194 research outputs found

    Is there any relationship between geopolitical risk and climate change?

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to point out the impact of geopolitical risk on climate change. The CO2 emissions per capita is used as a proxy for climate change. Methodology: In this study, the data sample covers annual data from 1990 to 2015 for 12 selected Latin American and Asian countries. After standard preliminary tests (Cross-sectional dependence tests, CIPS unit root test, and slope homogeneity test), we employ the second-generation estimator – the AMG (Augmented Mean Group) method to explore the long-run relationship between geopolitical risk and CO2 emissions per capita. Results: The AMG findings document that a 1% rise in geopolitical risk escalates CO2 emissions per capita by 0.001%. In addition, economic growth and fossil energy consumption foster CO2 emissions per capita, whereas renewable energy contributes to decreasing CO2 emissions per capita. Conclusion: In recent years, scholars have attempted to explore the impact of geopolitical risk on environmental degradation. According to our results, in Latin American and Asian countries, decreasing geopolitical risk and conflict can impede environmental degradation. In the long run, a robust clean energy policy should be considered in case of geopolitical conflict by the government. Besides, the government should focus on renewable energy policy and substitute non-renewable energy resources with more technology-intensive resources

    W kierunku ekonomii politycznej energii odnawialnej: czy demokracja i globalizacja mają znaczenie dla krajów Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej (CEEC)

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    Renewable energy policy is one of the remarkable parts of the sustainable development path. However, the political-economic dimension of renewable energy policies is not so much widely discussed. Besides, democracy and globalization are essential factors affecting renewable energy. Hence, this paper examines the relationship between renewable energy consumption, democracy, and globalization in the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) during the period 1995-2021. Economic growth and CO2 emissions are used as control variables in the model. The study employs the panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) estimation technique to quantify the relationship between renewable energy consumption, democracy, and globalization by including economic growth and CO2 emissions. The findings from the PVAR analysis suggest that participatory democracy and globalization positively affect renewable energy consumption, while liberal democracy, economic growth, and CO2 emissions have a negative impact on it. Furthermore, the PVAR Granger causality test outcomes indicate an interactive causal relationship between variables.Polityka w zakresie energii odnawialnej jest jednym z godnych uwagi elementów ścieżki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Polityczno-ekonomiczny wymiar polityki w zakresie energii odnawialnej nie jest jednak tak szeroko dyskutowany. Poza tym demokracja i globalizacja są istotnymi czynnikami wpływającymi na energię odnawialną. Dlatego niniejszy artykuł analizuje związek między zużyciem energii odnawialnej, demokracją i globalizacją w krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej (CEEC) w latach 1995-2021. Wzrost gospodarczy i emisje CO2 są wykorzystywane jako zmienne kontrolne w modelu. W badaniu zastosowano technikę szacowania PVAR do ilościowego określenia związku między zużyciem energii odnawialnej, demokracją i globalizacją, uwzględniając wzrost gospodarczy i emisje CO2. Wyniki analizy PVAR sugerują, że demokracja uczestnicząca i globalizacja pozytywnie wpływają na zużycie energii odnawialnej, podczas gdy demokracja liberalna, wzrost gospodarczy i emisje CO2 mają na nie negatywny wpływ. Ponadto wyniki testu przyczynowości PVAR Grangera wskazują na interaktywny związek przyczynowy między zmiennymi

    Is export quality a viable option for sustainable development paths of Asian countries?

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    This paper investigates the role of export quality in climate action goal of the sustainable development goals in emerging Asian countries. For this purpose, the empirical model that observes the impact of real GDP, energy use and export quality index on carbon emissions is constructed and is analyzed by ARDL bound test approach for the period from 1970 to 2014. We also include the square of real GDP as independent variable to observe the existency of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis which implies the parabolic relationship between economic growth and environmental degradation. The findings show that increase in export quality leads to a fall in CO2 emissions for China and India. In contrast, the effect of increasing export quality increases CO2 emissions in Thailand and the Philippines. Lastly, our asymmetric causality results show that the positive shocks of export quality causes positive shocks of CO2 emissions in Thailand and Indonesia. Furthermore, we found that positive export quality shocks causes negative carbon emission shocks in India while negative export quality shocks causes positive carbon emissions shocks in China. We also confirm the inverted U-shaped EKC hypothesis in China and Thailand

    Effect of Turkish pollen and propolis extracts on caspase-3 activity in myeloid cancer cell lines

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    Purpose: To investigate the apoptosis-inducing capacity of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) extracts of bee pollen and propolis in HL-60 Myeloid Cancer Cell Lines.Methods: DMSO extracts of pollen and propolis were incubated separately with HL-60 cells, and caspase-3 activity evaluated. In order to determine the cell cycle characteristics of HL-60 cells with and without extracts of pollen and propolis, the cells were analysed using flow cytometry.Results: The DMSO extract of propolis (0.5 mg/mL) increased apoptosis from undetectable levels to 60.1 %, while maintaining cell viability. The DMSO extract of pollen (2 mg/ml) increased apoptosis from undetectable levels to 52.2 % while decreasing cell viability by 62 %. Caspase-3 activity in HL-60 cells incubated with DMSO extracts of pollen and propolis were 3.6- to 12-fold higher than in controls.Conclusion: Turkish pollen and propolis individually increase apoptosis and the activity of caspase-3 in HL-60 cells. This finding indicates that bee products may have beneficial effects in the treatment of cancer.Keywords: Pollen, Propolis, Apoptosis, Caspase-3, Myeloid Cance

    Comparison of CBCT with different voxel sizes and intraoral scanner for detection of periodontal defects: an in vitro study

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    Objectives: This study aimed to compare the diagnostic accuracy of cone beam CT (CBCT) units with different voxel sizes with the digital intraoral scanning technique in terms of the detection of periodontal defects. Methods and materials: The study material comprised of 12 dry skulls with maxilla and mandible. Artificial defects were created on teeth separately using burs randomly on dry skulls. In total 46 dehiscences, 10 fenestrations, 17 furcations, 12 wall defects and 13 without periodontal defect were used in the study. Each tooth with and without defects was imaged at various vertical angles using each of the following modalities: a Veraviewepocs 3D R100 CBCT device and a 3D Shape TRIOSㄾ Color P13 Shade Intraoral Scanner. Results: The κ values for interobserver agreement between observers ranged between 0.29 and 0.86 for the CBCT 10 × 8 cm field of view (FOV) with 0,160 mm3 voxel size; 0.35 and 1 for the CBCT 8 × 8 cm FOV with 0,125 mm3 voxel size; and 0.30 and 1 of intraoral scans. The κ values for detecting defects on anterior teeth were the least, following premolar and molar teeth both CBCT and intraoral scanning. Conclusions: Smaller voxel sizes and smaller CBCT FOV has the highest sensitivity and diagnostic accuracy for detecting various periodontal defects among the scanner modalities examined. Advances in knowledge: Adequate evaluation of the condition of the alveolar bone and periodontal tissues is important for the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of periodontal disease. Limited examination methods, such as palpation, inspection, and periodontal probe examination, may provide insufficient information for the diagnosis of periodontal diseases

    Ani işitme kaybında internal akustik kanal çapı

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    Objective: The purpose of our study was to determine the corelation between internal acoustic channel diameter and idiopathic sensorineural hearing loss. Material and Method: We defined sudden sensorineural hearing loss according to the criteria of Wilson as a 30-dB sensorineural hearing loss occurring in at least three contiguous frequencies in less than 3 days. The internal acoustic channel diameter all of the patients was measured from three dimensional temporal CT scan. Results: Of the 15 patients, 7 were male and 8 were female, ranging in age from 17 to 59 and the mean age was 39.6 years. The right ear was involved in 6 patients, and the left ear in 9. There was no statistically significant difference between the patients’ affected and intact ears (p>0.05). However, the mean diameter of affected side of the patients was narrower than those of healthy controls (p0.05). Ancak kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldığında etkilenen kulakta istatistiksel olarak anlamlı darlık tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuç: Bulgularımız kontrol grubuyla karşılaştırıldığında, idiyopatik ani işitme kaybı gelişen hastalarda internal akustik kanal çapının nispeten daha dar olduğunu ve bunun bir risk faktörü olabileceğini düşündürmektedir

    Militarization of NATO Countries Sparks Climate Change? Investigating the Moderating Role of Technological Progress and Financial Development

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    This study evaluates the effects of military expenditures (MEX) on environmental pollution, as well as the moderating role of factors such as financial development and technological progress for 15 NATO member countries under the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis. Using the CS-ARDL estimator, the study analyzes the effects of MEX, income, energy consumption, financial development, and technical progress on carbon emissions spanning the period from 1991 to 2018. Additionally, interaction terms are employed to regularize the moderating effects of financial development and technical advancement. The results show that income, energy consumption, and MEX all contribute to a rise in emissions. It is also found that the financial sector does not eradicate the detrimental ramifications of MEX on the environment, but that technological progress has a moderating effect. A 1% increase in the interaction of technological progress with the military sector reduces environmental degradation by 0.36, but a 1% augment in the interaction of the financial sector with the military sector increases carbon emissions by 0.41%. For this reason, it is imperative to evaluate and revise the financing of MEX of NATO countries from an environmental perspective for sustainable development. Furthermore, as long-run income elasticity in NATO countries is lower than the short-run one, the EKC hypothesis is valid. Based on the overall findings, the study suggests that NATO allies should incorporate the benefits of income growth and technological development into their environmental policies to offset the negative effects of MEX

    Militarization of NATO Countries Sparks Climate Change? Investigating the Moderating Role of Technological Progress and Financial Development

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    This study evaluates the effects of military expenditures (MEX) on environmental pollution, as well as the moderating role of factors such as financial development and technological progress for 15 NATO member countries under the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis. Using the CS-ARDL estimator, the study analyzes the effects of MEX, income, energy consumption, financial development, and technical progress on carbon emissions spanning the period from 1991 to 2018. Additionally, interaction terms are employed to regularize the moderating effects of financial development and technical advancement. The results show that income, energy consumption, and MEX all contribute to a rise in emissions. It is also found that the financial sector does not eradicate the detrimental ramifications of MEX on the environment, but that technological progress has a moderating effect. A 1% increase in the interaction of technological progress with the military sector reduces environmental degradation by 0.36, but a 1% augment in the interaction of the financial sector with the military sector increases carbon emissions by 0.41%. For this reason, it is imperative to evaluate and revise the financing of MEX of NATO countries from an environmental perspective for sustainable development. Furthermore, as long-run income elasticity in NATO countries is lower than the short-run one, the EKC hypothesis is valid. Based on the overall findings, the study suggests that NATO allies should incorporate the benefits of income growth and technological development into their environmental policies to offset the negative effects of MEX

    Görme Engelliler için Akıllı Bileklik Tasarımının Değer Mühendisliği Yöntemi ile Maliyet Analizi

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    Ürün tasarımı sürecinde, üretim maliyetini ve satış fiyatını sistematik bir şeklide belirlemek amacıyla geleneksel maliyet belirleme yöntemlerine alternatif olarak hedef maliyetleme yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Hedef maliyetleme, müşteri beklentilerine uygun olarak belirlenen temel ihtiyaç ve bileşenler değiştirilmeksizin kalite arttırmada etkisi olmayan faaliyetlerin elenerek maliyetin en aza indirilmesi uygulamalarını kapsamaktadır. Hedef maliyet ile müşteriler tarafından değerli görülen faaliyetlere ait maliyet tablolarının oluşturulması ve gerekli iyileştirme çalışmalarının yapılması değer mühendisliği uygulamaları kapsamındadır. Bu çalışmada, görme engelli bireylerin bağımsız olarak yer ve yön tayin edebilmesi için tasarlanan akıllı bileklik tasarımının hedef maliyet analizi, değer mühendisliği uygulamaları ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Analiz sonucu elde edilen verilere göre ürüne ait bileşenlerin müşteri değerleri doğrultusunda elde edilen hedef maliyet sonuçları tartışılmıştır

    A two phased fuzzy methodology for selection among municipal projects

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    A municipality improves the quality of community life through its projects and actions. However, project selection and prioritization by municipalities are highly complex processes. Therefore, multicriteria decision making (MCDM) methodologies are very suitable for determining the best alternative. Recently, some studies have concentrated on the selection of the best project alternatives. In this paper, a two phased fuzzy MCDM methodology is proposed for the selection among municipal projects. In the first phase, fuzzy TOPSIS method is used to select the main project group and then fuzzy AHP is used to select the best sub-municipal project. The application of the suggested methodology has been made at the central district municipality in Konya, Turkey