used to heat the cubature objects both as for technological steam with automatic work system making and control depending on the heat load. Some species of coal (ekogroszek assortment) used in boilers have very good energy properties and in addition they affect the sintering, the early tank and giving coal to the burner mechanism phenomenon

    Emissions for environment, that are gotten in result of producing energy on the basis of modern alternative fuels and hard coal

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    W artykule przedstawiono emisje do środowiska naturalnego, które uzyskuje się w produkcji ciepła i energii elektrycznej w skojarzeniu w oparciu o proces spalania i zgazowania nowoczesnych paliw alternatywnych w postaci brykietów i peletów oraz gazu syntezowego wytwarzanych z węgla kamiennego i odpadów komunalnych.The paper presents Emissions for natural environment, that are gotten in result of producing energy on the basis of modern alternative fuels and hard coal in the form of briquettes and pelets and synthetic gas will be produced from hard coals and municipal waste other than hazardous

    Heat generation from municipal waste in a steam boiler with a retort burner

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    W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wytwarzania ciepła na bazie nowoczesnych paliw alternatywnych spalanych w kotle parowym z palnikiem retortowym małej i średniej mocy. Wytwarzana energia cieplna w parze wodnej wykorzystana może być do produkcji energii elektrycznej w skojarzeniu oraz do celów grzewczych obiektów kubaturowych. Nowoczesne paliwa alternatywne wytwarzane są w postaci peletów z węgli kamiennych i odpadów komunalnych. Przedstawiono własności otrzymanych paliw alternatywnych oraz koncepcję ich zastosowania w procesie wytwarzania ciepła w kogeneracji.The paper presents a concept of producing energy on the basis of modern alternative fuels to be burnt in low- and medium-power stoker-fired boilers. The thermal energy contained in water vapour and hot water will be utilized in producing, in association, of electrical energy, and for heating of cubature objects. Modern alternative fuels in the form of pellets will be produced from hard coals and municipal waste other than hazardous. There have been presented the properties of alternative fuels obtained, and the concept of their utilization in the process of energy production in co-generation

    Testing dust control preparation with respect to mine employee exposure to inhalling chemical agents

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    This paper presents the results of tests used in dust hazard prevention for air-water spraying devices in collieries. The purpose of the tests was to evaluate mine employees’ exposure to inhalling chemical agents when the ZWILKOP ZW-10 preparation is used. The paper presents the results of the measurements of concentration, in a mine atmosphere, of the following chemical agents: hazardous substances 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol and 2-ethylhexan-1-ol, constituting ingredients of the preparation at mine employees’ workstations. The tests were performed during work related to the mining of coal in inclined drift C31, seam 415/1-2 on the premises of “Borynia-Zofiówka-Jastrzębie” Hard Coal Mine, Jastrzębie-Zdrój, Poland , using the TELESTO mist systems. Using aqueous solutions for the preparation at concentrations of 15 and 20‰ causes no exceedance of the allowable mine air concentrations for the chemical agents tested

    Use of solutions aiding the combustion of hard coal of the ecopea type in stoker fired boilers with a retort burner

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    Kotły wodne retortowe są urządzeniami stosowanymi do ogrzewania obiektów kubaturowych w instalacjach wodnych nisko- i średniotemperaturowych oraz do wytwarzania pary wodnej technologicznej, z automatycznym systemem pracy i sterowania w zależności od obciążenia cieplnego. Stosowane w kotłach niektóre gatunki węgli kamiennych sortymentu ekogroszek, charakteryzujące się bardzo dobrymi właściwościami energetycznymi powodują szlakowanie oraz wczesną korozję zasobnika i mechanizmu podającego węgiel do palnika retortowego. W celu wyeliminowania tych zjawisk podjęto próbę zastosowania preparatu EKOSOL CARBO, którego producentem jest Przedsiębiorstwo Produkcyjno-Handlowe ADW Sp. z o.o.Retort water boilers are devices used for cubature object heating in low- and semi-temperature water installations and for the generation of technological steam, with an automatic work and steering system depending on heat load. The applied in boilers some hard coal sorts of the ecopea assortment, characterised by very good energy properties, cause slagging and early corrosion of the bunker and mechanism feeding coal to the retort bunker. In order to eliminate these phenomena, an attempt was undertaken to use the EKOSOL CARBO preparation produced by the Production-Commercial Enterprise ASW Sp. z o.o. (Ltd)

    Process of wood derivative wastes gasification

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    W artykule omówiono proces niskotemperaturowego zgazowania odpadów drewnopochodnych. Scharakteryzowano podstawowy produkt zgazowania, tj. gaz procesowy, głównie pod kątem jego przydatności jako paliwa uzupełniającego wsad węgla kamiennego spalanego w kotłach wodnych w energetyce. Proces niskotemperaturowego zgazowania odpadów drewnopodobnych przebiega w trzech fazach. Pierwsza faza to podgrzewanie i rozpalanie odpadów (350-750 °C), druga to ich właściwe zgazowanie (250-350 °C), a trzecia faza to dopalanie odpadów (650-950°C). W wyniku procesu zgazowania wydziela się gaz procesowy, w skład którego wchodzą gazy palne takie, jak: wodór, tlenek węgla, metan, etan, etylen oraz gazy niepalne, tj. dwutlenek węgla i azotu oraz para wodna. Zgazowanie odpadów drewnopochodnych należy do inwestycji proekologicznych. Wiąże się z odzyskiem surowców wtórnych (produkcja gazu procesowego), a otrzymane w wyniku spalania tego gazu spaliny charakteryzują się składem umożliwiającym ich emisję do powietrza jedynie po odpyleniu bez dodatkowego oczyszczania chemicznego. Odpady stałe są wydzielane w ilościach nieznacznych i nie przekraczają 10% masy odpadów drewnopochodnych przeznaczonych do zgazowania.The article presents the process of low temperature gasification of wastes of wood derivatives. The basic gasification product, i.e. the process gas, has been characterised, mainly paying special attention to its usefulness as the fuel supplementing the hard coal charge burned in water heaters in the power industry. The process of low temperature gasification of wood derivative wastes proceeds in three stages. The first stage constitutes preheating and heating of wastes (350-750°C), the second stage makes their real gasification (250-350°C), and the third stage comprises burning out of wastes (650-950°C). As a result of the gasification process gas is emitted, including such combustible gases as: hydrogen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, ethylene and non-combustible gases, i.e. carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide as well as water vapour. Gasification of wood derivative wastes belongs to proecological investments. It is connected with the recovery of secondary raw materials (production of process gas), and the flue gases obtained as a result of this gas combustion are characterised by a content enabling their emission into the air only after dust extraction without chemical purification. Solid wastes are emitted in small quantities and they do not exceed 10% of the mass of wood derivative wastes designed for gasification

    The concept of energy production on the basis of modern alternative fuels

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    The paper presents a concept of producing energy on the basis of modern alternative fuels to be burnt in low- and medium-power stokerfired boilers. The thermal energy contained in water vapour and hot water will be utilized in producing, in combination, of electrical energy, and for heating of cubature objects. Modern alternative fuels in the form of briquettes and pellets will be produced from hard coals and municipal waste other than hazardous. There have been presented the properties of alternative fuels obtained, and the concept of their utilization in the process of energy production in cogeneration