14 research outputs found


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    The United Nations 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals pose new challenges for Ukrainian businesses, which need to adapt their operations and strategies to the requirements of the SDGs. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of economic challenges and business opportunities of the SDGs for the Ukrainian economy. In particular, it assesses whether the SDGs can realistically be achieved after the COVID-19 pandemic and the war with the Russian Federation. Methodology. More generally, the framework allows to assess the macroeconomic coherence with the development strategies of Ukraine. The basic trends of the SDGs for Ukraine are summarized, and the estimation model of the progress in achieving the SDGs is carried out. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy of Ukraine is studied. Results. The results show that the economic challenges after the COVID-19 pandemic and the war include ethical, social, financial, and legal aspects that meet the requirements of sustainable development, which is a very high priority for the community in Ukraine. Practical implications. A comparative analysis of the activity of Ukrainian enterprises during quarantine is made on the basis of research data and those for official statistics. Value/originality. According to this study, Ukraine will need 5-7 years to regain the potential lost during the COVID-19 pandemic and the war. The actions of the government and the National Bank of Ukraine continue to support the economic mitigation of the negative effects of the war. The research is based on the economic issues that show how the SDGs can be achieved in the country under different policy scenarios, including modernization of production, development of innovation, increasing export potential, and support from the international community, especially the EU and the US. The assessment of the progress in the implementation of the SDGs in Ukraine showed their significant indicators, such as: The share of exports of goods whose production uses technologies of high and medium-high level in the total exports of goods; Ukraine's position as assessed by the Global Innovation Index; the increase in employment; the creation of institutional and financial capacities for self-realization of the potential of the economically active population and the development of the creative economy; Development of high-quality, reliable, sustainable and accessible infrastructure based on the use of innovative technologies, including environmentally friendly means of transport; ensuring the development of sustainable food production systems that contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and the gradual improvement of the quality of land and soil, primarily through innovative technologies; doubling agricultural productivity, primarily through innovative technologies; mobilization of additional financial resources through the promotion of foreign and domestic investment. Other SDGs showed low improvement and likelihood

    Personal data protection on the internet under martial law: The case of Ukraine

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    The objective of this study is to determine the threats to the security of personal data on the Internet as a component of the right to privacy in the conditions of martial law, characteristics and prospects of such legal data protection in the context of Ukraine. Methodology: The study used a set of practical methods, namely: formal and legal, comparative forecasting. These methods were used to examine and classify threats to the security of personal data on the Internet under martial law conditions. Results: The study identified a number of threats to the security of personal data on the Internet under martial law conditions, including: unauthorized access to personal data, alteration or destruction of personal data, disclosure of personal data to third parties without the consent of the data owner, use of personal data for unlawful purposes. The study also examined factors that complicate data protection during cross-border sharing, including: differences in data protection laws and regulations between countries, lack of cooperation between governments on data protection, the complexity of cross-border data exchange processes. Conclusions: The findings of the study suggest that increasing the protection of personal data under martial law conditions requires a comprehensive approach that includes regulatory, organizational and communication measures. In particular, it is necessary to: strengthen data protection legislation under martial law conditions, develop cooperation mechanisms between governments on data protection, promote data protection education and awareness among citizens and organizations


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    The integration of digital means in the financial sphere nowadays is not just a necessity, but also a strategic step that determines the further development of this industry. The modern world of finance bets on high technologies, namely on such key areas as Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The purpose of our article is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the potential of Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies in the context of their impact on the financial sphere. The object of our article is the financial sphere, including banking, the investment sector, insurance, and other component industries that interact with finance. As a result of the conducted research: the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of digital means in the financial sphere are considered; the potential of Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Big Data and AI in the financial sphere was investigated; it is emphasized that all these technologies are already changing the financial sphere and have great potential for further development. Thanks to them, financial institutions can be more competitive, respond faster to changes in the market, and provide more innovative services for customers. Therefore, the integration of these digital means into the financial sphere is a necessity and a key direction for the further development and modernization of the industry. Cloud Computing, Blockchain, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies enable financial institutions to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer service. The challenges of implementing new technologies in the financial sector include the absence of a unified regulatory framework, high costs associated with transitioning to digital platforms, and resistance from traditional players. These challenges can be addressed by creating clear regulations, providing financial support to companies transitioning to digital technologies, and fostering partnerships between innovative startups and large financial institutions for collaborative development and implementation of technological solutions

    Hranidbena i mesna svojstva mladih svinja različitog intenziteta formiranja u ranoj ontogenezi i unutarpasminske diferencijacije prema genu za melanokortin 4 (Mc4r) receptor

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    The aim of this study was to investigate young pig fattening and meat quality due to the varying formation intensities in early on- togenesis and two genotypes based on the mel- anocortin receptor 4 (Mc4r) gene. To calculate the correlations between traits and the econom- ic efficiency of using animals of experimental groups in industrial complex conditions, the assessment of animals for fattening and meat quality examined the following characteris- tics: average daily live weight gain during the control fattening period in grams; age of reaching 100 kg live weight in days, chilled car- cass length in centimetres; length of the bacon half of the cooled carcass in centimetres; lard thickness at the thoracic vertebrae T6-T7 in millimetres. Further, the biometric processing of research results and calculation of the eco- nomic efficiency was performed. Young pigs of the controlled population met the requirements of the 1st class and the elite class for fattening and meat qualities. In examining the interbreed differentiation of large white breed animals, the melanocortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) gene deter- mined that the Mc4rAG genotype outperformed the Mc4r AA genotype for average daily live weight gain, age at live weight of 100 kg, lard thickness at T6-T7, and chilled carcass length by an average of 4.50%. The difference between groups for the Tyler B\u27s index was 11.82 points, and according to the average daily increase in live weight, the disparity between young pigs of interbreed differentiation according to the formation intensity index was 4.69%, the age of reaching 100 kg live weight was 3.10%, and the chilled carcass length was 1.23%. The num- ber of reliable connections between fattening and meat qualities, and the formation inten- sity and Tyler B indices was 75.0%, indicating their promise for use in selection and breeding work. The maximum increase in additional production was obtained from young pigs of the Mc4r AG genotype (+2.71%) and of group I, in which the formation intensity index ranged from 0.935 to 1.087 points (+2.65%).Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti tovne i mesne kvalitete mladih svinja različitog intenziteta formiranja u ranoj ontogenezi i različitih genotipova prema genu za melanokortin receptor 4 (Mc4r); izračunati razinu korelacije između svojstava, kao i ekonomsku učinkovitost korištenja životinja pokusnih skupina u uvjetima industrijskog kompleksa. Ocjenjivanje životinja za tov i kvaliteta mesa provedeni su uzimajući u obzir sljedeće značajnosti: prosječni dnevni prirast žive vage u razdoblju kontrolnog tova, g; dob dostizanja 100 kg žive vage, broju dana, duljina ohlađenog trupa u cm; duljina polovice slanine ohlađenog trupa u cm; debljina slanine na razini 6-7 torakalnih kralježaka u mm. Biometrijska obrada rezultata istraživanja i izračun ekonomske učinkovitosti rezultata istraživanja provedeni su prema općeprihvaćenim metodama. Utvrđeno je da mlade svinje kontrolirane populacije u tovu i kvaliteti mesa zadovoljavaju uvjete I. klase i elitnog razreda. Uzimajući u obzir unutarpasminsku diferencijaciju velikih bijelih pasmina, genom za melanokortin 4 receptor (Mc4r) utvrđeno je sljedeće: mlade svinje genotipa Mc4r AG nadmašuju vršnjake genotipa Mc4r AA po prosječnom dnevnom prirastu žive vage, dobi u kojoj je živa vaga 100 kg, debljini sala na razini 6-7 torakalnih kralješaka i duljini ohlađenog trupa za prosjek od 4,50 %. Razlika između skupina prema indeksu Tylera B. iznosi 11,82 boda (td=3,70;P<0,01). Prema prosječnom dnevnom prirastu žive mase, razlika između mladih svinja različite unutarpasminske diferencijacije prema indeksu “intenzitet formiranja” je 4,69 %, dob dostizanja 100 kg žive vage je 3,10 %, a duljina ohlađenog trupa iznosi 1,23 %. Broj pouzdanih veza između tovnih i mesnih kvaliteta, kao i indeksa „intenzitet formiranja“ i Tyler B. iznosi 75,0 %, što ukazuje na njihovu primjenu u selekcijsko-oplodnom radu. Najveće povećanje dodatnog uzgoja ostvareno je kod mladih svinja genotipa Mc4r AG (+2,71 %) i životinja I. skupine, kod kojih se indeks “intenziteta formiranja” kreće od 0,935 do 1,087 bodova (+2,65 %)

    Методика визначення термопружного стану залізобетонної балки моста підсиленої метилметакрилатом

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    This paper reports the analysis of methods for determining temperature stresses and deformations in bridge structures under the influence of climatic temperature changes in the environment. A one-dimensional model has been applied to determine the temperature field and thermoelastic state in order to practically estimate the temperature fields and stresses of strengthened beams taking into consideration temperature changes in the environment. The temperature field distribution has been determined in the vertical direction of a reinforced concrete beam depending on the thickness of the structural reinforcement with methyl methacrylate. It was established that there is a change in the temperature gradient in a contact between the reinforced concrete beam and reinforcement. The distribution of temperature stresses in the vertical direction of a strengthened reinforced concrete beam has been defined, taking into consideration the thickness of the reinforcement with methyl methacrylate and the value of its elasticity module. It was established that the thickness of the reinforcement does not have a significant impact on increasing stresses while increasing the elasticity module of the structural reinforcement leads to an increase in temperature stresses. The difference in the derived stress values for a beam with methyl methacrylate reinforcement with a thickness of 10 mm and 20 mm, at elasticity module E=15,000 MPa, is up to 3 % at positive and negative temperatures. It has been found that there is a change in the nature of the distribution of temperature stresses across the height of the beam at the contact surface of the reinforced concrete beam and methyl methacrylate reinforcement. The value of temperature stresses in the beam with methyl methacrylate reinforcement and exposed to the positive and negative ambient temperatures increases by three times. It was established that the value of temperature stresses is affected by a difference in the temperature of the reinforced concrete beam and reinforcement, as well as the physical and mechanical parameters of the investigated structural materials of the beam and the structural reinforcement with methyl methacrylateПроведен анализ методов определения температурных напряжений и деформаций в мостовых конструкциях при воздействии климатических температурных перепадов окружающей среды. Применена одномерная модель определения температурного поля и термоупругого состояния для практической оценки температурных полей и напряжений усиленных балок с учетом воздействия температурных перепадов окружающей среды. Получено распределение температурного поля в вертикальном направлении железобетонной балки в зависимости от толщины конструктивного усиления метилметакрилатом. Установлено, что на контакте железобетонной балки и усиления наблюдается изменение градиента температуры. Получено распределение температурных напряжений в вертикальном направлении усиленной железобетонной балки с учетом толщины усиления метилметакрилатом и величины модуля его упругости. Установлено, что толщина усиления не оказывает значительного влияния на повышение напряжений, однако увеличение модуля упругости конструктивного усиления приводит к повышению температурных напряжений. Разница полученных значений напряжений для балки с метилметакрилатным усилением толщиной 10&nbsp;мм и 20&nbsp;мм при модуле упругости Е=15000&nbsp;МПа составляет до 3% при положительных и отрицательных температурах. Установлено, что на контактной поверхности железобетонной балки и метилметакрилатного усиления происходит изменение характера распределения температурных напряжений по высоте балки. Значение температурных напряжений в балке с метилметакрилатным усилением и действие положительных и отрицательных температур окружающей среды увеличивается в три раза. Установлено, что на величину температурных напряжений влияет разница температур железобетонной балки и усиления, а также физико-механические параметры исследуемых конструкционных материалов балки и конструктивного усиления метилметакрилатомПроведено аналіз методів визначення температурних напружень та деформацій у мостових конструкціях при дії кліматичних температурних перепадів навколишнього середовища. Застосовано одновимірну модель визначення температурного поля та термопружного стану для практичної оцінки температурних полів та напружень підсилених балок із врахуванням температурних перепадів навколишнього середовища. Отримано розподіл температурного поля у вертикальному напрямі залізобетонної балки у залежності від товщини конструктивного підсилення метилметакрилатом. Встановлено, що на контакті залізобетонної балки та підсилення спостерігається зміна градієнту температури. Отримано розподіл температурних напружень у вертикальному напрямі підсиленої залізобетонної балки із врахуванням товщини підсилення метилметакрилатом та величини модуля його пружності. Встановлено, що товщина підсилення не має значного впливу на підвищення напружень, проте збільшення модулю пружності конструктивного підсилення призводить до підвищення температурних напружень. Різниця отриманих значень напружень для балки із метилметакрилатним підсиленням товщиною 10&nbsp;мм і 20&nbsp;мм при модулі пружності Е=15000&nbsp;МПа становить до 3&nbsp;% при додатних і від’ємних температурах. Встановлено, що на контактній поверхні залізобетонної балки і метилметакрилатного підсилення відбувається зміна характеру розподілу температурних напружень по висоті балки. Значення температурних напружень у балці із метилметакрилатним підсиленням і дії додатних та від’ємних температур навколишнього середовища збільшується у три рази. Встановлено, що на величину температурних напружень впливає різниця температур залізобетонної балки і підсилення, а також фізико-механічні параметри досліджуваних конструкційних матеріалів балки та конструктивного підсилення метилметакрилато

    Розробка методики розрахунку та аналізу параметрів пропуску повені та хвилі прориву із врахуванням топографічних та гідравлічних неоднорідностей річища

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    It has been established that the most likely period of breakthrough wave occurrence is the time of spring flooding or heavy rain when water-head facilities are subjected to significant loads that lead to the collapse of their individual elements or the entire structure. In addition, the possibility of man-made accidents that can occur at any time cannot be ruled out. It has been proven that breakthrough wave formation depends on the nature of the destruction or the overflow through a water-head facility. For the study reported in this paper, a model of the kinematics of riverbed and breakthrough flows was used, which is based on the equations of flow, washout, and transport of sediments that are averaged for the depths of the stream. The differential equations describing the nonstationary flow averaged for depth are solved using the numerical grid system FST2DH (2D Depth-averaged Flow and Sediment Transport Model), which implements a finite-element method on the plan of a riverbed's topographic region. These tools are publicly available, which allows their wide application to specific loads and boundary conditions of mathematical models. The construction of an estimation grid involving the setting of boundary conditions and the use of geoinformation system tools makes it possible to simulate the destruction of a culvert of the pressure circuit and obtain results for a specific case of an actual riverbed and a water-head facility. It has been established that there is a decrease in the speed of wave propagation along the profile, from 3 m/s to 1 m/s. The impact of bottom irregularities, the effect of floodplains, and the variety of bottom roughness have also been assessed, compared to the results of their calculation based on one-dimensional models given in the regulatory documents. Hydraulic calculations were carried out taking into consideration the related properties of the main layer of the floodplain, which consists of peat accumulations, and the heterogeneity of the depths and roughness of floodplain surfaces of soils. It has been established that there is almost no erosion of supports in the floodplain zone in this case. It was found that as the distance between the flow and breakthrough intersection increases, there is a decrease in the height of the head from 2.1 m to 1.25 m.Установлено, что наиболее вероятным периодом возникновения волны прорыва является время весеннего половодья или значительного ливня, когда водонапорные сооружения подвергаются значительным нагрузкам, приводящим к разрушению целиком или отдельных элементов. Также нельзя исключать возможность техногенных аварий, которые могут произойти в любое время. Доказано, что формирование волны прорыва зависит от характера разрушения или перелива расхода через водонапорное сооружение. Для исследований использована модель кинематики русловых и прорывных потоков, построенная на базе уравнений скоростей потока, размыва и транспорта наносов, усредненных по глубинам потока. Дифференциальные уравнения, описывающие нестационарное усредненное по глубине течение, решаются с помощью численной сеточной системы FST2DH (2D Depth-averadged Flow and Sediment Transport Model), реализующей метод конечных элементов на плане топографического участка русла. Построена расчетная сетка с заданием предельных условий с использованием средств геоинформационной системы (указанные средства находятся в открытом доступе и позволяют широкое применение их к конкретным нагрузкам и предельным условиям математических моделей). Проведено моделирование разрушения водопропускного сооружения напорного контура, что позволило получить результаты для конкретного случая реального русла и водонапорного сооружения. Установлено, что происходит уменьшение скорости распространения волн вдоль профиля с 3&nbsp;м/с до 1&nbsp;м/с. Оценено влияние неровностей дна, влияние поймы и шероховатости дна, сравнить их с результатами расчетов по одномерным моделям, приведенным в нормативных документах. Проведены гидравлические расчеты с учетом связанных свойств основного слоя поймы, состоящей из торфяных накоплений, и неоднородности глубин и шероховатости пойменных поверхностей грунтов. Установлено, что размыва опор на пойменной зоне в этом случае практически отсутствуют. Установлено, что с удалением потока от пересечения прорыва наблюдается понижение высоты напора с 2,1 м до 1,25 мВстановлено, що найбільш вірогідним періодом виникнення хвилі прориву є час весняної повені чи значної зливи, коли водонапірні споруди піддаються значним навантаженням, що призводять до їх руйнування цілком, чи окремих елементів. Також не можна виключати можливість техногенних аварій, які можуть статися у будь-який час. Доведено, що формування хвилі прориву залежить від характеру руйнування чи переливу витрат через водонапірну споруду. Для досліджень використано модель кінематики руслових та проривних потоків, що побудована на базі рівнянь швидкостей потоку, розмиву та транспорту наносів, які усереднені по глибинам потоку. Диференціальні рівняння, що описують нестаціонарну усереднену по глибині течію, вирішуються за допомогою чисельної сіткової системи FST2DH (2D Depth-averadged Flow and Sediment Transport Model), яка реалізує метод скінченних елементів на плані топографічної ділянки річища. Зазначені засоби знаходяться у відкритому доступі та дозволяють широке застосування їх до конкретних навантажень та граничних умов математичних моделей. Побудова розрахункової сітки із заданням граничних умов та використанням засобів геоінформаційної системи уможливлює провести моделювання руйнування водопропускної споруди напірного контуру, та отримати результати для конкретного випадку реального річища та водонапірної споруди. Встановлено, що відбувається зменшення швидкості поширення хвиль вздовж профілю з 3&nbsp;м/с до 1&nbsp;м/с. Оцінено також вплив нерівностей дна, вплив заплави та розмаїття шорсткості дна, порівняно їх із результатами розрахунків за одновимірними моделями, що наведені у нормативних документах. Проведено гідравлічні розрахунки з врахуванням зв’язаних властивостей основного шару заплави, яка складається із торфових накопичень, та неоднорідності глибин та шорсткості заплавних поверхонь ґрунтів. Встановлено, що розмиви опор на заплавній зоні у такому випадку практично відсутні. Встановлено, що із віддаленням потоку від перетину прориву спостерігається пониження висоти напору з 2,1 м до 1,25

    Business Risk in Changing Dynamics of Global Village 2

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    The monograph is prepared based on the presentations and discussions made at the II International Conference “BUSINESS RISK IN CHANGING DYNAMICS OF GLOBAL VILLAGE (BRCDGV 2019)”, November, 7th-08th, 2019, in Ternopil, Ukraine. The aim of this scientific international conference is to provide a platform for professional debate with the participation of experts from around the globe in order to identify & analyze risks and opportunities in today’s global business, and specifically in Ukraine. The conference will provide a framework for researchers, business elites and decision makers to uplift the business ties and minimise the risk for creating a better world and better Ukraine.The Conference is designed to call experts around the globe from different sectors of practices which are effected by globalization and watching changes in Europe as well as in Ukraine. It is an excellent platform for interactions and communication between academicians, corporate representatives, policy makers, representatives of organizations and community, as well as individuals being the part of this globalized world. The 1st edition of this conference was held at the University of Applied Sciences in Nysa, Poland (2017); the 2nd edition took place at Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ukraine (2019); the 3rd edition will be organized at Patna University, India (2020) in cooperation with Indo-European Education Foundation (IEEF, Poland) and its partner universities from Poland, India, Europe and other part of the world.Under modern conditions of globalization nowadays, economic activity is undergoing changes. Innovative technologies, new forms of business, dynamic changes taking place in the world today result in the emergence of the necessity to minimize risks in order to maximize benefits. The cooperation between experts from different fields with the aim to ensure sustainable growth – policymakers, scientists, universities representatives and business elites is essential nowadays. With the purpose to bring them together and discuss the main issues of todays’ global world this conference took place in Ternopil, Ukraine. As Ukraine is now passing through a dynamic period of changes, recommendations coming up from such discussions can be very beneficial for building stronger society and meet the risks globalization brings up. This monograph provides a useful review of economic, financial and policy issues in the context of globalization processes and has proven extremely popular with practitioners and industry advisors. This edition is given the continued high demand and interest for experts form different areas working on diminishing of business risks wishing to keep abreast of current thinking on this subject. According to many experts process of managing risks is currently one of the most relevant business technologies and at the same time it is a complex process which requires ground knowledge in the research field and practical experience. The popularity of business risks management is due to objective reasons such as dynamics of society, interconnections and interdependence between different players in the society, increasing role of human capital in the country’s sustainable developmen

    Definition of the coefficient of blackness for inhomogeneous surfaces under conducting thermography

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    The paper considers the possibility of determining the coefficient of blackness or the degree of radiation for inhomogeneous surfaces during thermography. Such approach will allow increasing the accuracy of the analysis of the level of qualitative heat losses during the energy audit of the facility. As a rule, when conducting an energy audit, reference values are used which are given only for one type of material, which introduces an additional error both in the measurement and in the processing of the material.In the majority of cases, thermography is carried out on inhomogeneous surfaces that have different physical characteristics and correspondingly different values of the blackness coefficient. The proposed dependence makes it possible to take into account the heterogeneity of the surface according to the type of material and their ratio to the overall surface of the object under study.The use of this approach will increase the accuracy of the study in thermography and, accordingly, the quality of processing of the thermograms obtained