1,187 research outputs found

    Particle-based likelihood inference in partially observed diffusion processes using generalised Poisson estimators

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    This paper concerns the use of the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm for inference in partially observed diffusion processes. In this context, a well known problem is that all except a few diffusion processes lack closed-form expressions of the transition densities. Thus, in order to estimate efficiently the EM intermediate quantity we construct, using novel techniques for unbiased estimation of diffusion transition densities, a random weight fixed-lag auxiliary particle smoother, which avoids the well known problem of particle trajectory degeneracy in the smoothing mode. The estimator is justified theoretically and demonstrated on a simulated example

    multi scale urban flood forecasting muffin

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    A flooding event may be generally divided into the following three temporal stages, during which different users require different types of information.(1) Before the flood: The main components in this stage are the rainfall and flood forecasts, signaling when and where problems may occur. (2) During the flood: Frequent real-time observations are required to follow how the event develops and maximize situation awareness. (3) After the flood: Properly quality controlled, stored and documented observations, forecasts and other relevant information are needed to facilitate post-event analyses. However, this division is not straight-forward. For example, real-time observations (during the flood) can be important before the flood and forecasts (before the flood) can be important during the flood. Further, flood-related information (observations, forecasts) is available from systems operating over three different spatial domains. (1)The city: A city may operate its own flood forecasting system or be included in a small regional system.(2)The region/country: Several regions and countries operate forecasting systems.(3) The continent (Europe): A range of hydrological modelling systems have been set up for flood forecasting at the Pan-European level. Generally, local systems and information provide the highest value for the end-users in all flood phases. These systems may be based on highly detailed data on catchment characteristics (surface and sub-surface) and use hydraulic equations to describe local water fluxes. However, local systems are lacking in many cities which are thus dependent on purely hydrological information from national or even continental level. Today, this information is often too coarse in both time and space for being of real use in an urban context but this may change as the resolution, quality and availability of both meteorological and geographical data are rapidly increasing. In MUFFIN, the aim was to increase the end-user value of information related to urban floods by research and development at all scales as well as adaptation and promotion of existing material. The research and development have been performed in two cities: Aalborg (DK) and Helsinki (FI). During the first phase of the project, local forecasting systems were developed and optimized for selected sub-basins in these cities. In parallel, the hydrological model HYPE (http://hypeweb.smhi.se/) was developed for high-resolution modelling and set up for the same sub-basins. In the second phase of the project, coordinated forecasting experiments was carried out in order to explore the benefits and limitations of each type of model system as well as the prospect of combining them

    Characterization of a Zeeman Slower Designed for a 87 Sr Optical Clock

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    Optical clocks will potentially become the new frequency standard for the SI-deïŹnition of the second. Many national metrology institutes around the world have already implemented diïŹ€erent versions of such clocks and others are in process of doing so. At SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, this process has recently begun. This thesis investigates the properties of the Zeeman slower that is to be used as part of the clock. A simple Gaussmeter was constructed from a semiconductor Hall sensor and used to measure the magnetic ïŹeld proïŹle of the slower. This report also contains the design for an electronic control circuit based on the Arduino platform, which can be used to control the magnetic ïŹeld. The results showed that the particular slower investigated here will likely not need a control circuit. However, the control circuit can be used in other optical clocks or even in other applications.Mot ökad tidsnoggrannhet i Sverige Atomur baserade pĂ„ mikrovĂ„gor Ă€r i dag den teknik som anvĂ€nds för tidshĂ„llning. Snart kan detta komma att förĂ€ndras i och med optiska klockor. Dessa klockor har bland annat potential att kunna förbĂ€ttra satellitbaserade navigeringssystem som GPS och har en sĂ„ hög noggrannhet att det öppnar upp nya möjligheter för forskning kring gravitation. En klocka Ă€r fundamental för tidsmĂ€tning. I sitt enklaste utförande Ă€r en klocka ett periodiskt fenomen, kombinerat med en enhet som rĂ€knar varje gĂ„ng perioden upprepas frĂ„n en given startpunkt. Det första kallas ofta för resonator och det andra helt enkelt för rĂ€knare. Denna enkla uppsĂ€ttning kan dela in tid i mindre delar baserat pĂ„ periodtiden hos resonatorn. Genom att öka dess frekvens sĂ„ kan tiden delas i mindre delar. Det första atomuret som var noggrannare Ă€n andra klocktekniker byggdes 1955 vid National Physics Laboratory i Storbritannien. Denna klocka var baserad pĂ„ mikrovĂ„gsstrĂ„lning frĂ„n cesium. Den nuvarande definitionen av sekunden baseras pĂ„ 9192631770 (ungefĂ€r 9,2 GHz) svĂ€ngningar av den hĂ€r strĂ„lningen. Om man kunde resa tillbaka fem miljoner Ă„r, till tiden dĂ„ mĂ€nniskan började separeras frĂ„n aporna, och starta en cesiumklocka sĂ„ skulle den endast visa en sekund fel idag. De senaste 30 Ă„ren har flera stora tekniska framsteg skett som har lett till nya tekniker för att ytterligare förbĂ€ttra noggrannheten hos atomuren. De tvĂ„ viktigaste framgĂ„ngarna kom med laserkylning av atomer och den sĂ„ kallade frekvenskammen. Laserkylning har gjort det möjligt att kyla atomer, i princip, till absoluta nollpunkten. Detta medför att atomerna knappt rör sig och deras frekvens kan bestĂ€mmas Ă€nnu noggrannare. Frekvenskammen har öppnat upp för en helt ny typ av optiska atomur. De nya optiska klockorna baseras pĂ„ atomernas optiska strĂ„lning istĂ€llet för mikrovĂ„gsstrĂ„lningen, och "tickar" sĂ„ledes flera storleksordningar snabbare (typiskt kring 500 THz) Ă€n dagens cesiumklockor. Skulle en optisk klocka startas samtidigt som big bang för 14 miljarder Ă„r sedan skulle den inte ens visa en sekund fel idag. Den optiska klocka som skall byggas vid SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut kommer vara baserad pĂ„ strontium. Det arbete som har dokumenterats i den hĂ€r uppsaten rör utvĂ€rdering av prestandan hos den del av laserkylningssystemet som kallas för "Zeeman slower". Denna del fungerar som ett första steg i nedkylningen av atomerna innan tidsmĂ€tningen kan pĂ„ börjas. Projektet innehöll Ă€ven design och konstruktion av en prototypkrets för elektronisk styrning av Zeeman slowern. Resultaten visade att utrustningen var vĂ€l anpassad för uppgiften och att styrkretsen troligtvis inte kommer behövas för god prestanda

    Species-specific forest variable estimation using non-parametric modeling of multi-spectral photogrammetric point cloud data

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    The recent development in software for automatic photogrammetric processing of multispectral aerial imagery, and the growing nation-wide availability of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, are about to revolutionize data capture for forest management planning in Scandinavia. Using only already available aerial imagery and ALS-assessed DEM data, raster estimates of the forest variables mean tree height, basal area, total stem volume, and species-specific stem volumes were produced and evaluated. The study was conducted at a coniferous hemi-boreal test site in southern Sweden (lat. 58° N, long. 13° E). Digital aerial images from the Zeiss/Intergraph Digital Mapping Camera system were used to produce 3D point-cloud data with spectral information. Metrics were calculated for 696 field plots (10 m radius) from point-cloud data and used in k-MSN to estimate forest variables. For these stands, the tree height ranged from 1.4 to 33.0 m (18.1 m mean), stem volume from 0 to 829 m3 ha-1 (249 m3 ha-1 mean) and basal area from 0 to 62.2 m2 ha-1 (26.1 m2 ha-1 mean), with mean stand size of 2.8 ha. Estimates made using digital aerial images corresponding to the standard acquisition of the Swedish National Land Survey (LantmÀteriet) showed RMSEs (in percent of the surveyed stand mean) of 7.5% for tree height, 11.4% for basal area, 13.2% for total stem volume, 90.6% for pine stem volume, 26.4 for spruce stem volume, and 72.6% for deciduous stem volume. The results imply that photogrammetric matching of digital aerial images has significant potential for operational use in forestry

    ‘One of the most important questions that human beings have to understand’: Salafism as Islamic deferentialist fundamentalism

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    In the present article, the authors argue that the study of Salafism as a contemporary Islamic new religious movement could benefit from an analytical perspective separating fundamentalism into the modes of inferentialism and deferentialism. The basics of these concepts are outlined and discussed in relation to different aspects of contemporary Salafism as well as in relation to previous tendencies in Islamic history. As a case study, the authors employ the concept in an analysis of a contemporary Swedish Salafi discourse on the ‘wiping of the (leather) socks’ in the context of ritual purity. The authors argue that the concept of ‘deferential fundamentalism’ has a potential in the study of Salafism in that it allows for comparative analysis, both cross-religiously and diachronically, in contextualising Salafism historically. It also allows for an analysis of Salafi thought and practice in relation to theories of how human beings in general process social information

    Real-time Implementation of a Novel Safety Function for Prevention of Loss of Vehicle Control

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    We present a novel safety function for prevention of vehicle control loss. The safety function overcomes some of the limitations of conventional Electronic Stability Control (ESC) systems. Based on sensor information about the host vehicle's state and the road ahead, a threat assessment algorithm predicts the future evolution of the vehicle's state. If the vehicle motion, predicted over a finite time horizon violates safety constraints, autonomous deceleration is activated in order to prevent vehicle loss of control. The safety function has been implemented in real-time. Experimental results indicate that the safety function relies less on the driver's skills than conventional ESC systems and that a more controllable and comfortable vehicle motion can be acquired when the function is active

    Solanaceae in medicine and folklore : a literature review of the historical and contemporary uses

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    I vÀxtfamiljen Solanaceae ingÄr en rad giftiga vÀxter. NÄgra av dessa arter har spelat viktiga historiska roller, som berusningsmedel, lÀkemedel och heliga vÀxter. I denna rapport behandlas alruna (Mandragora officinarum), belladonna (Atropa belladonna), bolmört (Hyoscyamus niger) och spikklubbor (Datura spp.). Dessa vÀxter har mycket liknande ÀmnessammansÀttning, vilket har lett till liknande anvÀndning runt om i vÀrlden. MÄnga kunniga farmaceuter har hittat relevanta medicinska anvÀndningsomrÄden för vÀxterna genom historien, frÀmst som smÀrt- och spasm-dÀmpande medel. Andra har hittat religiösa anvÀndningsomrÄden för dem, som hallucinogener och religiösa symboler. De sÄ kallade hÀxorna, sÀgs ha anvÀnt vissa av dessa vÀxter, bland annat till de beryktade flygsalvorna. Det medicinska anvÀndandet av de aktiva Àmnen vÀxterna innehÄller, fortsÀtter Àn idag. Dagens lÀkare anvÀnder i mÄnga fall Àmnena pÄ samma sÀtt man gjorde för ca 2000 Är sedan.The plant family Solanaceae contain several poisonous plants. Some of these species has played a major role in history, as hallucinogens, medicinal plants and holy plants. This paper examines the species mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), belladonna (Atropa belladonna), henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) and thornapples (Datura spp.). The chemical constituents of these plants are very much the same, which has led to similar uses troughout the world. Many historical pharmacists have found use for these plants in medicine, mostly as pain and spasm relievers. Some people have found religious uses for the plants, as hallucinogens and religious symbols. The so-called witches may have used some of the species in flying ointments. The medicinal properties of the active constituents of these plants are still used in modern medicine. Modern pharmacists often use the constituents the same way as the historical pharmacists did around 2000 years ago

    The significance of the stubble height for the mechanical spillage during forage harvesting

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    Vall odlas vanligtvis antingen i renbestĂ„nd eller i blandbestĂ„nd med flerĂ„riga baljvĂ€xter och grĂ€sarter vilka nyttjas till slĂ„tter eller bete. Vid skörd av vall till foder för nötkreatur Ă€r den nĂ€ringsmĂ€ssiga sammansĂ€ttningen av stor vikt. Ett högre nĂ€ringsvĂ€rde kan uppnĂ„s genom en tidigarelagd skörd, ett ökat antal skördetillfĂ€llen samt en vĂ€l anpassad gödslingsstrategi. Under senare Ă„r har försök genomförts för att undersöka om en anpassning av stubbhöjden och fraktionering av grödan kan vara ett alternativ för att uppnĂ„ önskad nĂ€ringssammansĂ€ttning vid skörd med lovande resultat. Det Ă€r dessa undersökningar (Eriksson 2020) som har gett oss frĂ„gestĂ€llningen om en anpassning i stubbhöjd har nĂ„gon pĂ„verkan pĂ„ mĂ€ngden mekaniska förluster. De mekaniska förluster som uppstĂ„r beror pĂ„ grödans behandling med olika typer av maskiner vid slĂ„tter, vĂ€ndning, strĂ€nglĂ€ggning och lastning. Syftet med studien var att studera stubbhöjdens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ det mekaniska spillet vid skörd av vall samt att undersöka möjligheterna för att variera stubbhöjden pĂ„ de maskiner som finns pĂ„ marknaden. I litteraturstudien presenteras en genomgĂ„ng om vallodling och dess förluster, stubbhöjdens betydelse, skördeteknik vid vallskörd samt vilka instĂ€llningsmöjligheter det finns pĂ„ vallmaskiner. Ett fĂ€ltförsök har genomförts för att studera skillnaderna i totalskörd och mĂ€ngden mekaniskt spill vid fyra olika stubbhöjder. FĂ€ltförsöket genomfördes den 31 maj till den 1 juni 2022 i Hulterstad pĂ„ Öland pĂ„ en Ă€ldre vall (Ă„r 5). Försöket var ett helt randomiserat blockförsök med fyra block och fyra led i varje block, de stubbhöjder som mĂ€ttes var 7, 12, 17 samt 22 cm. Slutsatsen av denna studie Ă€r: Vid högre stubbhöjd minskade totalskörden frĂ„n 5 700 kg torrsubstans per hektar vid 7 cm stubbhöjd till 3 400 kg torrsubstans per hektar vid 22 cm stubbhöjd. Mekaniskt spill vid lĂ„g stubbhöjd (7 cm) visade sig vara högst med 107 kg ts per hektar. För stubbhöjderna 12, 17 och 22 cm var spillet mellan 60 och 70 kg ts per hektar. Enligt TukeyÂŽs metod Ă€r det en statistisk sĂ€kerstĂ€lld skillnad mellan 7 cm och övriga stubbhöjder. Burna slĂ„ttermaskiner kan hantera stubbhöjder frĂ„n 5 till 12 cm. Vid högre stubbhöjder krĂ€vs det att maskinen utrustas med justerbara slĂ€pskor. Med bogserade slĂ„ttermaskiner kan en högre stubbhöjd uppnĂ„s med hjĂ€lp av lyftkolvarna.Grassland for fodder production is usually grown either with one species or in a mixture with perennial legumes and grass species, the crop is used for mowing or grazing. When harvesting forage for cattle the nutritional content of energy and protein is important. A higher nutritional value can be achieved through an earlier harvest, an increased number of harvest occasions and a well-adapted fertilization strategy. In recent years, trials have been carried out to investigate whether an adaptation of the stubble height and fractionation of the crop can be an alternative to achieve the desired nutrient composition at harvest with promising results. It is these studies (Eriksson 2020) that have given us the question of whether an adaptation in stubble height has any effect on the amount of mechanical losses. The mechanical losses that occur are due to the treatment of the crop with different types of machines during mowing, tedding, swathing and loading. The purpose of the study was to study the impact of the stubble height on the mechanical losses when harvesting ley and to investigate the possibilities for varying the stubble height on the machines available on the market. The literature study is an overview about ley cultivation and its losses, the importance of stubble height, harvesting techniques for ley harvesting and the adjusting posibilities available on machines for ley production. A field trial has been carried out to study the differences in total yield and the amount of mechanical spillage at four different stubble heights. The field trial was implemented from 31 May to 1 June 2022 in Hulterstad at Öland on an older leyland (year 5). The experiment was a randomized complete block, split-plot design experiment with four blocks and four plots in each block, the stubble heights that were measured were 7, 12, 17 and 22 cm. The conclusion of this study is: At a higher stubble height the total yield decreased from 5 700 kg drymatter per hectare at 7 cm stubble height to 3 400 kg drymatter per hectare at 22 cm stubble height. Mechanical losses at low stubble height (7 cm) was found to be the highest with 107 kg drymatter per hectare. For the stubble heights of 12, 17 and 22 cm, the loss was between 60 and 70 kg drymatter per hectare. There is a statistically significant difference between 7 cm and the other stubble heights, according to Tukey's method. Mounted mowers can handle stubble heights from 5 to 12 cm. For higher stubble heights, the machine must be equipped with adjustable skidshoes. With trailed mowers a higher stubble height can be achieved using the lifting pistons
