44 research outputs found

    The role of the school library in teaching and learning: a case study of a public basic school in Accra, Ghana

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    This study examined the role of school library in teaching and learning and sought to establish the relationship between the use of school library resources and teaching and learning in basic schools in Ghana. The study was conducted in Achimota Basic School (ABS), using the case study methods of interviews, observation, focus group discussions and document analysis. The findings revealed that students and teachers appreciate the presence and function of the school library acknowledging it as fundamental in every educational system especially at the basic school level. The findings also revealed that students and teachers actually used the library resources in site of the fact that one of the challenges facing the library was the inadequacy of its stock. It is hoped that the findings of the study will persuade the Ministry of Education and the Government of Ghana to reconsider the role of school libraries in basic schools. Recommendations are made toward improving school libraries in general and the Achimota Basic School Library in particular

    Claiming Religious Space : The Case of Neo-Prophetism in Ghana

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    This essay discusses yet another type of Pentecostal Christianity which has been growing in Ghana since the 1990s. It posits that this phenomenon deserves its own category. This movement has ethos, style and emphases that are supposedly Pentecostal yet depart markedly from mainstream Pentecostal traditions. Using this new phenomenon as a case study. The essay argues that one of the main reasons for the emergence of new religious movements is the quest to find space when newer leaders and movements fail to fit into the sophisticated and elitist structures and style of ministry ofalready established movements

    Farmer participatory evaluation of eight elite clones of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium L. Schott)

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    Twenty cocoyam farmers from the Ejisu-Juabeng municipality were involved in a farmer participatory on-station evaluation of cocoyam at Fumesua (a rainforest agro ecological zone of the Ashanti Region of Ghana) for 2 years (2009-2010) major growing seasons). Eight elite clones of cocoyam were evaluated for high yield, tolerance to major diseases and pests and culinary properties. Phenotypic attributes evaluated at peak vegetative phase 24 weeks after planting (24 WAP) were plant height, number of leaves and leaf area. At harvest, 12 months after planting (12 MAP), variables evaluated included number of cormels, weight of cormels, and yield per plant. Season × clone interaction for all variables evaluated were significant. The clones also differed significantly in all the parameters evaluated. Leaf area, number of cormels and weight of cormels were all positively correlated with yield. Based on farmers’ recommendation and performance of the clones, four clones (3 purple and 1 white) yielding between 5.3 – 6.2 t ha-1 ( higher than the locally cultivated 4 .2 t ha-1) and tolerant to major diseases and pest, and having acceptable culinary properties have been proposed for release to farmers in the Ejisu-Juabeng Municipality

    Барокова образність творів Івана Величковського

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    Статтю присвячено вивченню образної системи збірок Івана Величковського, а також художньо-виражальних стилістичних прийомів, якими послуговувався поет. Доведено вплив на формування духовних текстів літературних тенденцій бароко. Свідчення тому є риторизм, динамічність, експресивність викладу, що досягається концентричним, або акафістним, способом організації образного матеріалу. Охарактеризовано витоки образної системи його робіт, що беруть початок в Античності, а потім збагачуються християнською традицією і являють собою барокове утворення. Ключові слова: бароко, біблійні сюжети, образи й мотиви, символ, інтерпретація, тематика.Статья посвящена изучению образной системы сборников Ивана Величковского, а также художественно-выразительных стилистических приемов, которыми руководствовался поэт. Доказано влияние на формирование духовных текстов литературных тенденций Барокко. Свидетельство тому – риторизм, динамичность, экспрессивность изложения, символичность образов, достигающаяся концентрическим, или акафистным, способом организации образного материала. Охарактеризированы истоки образной системы работ писателя, берущей начало в Античности, обогащенной христианской традицией и превратившейся таким образом в явление барокко. Ключевые слова: барокко, библейские сюжеты, образы и мотивы, символ, интерпретация, тематика.The article “Baroque imagery of Ivan Velychkovsky’s creative activity” deals with the least explored subject of the early Ukrainian literature- creative activity of an outstanding baroque writer of the XVII-th century Ivan Velychkovsky. The results of the historiography analysis of the poet’s creative activity are presented in this article. Thems of the spiritual and secular lyrics, imagery and stylistic means of Ivan Velychkovsky’s works are investigated. Close connections of the heritage of Ivan Velychkovsky with the Bible and hagiographic plots are determined. Keywords: baroque, the Bible’s plots, images and motives, symbol, interpretation, thems

    Charismatic Churches in Ghana and Contextualization

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