9 research outputs found

    Organizational Commitment And Climate In Training Objectives And Implementation On Organizational Training Needs: Extent Of Organizational Structure As A Moderating Effect

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    Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk memahami pengaruh komitmen terhadap objektif latihan dan persekitaran untuk pelaksanaan latihan pada keperluan latihan bagi organisasi. The objectives of this present study are to understand the influences of commitment towards training objectives and climate in training implementation on organizational training needs

    The Need for In-Service Training for Teachers and It’s Effectiveness In School.

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    This essay discusses the need for in-service training for teachers and the effectiveness of in-service training in school. In-service training act as a catalyst for a teacher’s effectiveness. It is also a way of updating teachers’ skills and knowledge for improving teaching and learning which lead to better job performance. In-service training is important for teachers to face new challenges and changes in the education world. In-service training is also a fundamental aspect to improve teacher professionalism. The effectiveness of in-service training is important so that teachers can apply the knowledge acquired in teaching and learning. Few factors that contribute towards the effectiveness of in-service training are the role of administrator, attitudes of teachers, training needs and strategies in conducting in-service training

    The effect of strategic management and organizational commitment on employees’ work achievement

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    This study examines the effect of strategic management on work performance through organizational commitment, and the influence of strategic management and organizational commitment on employee performance who worked at Muhammadiyah University of Indonesia. The sample used according to the calculation of cluster sampling probability proportionate to size model (PPS) with the formulation of Slovin which yielded 386 employees at 12 muhammadiyah universities in Indonesia. The developed instrument combines part of the existing questionnaire related to strategic management, organizational commitment, and work performance, using the Likert Method of Suc-cessive Interval (MSI) scale. The data were analyzed by regression equation using SPSS 21 soft-ware. The findings of this study concluded that strategic management and organizational commit-ment affect the performance of employees. Moreover, strategic management along with organiza-tional commitment affect the performance of employees. Finally, the effect of strategic management factors under the title of understanding of planning, adequacy to company, and utilization along with organizational commitment is observed positive on the work achievements. For the better un-derstanding, the effects of these factors should also be observed as presented through regression findings of the study. Based on such findings, it is suggested that management of the selected universities should consider the integration between strategic management, organizational commitment, and work achievements

    The Effect Of Strategic Management, Organizational Commitment And Organizational Culture On Employees 'Work Achievement In Higher Education Muhammadiyah Indonesia

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    This study examines the influence of three variables, namely strategic management of organizational commitment and organizational culture to work performance variable, and variable of three variables, namely strategic management of organizational commitment and organizational culture to sesame variable on employee at Muhammadiyah University of Indonesia. The sample used according to the calculation of cluster sampling probability proportionate to size model (PPS) with the formulation of Slovin obtained 386 employees at 12 muhammadiyah universities in Indonesia. The developed instrument combines part of the existing questionnaire related to strategic management, organizational commitment, and work performance, using the Likert Method of Successice Interval (MSI) scale. The use of regression analysis to test the hypothesis can be used if it meets the five underlying classical assumptions, namely normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation and linearity. Further testing hypothesis in this study using the F test, T test and Coefficient of Determination Test (R2). The results of this study concluded that strategic management of organizational and cultural commitment influences on employee performance, strategic management influence to organizational commitment, organizational commitment influence to strategic organization management culture, organizational commitment and organizational culture, together influence on employee performance.&nbsp

    The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Job Stress on the Teaching Effectiveness among Malaysia Polytechnic Lecturers

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    This study aimed to find out the effect emotional intelligence (EI) and job stress (JS) on the teaching effectiveness (TE) among Malaysia Polytechnic lecturers. That research considers the development of a measurement instrument of EI, JS and TE based on lecture

    Clinical-epidemiological pattern of primary immunodeficiencies in Malaysia 1987-2006: a 20 year experience in four Malaysian hospitals

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    Aim of study: To determine the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients seen with primary immunodeficiencies referred at four Malaysian Hospitals between 1987 to 2007 Methods: Patient data were retrospectively obtained from patient records and supplemented by information from a standardized questionnaires taken at the time of diagnosis from 4 participating hospitals. The completed data were transferred to document records kept by the first author. The diagnoses made were based on criteria set by WHO Scientific Committee 1986. Results: Fifty one (51) patients with completed records satisfied the criteria of primary immunodeficiencies based on WHO Scientific Committee 1986. Predominant Antibody deficiency (40.4%) is the commonest of the class of primary immunodeficiency (based on modified IUIS classification) followed by phagocytic defect (17.3%), combined immunodeficiencies (15.4%) and other cellular immunodeficiencies (11.5%). The commonest clinical presentation is pneumonia (54%). A positive Family history with a close family relative afflicted was a strong pointer to diagnosis for PID (52.6%) Primary immnodeficiencies are seen in all the major ethnic groups of Malaysia, predominantly among Malays. As observed in other patient registries, diagnostic delay remains the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Conclusion: Primary immunodeficiencies is relative rare but is an emerging disease in Malaysia. Creating awareness of the disease, may reveal more cases within the community. It is sufficient to be a health issue in Malaysia as in other developing countries in the future


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    This study aims to determine and analyze the school culture values ​​associated with the implementation of the curriculum in the learning process at school. The study was conducted on teachers at SMK in Bekasi. The research used quantitative method with correlation analysis and regression analysis. Data were collected by using instruments on the variables used in the study, ie school culture and educational curriculum. This study found that the school culture aspect has a relationship with the educational curriculum, both academic, socio-cultural and democratic cultures have a positive influence on the school curriculum, so it can be said that the curriculum used in schools will be done well if it has a school culture it is also good that curriculum development in schools requires attention and focus on school culture factors as a way to improve the quality of education curriculum in schools. Keywords.  Value of School Culture, Education Curriculum, School, Qualit

    The Influences of Perceived Organisational Support upon Employees’ Responses to Change Readiness at Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital, Indonesia

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    The Influences of Perceived Organisational Support upon Employees’ Responses to Change Readiness at Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital, Indonesia Dicky Wisnu Usdek Riyantoa*, Che Mohd Zulkifli Che Omarb, Ananda Laksmanac, Siti Nurhasanad, a,c,dUniversitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) Indonesia, bUniversiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Malaysia, Email: a*[email protected] This study was aimed at describing the influences of perceived organisational support on employees’ responses to change readiness at Muhammadiyah Malang hospital that is privately managed and authorised by University of Muhammadiyah Malang under Muhammadiyah Organisation. There were 64 employees involved in the study, selected from non-medical category of workforces. Using t-test, the study had uncovered that the hypothesis value of perceived organisational support on responses to change readiness constituted 4.617 > 1.999. The significance was shown to be 0.000 < 0.005, which means that H0 was rejected, while H1 was supported. In sum, perceived organisational support had positively and significantly influenced the employees’ responses to change readiness at Muhammadiyah Malang hospital. The limitation of the study involved the use of descriptive statistic data. Therefore, it is recommended that further studies define indicators of perceived organisational that influence change readiness the most by means of mixed methods