24 research outputs found

    Environmental aspects of logistics activities based on sustainable development

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    Метою дослідження є аналіз та систематизація наукових досліджень з використання концепцій зеленої та сталої логістики та особливостей їх реалізації у деяких країнах ЄС. Основою дослідження є системний підхід, зокрема для систематизації інформації використано методи аналізу і синтезу. Розглянуто і проаналізовано основні підходи до визначення поняття «зелена логістика». Охарактеризовано взаємозв’язок основних аспектів логістики сталого розвитку – економічного, екологічного, соціального – і основних практик «зеленої логістики». Наведено практичні приклади використання концепції «зеленої логістики» у країнах ЄС – Польщі, Словаччині, Литві. Окреслено проблеми, які виникають під час впровадження «зелених» рішень. Розглянуто перспективні технологічні рішення з практики діяльності успішних міжнародних компаній, які можуть бути використані українськими логістичними операторами.The purpose of this research is the following actions - analysis and systematization of various scientific research and studies, which consider theoretical aspects of the concepts of green and sustainable logistics, practical aspects of the use of these concepts, examples, and features of their implementation in some EU countries. Several research methods were used, and the basis of the research was a systematic approach; in particular, methods of analysis and synthesis were used to process and systematize information. Various aspects of theoretical studies of the concepts of green and sustainable logistics and examples of their implementation in different countries were considered. The statistics of the number and distribution of scientific publications and studies of green and sustainable logistics concepts for the period from 1999 to 2019 were given. As a result of the research, the main approaches to the definition of the concept of "green logistics," the peculiarities of its interpretation by various researchers, and the aspects on which their opinions are unanimous were considered and analyzed. The relationship between the main aspects and goals of the concept of sustainable development - the balance of economic, ecological, and social - and what basic practices of "green logistics" ensure the achievement of the balance of goals, and each of them separately is characterized. Practical examples of implementation and use of practices of the "green logistics" concept in the EU countries - Poland, Slovakia, and Lithuania - are given. The peculiarities of the implementation of "green" solutions are outlined, the main types of green and sustainable logistics practices used and the main areas of implementation of these practices are defined, the motives for using such "green" solutions and the problems that arise during the implementation of such solutions in these countries are described. The practical significance lies in the fact that promising technological "green" solutions from the practices of successful international European companies were considered and analyzed, which can also be used by Ukrainian logistics operators to green their activities and support the global course towards achieving the goals of sustainable development

    Features of the connective tissue component of the palatine tonsils in patients with recurrent tonsillitis

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    The aim: To explore the morphological changes of palatine tonsil at the levels of the epithelial layer and connective tissue; to determine the relative area of the connective tissue component in the tonsillar tissue (fibrosis) in patients with recurrent tonsillitis compared to the control. Materials and methods: This study presents a morphological assessment of the palatine tonsils of 10 people. Tonsils’ material with surrounding tissue was fixed in 10% formalin solution. The samples were dehydrated in increasing ethanol concentrations, cleared in xylol, impregnated with paraffin. Microscopy was then performed with samples stained beforehand. Results: In the samples of patients with recurrent tonsillitis pericapsular sclerosis was noted, along with thickening of interlobular septa and pronounced subepithelial fibrosis. A ratio of the dense connective tissue surface area to the total surface area of tonsil tissue was determined. The control group showed a statistically significant decrease in the degree of sclerosis of the tonsil stroma. Conclusions: Multiple changes were found in the tonsils of patients with recurrent tonsillitis at the level of the epithelial layer that manifested in structural alterations. Significant and irreversible changes were also observed in the connective stroma of the tonsil - pericapsular sclerosis, thickening of interlobular septa, and pronounced subepithelial fibrosis. A statistically significant increase in the relative surface area of the connective tissue component of the tonsil (fibrosis) by a factor of 1,26 was noted in patients with recurrent tonsillitis compared to the results of the control group of patients

    Modern innovative technologies for optimizing logistics processes

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    Окреслено основні сучасні інноваційні технології удосконалення логістичних процесів та оптимізації діяльності логістичних компаній. Проаналізовано необхідність впровадження інноваційних трендів у логістичних технологіях, визначено основні переваги та розглянуто практичні приклади їх впровадження.The main modern innovative technologies for improving logistics activities and optimizing the activities of logistics companies are outlined. The necessity of introducing innovative trends in logistics developments is analyzed, the main advantages are identified, and practical examples of their implementation are considered

    Regenerative therapy for the nonhealing cutaneous wounds

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    Regenerative medicine therapy is inspired by current research advances in cellular biology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, material sciences and so far contributes to the traditional therapy, making resistant diseases curable. Nowadays, chronic wound healing is possible due to cell-based regenerative technologies and recent non-cell therapeutic approaches. Here we review clinical applications of human stem cells, as well as cellular and tissue products as alternatives to the traditional therapy of non-healing wounds. The cell-based technologies for tissue regeneration and bioengineering utilize stem cells that are either injected into bloodstream or positioned directly into the target area. Cell-free regeneration technologies require either stem cell products, i.e., secretomes or their separate components, extracellular membrane vesicles, or tissue products. The stem cell therapies are designed to replace critically absent components of wounded or degenerative tissue. The stem cell secretome can promote the repair of damaged tissues independently of parent cells. Extracellular membrane vesicles mimic and recapitulate the mechanisms of stem cells in tissue regeneration and therefore might be promising for chronic wound and severe burns healing. The tissue products traditionally remain efficient wound healing remedies along with emerging advanced technologies. © 2018 I. V. Orlovska et al

    To other planets with upgraded millennial kombucha in rhythms of sustainability and health support

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    Humankind has entered a new era of space exploration: settlements on other planetary bodies are foreseen in the near future. Advanced technologies are being developed to support the adaptation to extraterrestrial environments and, with a view on the longer term, to support the viability of an independent economy. Biological processes will likely play a key role and lead to the production of life-support consumables, and other commodities, in a way that is cheaper and more sustainable than exclusively abiotic processes. Microbial communities could be used to sustain the crews’ health as well as for the production of consumables, for waste recycling, and for biomining. They can self-renew with little resources from Earth, be highly productive on a per-volume basis, and be highly versatile—all of which will be critical in planetary outposts. Well-de!ned, semi-open, and stress-resistant microecosystems are particularly promising. An instance of it is kombucha, known worldwide as a microbial association that produces an eponymous, widespread soft drink that could be valuable for sustaining crews’ health or as a synbiotic (i.e., probiotic and prebiotic) after a rational assemblage of de!ned probiotic bacteria and yeasts with endemic or engineered cellulose producers. Bacterial cellulose products offer a wide spectrum of possible functions, from leather-like to innovative smart materials during long-term missions and future activities in extraterrestrial settlements. Cellulose production by kombucha is zero-waste and could be linked to bioregenerative life support system (BLSS) loops. Another advantage of kombucha lies in its ability to mobilize inorganic ions from rocks, which may help feed BLSS from local resources. Besides outlining those applications and others, we discuss needs for knowledge and other obstacles, among which is the biosafety of microbial producers

    The first space-related study of a kombucha multimicrobial cellulose-forming community : preparatory laboratory experiments

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    Biofilm-forming microbial communities are known as the most robust assemblages that can survive in harsh environments. Biofilm-associated microorganisms display greatly increased resistance to physical and chemical adverse conditions, and they are expected to be the first form of life on Earth or anywhere else. Biological molecules synthesized by biofilm -protected microbiomes may serve as markers of the nucleoprotein life. We offer a new experimental model, a kombucha multimicrobial culture (KMC), to assess a structural integrity of a widespread microbial polymer - cellulose - as a biosignature of bacteria-producers for the multipurpose international project "BIOlogical and Mars Experiment (BIOMEX)", which aims to study the vitality of pro- and eukaryotic organisms and the stability of organic biomolecules in contact with minerals to analyze the detectability of life markers in the context of a planetary background. In this study, we aimed to substantiate the detectability of mineralized cellulose with spectroscopy and to study the KMC macrocolony phenotype stability under adverse conditions (UV, excess of inorganics etc.). Cellulose matrix of the KMC macrocolony has been mineralized in the mineral-water interface under assistance of KMC-members. Effect of bioleached ions on the cellulose matrix has been visible, and the FT-IR spectrum proved changes in cellulose structure. However, the specific cellulose band vibration, confirming the presence of beta(1,4)-linkages between monomers, has not been quenched by secondary minerals formed on the surface of pellicle. The cellulose-based KMC macrocolony phenotype was in a dependence on extracellular matrix components (ionome, viriome, extracellular membrane vesicles), which provided its integrity and rigidness in a certain extent under impact of stressful factors.https://link.springer.com/journal/110842018-06-30hj2017Business Managemen

    Kombucha multimicrobial community under simulated spaceflight and martian conditions

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    Kombucha microbial community (KMC) produces a cellulose-based biopolymer of industrial importance and a probiotic beverage. KMC-derived cellulose-based pellicle film is known as a highly adaptive microbial macrocolony - a stratified community of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In the framework of the multipurpose international astrobiological project "BIOlogy and Mars Experiment (BIOMEX)," which aims to study the vitality of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and the stability of selected biomarkers in low Earth orbit and in a Mars-like environment, a cellulose polymer structural integrity will be assessed as a biomarker and biotechnological nanomaterial. In a preflight assessment program for BIOMEX, the mineralized bacterial cellulose did not exhibit significant changes in the structure under all types of tests. KMC members that inhabit the cellulose-based pellicle exhibited a high survival rate; however, the survival capacity depended on a variety of stressors such as the vacuum of space, a Mars-like atmosphere, UVC radiation, and temperature fluctuations. The critical limiting factor for microbial survival was high-dose UV irradiation. In the tests that simulated a 1-year mission of exposure outside the International Space Station, the core populations of bacteria and yeasts survived and provided protection against UV; however, the microbial density of the populations overall was reduced, which was revealed by implementation of culture-dependent and culture-independent methods. Reduction of microbial richness was also associated with a lower accumulation of chemical elements in the cellulose-based pellicle film, produced by microbiota that survived in the post-test experiments, as compared to untreated cultures that populated the film.This study was supported by National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (grant 47/2012-15). The pre-flight programs EVTs and SVTs for the EXPOSE-R2 mission were supported by the European Space Agency.http://www.liebertpub.com/overview/astrobiology/992018-05-30hj2017Biochemistr

    The conceptual approach to the use of postbiotics based on bacterial membrane nanovesicles for prophylaxis of astronauts' health disorders

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    The functional fermented foods containing live microorganisms and their components are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body as normal gut microbiota needs fuel from external microbial organisms and their nanostructures — membrane vesicles (MVs), excreting outside. The сoncept that MVs may contribute to astronauts’ health probably to the same extent as their parental microbial cells do and be a temporary substitute for living microbial cells until we know more about the behavior of microbes in the space environment. The advantage of MVs is that they are not alive and cannot be changed under unfavorable conditions as microbial organisms may be. As the model, we selected MVs of a robust to environmental factors kombucha multimicrobial culture (KMC), known for its health-promoting characteristics for humans. We exposed KMC on the International Space Station in a hybrid space/Mars-like environment for an initial proof-of-concept stage. In the exposure study, KMC has survived a long-term period in harsh conditions, and the MVs generated by post-flight kombucha community members did not acquire toxicity, despite the changed membrane composition in the environment imitated conditions on the Mars surface. This observation, together with our KMC metagenomic and comparative genomic analyses of the dominant KMC bacterium Komagataeibacter oboediens, showed that the ground reference sample and spaceexposed ones were similar in topology and maintained their stability. In the next stage, we assessed the fitness, safety, and biodistribution of MVs of post-flight K. oboediens and showed that they were altered, but the modifications in membrane structure did not result in toxicity acquisition. Our proof-of-concept strategy is discussed in this review in line with the literature.The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Space Research Programme National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Space Research Program.https://spj.science.org/journal/spaceam2023BiochemistryGeneticsMicrobiology and Plant Patholog

    Тенденції розвитку залізничного туризму у західному регіоні україни

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    Goal. Considering the use of the transport component, including rail transport is one of the options for the provision of services when making tourist trips potential customers form the tasks of transport when considering the provision of travel services to assess and analyze existing capacity service prospects of the tourism industry following the European standards, the aim of acquaintance with Ukraine and its regions, the process involving rail and other modes of transport. Method. Methodical basis of research are works of local scientists Railway Tourism and tourist activities in Regina Ukraine to facilitate the impact on tourism as a whole, and will harmonize the structure of tourist packages. Results. In Western Ukraine railway tourism development and the associated line of business also have serious prospects because in our country there are many recreational resources and well-developed rail network, which allows for a variety of form and content railway tours. Until this issue is appropriate to involve the general principles of vehicle inspection principles tourism benchmarking. Scientific novelty. Based on studies of rail tourism and related business line Western Ukraine proved that it is the railway industry enables a comfortable and safe travel, creates conditions for acquaintance with the wide geography of tourist routes through landscapes of the Western region, provides timely implementation schedule of trains and offers discounts that enables potential customers to save on travel. The practical significance. The suggested author offers can be used for further development of services transport infrastructure of tourism to facilitate the impact on tourism in general, harmonized framework of tourism packages to meet consumer demand, to promote new forms of tourism, to provide transport accessibility of new tourist destinations and to promote the economic development of the regions and states .Цель. Рассмотрение возможностей использования транспортной составляющей, в частности железнодорожного транспорта является одним из вариантов предоставления сервисных услуг при осуществлении туристических путешествий потенциальными потребителями и формируют задачи транспорта при рассмотрении предоставления туристических услуг, осуществляя  оценку и анализ имеющихся возможностей обслуживания потенциальных клиентов туристической отрасли, придерживаясь европейских стандартов, с целью широкого ознакомления с Украиной и ее регионами, привлекая к данному процессу железнодорожный и другие виды транспорта. Методика. Методической основой исследования являются труды отечественных ученых по функционированию железнодорожного туризма и туристической деятельности в регинах Украины, что будет способствовать влиянию на туризм в целом, и позволит гармонизировать структуру туристических пакетов. Результаты. В Западном регионе Украины развитие железнодорожного туризма и связанного с этим направлением бизнеса также имеют серьезные перспективы, поскольку в нашей стране есть много рекреационных ресурсов и хорошо развита сеть железных дорог, что дает возможность для организации различных по форме и содержанию железнодорожных туров. К данному вопросу следует привлечь методику организации транспортного туризма на принципах бенчмаркинга. . Научная новизна. На основе исследований железнодорожного туризма и связанного с этим направлением бизнеса  в Западном регионе Украины доказано, что именно железнодорожная отрасль дает возможность в комфортной и безопасной путешествия, создает условия для ознакомления с широкой географией туристических маршрутов по пейзажах Западного региона, обеспечивает своевременное выполнение графика движения поездов предлагает систему скидок, что дает возможность потенциальным клиентам сэкономить на путешествии. Практическая значимость. Предложенные автором предложения можно использовать на дальнейшее развитие услуг транспортной инфраструктуры туризма, способствовать влияния на туризм в целом, гармонизировать структуру туристских пакетов, обеспечить удовлетворение потребительского спроса, способствовать развитию новых форм туризма, обеспечить транспортную доступность новых туристских направлений и способствовать экономическому развитию регионов и государства .Мета. Розгляд можливостей використання транспортної складової, зокрема залізничного транспорту, є одним із варіантів надання сервісних послуг під час здійснення туристичних подорожей потенційними споживачами, і формують  задачі транспорту при розгляді надання туристичних послуг, щодо  оцінки та аналізу наявних можливостей обслуговування потенційних клієнтів туристичної галузі, дотримуючись європейських стандартів, з метою широкого ознайомлення з Україною та її регіонами, залучаючи до даного процесу залізничний та інші види транспорту. Методика.  Методичною основою дослідження є праці вітчизняних вчених  з функціонування залізничного туризму та  туристичної діяльності у регіонах України, що сприятиме  впливу на туризм в цілому, і дозволить гармонізувати структуру туристичних потоків. Результати.    В Західному регіоні України розвиток залізничного туризму і пов’язаного з цим напрямком бізнесу також мають серйозні перспективи, оскільки в нашій країні є багато рекреаційних ресурсів та добре розвинена мережа залізниць, що дає можливість для організації різноманітних за формою та змістом залізничних турів. До даного питання доречно залучити до загального огляду методику організації транспортного туризму на принципах бенчмаркінгу. Наукова новизна. На основі досліджень залізничного туризму і пов’язаного з цим напрямком бізнесу у Західному регіоні України доведено, що саме залізнична галузь дає можливість до комфортного та безпечного подорожування, створює умови до ознайомлення з широкою географією туристичних маршрутів по краєвидам Західного регіону, забезпечує своєчасне виконання графіку руху поїздів, а також пропонує систему знижок, що дає можливість потенційним клієнтам зекономити на подорожі. Практична значимість. Запропоновані автором пропозиції можна використати на подальший розвиток послуг транспортної інфраструктури туризму, що сприятиме  впливу на туризм в цілому, гармонізувати структуру туристських пакетів, забезпечити задоволення споживчого попиту, сприяти розвитку нових форм туризму, забезпечити транспортну доступність нових туристських напрямків і сприяти економічному розвитку  регіонів та держави.