161 research outputs found

    Behavior of a net of fibers linked by viscous interactions: theory and mechanical properties

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    International audienceThis paper presents an investigation of the macroscopic mechanical behavior of highly concentrated fiber suspensions for which the mechanical behavior is governed by local fiber-fiber interactions. The problem is approached by considering the case of a net of rigid fibers of uniform length, linked by viscous point interactions of power-law type. Those interactions may result in local forces and moments located at the contacting point between two fibers, and respectively power-law functions of the local linear and angular velocity at this point. Assuming the existence of an elementary representative volume which size is small compared to the size of the whole structure, the fiber net is regarded as a periodic assembly of identical cells. Macroscopic equilibrium and constitutive equations of the equivalent continuum are then obtained by the discrete and periodic media homogenization method, based on the use of asymptotic expansions. Depending on the order of magnitude of local translational viscosities and rotational viscosities, three types of the equivalent continua are proved to be possible. One of them leads to an effective Cosserat medium, the other ones being usual Cauchy media. Lastly, formulations that enable an effective computation of constitutive equations are detailed. They show that the equivalent continuum behaves like an anisotropic power-law fluid

    Patient-specific simulation of stent-graft deployment within an abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    In this study, finite element analysis is used to simulate the surgical deployment procedure of a bifurcated stent-graft on a real patient's arterial geometry. The stent-graft is modeled using realistic constitutive properties for both the stent and most importantly for the graft. The arterial geometry is obtained from pre-operative imaging exam. The obtained results are in good agreement with the post-operative imaging data. As the whole computational time was reduced to less than 2 hours, this study constitutes an essential step towards predictive planning simulations of aneurysmal endovascular surger

    Towards New Aortic Tissues Analogue Materials: Micro-mechanical Modelling and Experiments

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    Human abdominal aortic tissue is a complex cylindrical soft sandwich structure, arranged in three different concentric layers. Within these layers, distribution and arrangement of all components display a double-helix architecture of wavy fibres, characterised by distinctive preferred orientations. The macroscopic mechanical behaviour of human healthy abdominal aorta (AA) and aneurysmal (AAA) tissues is highly non-linear, anisotropic and essentially hyperelastic. The global objective of this work is to design and process new artificial hy- perelastic and anisotropic membranes mimicking the macroscopic histological and mechanical features of AA and AAA tissues. These materials will be then used to build more realistic phantoms of AAA for in vitro experiments. The aim of the present study is (i) to develop a theoretical framework able to predict the optimal microstructure and mechanical behaviour of such AA/AAA analogues, and (ii) to provide experimental validation of micro-mechanical modelling

    Simulation du déploiement d'endoprothèses dans des anévrismes iliaques tortueux

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    National audienceLe traitement des anévrismes par voie endovasculaire avec pose d'une endoprothèse (EP) est une technique de choix face à la chirurgie ouverte conventionnelle, mais elle reste à fiabiliser. Dans cette étude, une simulation complète par éléments finis de la pose d'EP est proposée afin d'évaluer et comparer les performances mécaniques de cinq dispositifs du marché. Les résultats confirment l'importance de la flexibilité des EPs et offrent une avancée notable dans la simulation de la chirurgie endovasculaire

    Comportement mécanique et osmotique d'une membrane semi-perméable d'acétate de cellulose utilisée dans une nouvelle endoprothèse vasculaire

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    Malgré des propriétés intéressantes de conversion d'énergie chimique en énergie mécanique, le processus osmotique, omniprésent dans la nature, est très peu utilisé pour des applications industrielles ou biomédicales. Dans ce travail, il est envisagé de concevoir des joints gonflables par osmose capables d'éliminer les endofuites se produisant chez certains patients possédant une endoprothèse pour anévrisme de l'aorte abdominale. Le travail présenté ici porte plus particulièrement sur la caractérisation osmo-mécanique du système osmotique eau / membrane d'acétate de cellulose / saccharose. Pour cela, un dispositif original de gonflement osmotique de membrane a été conçu et utilisé. Dans les gammes de concentration en saccharose envisagées, il apparaît que la perméabilité de la membrane dépend fortement de son état de déformation, et que cette membrane présente un comportement mécanique essentiellement élasto-plastique, qui a été identifié

    Comparison between the mechanical behavior of the human healthy AA and commercial prostheses under various mechanical loadings

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    International audienceStandard chirurgical treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) involves the placement of tubular synthetic aortic prostheses. Most of these implants are made up of polyester textiles or porous expanded polytetrafluoroethylene. Normalized tests are dedicated to their assessment (ISO7198:1998). However, such experiments are not sufficient to characterize the complete mechanical performance of these implants (Le Magnen et al., 2001) and to ensure their mechanical compatibility with the host artery. Thus, the design of mechanically compatible vascular prostheses still remains a challenge. Within this context, a full comparison of the mechanical behavior of the human healthy abdominal aorta (AA) with commercial prostheses is proposed. An original numerical database on the mechanical behavior of human AA subjected to various mechanical loadings is first built and then compared with experimental data obtained from mechanical tests performed on prostheses

    Patient-specific numerical simulation of stent-graft deployment: Validation on three clinical cases.

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    International audienceEndovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms faces some adverse outcomes, such as kinks or endoleaks related to incomplete stent apposition, which are difficult to predict and which restrain its use although it is less invasive than open surgery. Finite element simulations could help to predict and anticipate possible complications biomechanically induced, thus enhancing practitioners' stent-graft sizing and surgery planning, and giving indications on patient eligibility to endovascular repair. The purpose of this work is therefore to develop a new numerical methodology to predict stent-graft final deployed shapes after surgery. The simulation process was applied on three clinical cases, using preoperative scans to generate patient-specific vessel models. The marketed devices deployed during the surgery, consisting of a main body and one or more iliac limbs or extensions, were modeled and their deployment inside the corresponding patient aneurysm was simulated. The numerical results were compared to the actual deployed geometry of the stent-grafts after surgery that was extracted from postoperative scans. We observed relevant matching between simulated and actual deployed stent-graft geometries, especially for proximal and distal stents outside the aneurysm sac which are particularly important for practitioners. Stent locations along the vessel centerlines in the three simulations were always within a few millimeters to actual stents locations. This good agreement between numerical results and clinical cases makes finite element simulation very promising for preoperative planning of endovascular repair

    Finite Element Analysis of the Mechanical Performances of 8 Marketed Aortic Stent-Grafts

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    International audiencePurpose: To assess numerically the flexibility and mechanical stresses undergone by stents and fabric of currently manufactured stent-grafts. Methods: Eight marketed stent-graft limbs (Aorfix, Anaconda, Endurant, Excluder, Talent, Zenith Flex, Zenith LP, and Zenith Spiral-Z) were modeled using finite element analysis. A numerical benchmark combining bending up to 180° and pressurization at 150 mmHg of the stent-grafts was performed. Stent-graft flexibility, assessed by the calculation of the luminal reduction rate, maximal stresses in stents, and maximal strains in fabric were assessed. Results: The luminal reduction rate at 90° was ‹<20% except for the Talent stent-graft. The rate at 180° was higher for Z-stented models (Talent, Endurant, Zenith, and Zenith LP; range 39%-78%) than spiral (Aorfix, Excluder, and Zenith Spiral-Z) or circular-stented (Anaconda) devices (range 14%-26%). At 180°, maximal stress was higher for Z-stented stent-grafts (range 370-622 MPa) than spiral or circular-stented endografts (range 177-368 MPa). At 90° and 180°, strains in fabric were low and did not differ significantly among the polyester stent-grafts (range 0.5%-7%), while the expanded polytetrafluoroethylene fabric of the Excluder stent-graft underwent higher strains (range 11%-18%). Conclusion: Stent design strongly influences mechanical performances of aortic stentgrafts. Spiral and circular stents provide greater flexibility, as well as lower stress values than Z-stents, and thus better durability

    Rhéologie des Bulk Molding Compounds (BMC) lors de leur injection

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    Dans ce travail, on caractérise expérimentalement et on modélise le comportement rhéologique des BMC lors de leur injection. Pour cela, des BMC élaborés avec trois taux de fibres ont été étudiées. Des échantillons cylindriques BMC ont été déformés en compression simple à vitesses de déformation constantes. Les données de compression ont été corrigées pour tenir compte des frottements moule-échantillons. Les résultats expérimentaux soulignent l'influence de la vitesse de déformation, de l'histoire de chargement, du taux de fibres sur la rhéologie des BMC. Un modèle visco-élastique monodimensionnel simple est proposé pour décrire ces résultats

    A new shape memory porous material made up of a single entangled NiTi wire

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    Avec leur architecture légère et leurs propriétés mécaniques potentiellement exceptionnelles, les matériaux poreux en alliages à mémoire de forme NiTi se positionnent comme des solutions intéressantes pour un large spectre d'applications, e.g. prothèses biomédicales, systèmes absorbeurs de chocs... Aujourd'hui, la plupart de ces matériaux sont produits par frittage de poudres (naturel ou SPS). Cependant, leurs propriétés mécaniques sont bien loin d’être aussi bonnes qu'attendues (peu ou pas de superélasticité ou d’effet mémoire) : ceci est en grande partie dû aux grandes difficultés pour induire des microstructures appropriées lors du frittage. Pour contourner ces problèmes, nous proposons un procédé de fabrication alternatif et original, basé sur l'auto-enchevêtrement d'un fil de NiTi, sans frittage. D’une part, les mésostructures des pelotes ainsi produites, caractérisées par microtomographie RX, sont relativement homogènes ; elles peuvent être architecturées à façon en adaptant les conditions de mise en forme. D’autre part, les propriétés thermomécaniques des pelotes peuvent être pilotées simplement par des traitements thermiques. Ces deux atouts procurent à ces matériaux de grandes possibilités. Par exemples, le comportement superélastique des pelotes en compression simple est excellent et étonnant : il combine (i) très grandes déformations recouvrables en décharge (30 à 40%), (ii) niveaux de contraintes raisonnables (5 à 10 MPa), peu dépendants de la température (0.05MPa/K) et (iii) variations de volume importantes avec des séquences complexes de consolidation et de dilatance. Le comportement ferroélastique est quant à lui très proche de celui des milieux fibreux élastoplastiques, avec un écrouissage notable en charge et une forte déformation rémanente en décharge (de l’ordre de 20%). Enfin, un simple chauffage à charge nulle permet de recouvrir totalement cette déformation par effet mémoire de forme
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