242 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Renegotiation of United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) on the Agricultural Exports of Sinaloa State of Mexico

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    Purpose: Mexico, like other countries, invested in measures to attract foreign direct investment to its territories. It, therefore, signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994, a treaty that facilitated Mexico to be the largest direct exporter to the United States. However, in 2018 the agreement was renegotiated and replaced with United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). This research is carried out to determine the advantages and disadvantages of renegotiation for Sinaloa's agricultural exports, with the question of whether it would negatively impact the Sinaloa's agricultural exports. Methods: The study focuses on the impact of renegotiation of the NAFTA on agricultural exports of the state of Sinaloa with indicators such as the Exports-Trade, GDP, and GDP Per capita of Mexico, opening to new markets, and logistics. Results: The renegotiation has a direct relationship with agricultural production in Sinaloa, with a serious negative effect, since overproduction would be created if the new destination for exporting from Sinaloa was not quickly available. Implications: This research can be of much use to the main agricultural exporting companies in Sinaloa, government agencies, and the Sinaloa Chambers of Commerce for decision making and policy formulation

    Green innovation in the urban area as a model of inclusive culture. The case of Zapopan Agroecological Park

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    Esta investigación tiene por objetivo analizar el modelo de cultura cívica inclusiva creado y desarrollado en el Parque Agroecológico de Zapopan (PAZ). A partir de la necesidad de rescate de uso de terreno urbano vacante con la participación de vecinos residentes en las colonias aledañas, movimientos sociales, la sociedad civil y el gobierno local, han diseñado e implementado acciones para la creación de PAZ. El Parque Agroecológico de Zapopan es un área de innovación verde donde además del cultivo de vegetales, hortalizas, plantas medicinales y de decoración bajo relaciones de cooperación, confianza y apoyo comunitario, se fomenta la formación de capital social que sustenta una cultura de paz basada en actividades de sustentabilidad ambiental. Los resultados de la implementación de este proyecto nacido desde debajo de las estructuras sociales y de poder, constituyen una experiencia significativa en la regeneración de espacios públicos y áreas verdes que aporta una mayor eficiencia económica en términos de ingresos familiares, una mayor relevancia de equidad, inclusión y justicia social y mejoramiento de la sustentabilidad ambientalThis research aims to analyze the model of inclusive civic culture created and developed in the Agro ecological Park of Zapopan (PAZ). Based on the need to rescue vacant urban land use with the participation of residents residing in the surrounding colonies, social movements, civil society, and local government, they have designed and implemented actions to create PAZ (PEACE). The Agro ecological Park of Zapopan is an area of green innovation where in addition to the cultivation of vegetables, vegetables, medicinal plants, and decoration under relations of cooperation, trust and community support, the formation of social capital that sustains a culture of peace based on environmental sustainability activities. The results of the implementation of this project, born from bottom of the social and power structures, constitute a significant experience in the regeneration of public spaces and green areas that provides greater economic efficiency in terms of family income, a greater relevance of equity, inclusion and social justice and improvement of environmental sustainabilit

    Analysis of the theoretical approach to the concept of the cluster

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es brindar un panorama general referente del concepto del clúster, a través de la revisión de estudios teórico-empíricos y algunos modelos propuestos, así como su importancia como estrategia para el desarrollo regional y su funcionamiento. La metodología utilizada se basa en una revisión analítica de enfoques teóricos relevantes en fuentes secundarias de referencias. Se concluye que los supuestos de una definición conceptual de clúster es que es un grupo de empresas que realizan las mismas actividades o actividades estrechamente relacionadas hacia atrás, hacia adelante y hacia los lados. El clúster como economía de innovación puede ser una estrategia de desarrollo regional natural formada por la oferta y la demanda y creada artificialmente a través de políticas públicas para incentivar el desarrollo de una región.The main objective of this research is to provide a general overview of the concept of the cluster, through the review of theoretical-empirical studies and some proposed models as well as its importance as a strategy for regional development and its operation. The methodology used is based on an analytical review of relevant theoretical approaches in secondary sources of references. It is concluded that the assumptions of a conceptual definition of cluster is that is a group of companies performing the same or closely related activities backward, forward, and sideways. The cluster as an innovation economy can be natural regional development strategy formed due to supply and demand and artificial created through public policies to encourage the development of a region

    Evaluación de las decisiones financieras operacionales que generan flujo de caja en las MIPYMES

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    The objective of the research is to identify the variables that affect short-term financial decisions, determinants of cash flow in MSMEs. A mixed investigation is carried out, based on a survey applied to 278 managers of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Colombia. The data were analysis based on binary logistic regression and information was managed through executions, oriented to the management of multipurpose events, where training, informal discussion as a focus group and observation of participants' reactions to intentionality and significance of the project are the essence. The results show that financial decisions in the MSMEs are headed by the directors who should wield their leadership, experience, knowledge and skills in financial and strategic training to make decisions aimed at optimizing cash flow even without training. optimal required. A circumstance that to a large extent, especially in micro, small and medium sized companies, new in the market, leads them to finance their activity with their own resources, family resources or informal credit while very few opt for external financing. Operational financial decisions become a complex, empirical, carefree and improvised process for many MSMEs, this being an attenuating factor of the lack of sustainability in the market and in a wide margin of failure.El objetivo de la investigación consiste en identificar las variables que inciden en las decisiones financieras de corto plazo, determinantes del flujo de caja en las Mipymes. Se realizó una investigación mixta, con base en una encuesta aplicada a 278 gerentes de Micro, Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (MIPYMES) en Colombia. Los datos fueron analizados mediante regresión logística binaria y se gestionó información mediante talleres orientados al manejo de eventos multipropósito, donde la capacitación, la conversación informal a manera de grupo focal y la observación de las reacciones de los participantes frente a la intencionalidad y trascendencia del proyecto son la esencia. Los resultados muestran que las decisiones financieras en la Mipymes, están en cabeza de los directores, quienes deben esgrimir su liderazgo, experiencia, conocimiento y habilidades en formación financiera y estratégica para la toma de decisiones orientadas a optimizar el flujo de caja, aún sin la capacitación óptima requerida. Circunstancia que en buena parte especialmente en empresas micro, pequeñas y medianas, nuevas en el mercado, los lleva a financiar su actividad con recursos propios, de familiares o crédito informal y muy pocos optan por la financiación externa. Las decisiones financieras operacionales se convierten en un proceso complejo, empírico, despreocupado e improvisado para muchas Mipymes, siendo este un atenuante de la falta de sostenibilidad en el mercado y del amplio margen de fracaso

    Un acercamiento al capital social y al turismo desde el enfoque mixto y mapeo de actores

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    integral y metodologías que incluyan a los diferentes actores que forman parte de dicha actividad. En este artículo se propone un acercamiento metodológico basado en el enfoque mixto y en el mapeo de actores para conocer el capital social de los actores sociales, públicos y privados; ya que este tipo de capital puede ser afectado por la actividad turística. A diferencia de otras investigaciones que lo excluyen, la contribución de esta propuesta es integrar al turista como parte del análisis; asimismo, identificar a quienes participan en esta actividad y posicionarlos respecto a ésta. Una de las principales conclusiones es que al tomar en cuenta el punto de vista de todos los actores relacionados con el turismo, se reduce el sesgo del análisis sobre esta actividad, pues las investigaciones sólo se limitan a conocer la perspectiva de un tipo de actor; algunas de ellas el público, otras el privado y unas más el social, pero no los integran a todos en un mismo estudio

    Analysis of the invasion of water lilies (Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms) in the Cointzio dam, Michoacán, Mexico

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    Objective: to analyze the growth dynamics of the water lily (Eichhornia crassipes) in the Cointzio dam due to the availability of water. Design/Methodology/Approach: a monthly series of 45 Sentinel 2 and Landsat satellite images was used, with which the percentage of invasion of the water lily in the total area of the reservoir was calculated. The relative coverage of the lily was analyzed looking for growth patterns over time, as well as precipitation data, total reservoir area over time, and water storage data in the 2010-2020 period to broaden the context. Results: Three ascending and two descending patterns of the water lily cover were identified; a 15-month upward growth pattern with slight inland slope changes; decreasing patterns are associated with decreased storage. The largest lily covers were found in critical storage stages during the 2010-2020 period. Study limitations/implications: faced with climate change conditions, the filling pattern of the dam could change, aggravating problems related to water supply. Conclusions: containment/mitigation efforts have a reduced effect because the lily recovers the covered area easily, growing about 400% between October 2017 and June 2018, so it is necessary to implement a containment strategy using the biophysical interactions of the basin in conjunction with social, political, economic and governance interactions.Objective: to analyze the growth dynamics of the water lily (Eichhornia crassipes)in the Cointzio dam due to the water availability.Design/Methodology/Approach: a monthly series of 45 Sentinel 2 and Landsatsatellite images were used, with which the percentage of invasion of the water lilyin the total area of the reservoir was calculated. The relative coverage of the lilywas analyzed looking for growth patterns over time, as well as the precipitationdata, total reservoir area over time, and water storage data for the 2010-2020period to broaden its context.Results: Three ascending and two descending patterns of the water lily coveragewere identified; a 15-month upward growth pattern with slight inland slope changes; decreasing patterns are associated with decreased water storage. Thelargest lily covers were found in critical storage stages during the 2010-2020period.Study limitations/implications: faced with climate change conditions, the fillingpattern of the dam could change, aggravating problems related to the water supply.Conclusions: containment/mitigation efforts have a reduced effect because the lilyeasily recovers the covered area, growing about 400% between October 2017 andJune 2018, therefore it is necessary to implement a containment strategy using thebiophysical interactions of the basin in conjunction with social, political, economicand governance interactions

    Diseño de un Programa Preventivo del Síndrome de Burnout en el Personal Uniformado con mas de 15 Años de Antigüedad en la Escuela de Carabinaros Rafael Núñez de Corozal Sucre

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    El síndrome de burnout conocido como síndrome de desgaste profesional o síndrome de fatiga en el 2000 fue declarado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud como se citó en Morales L., L., & Hidalgo Murillo, L. (2015) como uno de los factores de riesgo laboral que mas afecta a la calidad de vida y salud mental de quien lo padece. Como se referencio anteriormente el síndrome de Burnout o estrés laboral presente de forma silenciosa en los uniformados pertenecientes a la Policía Nacional de Colombia generado por diferentes causales como los extensos horarios laborales, las presiones ejercidas por los comandantes en el cumplimiento de las metas operativas, los diferentes tratos que se presentan en ocasión al servicio y las diferentes problemáticas que se dan en los entornos familiares a los cuales se someten los uniformados y que se han identificado a lo largo de la historia dentro del personal de la institución, ocasionando consecuencias en los diferentes aspectos de la vida como separación de la pareja he inestabilidad emocional. Dentro de la institución las problemáticas ya mencionadas son poco intervenidas ya que estas dificultades requieren de un acompañamiento diario a fin de mantener la estabilidad mental de los uniformados para evitar que este se sienta usado, menoscabado o exhausto debido a las excesivas demandas de energía, fuerza o recursos personales del servicio, por esta razón se busco como objetivo del presente trabajo diseñar un programa preventivo del síndrome de burnout en el personal uniformado con más de 15 años de antigüedad en la escuela de carabinaros Rafael Núñez de Corozal Sucre

    Comparison of two phenotypical methods to segregate resistant and susceptible lambs to parasitic nematodes

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    The objective of this study was to compare two segregation methods to select resistant and susceptible female Pelibuey lambs infected naturally with gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) in relation to their haematological and immunological response. For 6 months, faeces and blood samples were taken fortnightly from 40 grazing 5-month-old female lambs. The lambs were classified according to two methods using faecal egg count (FEC) as a phenotypical trait. In the first (reference) method (M3SE, n = 22), resistant (RES) lambs had FEC lower than the mean – 3 standard errors, the susceptible (SUS) lambs levels higher than + 3 standard errors(n = 10) and the intermediate (INT) lambs (n = 8) were categorised by having FECs between the two values. The second method (QUM) divided the population, using quartiles, into resistant (RES; 25%), intermediate (INT; 50%), and susceptible (SUS; 25%) lambs. The agreement between both methods was estimated using the Kappa index. The packed cell volume (PCV), total plasma protein (TPP) and peripheral eosinophils (EOS) were determined for each group. Serum was used to evaluate the IgA levels. PCV and TPP values were higher (P<0.01) in the RES lambs (31.5 ± 3.4 and 6.16 ± 0.5 g/dL by QUM, respectively, and 31.5 ± 3.9 and 6.24 ± 0.49 g/dL by M3SE, respectively) than the SUS lambs (28.1 ± 4.7 and 5.94 ± 0.5 g/d, respectively, by both methods). The EOS and IgA values increased with age. M3SE and QUM were in moderate agreement (Kappa = 0.43). We concluded that the two segregation methods allowed for the identification of the same female SUS lambs, but a greater number of animals were categorised phenotypically as resistant using the M3SE method. PCV and TPP can help to identify phenotypically resistant animals

    Silicone-specific identification of trace polydimethylsiloxanes in wines with 2D-diffusion-ordered nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (DOSY-NMR)

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    Present work stresses a novel analytical approach for increasing the specificity of standard NMR approaches for identifying polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and further silicone moieties in wines’ organic extracts, by including a second dimension that correlates chemical shifts with diffusion coefficients by means of pulsed-field gradient diffusion ordered spectroscopy (DOSY-NMR). Each silicone source in wines is unambiguously assigned by correlation of both local chemical environments and by a unique diffusion coefficient value, in turn related to a hydrodynamic radius (RH) that can be obtained with respect proper internal standards. Obtained PDMS diffusion coefficient values and hydrodynamic radii in wines’ extracts, in agreement with expected values, present a selectivity and specificity so far not reported, that positions DOSY-NMR spectroscopy as an alternative in oenology for controlling PDMS limits