23 research outputs found

    Prevention of Carbon Tetrachloride-induced Hepatic Steatosis and Cellular Damage by Aqueous Extract of Dacryodes edulis Seeds in Wistar Rats

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    The protective effect of the aqueous extract of Dacryodes edulis seeds on the liver of rats exposed to carbon tetrachloride was investigated. Thirty female albino rats of Wistar strain were randomly allocated to six groups consisting of five rats each. Group A served as control. Groups B-D were given increasing oral doses (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg body weight respectively) of Dacryodes edulis extract daily for two weeks prior to the administration of a single dose of CCl4 (3 ml/kg body weight) on the fourteenth day. Group E was given only Dacryodes edulis extract (1000 mg/kg body weight) daily for two weeks, while group F received only a single dose of CCl4 on day 14. The extract was found to possess hepatoprotective properties as seen in the significant (p < 0.05) reduction in the activities of the enzymes alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase and alkaline phosphatase in the plasma of the animals treated with the plant extract when compared to the group administered CCl4 only. The extract also inhibited cholesterol and triacylglycerol accumulation in the liver. The hepatoprotective properties of Dacryodes edulis observed in this study may be related to its high content of antioxidant compounds such as flavonoids and alkaloids previously reported. The study represents a novel attempt at exploring the medicinal potential of the seeds of D. edulis which are typically discarded after eating the fleshy pulp.Key words: Dacryodes edulis, CCl4, Triacylglycerols, Hepatotoxicity, Steatosis

    Microbial load on medicinal plants sold in Bini markets, Nigeria

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    669-672Microbiological analysis was carried out on samples of 20 medicinal plants obtained from open markets in Benin and her environs. The standard plate count technique on Nutrient agar (NA) was used to determine the total aerobic bacterial count, mannitol salt agar and Baird-Parker agar for staphylococcal count, MacConkey agar for coliform count and potato dextrose agar for fungal counts. The purified bacterial and fungal isolates were then characterized and identified. All the samples examined contained microorganisms. The bacterial count ranged from 1.0×10³ cfu/g to 9.8×10⁴ cfu/g with Aframomum meleguata, Onyokea gore and Khaya ivorensis having the highest count of 9.8 × 10⁴cfu/g; 9.4 × 10³ cfu/g and 8.8×10³ cfu/g, respectively and Justicia flava had the lowest count of 1.0 × 10³ cfu/g. The fungal counts were high in all the samples examined. The bacterial isolates were identified as Staphylococcus aureus (50.0%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (25.0%), Escherichia coli (10.0%) and Bacillus subtilis (40.0%) while fungal isolates included Aspergillus niger (85.0%) and Penicillium species (50.0%). The presence of these microorganisms in the samples could be due to improper handling and storage procedures as most of the samples were kept in bags on cold floors in very humid tropical stores (stalls)

    Observation On The Rates, Benefits And Complications Of Episiotomy In A Tertiary Health Institution In Nigeria

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    This was an observational study undertaken at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City from September 1, 2001 to October 31, 2002. The women who delivered per vagina with episiotomy were analyzed and compared with those who delivered without it. Outcome measures were 2nd stage duration, birth weight, Apgar score, perineal tear, perineal pain, dyspareunia and incontinence in the pueperium. There were 1,404 vaginal deliveries and 34.5% of them had episiotomy. Episiotomy was more frequent in nulliparous (65.7%) than multiparous (17.4%) women. The commonest indication for episiotomy was tight perineum (75.2%) followed by vacuum extraction (8.6%), forceps delivery (6.6%), fetal prematurity (4.1%), assisted breech delivery (2.9%) and the delivery of big babies (2.9%). The duration of second stage was not influenced by episiotomy but the Apgar score at one minute was better with episiotomy. Blood loss was more with episiotomy. Perineal tear occurred more in women who delivered without episiotomy. (25.6%vs.4.1%; P=0.0001; OR=12). Dyspareunia was more common after vaginal delivery with episiotomy. Conclusively, episiotomy was associated with a better Apgar score at one minute and it protected against perineal tear. However blood loss at delivery was more with episiotomy. Perineal pain and dyspareunia were commoner with it. Keywords: Episiotomy, Indications, Complications Annals of Biomedical Science Vol. 1 (2) 2002: pp. 141-14

    Assessment of Knowledge and Perception on the Need for Establishment of Forensic Dna Database in Nigeria

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    A forensic DNA database is a computer database that contains records of DNA profiles primarily for the purpose of systematic comparison, and matching with a scene of crime sample or individual profile. Large body of reports have continued to emerge, demonstrating the extensive efficiency and effectiveness of the DNA database in assisting criminal investigations around the world. Therefore, the present study sought to assess the knowledge and perception on the need for the establishment of a forensic DNA database in Nigeria. In conducting this research, a total of 150 questionnaires were distributed around Benin City with focus on security agents, Judiciary and University students. The questionnaire comprised of three main categories: Socio-demographic characteristics, Knowledge on the use and application of forensic DNA database, and Information on the need for Forensic DNA Database for Criminal Investigation in Nigeria. In determining the level of awareness, the following responses were obtained. Of the total population: 48.67% were not sure about what forensic DNA is used for, 20.67 had no knowledge about forensic DNA database, and 30.67% demonstrated adequate knowledge on forensic DNA database. On the need for establishment of a forensic DNA, 57.33% were unsure, and 42.67% reported that there is a need for a forensic DNA database in Nigeria. In conclusion, our results demonstrated that there is an inadequate level of awareness on the prominent role of Forensic DNA database in the criminal investigation. Therefore, negatively impacting the perception on the need for the establishment of a forensic DNA database in Nigeria