8 research outputs found

    Teachers’ Assessment of the Implementation of the Senior School Physics Curriculum in Osun State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated Physics teachers’ assessment of the implementation of senior school physics curriculum in Osun State, Nigeria. It examined the influence of their qualifications and experience on their assessment. The teachers were sampled from the 30 local governments in the state; 125 physics teachers were sampled with at least four physics teachers from each local government in Osun state. The instrument for the study was researcher-designed Teachers’ Assessment Questionnaire (TAQ) which consisted of 40 items to assess Nature, Objectives and Content of the Senior School Physics Curriculum. The items also assessed the instructional materials and instructional personnel available for the implementation of the Curriculum. The items were on 4point likert-type scale. Strongly agree (SA) +2, Agree (A) +1, Disagree (D) -1 and Strongly disagree (SD) -2. Two major research hypotheses were formulated and tested using t-test statistical analysis. Findings from the study showed that; there was no significant difference in teachers’ assessment of nature of physics based on teachers’ qualifications and experience; there was no significant difference in the assessment of content of physics curriculum based on teachers’ experience and qualifications but there was a significant difference in their assessment of the Objectives based on experience and qualifications. Also, no significant difference existed in the assessment of instructional materials available for the implementation of the Curriculum based on their experience and qualifications. There was a significant difference in their assessment of instructional personnel based on their qualification, but no significant difference existed based on their experience. It was therefore recommended that difficult and abstract contents of the physics curriculum be reviewed and every physics teacher should have access to physics curriculum for effective implementation of the stated objectives. Keywords: Assessment, Implementation, Curriculum, qualification, experience

    Evolution of Functional Basic and Senior Secondary Education Curriculum in Nigeria: Implications for Effective Implementation

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    The development of curriculum is a deliberate and direct effort within a given programme framework for strengthening synergy and relevant services for ensuring the acquisition of knowledge needed for the improvement of human’s surrounding. One major instrument  to drive the MDG vision statement and NEEDS is a functional curriculum which guarantees and brings about poverty eradication, wealth/job creation, knowledge and innovations in the formal and non-formal systems. A strategic curriculum renewal is one of the educational reforms that have been witnessed by the education sector in Nigeria. In this paper, the evolution, philosophies, goals, challenges and implications of the Basic and Senior Secondary Education Curriculum Implementation were highlighted, the “New” Basic Education, Senior Secondary Education and Trade/Entrepreneurship Education Curricula  were the focus of this paper in an attempt to familiarize ourselves with these documents and suggest ways the curriculum can be effectively implemented. Keywords: Curriculum, Evolution, Implementation, Functiona

    Attitude of Teachers toward Utilizing Community Resources in Physics in Abuja, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out in Abuja, Nigeria. The research sample consisted of 250 physics teachers that were drawn from 150 selected schools in the 6 area councils in Abuja. One research hypothesis was formulated and tested. Answers were provided for two research questions in the study. The result showed that there was a significant difference between the attitude of qualified physic teachers and unqualified physics teachers toward the use of community resources in teaching. The calculated chi-square was 7.71 and the critical chi-square obtained from the statistical table was 3.84.Based on the result , one of the  recommendations  made was: Teachers training institutions (colleges, Polytechnics, National teachers institute and Nigerian Universities) should give training teachers appropriate training in the use of community resources in teaching so as to cater for inadequacies observed in the area of attitude as  qualified physics teachers

    An Appraisal of the New Nigerian Senior Secondary School Physics Curriculum

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    The new physics curriculum for secondary schools in Nigeria has some similarities with the one currently in use. The new curriculum will be implemented as from September 2011. It has six themes instead of the five in the one in use. An additional theme has been added to the new curriculum. It is loaded with teacher and student activities. This is a challenge to the teachers in the field as well as prospective teachers whose training in Physics does not match the job they are going to do. Hence, it is necessary to alert the nation of the need to prepare against 2011 which is at our door step. Hence, recommendations put forward include training and retraining of physics teachers and that relevant teaching materials and equipment be made available both at the faculties of education of universities and in the physics laboratories at the secondary schools

    Views of Physics teachers on the need to train and retrain Physics teachers in Nigeria

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    Abstract Teacher education is an important enterprise because no education can rise abov

    The Здатність до просторової визуализації як кореляція досягнень старших школярів з физики в штаті Сокото, Нігерия

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    This paper examined spatial visualisation ability as correlate of senior school students’ achievement in Physics in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: (i) examine the relationship between senior school students’ spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in Physics; (ii) determine the relationship between senior school students’ spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in physics based on gender; (iii) assess the relationship between students’ spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in physics based on school type. This research adopted ex post facto research of the co-relational type. The population for the study were Senior Secondary School II (SSS II) students in Sokoto State. Proportional sampling technique was used in sample selection. Seven hundred and thirty-one (731) SSS II students, offered Physics in senior secondary schools across the three senatorial districts in Sokoto State, Nigeria, formed the sample for the study. Research instruments, employed to elicit data for the study, were: Students’ Spatial Ability Test (SSAT), and Physics Achievement Test (PAT). The instruments were validated by experts in science education, and Practicing Physics teachers in Sokoto, giving reliability coefficients 0.79 and 0.89 respectively. The data gathered were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistic and Z-test statistic, at .05 level of significance. The findings of the study were that: there was statistically significant relationship between students’ spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in Physics (r=0.32, p < .05); there was statistically significant difference in the strength of the relationship between students’ spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in Physics based on gender as the Zobs – value (-2.01) was outside ±1.96 boundary in favour of female students; and iii there was statistically significant difference in the strength of the relationship between spatial visualisation ability and achievement in Physics based on school type as the Zobs – value (-5.08) was outside ±1.96 boundary in favour of private schools. It was concluded, that students’ spatial visualisation ability positively predict their achievement in Physics. It was recommended, that students should be trained on spatial ability so as to be able to predict correctly their achievement in PhysicsУ цій роботі досліджувалася здатність до просторової візуалізації як кореляція досягнень учнів старших класів з фізики в штаті Сокото, Нігерія. Цілі дослідження полягали в тому, щоб: (i) вивчити зв’язок між здібностями старшокласників до просторової візуалізації та їхніми досягненнями з фізики; (ii) визначити зв’язок між здібностями старшокласників до просторової візуалізації та їхніми досягненнями з фізики на основі статі; (iii) оцінити зв’язок між здібностями учнів до просторової візуалізації та їхніми досягненнями з фізики на основі типу школи. У цьому дослідженні було використано дослідження кореляційного типу ex post facto. Контингентом дослідження були учні старшої середньої школи II (ССШ II) у штаті Сокото. При формуванні вибірки використовувався метод пропорційного відбору. Сімсот тридцять один (731) учень ССШ II, що вивчав фізику в старших середніх школах у трьох сенаторських округах штату Сокото, Нігерія, склав вибірку для дослідження. Дослідницькими інструментами, які використовувалися для отримання даних для дослідження, були: Тест просторових здібностей учнів (ТПЗУ) і Тест досягнень з фізики (ТДФ). Інструменти були перевірені експертами в галузі природничих наук і вчителями фізики в Сокото, надано коефіцієнти надійності 0,79 і 0,89 відповідно. Зібрані дані були проаналізовані за допомогою статистики кореляції продукту-моменту Пірсона та статистики Z-тесту при рівні значущості 0,05. Результати дослідження полягали в тому, що: і  спостерігався статистично значущий зв’язок між здатністю учнів до просторової візуалізації та їхніми досягненнями з фізики (r = 0,32, p < ,05); була присутня статистично значуща різниця у силі зв’язку між здібностями учнів до просторової візуалізації та їхніми досягненнями з фізики на основі статі, оскільки значення Z спос (-2,01) було за межею ±1,96 на користь учениць; iii була присутня статистично значуща різниця в силі зв'язку між здібністю до просторової візуалізації та досягненнями з фізики на основі типу школи, оскільки значення Z спос (-5,08) було за межею ±1,96 на користь приватних шкіл. Зроблено висновок, що здатність учнів до просторової візуалізації позитивно прогнозує їхні досягнення з фізики. Рекомендовано тренувати учнів у просторових здібностях, щоб мати можливість правильно передбачати їхні досягнення з фізики

    The Spatial Visualisation Ability as Correlate of Senior School Students' Achievement in Physics in Sokoto State, Nigeria

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    This paper examined spatial visualisation ability as correlate of senior school students' achievement in Physics in Sokoto State, Nigeria. The objectives of the study were to: (i) examine the relationship between senior school students' spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in Physics; (ii) determine the relationship between senior school students' spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in physics based on gender; (iii) assess the relationship between students' spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in physics based on school type. This research adopted ex post facto research of the co-relational type. The population for the study were Senior Secondary School II (SSS II) students in Sokoto State. Proportional sampling technique was used in sample selection. Seven hundred and thirty-one (731) SSS II students, offered Physics in senior secondary schools across the three senatorial districts in Sokoto State, Nigeria, formed the sample for the study. Research instruments, employed to elicit data for the study, were: Students' Spatial Ability Test (SSAT), and Physics Achievement Test (PAT). The instruments were validated by experts in science education, and Practicing Physics teachers in Sokoto, giving reliability coefficients 0.79 and 0.89 respectively. The data gathered were analysed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation Statistic and Z-test statistic, at .05 level of significance. The findings of the study were that: there was statistically significant relationship between students' spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in Physics (r=0.32, p < .05); there was statistically significant difference in the strength of the relationship between students' spatial visualisation ability and their achievement in Physics based on gender as the Zobs – value (-2.01) was outside ±1.96 boundary in favour of female students; and iii there was statistically significant difference in the strength of the relationship between spatial visualisation ability and achievement in Physics based on school type as the Zobs – value (-5.08) was outside ±1.96 boundary in favour of private schools. It was concluded, that students' spatial visualisation ability positively predict their achievement in Physics. It was recommended, that students should be trained on spatial ability so as to be able to predict correctly their achievement in Physic


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    Although today the Internet use in EFL learning has brought great advantages to students, resistance to employ such technology in classrooms by many EFL teachers remain high. This study examined EFL teachers' perspectives and perceptions towards Internet-based EFL instruction at the language center at Yarmouk university. Data was collected using a questionnaire which includes : participants' background information; a four-point Likert scale to measure the participants' perspectives and perceptions towards using the Internet in the classroom; and open-ended questions to gather richer data on the participants' beliefs, attitudes, willingness, and concerns towards the use of the Internet into EFL instruction. The findings of the present study indicated that most of the participants showed positive attitudes and willingness to integrate the Internet into the classroom. However, factors such as large classes, limited time to finish the textbooks, lack of training on the use of the Internet, and lack of facilities could be possible impediments to the use of the Internet in the classroom. Based on the findings, some suggestions and recommendations were provided