45 research outputs found

    Molecular and cellular insights into defects of human alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase variants associated with Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I

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    L\u2019 Iperossaluria primaria di tipo I (PH1) \ue8 una malattia genetica rara a trasmissione autosomica recessiva caratterizzata dalla deposizione di sali insolubili di ossalato di calcio dapprima nei reni, nel tratto urinario e successivamente, in assenza di trattamenti appropriati, in tutto il corpo. La PH1 \ue8 causata dall\u2019assenza di alanina:gliossilato aminotransferasi (AGT), un\u2019 enzima epatico perossisomale dipendente dal piridossal 5\u2019-fosfato (PLP), che converte il gliossilato in glicina prevenendo la sua ossidazione ad ossalato e la formazione dei cristalli di ossalato di calcio. Ad oggi sono disponibili solo due approcci curativi per il trattamento della PH1: la somministrazione di piridossina, il precursore del PLP, che \ue8 efficace solo ne 10-30% dei pazienti, e il trapianto di fegato, una procedura molto invasiva. L\u2019AGT \ue8 codificata dal gene AGXT di cui esistono due varianti polimorfiche: l\u2019allele maggiore (AGT-Ma) e l\u2019allele minore (AGT-Mi). Fino ad oggi sono state identificate pi\uf9 di 150 mutazioni patogeniche e sono stati eseguiti diversi studi al fine di cercare di chiarificare le correlazioni genotipo/fenotipo. Ciononostante i meccanismi attraverso i quali ogni mutazione porta alla carenza di AGT a livello proteico sono poco conosciuti. Per questo motivo \ue8 stata eseguita una comparazione in termini di attivit\ue0 catalitica, legame del coenzima, caratteristiche spettroscopiche, stato di oligomerizzazione e stabilit\ue0 termica sia della forma apo che di quella oloenzimatica, tra l\u2019AGT normale e nove varianti patogeniche nella loro forma ricombinante purificata. Inoltre \ue8 stato intrapreso uno studio approfondito sulle propriet\ue0 strutturarli della variante S187F-Ma e sulle propriet\ue0 molecolari e cellulari delle varianti della Gly161. I dati ottenuti hanno permesso di (i) capire l\u2019impatto funzionale e/o strutturale di ogni mutazione sulla proteina, (ii) di rivalutare dati precedenti ottenuti su lisati cellulari, e (iii) di suggerire quale possa essere la terapia migliore, tra quelle disponibili, e di proporre nuove strategie terapeutiche per pazienti recanti le mutazioni analizzate.Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by the deposition of insoluble calcium oxalate crystals at first in the kidneys and urinary tract and then, in the absence of appropriate treatments, in the whole body. PH1 is caused by the deficiency of human liver specific peroxisomal enzyme alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT). AGT is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, which converts glyoxylate to glycine, thus preventing glyoxylate oxidation to oxalate and calcium oxalate formation. Only two curative therapeutic approaches are currently available for PH1: the administration of pyridoxine, a precursor of PLP, which is only effective in a minority of patients (10-30%), and liver transplantation, a very invasive procedure. AGT is encoded by the gene AGXT for which two main polymorphisms can be found: the major allele (AGT-Ma) and the minor allele (AGT-Mi). Up to now, more than 150 mutations have been identified that lead to PH1 and several studies have tried to clarify the genotype/phenotype correlations. However, the mechanisms by which each mutation causes AGT deficiency at the protein level are still poorly understood. Therefore, we performed a side-by-side comparison between normal AGT and nine purified pathogenic variants in terms of catalytic activity, coenzyme binding mode and affinity, spectroscopic features, oligomerization and thermal stability of both the holo- and apo-form. Moreover a detailed analysis of the structural properties of the S187F-Ma variant and of the molecular and cellular properties of Gly161 variants has been undertaken. Altogether, the data obtained has allowed us (i) to provide evidence for the structural and/or functional effects caused by each mutation on the protein, (ii) to reassess previous data obtained with crude cellular extracts, and (iii) to indicate a suitable therapy among those already available, and to suggest new treatments strategies for patients bearing the mutations analysed

    Caenorhabditis elegans AGXT-1 is a mitochondrial and temperature-adapted ortholog of peroxisomal human AGT1: New insights into between-species divergence in glyoxylate metabolism

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    In humans, glyoxylate is an intermediary product of metabolism, whose concentration is finely balanced. Mutations in peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (hAGT1) cause primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1), which results in glyoxylate accumulation that is converted to toxic oxalate. In contrast, glyoxylate is used by the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans through a glyoxylate cycle to by-pass the decarboxylation steps of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and thus contributing to energy production and gluconeogenesis from stored lipids. To investigate the differences in glyoxylate metabolism between humans and C. elegans and to determine whether the nematode might be a suitable model for PH1, we have characterized here the predicted nematode ortholog of hAGT1 (AGXT-1) and compared its molecular properties with those of the human enzyme. Both enzymes form active PLP-dependent dimers with high specificity towards alanine and glyoxylate, and display similar three-dimensional structures. Interestingly, AGXT-1 shows 5-fold higher activity towards the alanine/glyoxylate pair than hAGT1. Thermal and chemical stability of AGXT-1 is lower than that of hAGT1, suggesting temperature-adaptation of the nematode enzyme linked to the lower optimal growth temperature of C. elegans. Remarkably, in vivo experiments demonstrate the mitochondrial localization of AGXT-1 in contrast to the peroxisomal compartmentalization of hAGT1. Our results support the view that the different glyoxylate metabolism in the nematode is associated with the divergent molecular properties and subcellular localization of the alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase activity.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CSD2009-00088, BIO2012-34937 and SAF2011-23933), the Junta de Andalucia (P11-CTS-7187), and the Oxalosis and Hyperoxaluria Foundation (OHF2012 to B.C.). A.L.P. acknowledges a Ramon y Cajal research contract (RyC2009-04147) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the University of Granada. N. M-T acknowledges a FPI predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. A.C.C. and N.T. were supported by the grant IOS-1353845 from the National Science Foundation (NSF). N.T. acknowledges the Tetelman Fellowship for International Research on the Sciences awarded by Yale University.Peer Reviewe

    Mutant p53 proteins counteract autophagic mechanism sensitizing cancer cells to mTOR inhibition

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    Mutations in TP53 gene play a pivotal role in tumorigenesis and cancer development. Here, we report that gain-of-function mutant p53 proteins inhibit the autophagic pathway favoring antiapoptotic effects as well as proliferation of pancreas and breast cancer cells. We found that mutant p53 significantly counteracts the formation of autophagic vesicles and their fusion with lysosomes throughout the repression of some key autophagy-related proteins and enzymes as BECN1 (and P-BECN1), DRAM1, ATG12, SESN1/2 and P-AMPK with the concomitant stimulation of mTOR signaling. As a paradigm of this mechanism, we show that atg12 gene repression was mediated by the recruitment of the p50 NF-\u3baB/mutant p53 protein complex onto the atg12 promoter. Either mutant p53 or p50 NF-\u3baB depletion downregulates atg12 gene expression. We further correlated the low expression levels of autophagic genes (atg12, becn1, sesn1, and dram1) with a reduced relapse free survival (RFS) and distant metastasis free survival (DMFS) of breast cancer patients carrying TP53 gene mutations conferring a prognostic value to this mutant p53-and autophagy-related signature. Interestingly, the mutant p53-driven mTOR stimulation sensitized cancer cells to the treatment with the mTOR inhibitor everolimus. All these results reveal a novel mechanism through which mutant p53 proteins promote cancer cell proliferation with the concomitant inhibition of autophagy

    Dimerization drives proper folding of human alanine : glyoxylate aminotransferase but is dispensable for peroxisomal targeting

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    Peroxisomal matrix proteins are transported into peroxisomes in a fully-folded state, but whether multimeric proteins are imported as monomers or oligomers is still disputed. Here, we used alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT), a homodimeric pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme, whose deficit causes primary hyperoxaluria type I (PH1), as a model protein and compared the intracellular behavior and peroxisomal import of native dimeric and artificial monomeric forms. Monomerization strongly reduces AGT intracellular stability and increases its aggregation/degradation propensity. In addition, monomers are partly retained in the cytosol. To assess possible differences in import kinetics, we engineered AGT to allow binding of a membrane-permeable dye and followed its intracellular trafficking without interfering with its biochemical properties. By fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, we measured the import rate in live cells. Dimeric and monomeric AGT displayed a similar import rate, suggesting that the oligomeric state per se does not influence import kinetics. However, when dimerization is compromised, monomers are prone to misfolding events that can prevent peroxisomal import, a finding crucial to predicting the consequences of PH1-causing mutations that destabilize the dimer. Treatment with pyridoxine of cells expressing monomeric AGT promotes dimerization and folding, thus, demonstrating the chaperone role of PLP. Our data support a model in which dimerization represents a potential key checkpoint in the cytosol at the crossroad between misfolding and correct targeting, a possible general mechanism for other oligomeric peroxisomal proteins

    Infected pancreatic necrosis: outcomes and clinical predictors of mortality. A post hoc analysis of the MANCTRA-1 international study

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    : The identification of high-risk patients in the early stages of infected pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is critical, because it could help the clinicians to adopt more effective management strategies. We conducted a post hoc analysis of the MANCTRA-1 international study to assess the association between clinical risk factors and mortality among adult patients with IPN. Univariable and multivariable logistic regression models were used to identify prognostic factors of mortality. We identified 247 consecutive patients with IPN hospitalised between January 2019 and December 2020. History of uncontrolled arterial hypertension (p = 0.032; 95% CI 1.135-15.882; aOR 4.245), qSOFA (p = 0.005; 95% CI 1.359-5.879; aOR 2.828), renal failure (p = 0.022; 95% CI 1.138-5.442; aOR 2.489), and haemodynamic failure (p = 0.018; 95% CI 1.184-5.978; aOR 2.661), were identified as independent predictors of mortality in IPN patients. Cholangitis (p = 0.003; 95% CI 1.598-9.930; aOR 3.983), abdominal compartment syndrome (p = 0.032; 95% CI 1.090-6.967; aOR 2.735), and gastrointestinal/intra-abdominal bleeding (p = 0.009; 95% CI 1.286-5.712; aOR 2.710) were independently associated with the risk of mortality. Upfront open surgical necrosectomy was strongly associated with the risk of mortality (p < 0.001; 95% CI 1.912-7.442; aOR 3.772), whereas endoscopic drainage of pancreatic necrosis (p = 0.018; 95% CI 0.138-0.834; aOR 0.339) and enteral nutrition (p = 0.003; 95% CI 0.143-0.716; aOR 0.320) were found as protective factors. Organ failure, acute cholangitis, and upfront open surgical necrosectomy were the most significant predictors of mortality. Our study confirmed that, even in a subgroup of particularly ill patients such as those with IPN, upfront open surgery should be avoided as much as possible. Study protocol registered in ClinicalTrials.Gov (I.D. Number NCT04747990)

    Liver peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase and the effects of mutations associated with Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I: An overview.

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    Liver peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT) (EC catalyses the conversion of l-alanine and glyoxylate to pyruvate and glycine, a reaction that allows glyoxylate detoxification. Inherited mutations on the AGXT gene encoding AGT lead to Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I (PH1), a rare disorder characterized by the deposition of calcium oxalate crystals primarily in the urinary tract. Here we describe the results obtained on the biochemical features of AGT as well as on the molecular and cellular effects of polymorphic and pathogenic mutations. A complex scenario on the molecular pathogenesis of PH1 emerges in which the co-inheritance of polymorphic changes and the condition of homozygosis or compound heterozygosis are two important factors that determine the enzymatic phenotype of PH1 patients. All the reported data represent relevant steps toward the understanding of genotype/phenotype correlations, the prediction of the response of the patients to the available therapies, and the development of new therapeutic approaches. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Cofactor-dependent proteins: evolution, chemical diversity and bio-applications

    Natural and unnatural compounds rescue folding defects of human alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase leading to Primary Hyperoxaluria Type I

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    The functional deficit of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT) in human hepatocytes leads to a rare recessive disorder named primary hyperoxaluria type I (PH1). PH1 is characterized by the progressive accumulation and deposition of calcium oxalate stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, leading to a life-threatening and potentially fatal condition. In the last decades, substantial progresses in the clarification of the molecular pathogenesis of the disease have been made. They resulted in the understanding that many mutations cause AGT deficiency by affecting the folding pathway of the protein leading to a reduced expression level, an increased aggregation propensity, and/or an aberrant mitochondrial localization. Thus, PH1 can be considered a misfolding disease and possibly treated by approaches aimed at counteracting the conformational defects of the variants. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the development of new strategies to identify molecules able to rescue AGT folding and trafficking either by acting as pharmacological chaperones or by preventing the mistargeting of the protein

    Biochemical and computational approaches to improve the clinical treatment of Dopa decarboxylase-related diseases: an overview

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    Dopa decarboxylase (DDC) is a pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that by catalyzing the decarboxylation of L-Dopa and L-5-hydroxytryptophan produces the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. The functional properties of pig kidney and human DDC enzymes have been extensively characterized, and the crystal structure of the enzyme in the holo- and apo-forms has been elucidated. DDC is a clinically relevant enzyme since it is involved in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and in aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AADC) deficiency. PD, a chronic progressive neurological disorder characterized by tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity and postural instability, results from the degeneration of dopamine-producing cells in the substantia nigra of the brain. On the other hand, AADC deficiency is a rare debilitating recessive genetic disorder due to mutations in AADC gene leading to the inability to synthesize dopamine and serotonin. Development delay, abnormal movements, oculogyric crises and vegetative symptoms characterize this severe neurometabolic disease. This article is an up to date review of the therapies currently used in the treatment of PD and AADC deficiency as well as of the recent findings that, on one hand provide precious guidelines for the drug development process necessary to PD therapy, and, on the other, suggest an aimed therapeutic approach based on the elucidation of the molecular defects of each variant associated with AADC deficiency

    Human liver peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase: Different stability under chemical stress of the major allele, the minor allele, and its pathogenic G170R variant.

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    The sensitivity to denaturant stress of the major (AGT-Ma) and the minor (AGT-Mi) allele of alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase and P11L mutant has been examined by studying their urea-induced equilibrium unfolding processes with various spectroscopic and analytical techniques. AGT-Ma loses pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) and unfolds completely without exposing significant hydrophobic clusters through a two-state model (C(m) 3c 6.9 M urea). Instead, the unfolding of AGT-Mi and P11L variant proceeds in two steps. The first transition (C(m) 3c 4.6 M urea) involves PLP release, dimer dissociation and exposure of hydrophobic patches leading to a self-associated intermediate which is converted to an unfolded monomer in the second step. The unfolding pathways of apoAGT-Mi and apoP11L are similar to each other, but different from that of apoAGT-Ma. Notably, the monomerization step in apoAGT-Mi and apoP11L occurs with a C(m) value ( 3c1.6 M urea) lower than in apoAGT-Ma ( 3c2.4 M urea). These data indicate that Pro11 is relevant for the stability of both the dimeric structure and the PLP binding site of AGT. Moreover, to understand the pathogenic consequences of G170R mutation on AGT-Mi at the protein level, G170R-Mi has been characterized. HoloG170R-Mi exhibits spectroscopic and catalytic features and urea unfolding profiles comparable to those of AGT-Mi, while the apo form monomerizes with a C(m) of 3c1.1 M urea. These biochemical results are discussed in the light of the characteristics of the enzymatic phenotype of PH1 patients bearing G170R mutation in AGT-Mi and the positive response of these patients to pyridoxine treatment