263 research outputs found

    Do personality traits predict post-traumatic stress?: a prospective study in civilians experiencing air attacks

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    A Diachronic Index and Glossary to What Is Justice? Collected Essays by Hans Kelsen

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    "What is Justice?" is a compilation of essays by Hans Kelsen that deal with problems of justice and their relationship to law, philosophy, and science. The broad scope and applicability of "What is Justice?" makes it a valuable source for research and writing across jurisdictions and in almost any area of law. Access to the English translation of "What is Justice?" is challenging because the book has no index. This present Index aims to provide scholars with a way in to Kelsen's work. Kelsen's tightly packed generalisations and conceptual arguments, which are intended to apply generally to all laws and legal systems, are not accessible to all readers. The Index attempts to present Kelsen's theories in a manner that enables readers to apply them to any area of law and to take full advantage of Kelsen's wisdom. The authors call their work an "index" because it most closely resembles that literary form. However, the work and its companion, "A Diachronic Index and Glossary to [Kelsen's] Pure Theory of Law?" attempt much more. Each has features of a concordance, and each finds conceptual links between Kelsen's insight and legal institutions and reasoning in areas of law that he never considered. A paper that uses the Indexes to examine such links is John Prebble, "Kelsen, the Principle of Exclusion of Contradictions, and General Anti-Avoidance Rules in Tax Law."Series: WU International Taxation Research Paper Serie

    Facial asymmetry and midsagittal plane definition in 3D: A bias-free, automated method.

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    Symmetry is a fundamental biological concept in all living organisms. It is related to a variety of physical and social traits ranging from genetic background integrity and developmental stability to the perception of physical appearance. Within this context, the study of human facial asymmetry carries a unique significance. Here, we validated an efficient method to assess 3D facial surface symmetry by best-fit approximating the original surface to its mirrored one. Following this step, the midsagittal plane of the face was automatically defined at the midpoints of the contralateral corresponding vertices of the superimposed models and colour coded distance maps were constructed. The method was tested by two operators using facial models of different surface size. The results show that the midsagittal plane definition was highly reproducible (maximum error < 0.1 mm or°) and remained robust for different extents of the facial surface model. The symmetry assessments were valid (differences between corresponding bilateral measurement areas < 0.1 mm), highly reproducible (error < 0.01 mm), and were modified by the extent of the initial surface model. The present landmark-free, automated method to assess facial asymmetry and define the midsagittal plane of the face is accurate, objective, easily applicable, comprehensible and cost effective

    DiversitĂ€t und Gender im DaZ-Unterricht fĂŒr erwachsene Migrant*innen

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden anhand von in der Schweiz entwickelten Unterrichtsmaterialien Erfahrungen und Überlegungen zur Förderung von DiversitĂ€t, GendersensibilitĂ€t und (inter)kulturellem Lernen im DaZ-Unterricht fĂŒr erwachsene Migrant*innen diskutiert. Das Erziehungsdepartement des Kantons Basel-Stadt entschied sich im Kontext der deutschsprachigen Schweiz ein Projekt mit dem Titel DiversitĂ€t und Gender im Zweitsprachenunterricht zu lancieren. Ziel des Projekts war die Entwicklung von Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Thema DiversitĂ€t und Gender, welche die aktive Auseinandersetzung von Fremd- und Zweitsprachenlernenden (A1–B1) mit der Thematik fördern. Die Materialien wurden in verschiedenen Sprachkursen erprobt und in Train-the-Trainers-Workshops disseminiert. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Thematik sollte zu einer Sensibilisierung der Kursteilnehmer*innen fĂŒr den Stellenwert von DiversitĂ€t in der Aufnahmegesellschaft sowie zu einem reflektierten Umgang mit gesellschaftlichen Vorstellungen von Frauen und MĂ€nnern beitragen. Wie DiversitĂ€t und Gender verstanden werden sowie die Verbindung der Begriffe mit (inter)kulturellem Lernen im Kontext des Fremd- und Zweitsprachenunterrichts, wird im Folgenden dargestellt. Anschließend werden das didaktische Konzept und die Materialien prĂ€sentiert und diskutiert


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    Background: Comorbidity of anxiety and depression (both current and lifetime) is associated with greater chronicity and an increased risk of suicidality. We wished to ascertain which symptom clusters had the strongest association with suicidality. Our aims were (1) to examine the presence of current comorbidity and suicidality in patients diagnosed with panic disorder/agoraphobia (PD/A) and major depression (MD), and their relationship with duration of psychiatric treatment and frequency of hospital admission; and (2) to examine which coexisting symptoms were most strongly predictive of suicidality in sub-groups and the overall group. Subjects and methods: The study sample comprised 100 patients with PD/A and MD. The following assessment instruments were applied: the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, the Beck Depression Inventory-II, the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation, the Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised, the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale and the Whiteley Index of Hypochondriasis. Results: High rates of current comorbidity were seen in both groups. Patients with MD had significantly higher suicidality scores, but were also older, with a longer duration of psychiatric treatment and more frequent hospitalizations. In the overall group, psychiatric comorbidity was correlated with duration of psychiatric treatment and frequency of hospitalizations (with the exception of hypochondriasis which was not correlated with frequency of hospitalization). In both sub-groups and the overall group, suicidality was correlated with scores for all examined comorbidity (with the exception of hypochondriasis in the PD/A group): however, after multiple regression only obsessive-compulsive symptomatology predicted suicidality in all sub-groups and the overall group, as well as depression in the overall group. Depression supposed as dependent variable and obsessive-compulsive symptomatology as a mediator explained around 37% of the variance in suicidal ideation. Conclusion: Patients with PD/A or MD show high rates of current comorbidity. The effect of depression on suicidality was significant, but a non-trivial impact was also mediated by obsessive-compulsive symptomatology

    Application of ultrasound as clean technology for extraction of specialized metabolites from stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.)

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    Nettle is a highly valued medicinal plant that is still largely neglected, both in terms of nutrition and use for pharmacological purposes. Tinctures, i.e., alcoholic extracts, are becoming increasingly popular nettle products, mainly because they allow better availability of phytochemicals and their stability over a longer period of time. The production of alcoholic extracts is a chemically demanding process that is still usually carried out using conventional techniques, which have numerous drawbacks. The use of green technologies such as ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), which is characterized by high efficiency of phytochemical extraction, shorter treatment time, and a much lower environmental footprint, is a suitable and sustainable solution. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the influence of the extraction method, conventional and ultrasound (by varying two ultrasound equipment systems), time and ethanol concentration on the extraction of specialized metabolites from nettle powder. Ultrasonic extraction using a probe system significantly contributed to increase the ascorbic acid yield, polyphenolic compounds, and antioxidant capacity of nettle extracts compared to conventional extraction. In addition, when a probe system was used during UAE, significantly less time was required for isolation of individual specialized metabolites compared to ultrasonic extraction in the bath. Ethanol concentration (50 and 80% v/v) also proved to be an important factor in the efficiency of extraction of specialized metabolites, with 80% ethanol being more effective for the isolation of ascorbic acid and pigment compounds (chlorophyll and carotenoids), while 50% v/v for the extraction of polyphenolic compounds. It can be concluded that extraction with the ultrasonic probe system is much more efficient in obtaining higher yields of specialized metabolites from nettle powder in a shorter time (average process duration 5-10 min) both compared to UAE in the bath and classical extraction. However, optimization of the key factors of time, solvent type, and ultrasonic power is necessary to maintain the nutritional quality of the nettle extract in order to obtain a final product with a high specialized metabolites content, antioxidant capacity, and functional value. The future application of alcoholic nettle extracts is based on the fact that these products have significant potential as functional foods and pharmacological preparations for the treatment of a number of but also to strengthen the immune system, mainly due to the rich nutritional composition and high content of various specialized metabolites. The prepared extracts can be safely taken orally by diluting the tinctures with water immediately before ingestion

    Literacy in vocational education and training : scenario-based reading and writing education

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Many students in vocational education and training (VET) have difficulties with reading and writing. To date, there is little research on whether and how the development of VET students’ writing skills may benefit from teaching approaches that integrate reading and writing. This study reports results from a semester-long intervention study conducted in Switzerland in 2018/19 (N = 285) in which we investigated the impact of a scenario-based integration of reading-to-write-tasks on the development of VET students’ text quality. In the approach, problem-solving processes are set in motion by scenarios representing real- or work-life situations. Reading-to-write tasks form part of the student-initiated problem-solving process, and result in situated argumentative writing. A small experimental intervention effect was found where text quality developed significantly better in the experimental group than in a matched control group (F1,178 = 7.40, p < .01, Cohen’s f = 0.20), as measured in a writing test before and after exposure to the teaching method. Outcomes suggest tangible benefits may result when applying this approach to literacy education in VET, particularly for academically weaker students. We discuss the consequences and implications of these findings, as well as open questions to be addressed by further research
