941 research outputs found

    Kerajaan Elektronik - Penerimaan Teknologi Aplikasi e-Khidmat

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate and observe the level of technology acceptance among users of e-Services application. e-Services application is one of the pioneer application under the establishment of electronic government. The electronic government was introduced as a part of Multimedia Super Corridor project on 1st August 1996, which is one of the key instruments of Vision 2020. In addition, this research developed based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and containing four factors as independent variables and dependent variables, namely perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived Internet security and total amount of information. Data collected using developed questionnaires and was sent out through electronic mail (e-mail) to registered e-Services respondents. A total of 93l questionnaires were distributed, and 397 were returned, with a response rate of 43.93 percent. The research finding shows those 81.9 percent respondents have low level of acceptance of e-Services application, 16.6 percent is at medium level and the balance of 1.5 percent have high level of acceptance of e-Services application. Overall, the level of technology acceptance of e-Services application is low. The results from one-way ANOVA analysis between the age factor and level of education with technology acceptance, perceived usefulness; perceived ease of use, perceived Internet security and total amount of information revealed that there is no statistically significant differences for the age factor. However, there is statistically significant difference between education level with perceived ease of use, perceived Internet security and total amount of information. Based on Pearson Correlation analysis indicates that there exists a significant relationship between all the factors with technology acceptance of e-Services application. Moreover, multiple regression technique was employed and discovered only perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have effect on the findings of technology acceptance of e-Services application. Finally, the research findings is discuss, identify the limitations of the study,and a few suggestions is proposed for the future directions of the research


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    Paleography is the study of ancient handwritten manuscripts to date the age and to localize ancient and medieval scripts. It also deals with analyzing the development of the letters shape. Ancient Jawi manuscripts are one of the less studied. Nowadays, there are over 7789 known Jawi manuscripts were kept in custody of various libraries in Malaysia. Most of those manuscripts were undated with unknown author and location of origin. This important information can be discovered by analyzing the different type of writing styles and recognizing the manuscript illuminations. In this paper, we discuss the paleographical analysis from the perspective of computer science and propose a general framework for that. This process involves investigation of Arabic influence on the Jawi manuscript writings, establishing the paleographical type of the script, and classification of writing styles based on local and global Jawi image features

    Measuring the performance of insurance industry in Malaysia: Islamic vis-à-vis conventional insurance

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    The development of Islamic financial institutions is growing tremendously since the last three decades. However, many studies are focused more on the development and performance of banking and other financial markets and almost neglecting another specific and important sector, which is insurance. Thus, this study aims to measure the performance of Islamic insurance industry in Malaysia and compares them with their conventional counterpart. This study covers a three-year period, i.e. 2008 to 2010 and employs ratio analysis and data envelopment analysis to measure the performance of both industries. The findings show that insurance industry is more efficient than Takaful industry in both ratio analysis and data envelopment analysis


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    With the development of sukuk market as the Islamic alternatives of the existing bond market, the issue of how to assign a rating to the sukuk issuance rises. This study tries to provide an empirical foundation for the investors to estimate the ratings assign. Using approach from several rating agencies, past researches on bond ratings, financial distress prediction and bankruptcy prediction models, this study is trying to innovate a new model on determining the sukuk ratings. It used Multinomial Logit regression to create a model of rating probability from several theoretical variables, ie. firm size, leverage, profitability, fixed payment coverage, reputation and existence of guarantor. The result shows 80% of all valid cases are correctly classified into their original rating classes.JEL Classification: C35, E43, P43Keywords: Sukuk, rating

    Penggunaan Bahasa Melayu dalam Kalangan Jurulatih Undang-undang Kepolisian di Pusat Latihan Polis Segamat

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keberkesanan dalam kaedah proses pembelajaran asas undang- undang kepolisian dalam kalangan peserta kursus Program Latihan Asas Kepolisan (PLAK) PULAPOL Segamat. Kajian ini juga dijalankan untuk mengenalpasti segala kelemahan-kelemahan yang perlu diperbaiki sepanjang proses pembelajaran serta mempertingkatkan kualiti kursus dalam bidang undang-undang. Berdasarkan keputusan ujian penilaian asas undang-undang yang di jalankan terhadap pelatih-pelatih kursus asas konstabel pada Jan 2020, saya dapati keputusan tersebut tidak mencapai tahap yang memuaskan. Melalui kajian ini saya dapat merumuskan, terdapat beberapa kelemahan yang diperolehi sepanjang proses pembelajaran. PDRM perlu merangka beberapa kaedah yang boleh memperbaiki segala kelemahan yang terdapat semasa proses pembelajaran tersebut. Proses pembelajaran asas undang-undang ini disampaikan dengan menggunakan bahasa Melayu kepada pelatih-pelatih konstabel yang berlatar belakangkan pelbagai kaum. Yang pastinya, pengguanan bahasa Melayu bukan menjadi satu punca kepada kelemahan dalam proses pembelajaran undang-undang tersebut. Pelatih-pelatih yang berlatar belakangkan bukan Melayu seperti pelatih berbangsa India, Iban, Cina, dan Bajau tidak menjadi halangan atau masalah semasa proses pembelajaran tersebut dari segi penggunaan bahasa Melayu. Pelatih-pelatih bukan Melayu kebanyakkannya dapat berkomunikasi yang baik dalam bahasa Melayu. Kaji selidik telah dilakukan terhadap pelatih-pelatih serta jurulatih-jurulatih yang mengajar dan segala data-data telah dikumpul untuk menjadi rujukan dalam proses penambahbaikan. Semoga kajian ini, sedikit sebanyak dapat memberi gambaran bahawa proses pembelajaran asas undang-undang kepolisian di PULAPOL Segamat perlu ditambah baik bagi mempertingkatkan kualiti latihan PDRM. (Abstract by author

    Profitability determinants of Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia: a panel regression approach

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    This paper examines the impact of bank-specific and macroeconomic factors upon the profitability performance of Islamic and conventional banks in Malaysia using panel data regression analysis. The sample comprises of seventeen conventional banks and thirteen Islamic banks covering the period of 2005-2009. The results show that liquidity ratios and macroeconomic condition are the profitability determinant under pooled OLS framework, while only liquidity ratio is significantly affecting profitability under random effects model. However, final result under fixed effects model shows that types of bank and macroeconomic condition are the significant determinants of bank profitability. This study also evidences that Islamic banks are more profitable than conventional banks during the period analyzed

    The performance of insurance industry in Malaysia: Islamic vis-à-vis conventional insurance

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    The Islamic financial institutions have been developing tremendously since the last three decades. However, many studies are focused more on the development and performance of banking and financial markets and almost neglecting another specific and important sector, which is insurance. Thus, this study aims to measure the performance of Islamic insurance industry in Malaysia and compare them with their conventional counterpart. This study covers a three-year period, i.e. 2008 to 2010 and employs ratio analysis and data envelopment analysis to measure the performance of both industries. The findings show that insurance industry is more efficient than Takaful industry in both ratio analysis and data envelopment analysis

    Kerangka Paleografi Jawi Digital : Satu Cadangan Awal

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    Kajian paleografi adalah kajian untuk mengetahui tarikh dan juga tempat di mana manuskrip lama ditulis. Pada masa ini, bilangan manuskrip jawi yang terkumpul di perpustakaan utama di Malaysia sahaja dianggarkan berjumlah 7789 buah. Malah terdapat manuskrip yang tidak dapat diketahui tarikh dan tempat asalnya. Selain itu, faktor khat arab yang mempengaruhi tulisan jawi juga memainkan peranan ke atas kajian paleografi. Di dalam manuskrip jawi, wujudnya variasi jenis tulisan khat arab yang mengambarkan pengaruh penulis dan juga membuktikan bahawa manuskrip tersebut ditulis oleh penulis yang ramai. Keperluan kepada paleografi jawi digital adalah amat perlu memandang manuskrip yang banyak dan juga kini terdapat salinan manuskrip yang dibuat di dalam bentuk digital. Dalam kertas ini, kajian menjurus kepada perspektif ahli sains komputer. Kaedah penyelidik-penyelidik untuk tulisan Latin, India, Ibrani dikaji, difahami dan diperbandingkan. Satu kerangka kajian untuk paleografi jawi dicadangkan untuk mengetahui jenis pengaruh khat arab ke atas manuskrip-manuskrip jawi. Fitur-fitur global dan setempat pada imej jawi akan dikaji dan digunakan untuk tujuan pengelasan. Pengelasan fitur berasaskan jenis-jenis tulisan khat di dalam manuskrip akan menyumbangkan kepada pengenal pastian manuskrip. Selanjutnya ianya akan dapat menyumbangkan kepada asas penentuan jenis-jenis tulisan di dalam manuskrip melayu

    Batu Bersurat Terenganu: Perspektif Geometri Segitiga

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    Batu bersurat yang dijumpai di Nusantara terutamanya Batu Bersurat Terengganu memberikan maklumat yang sangat berguna kepada sejarah Tanah Melayu. Melalui batu tersurat tersebut, banyak maklumat yang tersimpan rapi baik secara tersurat mahupun tersirat. Umum diketahui, tulisan yang digunakan oleh pemahat Batu Bersurat Terengganu ialah tulisan Jawi. Walau bagaimanapun, pemahat dan juga asal usul pemahat tidak dapat dipastikan memandangkan tiada maklumat yang tertera mengenainya. Untuk mengetahui maklumat mengenai pemahat dan juga asal usulnya, kajian paleografi digital sangat berguna untuk mengenal pasti jenis tulisan kaligrafi yang digunakan. Satu kaedah untuk menentukan jenis tulisan kaligrafi yang digunakan telah dicadangkan menggunakan kaedah geometri segitiga. Kaedah ini menentukan tiga koordinat penting pada setiap huruf tulisan jawi yang diekstrak dari Batu Bersurat Terengganu. Setiap huruf dipadankan dengan model yang terdapat di dalam Qalam al Sittah dan seterusnya jenis-jenis kaligrafi dapat ditentukan