395 research outputs found

    (Benzyldiphenylphosphane-1jP)-[l-bis(diphenylphosphanyl)methane-2:3j2P:P0]nonacarbonyl- 1j3C,2j3C,3j3C-triangulotriruthenium(0)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Ru3(C19H17P)(C25H22P2)(CO)9], consists of two independent molecules. The bis(diphenylphosphanyl)methane ligand bridges an Ru—Ru bond and the benzyldiphenylphosphane ligand binds to the third Ru atom. The Ru—Ru bond cis to the benzyldiphenylphosphane ligand is the longest of the three Ru—Ru bonds in both molecules. In the crystal, molecules are linked by C—H� � �O hydrogen bonds, forming layers parallel to the ac plane. C—H� � �� contacts further stabilize the crystal packing

    Perancangan Strategi Penyerangan pada Robot Sepak Bola

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    Strategi menyerang atau bertahan merupakan dasar strategi dalam robot sepak bola. Keberhasilan suatu tim robot sepak bola dipengaruhi oleh keberhasilan pemain robot untuk memasukkan bola ke dalam gawang lawan. Strategi menyerangan merupakan faktor utama penentu keberhasilan tim robot sepak bola untuk memenangkan setiap pertandingan. Dalam penelitian ini kami akan membuat perancangan strategi penyerangan yang dipergunakan dan diimplementasikan dalam keadaan yang sesungguhnya. Perancangan strategi tersebut membagikan kawasan lapangan menjadi beberapa kawasan kecil dan 2 kawasan utama, dimana setiap kawasan tersebut akan memberikan aksi yang berbeda. Untuk 2 (dua) kawasan utama serta menentukan strategi mana yang akan dipilih, baik melakukan penyerangan ataupun bertahan. Pada saat kondisi bertahan maka strategi penyerangan menjadi tidak aktif dan robot-robot akan menjaga kawasan pertahanan untuk menghindari masuknya bola ke dalam gawang. Kondisi yang lain akan berganti apabila bola berada pada kawasan lawan, strategi penyerangan menjadi aktif dan semua robot akan memposisikan untuk mendukung proses penyerangan kepihak lawan. Kondisi tersebut akan selalu berganti mengikuti posisi. Dalam penelitian ini menghasilkan suatu rancangan strategi penyerangan dalam bentuk diagram alir untuk memudahkan pemrogram starategi untuk mengimplementasikan kedalam keadaan yang sesungguhnya

    Algoritma Strategi Untuk Menghindari Rintangan Pada Robot Sepak Bola

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    Robot sepak bola merupakan domain yang menarik untuk di kaji pada bidang robot otonom oleh para peneliti dan mahasiswa. Namun demikian untuk pengembangan (penulisan program, pengujian, dan debugging) robot dalam domain tersebut merupakan tugas yang tidak mudah. Makalah ini berkonsentrasi pada pengembangan posisi dan algoritma untuk menghindari rintangan pada robot sepak bola. Pada tahapan ini dikembangkan strategi dalam robot sepak bola seperti pergerakan dasar, tendangan ke arah gawang, dan pergerakan penjaga gawang. Formulasi yang digunakan untuk memposisikan dan menghindari rintangan pada robot sepak bola didasarkan pada pendekatan matematik. Formula ini dipergunakan untuk memastikan bahwa gerakan robot adalah tepat dan sesuai pada sasaran. Kecepatan pergerakan robot dihitung untuk mengatur ketepatan robot dalam menghindari rintangan yang ada. Teori mengenai pengaturan posisi dan koordinat robot (x,y) digunakan untuk menemukan rintangan dan menghindarinya. Penelitian ini mempergunakan simulasi dan pengujian untuk mengevaluasi penerapan algoritma yang dibuat. Fungsi untuk menendang, pergerakan obyek, dan menghindari rintangan telah berhasil dilaksanakan. Hasil yang didapatkan dapat dipergunakan sebagai bagian strategi dalam kompetisi robot sepak bola secara keseluruhan

    Evaporation lifetime and boiling curve on hemispherical stainless steel (304) surface

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    The purpose of this research is to study and investigate the evaporation lifetime and boiling curve on a hemispherical heated surface. The selected material was stainless steel (304). A nearly perfect and smooth hemispherical surface was developed by using EDM die sinker. For the test liquid, distilled water was used during the experimental work. The average droplet temperature was 31.36 °C corresponding to liquid subcooling ∆Tsub = 68.64K. Based on the theoretical calculation, the diameter of the water droplet was approximately 5.00 mm. Meanwhile, the impact height was approximately 65.0 mm corresponding to the theoretical impact velocity of 1.129 m/s. The material was heated using a digital hot plate which was able to give an accurate reading and stable temperature fluctuation during the heating process. The temperature ranged from a low temperature of Tw = 100 °C to a high temperature of Tw = 300 °C. As a result, the boiling curve showed a similar pattern of other experimental work that consists of two (2) important points which are the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) and Leidenfrost temperature

    Propiedades físico-químicas de mezclas de oleina de palma con otros aceites vegetales

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    Palm oil (olein) was blended with other edible oils for the enhancement of its market acceptability in terms of melting point depression and shelf life. The physico-chemical properties like viscosity, density, melting behavior, peroxide value (PV), saponification value (SV) and iodine value (IV) of four different binary blends with four vegetable oils were evaluated. Palm olein was found to be more stable against rancidity than the other oils. For the stability against oxidation and melting point depression the palm olein-canola (PO/CO) blend was found to be better than the others. The Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) thermogram of the melting behavior of the blends traces some new polymorphs of the triglyceride. This study will help the oil producing industry to find out the most economically viable oil blends for cooking purposes, with maximum nutrition as well as desirable physico-chemical properties.Aceite de palma (oleína) fue mezclada con otros aceites comestibles para aumentar su aceptabilidad en el mercado en términos de descenso del punto de fusión y mejora de su almacenamiento. Las propiedades físico-químicas tales como viscosidad, densidad, comportamiento en la fusión, valor de peróxidos (PV), valor de saponificación (SV) e índice de yodo (IV) de cuatro diferentes mezclas binarias con cuatro aceites vegetales fueron evaluadas. La oleína de palma fue más estable frente a la rancidez que otros aceites. En la estabilidad frente la oxidación y el descenso del punto de fusión, la mezcla de oleína de palma/canola (PO/CO) fue mejor que las otras. Los termogramas del calorímetro diferencial de barrido (DSC) referidos al comportamiento de fusión de las mezclas indican algunos nuevos polimorfismos de los triglicéridos. Este estudio podría ayudar a las empresas que elaboran aceites a encontrar los aceites económicamente más viables para cocinar, con buenas propiedades nutricionales, así como con unas propiedades físico-químicas deseables

    Multi-sources data fusion framework for remote triage prioritization in telehealth

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    The healthcare industry is streamlining processes to offer more timely and effective services to all patients. Computerized software algorithm and smart devices can streamline the relation between users and doctors by providing more services inside the healthcare telemonitoring systems. This paper proposes a multi-sources framework to support advanced healthcare applications. The proposed framework named Multi Sources Healthcare Architecture (MSHA) considers multi-sources: sensors (ECG, SpO2 and Blood Pressure) and text-based inputs from wireless and pervasive devices of Wireless Body Area Network. The proposed framework is used to improve the healthcare scalability efficiency by enhancing the remote triaging and remote prioritization processes for the patients. The proposed framework is also used to provide intelligent services over telemonitoring healthcare services systems by using data fusion method and prioritization technique. As telemonitoring system consists of three tiers (Sensors/ sources, Base station and Server), the simulation of the MSHA algorithm in the base station is demonstrated in this paper. The achievement of a high level of accuracy in the prioritization and triaging patients remotely, is set to be our main goal. Meanwhile, the role of multi sources data fusion in the telemonitoring healthcare services systems has been demonstrated. In addition to that, we discuss how the proposed framework can be applied in a healthcare telemonitoring scenario. Simulation results, for different symptoms relate to different emergency levels of heart chronic diseases, demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm compared with conventional algorithms in terms of classify and prioritize the patients remotely

    The effect of motorcycle helmet type on head response in oblique impact

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    In Malaysia, riding motorcycles is a popular mode of transportation, particularly in urban areas where traffic congestion is prevalent. Additionally, motorcycles are relatively affordable and have low fuel consumption, which makes them an attractive option for many. Per Malaysian traffic laws, riders must wear helmets while riding. As a result, various brands and types of helmets are available for purchase. However, with the increasing popularity of online shopping platforms, many individuals opt to purchase helmets online despite the uncertain quality control of these products. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of three different types of motorcycle helmets in protecting the head from injury. The helmet types evaluated in this unbiased study include full-face, open-face, and half-coverage helmets. The head injury predictors used in this study include Peak Linear Acceleration (PLA), Peak Rotational Acceleration (PRA), Head Injury Criterion (HIC), and Brain Injury Criterion (BrIC). Each helmet was subjected to an impact in a controlled environment using a 6-kg cylinder attached to a pendulum arm, with the impact directed at the front of the helmet at a speed of approximately 6 m/s. Full-face and open-face helmets performed exceptionally well in terms of linear parameters (PLA and HIC). The PLA and HIC of half-coverage helmets are nearly 70% and 50% higher than full-face and open-face helmets. All helmets perform poorly against rotational impact (PRA and BrIC). This shows that helmet design needs to be improved to enhance protection against rotational impact. This study represents the first case study in Malaysia to gather mechanical head injury data comparing the protective performance of different helmet types under both linear and rotational impact. These findings may provide a more accurate understanding of helmet performance in protecting against head injuries

    Passively mode-locked ultrashort pulse fiber laser incorporating multi-layered graphene nanoplatelets saturable absorber

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    In this paper, a passive mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) incorporating graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) powder-based saturable absorber (SA) with short pulse duration in femtosecond range is demonstrated. A good synthesis of GNP can be simply produced via a combination of thermal, chemical, and mechanical exfoliation of expandable graphite. The GNP-SA is fabricated by mechanically imprinting the powder onto the tip of a single mode fiber ferrule. The characterization of SA is done via focus ion beam scanning electron microscope, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, as well as Raman spectroscopy. The fabricated GNP-SA has 1.8 % modulation depth and C-band transmission loss of less than 1.8 dB. The ring-configuration EDFL integrated with GNP-SA yields a mode-locking threshold of 22.6 mW pump power. Net anomalous dispersion of the laser cavity is validated by the observation of Kelly’s sideband in the optical spectrum. At maximum pump power of 115.8 mW, the mode-locked EDFL has a pulse repetition rate of 13.11 MHz, sech2 profile fitted pulse duration of 694 fs, peak-to-pedestal extinction ratio of 58.2 dB, average output power of 6.7 mW, and pulse energy of 507.2 pJ. Our proposed GNP-SA is feasible as a mode-locker for ultrashort pulsed fiber laser with advantage in terms of simple synthesis and fabrication technique