23 research outputs found

    Situasi Malaria Di Kabupaten Nias Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Selama Satu Tahun Sesudah Gempa Bumi Dan Tsunami

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    Due to an earthquake and tsunami on the end of December 2004 in Indonesia Ocean, the environment and the community lift style were changed in South Nias District. These changes have a potential to increase malaria transmission in this area. The aims of the study were to identify the malaria situation one year after earthquake and tsunami compared with one year before. Data collection was done within two months (March - April 2006) by collecting secondary data and conducted Mass Fever Survey. The result showed that in the district, the annual malaria incidence (AMI) one year after the disaster was increased become 3,4 times compared to one year before. In Health Centers (HCs) level showed that AMI was increased in 8 HCs after the earthquakes and tsunami but decreased in 2 HCs. Pattern of monthly malari incidence (MoMI) one year after the disaster was resembled the pattern one year before (2004), where it was increased from early to mid of the year and then decreased to the end. The number of slide positivity rate (SPR) or positive rate were vary, due to clinical symptom variation, differences among others in the techniques used for examining the blood samples (microscopy and RDT), the width of the survey area, as well as the location and time of the surveys. Plasmodiumfalciparum was the most frequent parasite found in the community, meanwhile P. vivax was mostly in children 0-9 years old in two villages

    Perilaku Ibu Hamil Tentang Antenatal Care Di Puskesmas Bahu Kecamatan Malalayang Kota Manado

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    : Problem of maternal mortality is still a major problem in the health field. Until now, Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is still quite high according to the results of the Household Health Survey (NHHS) in 2009 which is 421 per 100,000 live births. The main causes of maternal deaths are haemorrhage, infection and pre / eclampsia. Knowledge of Antenatal Care of pregnant women is critical because it can help reduce maternal and infant mortality. Examination of pregnancy (Antenatal Care = ANC) can be used as a means to motivate pregnat women to health professionals. This study aims to get an idea of ​​the knowledge, attitudes and actions of expectant mothers about antenatal care. Research carried out by using the descriptive survey method. The population in this study were all pregnant women are checked throughout pregnancy in the health center\u27s shoulders with the sample is the entire population. The results showed 46% of respondents who know how many times should do prenatal care during pregnancy, 46% of respondents who do not know how many times should do prenatal care during pregnancy and 8% of respondents who do not know how many times should do prenatal care during pregnancy. As many as 92% of respondents agreed with every pregnant woman should consult her pregnancy at least ≥ 4 times during pregnancy, 8% of respondents did not agree with every pregnant woman should consult her pregnancy at least ≥ 4 times during pregnancy. as many as 62% of respondents routinely perform pregnancy checks to health care during pregnancy, 38% of respondents did not routinely perform pregnancy checks to health services during pregnancy. Conclusion: From these results, it can be seen that the knowledge, attitudes, and actions of expectant mothers to antenatal care is good enough. This shows knowledge of prenatal care during pregnancy affect pregnant women, pregnant women have a readiness to act, although the examination of action kehamialan respondents is quite high, but not all do such a complete prenatal care in accordance with existing rules. Recommended for health authorities to conduct outreach to the community about the importance of prenatal care conducted in accordance with the age of her pregnancy in an effort to reduce maternal mortality


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    Abstract - Signage is one of the elements that form the face of the region, and is a medium of information at the micro and macro levels. Signs are an important item as a transmitter of information for observers, placing the sign correctly will have a very good effect as a source of information. The need for a system/signage to convey information in the form of signs that show the direction of getting better and developing, for crowds of people or masses who need information on directions. The information provided is experience, exposure, and knowledge of the area. Settlements that develop organically are widely spread across the most populous provinces in Indonesia. Braga settlement is located in the economic center of the city of Bandung, the organic settlement area has little information about the area, it is still scattered sporadically (only at the entrance in the form of a gate), not connected to one another in the area and there is no signage facility. Areas that do not have road information can turn into an unpleasant atmosphere and find it difficult to know the way for individuals to access the road for the first time, but people and people who are accustomed to accessing Braga residential roads have no difficulty in finding roads with object identification signs and elements that can be understood and understood. considered as signage. The purpose of using roads in residential areas is to provide alternative access to the other side of the city. This research is exploratory and uses qualitative methods, literature review, and conceptual proposals. Roads within the area can be an alternative way to go to different places, roads within the area have different entry and exit access, many branching alleys, and multi-story buildings inside. The area is confusing and difficult to orientate.   Keywords: signage, street, visual, settlement, Braga BandungAbstrak - Signage merupakan salah satu unsur pembentuk wajah dari kawasan, dan media informasi dalam tingkat mikro dan makro. Tanda merupakan item yang penting sebagai penyampai informasi bagi pengamat, peletakan tanda dengan tepat akan berpengaruh sangat baik sebai sumber informasi. Perlunya suatu sistem/signage untuk menyampakan informasi berupa tanda yang menunjukan arah semakin baik dan berkembang, untuk kerumunan orang atau masa yang memerlukan sebuah informasi petunjuk arah. Informasi yang diberiakan merupakan pengalam, keterpaparan atau exposure, dan pengetahuan akan kawasan. Permukiman yang berkembang secara organic banyak tersebar di berbagai provinsi terpadat di Indonesi. Pemukiman Braga terletak dipusat ekonomi kota Bandung, kawasan permukiman organic sedikit memiliki informasi tentang kawasan masih tersebar secara sporadic (terdapat hanya di pintu masuk yang berbentuk gapura), tidak terkoneksi satu dengan yang lain didalam kawasan dan tidak adanya fasilitas signage. Kawasan yang tidak memiliki Informasi jalan dapat berubah menjadi suasana yang tidak menyenangkan dan kesuitan mengetahui jalan untuk individu pertamakali mengakses jalan, tapi masyarakat dan orang yang terbiasa mengakses jalan permukiman Braga tidak mengalami kesulitan dalam mencari jalan dengan adanya tanda identifikasi objek dan elemen yang dapat dipahami dan dianggap sebagai signage. Tujuan menggunakan jalan didalam kawasan pemukiman menjadi akses alternative menuju sisi lain dari kota. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif dan mengunakan metode kualitatif, kajian studi pustaka, dan ajuan konseptual.Jalan didalam kawasan bisa menjadi jalan alternative untuk menuju tempat yang berbeda, jalan didalam kawasan memiliki akses masuk dan keluar yang berbeda-beda, banyaknya percabangan gang dan bangunan bertuingkat didalam kawasan membuat bingung dan sulitnya berorientasi.   Kata-kata kunci: signage, jalan,visual,permukiman,Braga Bandun

    Survey of Community Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices During a Malaria Epidemic in Central Java, Indonesia

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    We surveyed adults in a randomly selected sample of 1,000 households in 50 villages in nine malarial sub-districts in Purworejo, central Java, Indonesia from May to July 2001. The survey assessed malaria knowledge, attitudes, and practices in communities experiencing epidemic malaria to begin exploring broad strategies for controlling the disease in the region. A pre-tested survey instrument consisting of 93 questions addressed demographic characteristics, socioeconomic factors, knowledge and perceptions of malaria, burden and severity of disease, treatment-seeking behavior, malaria prevention practices, and perceptions of government malaria control efforts. The survey was taken by in-person interview of all subjects. Most (97%) subjects were aware of malaria and more than two-thirds correctly identified mosquitoes as the vector. Forty-one percent of households in both forest/hilly and agricultural/urban areas reported malaria illness in the past year. Thirty-six percent (357 households) owned at least one bed net, 92% of these had been purchased by the owners. However, only 36% of households with bed nets affirmed their use as a means of preventing malaria. Nearly all respondents reported a willingness to accept spraying of residual insecticides for malaria prevention, yet less than 5% were willing to pay a nominal fee (US $3) for this service. Fifty-two percent of respondents reported self-treatment of malaria illness without visiting a health facility. This assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices showed a broad awareness of malaria and its consequences among residents of malarial areas in the Menoreh Hills of Central Java

    Evidence and rationale for the World Health Organization recommended standards for Japanese encephalitis surveillance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Japanese encephalitis (JE) is the most important form of viral encephalitis in Asia. Surveillance for the disease in many countries has been limited. To improve collection of accurate surveillance data in order to increase understanding of the full impact of JE and monitor control programs, World Health Organization (WHO) Recommended Standards for JE Surveillance have been developed. To aid acceptance of the Standards, we describe the process of development, provide the supporting evidence, and explain the rationale for the recommendations made in the document.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A JE Core Working Group was formed in 2002 and worked on development of JE surveillance standards. A series of questions on specific topics was initially developed. A literature review was undertaken and the findings were discussed and documented. The group then prepared a draft document, with emphasis placed on the feasibility of implementation in Asian countries. A field test version of the Standards was published by WHO in January 2006. Feedback was then sought from countries that piloted the Standards and from public health professionals in forums and individual meetings to modify the Standards accordingly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After revisions, a final version of the JE surveillance standards was published in August 2008. The supporting information is presented here together with explanations of the rationale and levels of evidence for specific recommendations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Provision of the supporting evidence and rationale should help to facilitate successful implementation of the JE surveillance standards in JE-endemic countries which will in turn enable better understanding of disease burden and the impact of control programs.</p

    Progress towards malaria elimination in Sabang Municipality, Aceh, Indonesia

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    Malaria Situation In Nias District North Sumatera Province Within One Year After Earthquake And Tsunami.Earthquake followed by tsunami in Indonesia ocean in December 2004 and earthquake in Simeulue Island in March 2005 caused an environmental and social changes in Nias Island and its surrounding. To strengthen the malaria control program in Nias island had been deployed supporting personnels. Data collection was carried out monthly within two months in May-June, malaria report from health centre, prior to 2005. Two types of data were collected e.g. secondary data is the malaria report from Health Centre and primary data by mass fever survey (MFS). One year after earthquake and tsunami (2005), annual was malaria incidence in Nias district (AMI) declined, nevertheless was still high case incidence (HCI). There were no changes of monthly pattern of clinical malaria cases in Nias district and inthe two health centers (Olora and Namohalu) one year before and a year after tsunami. Though malaria cases in Afulu health center did not change, there was a tendency to decline from January to December. Nevertheless those in other 15 health centers could not be determined. One year after earthquake and tsunami, out of 443 villages, 64.7% was in the HIA strata, 34.5% in the MIA strata. The slide positive rate in 11 health center were range from 0%-29.84%, and in the other two health center, 16 months after earthquake ranges from 0%-2.35% Species of Plasmodium were identified, P. vivax was found from malariometric survey, also P. vivax and P. falciparum were found from mass fever survey.Keywords: malaria, earthquake, tsunami, Nia