185 research outputs found

    The Effects of Different Carotenoid Sources on Skin Pigmentation of Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different carotenoid sources on goldfish (Carassius auratus) skin pigmentation. The value of goldfish depends on the intensity of the skin color. In the red variety of goldfish, an orange-red hue is desirable. Juvenile goldfish were fed one of five diets for five months to determine the effects of carotenoids on skin pigmentation, growth, feed efficiency, and survival: (1) astaxanthin (carophyll pink at 75 mg/kg), (2) canthaxanthin (carophyll red at 75 mg/kg), (3) Gammarus spp. (75 mg/kg), (4) Oleoresin paprika (180 mg/kg), and (5) an unsupplemented control. Growth and feed efficiency did not significantly differ among groups. Initial and final samples of head skin were measured by colorimetric analysis for lightness (L*), redness (a*), yellowness (b*), hue (Hºab), and chroma (Cab*). The best red color (a* and Hºab) was obtained with the astaxanthin, canthaxanthin, and paprika diets

    Seroprevalence of Human Brucellosis in a Rural Area of Western Anatolia, Turkey

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    This study was conducted to determine the seroprevalence of human brucellosis and identify the potential risk factors in a rural area of Western Anatolia, Turkey. A simple random-sampling method was used for identifying 1,052 subjects for the study. Blood samples, collected from all the subjects, were studied following the methods of Rose Bengal slide agglutination and standard tube agglutination tests. One thousand and one samples (95.2%) were seronegative, and 51 (4.8%) were seropositive. There was a statistically significant correlation between seropositivity and age, sex, consuming fresh cheese and cream made from unboiled milk (p values 0.005, 0.019, <0.001, and <0.001 respectively). Seropositivity was not related to educational level (0.270). It is concluded that pasteurization of milk and dairy products and education regarding eating habits must be pursued for eradication of human brucellosis from rural areas. The findings of the study suggest that human brucellosis is still an important public-health problem in the western Anatolia region of Turkey, especially in rural areas

    Diaqua­bis(1,3-propane­diamine)nickel(II) squarate tetrahydrate

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Ni(C3H10N2)2(H2O)2](C4O4)·4H2O, contains one-half of the diaqua­bis(1,3-propane­diamine)nickel(II) cation, one-half of the centrosymmetric squarate anion and two uncoordinated water mol­ecules. In the cation, the NiII atom is located on a crystallographic inversion centre and has a slightly distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry. The six-membered chelate ring adopts a chair conformation. O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the cation and anion through the water mol­ecule, while N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the cation and anion and cation and water mol­ecules. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯O and N—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into a three-dimensional network structure

    Primary subcutaneous cyst hydatic disease in proximal thigh: an unusual localisation: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal hydatidosis is very rare and represents 1% – 5.4% of all cases of echinococcosis. On clinical basis, infection mimics a soft-tissue tumor, and the preoperative radiological diagnosis is very important to avoid biopsy. CASE PRESENTATION: We report an unusual case of primary subcutaneous hydatidosis in proximity to vastus lateralis muscle. It was diagnosed according to the computed tomography appearance, clinical and pathological findings. A 43 year old female patient was admitted with a history of pain at proximal thigh for the last 30 days. On physical examination, a mass which was 4 × 5 cm in diameter, painful and erythamatous, was palpated over greater trochanter. Sedimentation rate was 40 mm in the first hour. CT (Computed Tomography) scan demonstrated, a soft tissue mass with central cystic component in the subcutaneous tissue near vastus lateralis muscle. Histopathological examination of the specimen revealed a pericystic structure, which consisted of connective tissue and scattered hyaline cells showing a necrotic basophilic structure that resembled a cuticular membrane. Treatment with high dose albendazole was conducted for 4 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: This case illustrates that echinococcal disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of every cystic mass in every anatomic location, especially when they occur in areas where the disease is endemic

    Patellar Clunk Syndrome: a Case Report

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    Patellar clunk syndrome (PCS) is one of the intraarticular mechanical problems that generally occur three to eight months after a total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery. The prevalence of PCS was reported as 0-7.5 %, which varies due to the type of implants used.The cause of this clinical syndrome is thought to be the growth of a fibrous nodule on the inferior aspect of the quadriceps tendon near the superior pole of the patella. Early cyst resection with open surgical or arthroscopic procedures provides a dramatic improvement in symptoms

    Failure of orthogonally jointed rock masses under surface loads

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Stability assessment of a nuclear power plant foundation on rock.

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    Fever Physiopathology and Management

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    Fever is body temperature which is above the normal circadian rhythm. It's a biological response as secondary to the infection that occurs through the central nervous system to defend the body. Although fever is often associated with self-limiting viral infections in children, it may be a sign of life-threatening serious infections, so pediatricians worry as well as parents. It is important that the physician should have enough knowledge about the approach and the management of the fever as well as the the parents. For this reason, we have discussed the pathogenesis of pediatric fever as well as its management.Ateş, vücut ısısının olması gereken sirkandiyen ritim aralığının üstünde seyretmesi olup genellikle enfeksiyona sekonder olarak vücüdu savunmaya yönelik santral sinir sistemi aracılığılıyla oluşan biyolojik bir cevaptır. Çocuklarda sıklıkla kendini sınırlayan viral enfeksiyonların, bazen de yaşamı tehdit edebilen ciddi enfeksiyonların bir bulgusu olabileceği için ebeveynler kadar çocuk hekimlerini de endişelendirebilmektedir. Bu nedenle ebeveynlerin aydınlatılması'nın yanı sıra hekimin de ateşe yaklaşım ve ateşin yönetimi konusunda yeterince bilgiye sahip olması önemlidir. Bu nedenle pediatride ateş'i patogenezi yanısıra yönetimi ile de ele aldık