18 research outputs found

    Gas emissions and ROV survey tracks of the Regab pockmark (Northern Congo Fan)

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    Pockmarks are seafloor depressions commonly associated with fluid escape from the seabed and are believed to contribute noticeably to the transfer of methane into the ocean and ultimately into the atmosphere. They occur in many different areas and geological contexts, and vary greatly in size and shape. Nevertheless, the mechanisms of pockmark growth are still largely unclear. Still, seabed methane emissions contribute to the global carbon budget, and understanding such processes is critical to constrain future quantifications of seabed methane release at local and global scales. The giant Regab pockmark (9°42.6' E, 5°47.8' S), located at 3160 m water depth near the Congo deep-sea channel (offshore southwestern Africa), was investigated with state-of-the-art mapping devices mounted on IFREMER's (French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea) remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Victor 6000. ROV-borne micro-bathymetry and backscatter data of the entire structure, a high-resolution photo-mosaic covering 105,000 m2 of the most active area, sidescan mapping of gas emissions, and maps of faunal distribution as well as of carbonate crust occurrence are combined to provide an unprecedented detailed view of a giant pockmark. All data sets suggest that the pockmark is composed of two very distinctive zones in terms of seepage intensity. We postulate that these zones are the surface expression of two fluid flow regimes in the subsurface: focused flow through a fractured medium and diffuse flow through a porous medium. We conclude that the growth of giant pockmarks is controlled by self-sealing processes and lateral spreading of rising fluids. In particular, partial redirection of fluids through fractures in the sediments can drive the pockmark growth in preferential directions

    Seafloor facies related to upward methane flux within a Giant Pockmark of the Lower Congo Basin

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    The origin of the cold fluid venting from a Giant Pockmark within the Lower Congo Basin has been elucidated based upon results of precise mapping, submersible dives, gravity coring and isotopic analyses realized under a TOTAL-IFREMER cooperative project (ZAIANGO and BIOZAIRE projects).During four dives of the IFREMER ROV-Victor 6000, the bottom was filmed, hard and soft samples were lifted from the sediment, and water samples were collected with a CTD-rosette system. The detailed dip map shows that the 800 m wide Giant Pockmark is a composite feature due to the coalescence of multiple 100 m wide depressions that displays a broad range of biological, mineralogical and chemical features on the seafloor, leading to a seafloor anomaly recorded on the multibeam imagery. Methane-rich fluids migrating through the sedimentary column from a buried palaeochannel clearly react with the sulphate-rich circulating sea water to produce hydrogen sulphide and bicarbonate ions. This situation leads to a concentrical arrangement of the sedimentary facies, with methane-related features in the centre and sulphide-related features at the periphery. This organization is correlated with high levels of methane (up to 20 µmol/l) measured in the centre of the Giant Pockmark, responsible for the crystallization of gas hydrates at the bottom.In this model, the concentrical organization of mineralogical and biological features reflects a geochemical partitioning related to the peripheral progressive mixing of the methane flux

    Multiple nonprimary motor areas in the human cortex.

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    We measured the distribution of regional cerebral blood flow with positron emission tomography while three subjects moved their hand, shoulder, or leg. The images were coregistered with each individual's anatomic magnetic resonance scans. The data were analyzed for each individual to avoid intersubject averaging and so to preserve individual gyral anatomy. Instead of inspecting all pixels, we prospectively restricted the data analysis to particular areas of interest. These were defined on basis of the anatomic and physiological literature on nonhuman primates. By examining only a subset of areas, we strengthened the power of the statistical analysis and thereby increased the confidence in reporting single subject data. On the lateral convexity, motor related activity was found for all three subjects in the primary motor cortex, lateral premotor cortex, and an opercular area within the premotor cortex. In addition, there was activation of somatosensory cortex (SI), the supplementary somatosensory area (SII) in the Sylvian fissure, and parietal association areas (Brodmann areas 5 and 40). There was also activation in the insula. We suggest that the activation in the dorsal premotor cortex may correspond with dorsal premotor area (PMd) as described in the macaque brain. We propose three hypotheses as to the probable location of vental premotor area (PMv) in the human brain. On the medial surface, motor-related activity was found for all three subjects in the leg areas of the primary motor cortex and somatosensory cortex and also activity for the hand, shoulder, and leg in the supplementary motor area (SMA) on the dorsal medial convexity and in three areas in the cingulate sulcus. We suggest that the three cingulate areas may correspond with rostral cingulate premotor area, dorsal cingulate motor area (CMAd), and ventral cingulate motor area (CMAv) as identified in the macaque brain. Somatotopic mapping was demonstrated in the primary motor and primary somatosensory cortex. In all three subjects, the arm region lay anterior to the leg region in parietal area 5. Also in all three subjects, the arm region lay anterior to the leg region in the supplementary motor cortex

    Menes caldera, a highly active site of brine seepage in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: "In situ" observations from the NAUTINIL expedition (2003)

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    Marine Geology, v. 261, n. 1-4, p. 138-152, 2009. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2009.02.005International audienceThis paper reports the first "in situ" seafloor observations of fluid escape structures in a fault-controlled caldera-type depression of about 8 km diameter, named the Menes caldera, in the Eastern Mediterranean sea off Egypt (western province of the Nile Deep Sea Fan). A detailed analysis of seven Nautile dives, performed during the Nautinil cruise in 2003, focused on determining the nature, origin, importance, mechanisms and environmental impacts of the fluid escape processes from the geological observations. Seafloor maps, constructed from direct visual observations and video records made from the submersible, and sampling results, for three mud volcanoes of the caldera, Cheops, Chephren and Mykerinos show differences in activity but many common characteristics. The three volcanoes show a crater-like depression. The study reveals a strong contrast between Mykerinos, where no seepage activity was found, and the craters of Cheops and Chephren, where an intense activity of brine seepage was discovered. On Cheops, a dome of dark grey mud raises slightly above the brine surface in the central part of the brine lake, and shows numerous circular vents of 1-2 m diameter that become gradually colonized by microbial mats. Chephren hosts a deep (> 200 m) and warm (45 °C) brine lake. Alternations of areas void of or covered with microbial mats at the surface of the Chephren brine lake indicate large surface disturbances that may result from the occurrence of several active vents at the bottom of the lake. A special feature at Chephren is a brine overflow at the western edge of the crater, also indicative of the very high activity of brine seepage. The Nautinil observations indicate that the Menes caldera in the Eastern Mediterranean is a highly active site of brine seepage. Growth faults rooted in pre-Messinian sediment layers provide pathways for warm fluids to escape pressurized source levels below the Messinian salt