294 research outputs found

    Restoration Churches and Movements in Europe: Great Challenges and New Opportunity

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    Le mal et l\u27existence de Dieu - Evil and the existence of God

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    French Abstract: Quelle rĂ©ponse donner au problĂšme du mal? Les diffĂ©rentes sources du mal. Un monde planifiĂ© et Dieu vu comme le gendarme suprĂȘme. English Abstract: How can we respond to the problem of evil? The different sources of evil. A planned out world and God seen as the supreme policeman

    Le paradis perdu de John Milton - Paradise lost by John Milton

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    French Abstract: Introduction au Paradis perdu de John Milton. English Abstract: Introduction to Paradise Lost by John Milton

    Le pharaon de l\u27exode - The pharaoh of the Exodus

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    French Abstract: Akheperoure Amenophis II est-il le pharaon de l\u27exode? English Abstract: Was Akheperoure Amenophis II the pharaoh of the Exodus

    Bien cher Don - Dear Don

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    French Abstract: Hommage Ă  Don Daugherty English Abstract: Homage to Don Daughert

    Front Content

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    Question des lecteurs sur le nom Yahweh - Questions of readers on the name Yahweh

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    French Abstract: Question sur le nom Yahweh English Abstract: Question on the name Yahwe

    Editorial : Quelle Eglise faut-il joindre? - Editorial : Quelle Eglise faut-il joindre?

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    French Abstract: Que signifie la question Quelle Eglise est-ce que je dois joindre? et quelle est la réponse biblique a cette question. English Abstract: What do we mean by the question Which Church should one join? and what is the biblical response to this question

    La foi en un Dieu incompetent - Faith in an incompetent God

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    French Abstract: Nous rencontrons plus de gens qui s\u27intéressent l\u27idée de Dieu, mais il s\u27agit bien souvent d\u27un Dieu qui demeure simplement une idée. English Abstract: We find more people interested in the idea of God but this God often merely remains an idea
