9 research outputs found

    Differential pattern of expression and sugar regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase-encoding genes

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    ADP-glucose pyrophoshorylase (ADP-Glc PPase) catalyzes the first and limiting step in starch biosynthesis. In plants, the enzyme is composed of two types of subunits (small and large) and is allosterically regulated by 3-phosphoglycerate and phosphate. The pattern of expression and sugar regulation of the six Arabidopsis thaliana ADP-Glc PPase-encoding genes (two small subunits, ApS1 and ApS2; and four large subunits, ApL1-ApL4) has been studied. Based on mRNA expression, ApS1 is the main small subunit or catalytic isoform responsible for ADP-Glc PPase activity in all tissues of the plant. Large subunits play a regulatory role, and the data presented define a clear functional distinction among them. ApL1 is the main large subunit in source tissues, whereas ApL3 and, to a lesser extent, ApL4 are the main isoforms present in sink tissues. Thus, in source tissues, ADP-Glc PPase would be finely regulated by the 3-phosphoglycerate/phosphate ratio, whereas in sink tissues, the enzyme would be dependent on the availability of substrates for starch synthesis. Sugar regulation of ADP-Glc PPase genes is restricted to ApL3 and ApL4 in leaves. Sugar induction of ApL3 and ApL4 transcription in leaves allows the establishment of heterotetramers less sensitive to the allosteric effectors, resembling the situation in sink tissues. The results presented on the expression pattern and sugar regulation allow us to propose a gene evolution model for the Arabidopsis ADP-Glc PPase gene family.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología BMC2002-00984, BIO2003-00431Junta de Andalucía CVI-28

    H- ras deletion protects against angiotensin II-induced arterial hypertension and cardiac remodeling through protein kinase G-Ibeta pathway activation

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    15 p.Ras proteins regulate cell survival, growth, differentiation, blood pressure, and fibrosis in some organs.We have demonstrated that H-rasgene deletion produces mice hypotensionviaa soluble guanylate cyclase-proteinkinase G (PKG)–dependent mechanism. In this study, we analyzed the consequences of H-rasdeletiononcardiacremodeling induced by continuous angiotensin II (AngII) infusion and the molecular mechanisms implied. Leftventricular posterior wall thickness and mass and cardiomyocyte cross-sectional area were similar between AngII-treated H-Ras knockout (H-ras2/2) and control wild-type (H-ras+/+) mice, as were extracellular matrix proteinexpression. Increased cardiac PKG-Ibprotein expression in H-ras2/2mice suggests the involvement of this proteinin heart protection.Ex vivoexperiments on cardiac explants could support this mechanism, as PKG blockadeblunted protection against AngII-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis markers in H-ras2/2mice. Geneticmodulation studies in cardiomyocytes and cardiac and embryonic fibroblasts revealed that the lack of H-Ras down-regulates the B-RAF/MEK/ERK pathway, which induces the glycogen synthase kinase-3b-dependent activation ofthe transcription factor, cAMP response element-binding protein, which is responsible for PKG-Iboverexpressionin H-ras2/2mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This study demonstrates that H-rasdeletion protects against AngII-induced cardiac remodeling, possiblyviaa mechanism in which PKG-Iboverexpression could play a partial role, andpoints to H-Ras and/or downstream proteins as potential therapeutic targets in cardiovascular disease.Instituto de Salud Carlos IIIUniversidad de AlcaláFundación SenefroFEDE

    COVID-19 outbreaks in a transmission control scenario: challenges posed by social and leisure activities, and for workers in vulnerable conditions, Spain, early summer 2020

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 community-wide transmission declined in Spain by early May 2020, being replaced by outbreaks and sporadic cases. From mid-June to 2 August, excluding single household outbreaks, 673 outbreaks were notified nationally, 551 active (>6,200 cases) at the time. More than half of these outbreaks and cases coincided with: (i) social (family/friends’ gatherings or leisure venues) and (ii) occupational (mainly involving workers in vulnerable conditions) settings. Control measures were accordingly applied

    Asimilación de nitrato en la leguminosa modelo Lotus japonicus

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    Objetivos. 1. Debido a la poca información existente acerca de la asimilación de nitrato en Lotus japonicus al inicio de esta Tesis, el primer objetivo fue estudiar el crecimiento y la asimilación de nitrato (fundamentalmente niveles de actividad y proteína NR y NiR y acumulación de nitrato) en diferentes fuentes de nitrógeno y condiciones de cultivo. 2. Gracias a la disponibilidad de plantas transgénicas de Lotus japonicus transformadas con el gen de la NR de Lotus japonicus o de espinaca bajo el control de diferentes promotores (promotores constitutivos, específicos de raíces o específicos de tejidos verdes), otro objetivo fue estudiar la actividad y proteína NR en estas plantas, para comprobar si la expresión del transgén producía cambios en la distribución de la asimilación de nitrato entre las hojas y las raíces en Lotus japonicus, aspecto muy importante por ser ésta una planta asimiladora de nitrato en raíces. 3. Otro objetivo de esta Tesis ha sido la clonación del gen de la NiR y el estudio de la expresión de la NiR a nivel de actividad, proteínas y mRNA en diferentes condiciones de cultivo, completando así los estudios de Biología Molecular llevados a cabo para otras enzimas de asimilación de nitrato por otros grupos europeos. 4. Dado que la obtención de mutantes es una herramienta fundamental para el estudio de una ruta metabólica y el hecho de que Lotus japonicus sea una nueva planta modelo, uno de los objetivos más importante de esta Tesis ha sido poner en marcha un programa de mutagénesis, para la búsqueda de mutantes afectados en la asimilación de nitrato. CONCLUSIONES 1. Se ha examinado el crecimiento de Lotus japonicus en diferentes fuentes nitrogenadas, comprobándose que la mayor producción de biomasa tiene lugar cuando se utiliza el nitrato y el amonio simultáneamente como fuente de nitrógeno. El óptimo de crecimiento de Lotus japonicus, cultivada en nitrato potásico como única fuente de nitrógeno, tiene lugar a una concentración entre 4-8 mM, siendo tóxicas concentraciones superiores. 2. Lotus japonicus asimila el nitrato principalmente en raíces, siendo este un hecho característico de las leguminosas de clima templado, pero a diferencia de lo que ocurre en estas plantas, el aumento de la concentración de nitrato en el medio de cultivo no conduce a un desplazamiento de la asimilación de nitrato hacia las hojas. 3. Plantas de Lotus japonicus cultivadas en cajas de Magenta sufren una disminución de la asimilación de nitrato en raíces con el tiempo de cultivo. Esta disminución es independiente de la sal de nitrato utilizada, y no se debe a la ausencia de nitrato en el medio de cultivo o a un aumento en el pH externo. La caída de la asimilación de nitrato en raíces no va acompañada de un aumento de la asimilación de nitrato en hojas. Una situación similar se detecta también en cultivos en semilleros. 4. Tampoco se ha conseguido un cambio sustancial en la distribución de la asimilación de nitrato utilizando plantas transgénicas de Lotus japonicus sobreexpresando la proteína NR en hojas, o en plantas transgénicas que presentan disminuida la actividad NR en raíces. Debe existir, pues, un mecanismo de control global de la asimilación de nitrato en Lotus japonicus que la imposibilita para asimilar una mayor cantidad de nitrato en hojas. 5. Se ha aislado y secuenciado un cDNA de Lotus japonicus que se ha identificado como correspondiente al gen de la nitrito reductasa (Nii), siendo el primero descrito para esta enzima a partir de una genoteca de raíces de plantas y, además, de una planta asimiladora en raíces. La secuencia de aminoácidos de la NiR codificada por este cDNA se encuentra precedida por un péptido señal de 19 aminoácidos. Por comparación de la secuencia de aminoácidos deducida para la NiR de Lotus japonicus con las secuencias de las NiR de diferentes organismos fotosintéticos, se ha comprobado la presencia en dicha secuencia de los cuatro residuos de cisteína implicados en la unión de los grupos prostéticos de la NiR, así como una región en la zona N-terminal rica en aminoácidos positivos que podría interaccionar con la Fd. También ha permitido la construcción de un árbol filogenético, en el que la NiR deducida para Lotus japonicus se encuentra situada dentro del grupo de las leguminosas pero separada de las leguminosas tropicales asimiladoras de nitrato en hojas. Se ha determinado una única copia del gen Nii por genoma haploide en Lotus japonicus. 6. Los estudios de expresión a nivel de actividad, proteína y mRNA de la NiR de Lotus japonicus, han puesto de manifiesto la dependencia de la inducción de la NiR por nitrato, siendo esta a nivel transcripcional, así como la ausencia de fluctuaciones a lo largo del fotoperiodo tanto en raíces como en hojas. Los niveles de mRNA para la NiR también están sometidos a un control por la limitación de espacio para el crecimiento de la raíz. 7. Se ha llevado a cabo un programa de mutagenesis in vivo de semillas de Lotus japonicus que ha revelado que el agente mutagénico químico EMS es más eficaz que la irradiación ionizante γ. Las semillas mutagenizadas se han utilizado para aislar mutantes afectados en la asimilación de nitrato en Lotus japonicus, utilizando como método de selección la resistencia a clorato. Con este propósito se ha estudiado la toxicidad a clorato en esta planta encontrándose que el clorato per se no es capaz de inducir la actividad NR de Lotus japonicus. Por este motivo es necesario la presencia de nitrato en el medio de selección, debiendo ser la relación molar nitrato:clorato inferior a 5:1 si se quiere evitar la protección del nitrato frente a los efectos tóxicos del clorato. Además, se ha determinado que la concentración de clorato no puede ser mayor de 3 mM, si se quieren germinar las plantas directamente en el medio de selección. Con este método se han podido aislar en Lotus japonicus dos mutantes resistentes a clorato (clor1 y clor2), que heredan el carácter mutante en el 100% de la progenie, si bien la resistencia es tan solo parcial, siendo las plantas sensibles a altas concentraciones de clorato, aunque mucho menos que la estirpe silvestre. Estos mutantes no presentan alterados los niveles de actividad NR ni del nitrato acumulado, por lo que pueden estar afectados en algunos de los sistemas bifuncionales de transporte de clorato/nitrato de baja afinidad. 8. Se han podido aislar también en Lotus japonicus tres mutantes fotorrespiratorios de GS (pr1, pr2 y pr3) afectados específicamente en la isoforma plastídica, siendo Lotus japonicus la segunda especie vegetal y primera leguminosa donde se logran este tipo de mutantes. Aunque no se detecta actividad enzimática alguna asociada a la isoforma plastídica, el mutante pr1 presenta bajos niveles del polipéptido correspondiente a la isoforma plastídica y el mutante pr2 niveles indetectables. Este hecho, junto con los estudios genéticos realizados apuntan a que dichos mutantes están originados por diferentes mutaciones. La disminución de la cantidad de subunidad plastídica tiene lugar tanto en hojas como en raíces, lo que apoya la existencia de un solo gen que codifica para la GS plastídica en esta planta, y que la GS plastídica no es esencial para este proceso. 9. La transferencia de los mutantes pr1 y pr2 desde una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 (condición no fotorrespiratoria) a aire (condición fotorrespiratoria) produce un aumento de 50 veces de contenido de amonio intracelular en hojas, corroborando el papel de la isoforma plastídica en la reasimilación del amonio que se libera por fotorrespiración. El buen crecimiento de los mutantes fotorrespiratorios de Lotus japonicus en alto CO2 y en presencia de nitrato, junto con el hecho de que los niveles de actividad total GS en raíces del mutante pr1 y el silvestre sean similares, indica la participación mayoritaria de la GS citosólica en la asimilación primaria del nitrógeno en esta planta, y que la GS plastídica no es esencial para este proceso. 10. Las actividades GS, NR y NiR no se afectan en las transiciones de alto CO2 a aire, ni en el organismo silvestre ni en el mutante pr1, indicando que el cambio metabólico producido por la ausencia de la reasimilación del amonio, ni el amonio fotorrespiratorio per se, influyen en dichas enzimas. 11. El perfil de elución de las isoformas de GS en una cromatografía de intercambio iónico para extracto crudos de Lotus japonicus es característico de esta planta y diferente del descrito para la inmensa mayoría de las especies vegetales estudiadas, en que primero eluye la isoforma plastídica y después la citosólica. Por este motivo, es recomendable no utilizar la terminología GS1 y GS2 para referirse a las isoformas citosólica y plastídica, respectivamente. También sería preciso revisar aquellos estudios sobre las proporciones de ambas isoformas basados exclusivamente en esta técnica

    Gender and the #MeToo effect in Spanish professional football organizations: an exploratory qualitative approach

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of the #MeToo movement in the work environment of professional football organizations in Spain. It also explores the current situation of the professional career of women working in this industry to know if the opportunities are equal for men and women to reach management or executive positions. Design/methodology/approach From a gender approach and considering gender as a social structure (Risman, 2004), the authors are going to analyse men and women’s professional careers in football organizations from a three-dimensional gender perspective (individual, interactional and institutional). The objective is twofold: to know the effect of the #MeToo movement in these organizations; and also to know the opinion of both men and women of these organizations concerning gender influence for women’s career progression. The methodology implemented in this investigation is qualitative; 24 in-depth interviews (12 men and 12 women) have been carried out with professionals from different executive positions in both football clubs and organizations. Findings The gender approach improves current knowledge about women’s roles in the football industry. The exploratory analysis of the results shows that although the #MeToo phenomenon is relatively known it has had an indirect impact in Spanish football, where its consequences have not been as visible as in other sectors. Originality/value The paper provides an exploratory approach by analysing the effects of the #MeToo movement in the football sector, an area where almost no previous research has been done. Also, it presents the main factors that influence women’s professional careers in this sector and the significance of the recent #MeToo phenomenon in the football industry

    Adaptation and validation of the Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire to the paediatric context

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    Objective: To create and test psychometrically a paediatric version of the Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire to assess paediatric critical care nurses' intention to use physical restraint. Design: A psychometric study. Setting: Five medical-surgical Paeditric Intensive care Units from five hospitals in Spain. Methods: The study took place in three phases. In phase 1, the questionnaire was adapted. In phase 2, the content validity of each item was determined, and a pilot test was conducted. In phase 3, we administered the questionnaire and determined its psychometric properties. Results: The assessment of the intention to use physical restraint was extended to all critical paediatric patients, two items were eliminated from the initial questionnaire, four new items were included, and the clinical scenarios of the intention subscale were expanded from three to six. Overall content validity index for the full instrument of 0.96 out of 1. The Paediatric Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire is made up of four subscales (attitude, subjective norms (SN), perceived behavioural control (PBC), and intention) subdivided into 7 factors and 51 items. The internal consistency for the attitude subscale obtained a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.80 to 0.73, for the SN it was 0.72 to 0.89, for the PBC it was from 0.80 to 0.73 and for the intention subscale it was 0.75. Conclusions: The Paediatric Physical Restraint-Theory of Planned Behaviour Questionnaire is an instrument composed of seven factors and 51 items that validly and reliably assesses the intention of paediatric nurses to apply PR in PICUs. Relevance for clinical practice: Having this instrument will help health centres move towards restraint-free care by allowing managers to assess professionals' attitudes, beliefs, and intentions around the use of PR in PICUs.S

    Adherence to the mediterranean lifestyle and desired body weight loss in a mediterranean adult population with overweight: a PREDIMED-Plus Study

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    Background: Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the association between the adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle (diet and exercise) and the desired body weight loss in an adult Mediterranean population with overweight. Methods: Cross-sectional analysis in 6355 participants (3268 men; 3087 women) with metabolic syndrome and BMI (Body mass index) between 27.0 and 40.0 kg/m2 (55-75 years old) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Desired weight loss was the percentage of weight that participants wished to lose. It was categorized into four cut-offs of this percentage (Q1: <10%, n = 1495; Q2: 10-15%, n = 1804; Q3: <15-20%, n = 1470; Q4: ≥20%, n = 1589). Diet was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire and a 17-item Mediterranean diet questionnaire. Physical activity was assessed by the validated Minnesota-REGICOR and the validated Spanish version of the Nurses' Health Study questionnaire. Results: Participants reporting higher percentages of desired weight loss (Q3 and Q4) were younger, had higher real and perceived BMI and were more likely to have abdominal obesity. Desired weight loss correlated inversely to physical activity (Q1: 2106 MET min/week; Q4: 1585 MET min/week. p < 0.001) and adherence to Mediterranean diet (Q1: 8.7; Q4: 8.3. p < 0.001). Conclusions: In older Mediterranean individuals with weight excess, desired weight loss was inversely associated with Mediterranean lifestyle adherence. Deeply rooted aspects of the MedDiet remained similar across groups. Longitudinal research is advised to be able to establish causality.The PREDIMED-Plus trial was supported by the official funding agency for biomedical research of the Spanish government, ISCIII, through the Fondo de Investigación para la Salud (FIS), which is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (five coordinated FIS projects led by J.S.-S. and J.Vidal, including the following projects: PI13/00673, PI13/00492, PI13/00272, PI13/01123, PI13/00462, PI13/00233, PI13/02184, PI13/00728, PI13/01090, PI13/01056, PI14/01722, PI14/00636, PI14/00618, PI14/00696, PI14/01206, PI14/01919, PI14/00853, PI14/01374, PI14/00972, PI14/00728, PI14/01471, PI16/00473, PI16/00662, PI16/01873, PI16/01094, PI16/00501, PI16/00533, PI16/00381, PI16/00366, PI16/01522, PI16/01120, PI17/00764, PI17/01183, PI17/00855, PI17/01347, PI17/00525, PI17/01827, PI17/00532, PI17/00215, PI17/01441, PI17/00508, PI17/01732, PI17/00926, PI19/00957, PI19/00386, PI19/00309, PI19/01032, PI19/00576, PI19/00017, PI19/01226, PI19/00781, PI19/01560, and PI19/01332, the Especial Action Project entitled: Implementación y evaluación de una intervención intensiva sobre la actividad física Cohorte PREDIMED-Plus grant to J.S.-S., the European Research Council (Advanced Research Grant 2013–2018, 340918) to Miguel Ángel Martínez-González, the Recercaixa Grant to J.S.-S. (2013ACUP00194), Grants from the Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía (PI0458/2013, PS0358/2016, and PI0137/2018), a Grant from the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2017/017), a SEMERGEN Grant, EU-COST Action CA16112, a Grant of support to research groups no. 35/2011 from the Balearic Islands Government, Grants from Balearic Islands Health Research Institute (IDISBA), funds from the European Regional Development Fund (CIBEROBN CB06/03 and CB12/03) and from the European Commission (EAT2BENICE_H2020_SFS2016). M. Rosa Bernal-López was supported by “Miguel Servet Type I” program (CP15/00028) from the ISCIII-Madrid (Spain), cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund. Jordi Salas-Salvadó is partially supported by ICREA under the ICREA Academia programme. Cristina Bouzas received a Fernando Tarongí Bauzà PhD Grant. I.M Gimenez-Alba received a grant FPU from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Univesities (reference FPU 18/01703). The funding sponsors had no role in the design of the study, in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of the data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Lifestyle and Desired Body Weight Loss in a Mediterranean Adult Population with Overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study

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    Background. Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle (diet and exercise) and the desired body weight loss in an adult Mediterranean population with overweight. Methods. Cross-sectional analysis in 6355 participants (3268 men; 3087 women) with metabolic syndrome and BMI (Body mass index) between 27.0 and 40.0 kg/m2 (55–75 years old) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Desired weight loss was the percentage of weight that participants wished to lose. It was categorized into four cut-offs of this percentage (Q1: <10%, n = 1495; Q2: 10–15%, n = 1804; Q3: <15–20%, n = 1470; Q4: ≥20%, n = 1589)

    Adherence to the Mediterranean Lifestyle and Desired Body Weight Loss in a Mediterranean Adult Population with Overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study

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    Background. Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the adherence to the Mediterranean lifestyle (diet and exercise) and the desired body weight loss in an adult Mediterranean population with overweight. Methods. Cross-sectional analysis in 6355 participants (3268 men; 3087 women) with metabolic syndrome and BMI (Body mass index) between 27.0 and 40.0 kg/m2 (55–75 years old) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. Desired weight loss was the percentage of weight that participants wished to lose. It was categorized into four cut-offs of this percentage (Q1: <10%, n = 1495; Q2: 10–15%, n = 1804; Q3: <15–20%, n = 1470; Q4: ≥20%, n = 1589)