404 research outputs found

    The role of demographic factors on workplace deviant behavior

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    Workplace deviant behavior (WDB) has been a neglected topic in organizational researches. It refers to a range of volitional acts at work that harm or intend to harm organizations and their stakeholders, client, co-worker, customer, and supervisors. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the role of demographic factors (age, gender, education level, and organizational tenure) on deviant behavior in organizations. This study investigates whether subjects with different demographic background differs in tendency to deviant behavior. Two hundred twelve samples who were working as civil servant in Malaysia participated in this study. Data were collected using a set of questionnaire consisting of 30 items. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software version 16.0. Although the findings of this study have shown differences in engaging in deviant behavior between subjects with different age and organization tenure level, it was unable to find differences in deviant behavior between subjects with different gender, and education levels. Study implications for practitioners and scientists in the field of industrial organizational psychology and future research were discussed as well

    Factores que inciden positivamente para que los jóvenes en rehabilitación logren reinsertarse en la vida social, laboral y educativa, del Barrio Alexis Arguello de la Ciudad de Estelí, II semestre 2014

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    En la presente investigación se aborda los factores que inciden positivamente en que jóvenes en rehabilitación logran reinsertarse en la vida social, laboral y educativa. Mediante la técnica relatos de vida, de tres hombres jóvenes que se vieron inmersos en el mundo del consumo de sustancias y como sobresalieron pese a las adversidades de la vida. Se reflejan fases relevantes del proceso de rehabilitación, así como medidas que asumen para seguir su proceso de inserción social, educativa y laboral identificando las alternativas que ofrece el entorno social a los jóvenes del Barrio Alexis Arguello. Se pretende que las explicaciones encontradas sirvan como base para estudios a futuro y brindar aporte en la elaboración del proceso sistemático para las personas en proceso de rehabilitación e inserción social. La adicción, tratamiento y reinserción han pasado desapercibida en muchos de los casos por la sociedad y autoridades gubernamentales y es tema que merece atención y respuesta. El estudio es de carácter cualitativo, corte transversal orientado al tratamiento de adicción y al proceso de rehabilitación e inserción. Participaron en la investigación, tres hombres jóvenes entre los 18 y 40 años de edad y la opinión de dos expertos. La fuente de investigación primaria a través de la entrevista estructurada señala las experiencias de estos jóvenes como parte del proceso de reinserción social, reflejando la importancia de las fases y limitantes que enfrentan. También se encontró la necesidad de fortalecer el proceso sistémico gubernamental y no gubernamental establecido para reinserción social. La familia, los centros de rehabilitación, los grupos de autoayuda, la dirección espiritual, la oportunidad de empleo y recreación sana son factores que inciden directamente en la reinserción social. Este estudio refleja que los factores que inciden en las adicciones, están vinculados a los sistemas relacionales de la familia, la comunidad y las instituciones

    A mysterious sensation about sleep and health: the role of interoception

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    BACKGROUND: Interoception is mental awareness, recognition and acknowledgement of physiological body signals. Understanding the role of sleep and interoception may provide a better understanding surrounding the sleep-health connection. Our primary objective was to examine the potential relationships between subjective sleep quality and multiple dimensions of interoceptive abilities in a large sample of young adults, a group who are vulnerable to sleep impairment and its widespread health consequences. METHODS: We conducted an online cross-sectional survey targeting young adults, aged 18-25 years. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) was used to identify subjective sleep quality and the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness Version 2 was used to assess eight domains of interoception. We conducted a series of Spearman\u27s bivariate correlations to assess the relationships between global sleep quality as well as the seven PSQI sub-components in relation to the eight interoception outcomes. We then conducted quantile regression to assess if global PSQI score was an independent predictor of interoception. Participants (n = 609) consented and provided data. RESULTS: After adjustment, the global PSQI was a significant predictor of \u27Non-Distracting\u27, \u27Emotional Awareness\u27 and \u27Trusting\u27, where β = - 0.10 (95% CI: - 0.14, - 0.07), β = 0.05 (0.01, 0.09), and β = - 0.10 (- 0.14, - 0.05), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings reveal a small, significant relationship between sleep quality and interoceptive abilities amongst young adults. Sleep impairment may inhibit interoceptive skills, thus adding value to the mechanistic explanation of the sleep-health relationship. Experimental and prospective studies are needed to determine temporal associations

    Users\u27 information requirements and narrative reporting : the case of Iranian companies

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    This paper investigates whether the narrative section of Iranian companies\u27 annual reports satisfies the information requirements of financial analysts employed by institutional investors. Taking a group of stakeholders (i.e. financial analysts) as the sample, a questionnaire survey was conducted to identify their top three information needs from the narrative sections of company annual reports in each of three information categories: Present, Analytical and Prospective. Following this survey, a checklist was prepared to analyse whether Iranian companies are disclosing this information required by financial analysts. Overall, the results partially support stakeholder theory as there is a general lack of information flow on the part of Iranian listed companies in meeting their stakeholders\u27 information needs. <br /

    Workplace learning and task performance: the moderating role of innovation and communication oriented culture

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    The Malaysian Public Service has taken diverse measures to reduce performance-related problems. The New Economic Model (NEM) was established in 2010 to strengthen the public sector in Malaysia in decision making and performance appraisal as well. It enhanced public sector performance and efficiency in service delivery and service quality. The purpose of this research was to investigate the strength level of the relationship between types of workplace learning and task performance in an innovation and communication-oriented culture. The relationship between three types of workplace learning, organizational culture and task performance were hypothesized to determine the moderating effect of communication and innovation orientation. These five hypotheses were supported. Interaction effect software was used to determine the power of relationship in the levels of a communication and innovation- oriented culture. The complementary role of these values was identified in the relationship between workplace learning and task performance

    The Effect of Feedback on Written Expression Skills among High School Deaf Students

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    Abstract The study aimed to investigate the effect of feedback on written expression skills among high-school deaf students, by using quai- experimental design approach. The participants included 12 deaf female students in the 11th and 12th grades in the merged classes in Riyadh city. Participants were randomly divided equally into an experimental and a control group. A rubric was built to evaluate the following written expression skills (ideas, organization, word choice, syntactic, grammatical & spelling rules, and presentation) and 14 topics were chosen for this study. Feedback was provided for the participants’ writings for seven weeks, in a total of 14 sessions. The results revealed significant differences between the pre- and post-testing in favor of the post-testing for both groups. The results also showed differences between both groups in the post-test in favor of the experimental group, indicating the improvement in written expression skills in that group. Keywords: Written skills, hard of hearing, feedback

    Evaluation of mouse embryos produced in vitro after electromagnetic waves exposure; Morphometric study.

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    INTRODUCTION Today, the use of electromagnetic waves in medical diagnostic devices, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has increased, and many of its biological effects have been reported. The aim of the present study was to assess the biological effects of 1.5 Tesla (T) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on fertility and reproductive parameters. METHODS Eighty adult male and female NMRI mice (NMRI: Naval Medical Research Institute) of age 6-8 weeks were studied and randomly divided into two study and control groups. After confirmation of pregnancy, the mice in the study group were exposed to the MRI (1.5 T) machine's waves over the next three weeks, once a week for 36 minutes. One day and thirty-five days after the last radiation, the mice were killed in order to do the in vitro fertilization (IVF) by neck beads' displacement and the impact on the evolution of embryos, and its quality was studied. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20 and the significance level of less than 0.05 was considered. RESULTS Embryo morphometry showed that the total diameter and the cytoplasm diameter of the study group embryos suffered significant reduction compared to the control group, 1 day after the last irradiation (p < 0.05), but the diameter of the perivitelline space of this group's embryos had a significant increase (p < 0.05). The qualitative results during 35 days after irradiation showed that morphologically parameters of the embryos in the study group had no significant differences from the control group. CONCLUSION Exposure to MRI irradiation can transiently disturb the development of mouse embryos and fertility, but these effects are reversible 35 days after the last irradiation

    The response of a high voltage transformer with various geometries of core joint design

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    The core losses in a three phase transformer can be significantly reduced by improving the core joint geometry. The researchers were applied numerous types of T-joint designs in order to reach the optimum design that can be used in three phase transformer to reduction the losses. Two types of T-joint design are presented in this paper; T-joint with 90° butt-lap design and T-joint with 45° mitered design. A 3-phase distribution transformer was simulated in 3D using Ansys Maxwell software. The core loss for a three-leg three phase transformer rated 1000 KVA and the flux density distribution are investigated. The simulation results show the core losses were increased up to 3% and the flux density was increased to reach more than 22% flux density become higher when using T-joint with 90° butt-lap design as compared with T-joint with 45° mitered design


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    Kajian ini menganalisis nilai-nilai murni yang berfokus kepada nilai kepimpinan yang dimiliki oleh pembesar-pembesar Melaka berasaskan teks Sulalatus Salatin. Tiga objektif yang telah ditetapkan iaitu mengenalpasti sejauh mana nilai kepimpinan yang diterapkan mampu meninggkankan kesan yang mendalam dalam teks Sejarah Melayu, menganalisis nilai-nilai kepimpinan yang dinyatakan dalam teks Sulalatus Salatin dan mengkaji peranan nilainilai kepimpinan dalam mempertingkatkan modal insan menerusi pembacaan secara teliti teks Sulalatus Salatin. Perbincangan dalam kajian ini akan tertumpu kepada nilai-nilai kepimpinan yang dimiliki oleh bebrapa pembesar dalam karya agung Sulalatus Salatin serta dikaitkan dengan pemerintahan masa kini bagi membangunkan negara bangsa. Seperti yang diketahui, masyarakat Melayu pada zaman dahulu memegang konsep tidak akan menderhaka kepada raja. Tidak kurangnya ketaatan rakyat kepada pembesar amatlah penting. Justeru, golongan pembesar ini dapat mengukuhkan kedudukan dan kekuasan mereka.Kajian ini dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah kepustakaan sepenuhnya iaitu menjadikan buku-buku, jurnal, artikel dan yang paling utamalah adalah teks Sulalatus Salatin. Amat penting bagi kajian ini melihat kembali ciriciri kepimpinan yang ada pada pembesar pada zaman Melayu Melaka agar masyarakat tidak memandang rendah terhadap kepimpinan terdahulu. Ciri-ciri ini sangat penting menjadi penanda aras bagi pembesar yang dapat mentadbir degan baik dan akan mewujudkan rasa taat dan setia rakyat kepada raja yang menjadikan empayar Melaka sentiasa kukuh dan digeruni oleh musuhnya. Ciri-ciri kepimpinan yang diperlihatkan dalam kajian ini dapat dijadikan sebagai iktibar dan panduan dalam melahirkan modal insan yang taat dan setia kepada pemerintah.&nbsp; &nbsp; This research will analyse values and focusing on leadership values owned by the Malacca authorities based on Sulalatus Salatin text. Three objectives have been determine which is identify the leadership value applied by Malacca authorities on Sulalatus Salatin, analyse the leadership values highlighted on Sulalatus Salatin text and study the role of internal leadership values enhance human capital through the reading Sulalatus Salatin text. The discussion will focus on leadership values possessed by some great leaders in Sulalatus Salatin and associated with the current rule of developing nations. As is known, the Malay community in the past held the concept would not disobey the king even to the magnifiers is also important. Thus, these nobles can strengthen their position and power. This study is carried out using the library research method using books, journals, articles and most importantly the Sulalatus Salatin text. Through this research, the characteristics of leadership that existed on the magnates in Malaccan Malay can be used as examples in the future. So, the new leader will not underestimate the previous leadership. These characteristics are very important to be the benchmarks for magnifying those who can govern well and loyalty. The loyalty makes Malacca empirer always strong and feared by his enemies. Leadership characteristics presented in this study can be used as a guide and guidance in generating loyal and loyal human capital to the government.&nbsp