243 research outputs found

    El sexismo en la Enseñanza; un error silenciado

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    Pasado, presente y futuro de la medicina deportiva

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    Le Donne nella Sardegna fenicia e punica: tradizioni ed evoluzione delle identità: il caso di Monte Sirai

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    This study focused of Women’s Archaeology and Gender in Phoenician and Punic culture, with special emphasis on Sardinian data (8th-2nd century BC). The research focuses on, amongst others, the archaeological, historical, epigraphical and literary sources. Our approach to Phoenician and Punic women follows the methodology of the so-called “Gender Archaeology”, which relies on a body of theory developed over the last two decades. The study also provides a history and summary on women and gender studies. In the regard of sacral dimension, women played an active role in the religious life and were allowed to serve as priestesses and attend religious festivals. It is perhaps because of their importance in religion, as well as life stages (birth, marriage, and death), that women are so well important in the construction and transmission of social ties. Concentrating our attention about the domestic life, we present several contexts and material not previously published from the ancient phoenician-punic site of Monte Sirai (Carbonia-Italy). We also present various feminine burials from the local necropolis, dated from the late 7th to 4th century BC. The domestic spaces and the funerary dimension work how the social “scenario” in which the women play their important role for the life and the development of the settlement

    Estudi comparatiu sobre els tipus de gestÓ i explotaciÓ dels escars als ports esportius

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    El treball té com a objectiu analitzar els diferents models de gestió i explotació d’un escar a fi de conèixer els aspectes favorables i desfavorables de cada model. Al llarg de l’estudi, s’analitzaran les principals tasques relacionades amb l’escar, les infraestructures que el conformen, la normativa aplicable i la gestió de residus entre d’altres. En aquest comparatiu, s’estudiaran els models d’explotació de negoci segons si la gestió és competència del port o club nàutic, amb externalització parcial o total de serveis, o si el port o club lloga l’espai de l’escar a una empresa externa i externalitza tots els serveis a aquesta empresa

    Seen but not considered? Awareness and consideration in choice analysis

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    Consideration set formation (CSF) is a two-stage decision process in which people first select a subset of products to consider and then evaluate and choose from the selected subset of products. CSF models typically use stated consideration or infer it from choice data probabilistically. This study explores CSF by means of eye-tracking and evaluates how measures of visual consideration compare to stated consideration. We develop a model of CSF behavior, where stated and visual consideration are embedded in the specification of the utility function. We propose three different measures of visual consideration and show that one third of respondents (similar to 34%) use CSF behavior and that stated consideration diverges substantially from visual consideration. Surprisingly, many product types stated as not considered receive more visual attention, not less. Our findings suggest that stated consideration may be in part a measure of preferences rather than of consideration, implying concerns with endogeneity when including stated consideration data in choice models. Accounting for CSF in discrete choice analysis increases our understanding of the decision process, and can target concerns with biased estimates when analyzing data from two-stage decision processes

    Phenological Aspects of 19 Species from Calden Forest and their Possible Associations with Climatic Factors

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio correlativo entre la sucesión de estados fenológicos (fenofases) a través del tiempo y dos parámetros biodimáticos, temperatura del aire y precipitaciones pluviométricas, en una comunidad del bosque de caldén (Prosopis caldenia Burk). Se llevaron registros fenológicos de 19 especies vegetales en forma quincenal y climáticos en forma diaria durante tres años.Las especies escogidas fueron: Prosopis caldenia (Burk); Prosopis flexuosa (Lág), algarrobo negro; Celtis spinosa (Sprengel), tala; Geoffroea decorticans (Gill), chañar; Condalia microphylla (Cav), piquillín; Heterotecalatifolia (Tul), tramontana; Stipa eriostachya (H.B.K.), paja de las vizcacheras; Stipa tenuis (Phil), flechilla de invierno; Stipa brachichaeta (Godron), pasto puna; Stipa tenuissima (Trin), paja blanca; Piptochaetium napostense (Speg), flechilla negra; Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torrey), sporobolo; Bromus brevis (Nees), cebadilla pampeana; Cynodon hirsutus (Stent), gramilla rastrera; Setaria leiantha (Hackel), cola de zorro; Digitada californica (Benth), pasto plateado; Aristida mendocina (Phil), saetilla negra; Coniza bonaeriensis (Cronquist), rama negra y Cestrumparqui (L'Herit), palque. En el criterio de elección de las especies prevaleció su importancia relativa en cobertura, fitomasa, forrajimasa, carácter invasor, constancia y perennidad. Las fenofases elegidas fueron: brotación, crecimiento vegetativo, floración, fructificación, diseminación y reposo, divididas en prindpio y final de fase. Las progresiones se exponen en gráficos confeccionados ad hoc, así como el fenograma y la clasificación de las especies por su período reproductivo. Finalmente se analiza la regularidad de las fases y su aparente dependencia de los elementos climáticos considerados.The aim of this work has been to carry out a correlation study between the phenological stage succession (phenophases) through the years and two bioclimatic parameters -air temperature and rainfall- in a caldén (Prosopis caldenia Burk) forest community. Biweekly phenological records of nineteen species and daily climatic ones were kept during three years. Prosopis caldenia (Burk); Prosopis flexuosa (Lag), algarrobo negro; Celtis spinosa (Sprengel), tala; Geoffroeadecorticans (Gill), chañar; Condalia microphylla (Cav), piquillín; Heteroteca latifolia (Tul), tramontana; Stipaeriostachya (H.B.K.), paja de las vizcacheras; Stipa tenuis (Phil), flechilla de invierno; Stipa brachichaeta (Godron), pasto puna; Stipa tenuissima (Trin), paja blanca; Piptochaetium napostense (Speg), flechilla negra; Sporoboluscryptandrus (Torrey), sporobolo; Bromus brevis (Nees), cebadilla pampeana; Cynodon hirsutus (Stent), gramilla rastrera; Setaria leiantha (Hackel), cola de zorro; Digitada californica (Benth), pasto plateado; Aristida mendocina(Phil), saetilla negra; Coniza bonaeriensis (Cronquist), rama negra y Cestrum parqui (L'Herit), palque were the resulting selected species. They were chosen because of their relative importance regarding covering, phytomass, forage mass, invading characteristics, constancy and perennial character. The selected phenophases were budding, vegetative growth, flowering, fruit production, dissemination and rest, at phase beginning end.The resulting progressions are shown in ad-hoc graphs, as are the phenogram and the classification of species according to their reproductive stage. Phase regularity and their possible dependance on the mentioned climatic factors are analysed at the end.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Phenological Aspects of 19 Species from Calden Forest and their Possible Associations with Climatic Factors

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar un estudio correlativo entre la sucesión de estados fenológicos (fenofases) a través del tiempo y dos parámetros biodimáticos, temperatura del aire y precipitaciones pluviométricas, en una comunidad del bosque de caldén (Prosopis caldenia Burk). Se llevaron registros fenológicos de 19 especies vegetales en forma quincenal y climáticos en forma diaria durante tres años.Las especies escogidas fueron: Prosopis caldenia (Burk); Prosopis flexuosa (Lág), algarrobo negro; Celtis spinosa (Sprengel), tala; Geoffroea decorticans (Gill), chañar; Condalia microphylla (Cav), piquillín; Heterotecalatifolia (Tul), tramontana; Stipa eriostachya (H.B.K.), paja de las vizcacheras; Stipa tenuis (Phil), flechilla de invierno; Stipa brachichaeta (Godron), pasto puna; Stipa tenuissima (Trin), paja blanca; Piptochaetium napostense (Speg), flechilla negra; Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torrey), sporobolo; Bromus brevis (Nees), cebadilla pampeana; Cynodon hirsutus (Stent), gramilla rastrera; Setaria leiantha (Hackel), cola de zorro; Digitada californica (Benth), pasto plateado; Aristida mendocina (Phil), saetilla negra; Coniza bonaeriensis (Cronquist), rama negra y Cestrumparqui (L'Herit), palque. En el criterio de elección de las especies prevaleció su importancia relativa en cobertura, fitomasa, forrajimasa, carácter invasor, constancia y perennidad. Las fenofases elegidas fueron: brotación, crecimiento vegetativo, floración, fructificación, diseminación y reposo, divididas en prindpio y final de fase. Las progresiones se exponen en gráficos confeccionados ad hoc, así como el fenograma y la clasificación de las especies por su período reproductivo. Finalmente se analiza la regularidad de las fases y su aparente dependencia de los elementos climáticos considerados.The aim of this work has been to carry out a correlation study between the phenological stage succession (phenophases) through the years and two bioclimatic parameters -air temperature and rainfall- in a caldén (Prosopis caldenia Burk) forest community. Biweekly phenological records of nineteen species and daily climatic ones were kept during three years. Prosopis caldenia (Burk); Prosopis flexuosa (Lag), algarrobo negro; Celtis spinosa (Sprengel), tala; Geoffroeadecorticans (Gill), chañar; Condalia microphylla (Cav), piquillín; Heteroteca latifolia (Tul), tramontana; Stipaeriostachya (H.B.K.), paja de las vizcacheras; Stipa tenuis (Phil), flechilla de invierno; Stipa brachichaeta (Godron), pasto puna; Stipa tenuissima (Trin), paja blanca; Piptochaetium napostense (Speg), flechilla negra; Sporoboluscryptandrus (Torrey), sporobolo; Bromus brevis (Nees), cebadilla pampeana; Cynodon hirsutus (Stent), gramilla rastrera; Setaria leiantha (Hackel), cola de zorro; Digitada californica (Benth), pasto plateado; Aristida mendocina(Phil), saetilla negra; Coniza bonaeriensis (Cronquist), rama negra y Cestrum parqui (L'Herit), palque were the resulting selected species. They were chosen because of their relative importance regarding covering, phytomass, forage mass, invading characteristics, constancy and perennial character. The selected phenophases were budding, vegetative growth, flowering, fruit production, dissemination and rest, at phase beginning end.The resulting progressions are shown in ad-hoc graphs, as are the phenogram and the classification of species according to their reproductive stage. Phase regularity and their possible dependance on the mentioned climatic factors are analysed at the end.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale