6 research outputs found

    Abnormalities of fetal rib number and associated fetal anomalies using three dimensional ultrasonography

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    Aim: To determine incidence of abnormal number of fetal ribs and its association with other fetal anomalies using 3D ultrasonography. Materials and methods: A prospective study conducted on 188 singleton pregnant women searching for fetal anomalies including the incidence of abnormal number of fetal ribs and other anomalies. Static 3D volumes with volume contrast imaging using spine map were used. Rendered images were displayed and the ribs were counted. Results: 173 fetuses (92%) were having normal number of ribs. Fifteen fetuses (8%) were found to have abnormal number of ribs; ten fetuses (5.3%) had 11 ribs. On the other hand five fetuses (2.7%) had supernumerary 13 ribs. Eight fetuses (4.2%) were having abnormal number of ribs with no associated anomalies (isolated abnormal number). Seven fetuses (3.7%) in this study had associated anomalies. Conclusion: Abnormal number of fetal ribs more to be an isolated finding (4.3%) but it may also be seen with other anomalies (3.7% in this study). 3DUS is useful for scanning the fetal ribs in the mid trimester of the pregnancy for early detection of associated genetic aberrations

    Contrast enhanced MRI and Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) in the evaluation of renal cell carcinoma and differentiation of its subtypes

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    Objective: The prognosis of different histologic subtypes of RCC varies and affects management. Patients with chromophobe or papillary RCC have better prognosis than those with clear cell RCC. The aim of our work was to study the utility of DCE and DWI in the preoperative prediction of renal cell carcinoma subtypes, using histopathology as a gold standard method of diagnosis. Patients and methods: Thirty five patients with 38 renal masses were included in the study. All had DCE MRI studies with DWI sequences, CER and ADC values calculation for normal and diseased renal tissues. Results: The Mean ADC value of normal renal parenchyma was significantly higher than RCC. The CER and ADC values for Clear cell RCC were higher than Papillary and Chromophobe RCC. No statistically significant difference was found between the CER & ADC values for Papillary and Chromophobe RCC. CER & ADC values of clear RCC were higher than non clear RCC. Conclusions: DCE MRI in addition to DWI & ADC appears as a very helpful imaging tool in the differentiation between clear cell and non-clear cell RCCs

    Assessment of vascular invasion in pancreatic carcinoma by MDCT

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    Background: Pancreatic cancer is one of the aggressive cancers with poor resectability and survival rates. The relationship to adjacent vessels must be assessed before deciding the choice of treatment. Aim: Assessment of the MDCT signs of arterial and venous invasion in pancreatic carcinoma. Subjects and methods: Total of 179 of the major peripancreatic vessels (CA; CHA; SMA; PV; SMV) in 47 patients who underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer after MDCT were assessed at surgery and compared with CT findings. Statistical analysis of the findings was done using Chi square test. Results: 115 vessels were not invaded at surgery, while the remaining 64 vessels were invaded (22 arteries and 42 veins). There was over all statistically significant difference between arterial and venous invasion regarding stenosis, occlusion, infiltration and circumferential involvement of the vessel wall. Conclusion: Assessment of vascular invasion is crucial in the evaluation of resectability for pancreatic cancer. MDCT is an accurate diagnostic tool for peripancreatic vascular invasion in cancer pancreas

    Composition, age, and origin of the ~620 Ma Humr Akarim and Humrat Mukbid A-type granites: no evidence for pre-Neoproterozoic basement in the Eastern Desert, Egypt

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    The Humr Akarim and Humrat Mukbid plutons, in the central Eastern Desert of Egypt, are late Neoproterozoic post-collisional alkaline A-type granites. Humr Akarim and Humrat Mukbid plutonic rocks consist of subsolvus alkali granites and a subordinate roof facies of albite granite, which hosts greisen and Sn–Mo-mineralized quartz veins; textural and field evidence strongly suggest the presence of late magmatic F-rich fluids. The granites are Si-alkali rich, Mg–Ca–Ti poor with high Rb/Sr (20–123), and low K/Rb (27–65). They are enriched in high field strength elements (e.g., Nb, Ta, Zr, Y, U, Th) and heavy rare earth elements (Lan/Ybn = 0.27–0.95) and exhibit significant tetrad effects in REE patterns. These geochemical attributes indicate that granite trace element distribution was controlled by crystal fractionation as well as interaction with fluorine-rich magmatic fluids. U–Pb SHRIMP zircon dating indicates an age of ~630–620 Ma but with abundant evidence that zircons were affected by late corrosive fluids (e.g., discordance, high common Pb). eNd at 620 Ma ranges from +3.4 to +6.8 (mean = +5.0) for Humr Akarim granitic rocks and from +4.8 to +7.5(mean = +5.8) for Humrat Mukbid granitic rocks. Some slightly older zircons (~740 Ma, 703 Ma) may have been inherited from older granites in the region. Our U–Pb zircon data and Nd isotope results indicate a juvenile magma source of Neoproterozoic age like that responsible for forming most other ANS crust and refute previous conclusions that pre-Neoproterozoic continental crust was involved in the generation of the studied granites

    Spatial association of Neoproterozoic continental arc I-type and post-collision A-type granitoids in the Arabian–Nubian Shield: The Wadi Al-Baroud Older and Younger Granites, North Eastern Desert, Egypt

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