24 research outputs found

    Use of personal digital assistants for data collection in a multi-site AIDS stigma study in rural south Nyanza, Kenya

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    Objectives: To describe the development, cost effectiveness and implementation of a PDA based electronic system to collect, verify and manage data from a multi-site study on HIV/AIDS stigma and pregnancy in a rural, resource-poor area. Methods: We worked within a large prevention of mother-to-child- transmission (PMTCT) program in nine rural health facilities to implement a PDA-based data collection system and to study the feasibility of its use in a multisite HIV research study in rural Kenya. The PDAs were programmed for collecting screening and eligibility data, and responses to structured interviews on HIV/AIDS stigma and violence in three local languages. Results: Between November 2007 and December 2008, nine PDAs were used by Clinic and Community Health Assistants to enrol 1,270 participants on to the PMTCT program. Successes included: capacity-building of interviewers, low cost of implementation, quick turnaround time of data entry with good data quality, and convenience. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing PDAs for data collection in a multi-site observational study on HIV/AIDS stigma conducted in remote rural health facilities in Kenya. However, appropriate and frequent data backup protocols need to be established and paper forms are still needed as backup tools in resource-poor settings.Keywords: Personal Digital Assistants, Developing countries, multisite studies, feasibility, cost effectivenessAfrican Health Sciences 2011; 11(3): 464 - 47

    Prospective evaluation of direct approach with a tablet device as a strategy to enhance survey study participant response rate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Investigators conduct survey studies for a variety of reasons. Poor participant response rates are common, however, and may limit the generalizability and utility of results. The objective of this study was to determine whether direct approach with a tablet device enhances survey study participant response rate and to assess participants’ experiences with this mode of survey administration.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>An interventional study nested within a single center survey study was conducted at McMaster Children’s Hospital. The primary outcome was the ability to achieve of a survey study response rate of 70% or greater. Eligible participants received 3 email invitations (Week 0, 2, 4) to complete a web-based (Survey Monkey) survey. The study protocol included plans for a two-week follow-up phase (Phase 2) where non-responders were approached by a research assistant and invited to complete an iPad-based version of the survey. The Phase 1 response rate was 48.7% (56/115). Phase 2 effectively recruited reluctant responders, increasing the overall response rate to 72.2% (83/115). On a 7-point Likert scale, reluctant responders highly rated their enjoyment (mean 6.0, sd 0.83 [95% CI: 5.7-6.3]) and ease of use (mean 6.7, sd 0.47 [95% CI: 6.5-6.9]) completing the survey using the iPad. Reasons endorsed for Phase 2 participation included: direct approach (81%), immediate survey access (62%), and the novelty of completing a tablet-based survey (54%). Most reluctant responders (89%) indicated that a tablet-based survey is their preferred method of survey completion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Use of a tablet-based version of the survey was effective in recruiting reluctant responders and this group reported positive experiences with this mode of survey administration.</p