123 research outputs found

    Van Tarihine Genel Bir Bakış

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    Van’ın, jeopolitik ve jeostratejik konumu itibariyle eski çağlardan itibaren bilinen bir tarihi vardır. Önceleri askeri bir garnizon hüviyetinde olan Van Kalesi ilerleyen zamanlarda, özellikle de Türk hâkimiyeti döneminde önce kale-şehir sonra da bütün müesseseleri ile bir şehir hüviyeti göstermiştir. Van’ın müstahkem bir kale olmaktan çıkıp dış surların içerisinde şehir hayatına kavuşması ile ilgili somut adımların Ahlatşahların bölgedeki hâkimiyetlerine rastladığı söylenebilir. Kalenin eteklerinde Ulu Cami’nin inşa edilmesi kale dışındaki iskânın en önemli başlangıç noktasıdır. Van 1548 yılında kati olarak Osmanlı hâkimiyetine girmiş ve bir daha el değiştirmemiştir. Ancak uzun yıllar Safevilerin Van ve çevresi için ciddi bir tehdit unsuru olduğu söylenebilir. Van, serhadde olmanın getirdiği dezavantajın etkilerini her zaman hissetmiştir. Van Kalesi Osmanlı Devleti’nin doğudaki en önemli kilit noktası ve adeta ileri karakolu olmuştur. Van ve çevresinde yaşayan insanlar iki önemli gücün arasındaki bir coğrafyada yaşamanın olumsuz etkilerini uzun bir süre yaşamışlardır. Birçok bakımdan elverişli bir coğrafyada olunmasına rağmen istenilen gelişme gösterilememiştir. Mesela hayvancılık faaliyetlerinin beklenilen ölçüde gerçekleştiğini söylemek zordur. Van, kalabalık bir asker nüfusunu bünyesinde barındırdığı için Osmanlı döneminde bir asker şehri olarak da nitelendirilebilir. Şehir en son 1915’de Ermeniler tarafından tamamen yakılınca yeni bir yerde yeniden inşa edilmek zorunda kalınmıştır

    Evaluation of Intraocular Pressure (IOP) Regarding Circadian Rhythm, Age, Sex and Eye Side in Awassi Sheep

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    Measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP) in domestic animals has become a part of routine eye examination with advent of applanation tonometer. Delayed control of high IOP may lead to permanent blindness due to retinal ganglion cells dysfunction and optic nerve degeneration. This study aimed at evaluating IOP of Awassi sheep with respect to circadian rhythm, age, sex and eye sides and finally to establish a reference (baseline, normal) IOP value for this particular species. A total of 24 healthy sheep with different ages and sexes were used. The animals were divided into 2 equal groups, = 1 (6 male, 6 female, n = 12) years old. IOP measurements were performed twice, in the morning (6:00 a.m.) and in the evening (8:00 p.m.) with Tono-pen Vet (R) applanation tonometer. Mean LOP in the animals decreased from 16.21 mmHg in the morning to 12.65 mmHg in the evening with an approximately rate of 22% (P = 1 (n=48) showed no difference (P >0.05). The reference IOP for this animal was calculated as 14.43 +/- 2.72 mmHg notwithstanding any variable. It was concluded that in this breed IOP values can vary significantly as far as circadian rhythm is concerned and Tono-pen Vet (R) can be used for sheep IOP measurement as an alternative to other applanation tonometry

    Vitamin D Status in Turkish Children During the Covid-19 Pandemic; A Single Center Experience

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    Objective: COVID-19-related lockdown decreased the children's exposure to sunlight, and they were susceptible to 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] deficiency. The present study aimed to examine the 25(OH)D levels 2 years before and during the first year of the pandemic. Materials and Methods: This study included children who underwent health checks between the equivalent period during 2018 October–2020 March, and they were categorized according to the date vitamin D was checked; 2018 October -2019 March (Group 1), 2019 October and 2020 March (Group 2), 2020 October, and 2021 March (Group 3). We compared the children’s 25(OH)D levels and vitamin D deficiency rates between Groups 1, 2, and 3. Results: We found that the mean of the children's 25(OH)D levels was lower during COVID-19 than in the last two years before the pandemic (p=0.039). The present study showed that the rates of 25(OH)D deficiencies among ages 0-1, and 4-7 were higher during the pandemic than before (p= 0.013, p=0.011). Conclusion: Reduced sunbathing time during confinement is associated with lower 25(OH)D levels among children aged 4–7. Although increased rates of 25(OH)D deficiency in infants are worrying

    Land suitability assessment for wheat production using analytical hierarchy process in a semi-arid region of Central Anatolia

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    Rational planning of soil resources based on their capabilities are needed for the sustainable use of agricultural lands. Land suitability classification is an important evaluation tool for the management of soil resources. This study aimed to evaluate the land suitability for wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivation using an approach that integrates multi-criteria decision making (MCDA) analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). The study area cover 21146 ha land and is located within the land consolidation area in the Çumra Plain, located in Central Anatolia of Turkey, The physical, chemical and fertility properties of the soil samples collected from 342 points in the study area were used as parameters in the wheat suitability assessment. The relative weight values of the soil parameters were determined by the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Literature and expert opinion were used in the creation of the AHP matrices and the determination of the sub-criteria. The criteria with the highest weight values or which have the highest impact on wheat growth were soil texture (0.30) and pH (0.16), while the lowest weight values were given for micro elements (0.02). Land Suitability Assessment was applied to the maps of soil variables using weighted overlay analysis in the GIS environment by using the relative weights. Thus, the suitability of the study area for wheat cultivation was mapped. The results revealed that 74% of the study area was highly suitable (S1) and 24% was moderately suitable (S2) for wheat cultivation. The coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.81, which indicated a successful prediction of the GIS-MCDA hybrid approach for wheat suitability assessment. Integration of land suitability analyzes specific to plant variety in land consolidation projects can provide a more detailed perspective on the land in the design of planning studies. © 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    Deconstructive Analysis of Netflix Series Hollywood

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    Deconstruction, put forward by Jacques Derrida, is a theory that combines literature and philosophy to reveal the structural hegemonies, hierarchies in the language, and to find alterations and instabilities in the language called “logos”. The Netflix miniseries Hollywood (2020) is created and produced by Ryan Murphy and Ian Brennan. It is suitable for deconstructive analysis, as it tells about a permanent displacement, inconsistencies, changes and plays in meaning, gender confusions and the establishment of new hierarchies instead of the fallen ones. Deconstruction technique has been conducted on film criticism in various ways. Case study of this research; the Hollywood series, which has claimed itself to have been a production against sexist and racist discrimination in the 1940s Hollywood, will be shown to have unconsciously constructed new hierarchies and hegemonies while fighting the existing taboos. The aim of this study is to contribute former practices of the use of deconstruction in film criticism. As a result of this study, it has been revealed that Netflix series Hollywood feeds the hegemonies it criticizes and serves those structures

    Su ve Kanalizasyon İdarelerinde Kıyaslamalı Performans Analizi için Web Tabanlı Hesaplama Araçlarının Geliştirilmesi

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    Uzun dönemli sürdürülebilir su ve atıksu yönetimi için sistem bileşenlerinin düzenli olarak izlenmesi ve performans analizinin yapılması gerekir. Bunun için verisi ölçülebilir, uygun, uygulanabilir göstergelerin kullanılması oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada su ve atıksu yönetimi açısından performans analizi ve kıyaslaması yapılması amacıyla kullanılan göstergelerin doğru ve sistematik bir şekilde hesaplanması için web tabanlı hesaplama aracı geliştirilmiştir. Geliştirilen bu hesaplama aracı temel olarak IWA, AWWA, IBNET ve SUEN tarafından önerilen göstergeleri hesaplayan dört farklı modülden oluşmaktadır. Bu modüllerde hesaplanmak istenen ana ve alt göstergeler kullanıcı tarafından seçilebilmektedir. Böylece sadece verisi olan, uygun ve uygulanabilir göstergelerin hesaplanması mümkün olmaktadır. Ayrıca seçilen ana ve alt göstergelerin etki düzeyi (ağırlık katsayısı) eşit bir şekilde dağıtıldığı gibi kullanıcı tarafından her bir gösterge için ağırlık tanımlaması da yapılabilmektedir. Hesaplama modüllerinde veriler ve ağırlık katsayıları çarpılarak ağırlıklı toplam puanlar hesaplanmakta ve sistem için toplam performans indisi elde edilmektedir. Bu hesaplama aracının bu özellikleriyle, Su İdarelerinde karar vericiler ve teknik personeller için referans oluşturma potansiyelinin olduğu düşünülmektedir

    Aktivnost arginaze u ovarijskim strukturama krava švicarske smeđe pasmine i njezinih križanaca.

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    Arginase is the last enzyme of the urea cycle. It catalyses the hydrolysis of L-arginine to L-ornitine and urea. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of arginase activity in ovarian structures such as: Graaf follicles, GF (Medium and Large size, M- and L-size), Corpus Haemorrhagicum (CH), and various types of Corpus Luteum (CL) such as: cyclic CL (CCL), 2-4 month pregnancy CL (2-4 MCL) and 4-7 month pregnancy CL (4-7 MCL). Ovarian tissues of 62 cows (7-10 years old and Brown Swiss or its cross-breeds), collected from a local slaughterhouse, were used as material. The materials were divided into 6 experimental groups, as follows: MGF group (n = 7), LGF group (n = 21), CH group (n = 7), CCL group (n = 6), 2-4 MCL group (n = 9) and 4-7 MCL group (n = 12). Arginase activities were measured as 0.056 ± 0.017, 0.100 ± 0.016, 2.517 ± 0.521, 0.827 ± 0.190, 0.674 ± 0.106 and 0.833 ± 0.093 U/mg protein in all groups, respectively. Arginase activity in the CH group was significantly higher than that in the CCL, 2-4 MCL and 4-7 MCL groups (P<0.001). The lowest enzyme activity was in the MGF and LGF groups. Hence, it was concluded that the arginase enzyme might play a crucial role in cell division, proliferation and differentiation in the ovarian tissues (especially the CH) of mature cows.Arginaza je posljednji enzim u ciklusu ureje koji katalizira hidrolizu L-arginina u L-ornitin i ureju. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi prisutnost aktivnosti arginaze u ovarijskim strukturama kao što su Graafovi folikuli, GF (srednje veliki - M i veliki - L), corpus haemorrhagicum (CH) i različiti tipovi corpus luteum (CL) kao što su ciklični (CCL), 2-4 mjeseca graviditetni (2-4 MCL) i 4-7 mjeseci graviditetni (4-7 MCL). Tkiva ovarija od 62 krave (švicarske smeđe pasmine i križanaca u dobi od 7 do 10 godina) prikupljena su u lokalnoj klaonici. Materijali su bili podijeljeni u 6 pokusnih skupina kako slijedi: MGF skupina (n = 7), LGF skupina (n = 21), CH skupina (n = 7), CCL skupina (n = 6), 2-4 MCL skupina (n = 9) i 4-7 MCL skupina (n = 12). Slijedom navedenih skupina, aktivnost arginaze bila je 0,056 ± 0,017, 0,100 ± 0,016, 2,517 ± 0,521, 0,827 ± 0,190, 0,674 ± 0,106 i 0,833 ± 0,093 U/mg. Aktivnost arginaze u CH skupini bila je signifikantno viša u odnosu na skupine CCL, 2-4 MCL i 4-7 MCL (P<0,001). Najniža aktivnost enzima bila je u skupinama MGF i LGF. Zaključeno je o mogućoj ključnoj ulozi aktivnosti enzima arginaze u diobi stanica, proliferaciji i diferencijaciji ovarijskih tkiva (osobito CH) kod odraslih krava

    Prognostic significance of N-Terminal Pro-BNP in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia without previous history of heart failure

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    Introduction:The objective of the present research was to evaluate the possible association between the N-terminal pro-brain type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) levels and in-hospital mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia patients who did not have pre-existing heart failure (HF). Methods:A total of 137 consecutive patients without pre-existing HF and hospitalized due to COVID-19 pneumonia were enrolled into the current research. The main outcome of the research was the in-hospital death. The independent parameters linked with the in-hospital death were determined by multivariable analysis. Results: A total of 26 deaths with an in-hospital mortality rate of 18.9% was noted. Those who died were older with an increased frequency of co-morbidities such as hypertension, chronic kidney disease, coronary artery disease, stroke and dementia. They had also increased white blood cell (WBC) counts and had elevated glucose, creatinine, troponin I, and NT-pro-BNP levels but had decreased levels of hemoglobin. By multivariable analysis; age, NT-pro-BNP, WBC, troponin I, and creatinine levels were independently linked with the in-hospital mortality. After ROC evaluation, the ideal value of the NT-pro-BNP to predict the in-hospital mortality was found as 260 ng/L reflecting a sensitivity of 82% and a specificity of 93% (AUC:0.86; 95%CI:0.76-0.97). Conclusion: The current research clearly shows that the NT-proBNP levels are independently linked with the in-hospital mortality rates in subjects with COVID-19 pneumonia and without HF. Thus, we believe that this biomarker can be used as a valuable prognostic parameter in such cases

    Characteristics of food allergy in children: National multicenter study

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    Conference: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) Location: Lisbon, PORTUGAL Date: JUN 01-05, 2019Background : Food allergies impose a significant burden on the life of the child and the family. In this study, to determine the demographic characteristics of food allergies, we investigated the characteristics of patients with food allergies in different regions of Pediatric Allergy- Immunology departments in Turkey. Method : Turkey ' s National Study of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society has conducted a Study Group on Food Allergies. 25 centers participated in this multicenter, cross- sectional and descriptive study.European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunolog