7 research outputs found

    DNA Damage Triggers a New Phase in Neurodegeneration.

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    Subcellular compartmentalization contributes to the organization of a plethora of molecular events occurring within cells. This can be achieved in membraneless organelles generated through liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS), a demixing process that separates and concentrates cellular reactions. RNA is often a critical factor in mediating LLPS. Recent evidence indicates that DNA damage response foci are membraneless structures formed via LLPS and modulated by noncoding transcripts synthesized at DNA damage sites. Neurodegeneration is often associated with DNA damage, and dysfunctional LLPS events can lead to the formation of toxic aggregates. In this review, we discuss those gene products involved in neurodegeneration that undergo LLPS and their involvement in the DNA damage response

    Genistein affects adipose tissue deposition in a dose-dependent and gender-specific manner.

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    The soy isoflavone genistein targets adipose tissue and elicits physiological effects that may vary based on dietary intake. We hypothesized that the adipose effects of genistein are dose and gender dependent. Four-week-old C57BL/6 male and female mice received daily oral doses of genistein (50–200,000 g/kgd) or 17-estradiol (E2) (5 g/kgd) for 15 d or a diet containing 800 ppm genistein. Genistein increased epididymal and renal fat pad and adipocyte size at doses up to 50,000 g/kgd or at 800 ppm in the diet in males but not in females. The alteration in adipocity correlated with changes in peripheral insulin resistance. These treatments increased genistein serum concentrations from 356 to 10326 nM 12 h after treatment and lowered plasma triglycerides and cholesterol levels. The 200,000 g/kgd genistein dose decreased adipose tissue weight similarly to E2. This genistein dose downregulated estrogen receptor ( more than) and progesterone receptor expression and induced estrogen-dependent adipose differentiation factors; it did not change expression of the minimal consensus estrogen-responsive element in ERE-tKLUC mice, which was positively modulated in other tissues (e.g. the lung). E2 down-regulated almost all examined adipogenic factors. Gene microarray analysis identified factors in fat metabolism and obesity-related phenotypes differentially regulated by low and high doses of genistein, uncovering its adipogenic and antiadipogenic actions. The lower dose induced the phospholipase A2 group 7 and the phospholipid transfer protein genes; the 200,000 g/kgd dose inhibited them. The antiadipogenic action of genistein and down-regulation of adipogenic genes required the expression ofER. In conclusion, nutritional doses of genistein are adipogenic in a gender-specific manner, whereas pharmacological doses inhibited adipose deposition

    Genistein affects adipose tissue deposition in a dose-dependent and gender-specific manner

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    The soy isoflavone genistein targets adipose tissue and elicits physiological effects that may vary based on dietary intake. We hypothesized that the adipose effects of genistein are dose and gender dependent. Four-week-old C57BL/6 male and female mice received daily oral doses of genistein (50-200,000 microg/kg.d) or 17beta-estradiol (E2) (5 microg/kg.d) for 15 d or a diet containing 800 ppm genistein. Genistein increased epididymal and renal fat pad and adipocyte size at doses up to 50,000 microg/kg.d or at 800 ppm in the diet in males but not in females. The alteration in adipocity correlated with changes in peripheral insulin resistance. These treatments increased genistein serum concentrations from 35+/-6 to 103+/-26 nM 12 h after treatment and lowered plasma triglycerides and cholesterol levels. The 200,000 microg/kg.d genistein dose decreased adipose tissue weight similarly to E2. This genistein dose down-regulated estrogen receptor (beta more than alpha) and progesterone receptor expression and induced estrogen-dependent adipose differentiation factors; it did not change expression of the minimal consensus estrogen-responsive element in ERE-tK-LUC mice, which was positively modulated in other tissues (e.g. the lung). E2 down-regulated almost all examined adipogenic factors. Gene microarray analysis identified factors in fat metabolism and obesity-related phenotypes differentially regulated by low and high doses of genistein, uncovering its adipogenic and antiadipogenic actions. The lower dose induced the phospholipase A2 group 7 and the phospholipid transfer protein genes; the 200,000 microg/kg.d dose inhibited them. The antiadipogenic action of genistein and down-regulation of adipogenic genes required the expression of ERbeta. In conclusion, nutritional doses of genistein are adipogenic in a gender-specific manner, whereas pharmacological doses inhibited adipose deposition

    ZoneModa Journal n.2 La cultura della moda italiana - made in Italy

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    ZoneModa Journal nasce dall'idea di un gruppo di docenti dei Corsi di Laurea di Moda, sede di Rimini, Universit\ue0 di Bologna allo scopo di istituire uno strumento di ricerca focalizzato sui Fashion Studies e immaginato per un pubblico di studiosi italiani e stranieri. La necessit\ue0 che ci ha spinto a produrre il progetto editoriale \ue8 stata dettata soprattutto dalla mancanza, in Italia, di uno strumento di questo tipo, capace di raccogliere studi e riflessioni sul complesso e articolato universo del fashion. L\u2019obiettivo, che rappresenta un costante work in progress, \ue8 di far diventare ZoneModa Journal un punto di riferimento imprescindibile per degli studiosi di moda. L\u2019osservazione del contesto entro il quale i fenomeni di moda si manifestano e si consolidano \ue8 sempre pi\uf9 globale, uno spazio dai confini geografici, politici e massmediali sempre pi\uf9 ampi. Per questi motivi, fin dal primo numero, il progetto ha previsto la definizione di nuovi contatti sia con colleghi italiani che stranieri, nonch\ue9 la sua diffusione nelle due lingue, italiano ed inglese. ZoneModa Journal intende proporsi come un appuntamento fisso, un\u2019area di raccordo, per dar vita a occasioni di riflessione comune su un tema di volta in volta suggerito e affrontato sotto molti e diversi punti di vista, con la regia di un curatore per ogni numero. Lo scopo \ue8 quello di sollecitare discussioni e confronti pi\uf9 allargati possibile, di mettere a disposizione uno spazio per contatti, convergenze e critiche costruttive. La rivista si rivolge agli studiosi di Fashion Studies e agli studenti universitari dei corsi umanistici, con l\u2019obiettivo di costituire uno strumento utile ad inquadrare i fenomeni legati al fashion entro un quadro di riflessione ampio, che faccia riferimento a pi\uf9 ambiti culturali e di ricerca. I suoi punti di forza sono l\u2019aspetto multidisciplinare e la predisposizione ad ospitare discussioni critiche su aspetti culturali di ampio respiro (come ad esempio: morphing, made in Italy, cultura pop, well-being

    Proceedings of the 23rd Paediatric Rheumatology European Society Congress: part one

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