72 research outputs found

    Root rot in the Swedish spruce stands 1983 to 2013

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    Varje Ă„r orsakar rotrötan stora ekonomiska förluster för skogsbruket i Sverige dels genom att grantimmer nedklassas till massaved eller brĂ€nnved, men Ă€ven genom de tillvĂ€xtförluster som rotrötan orsakar. Att vĂ„ra skogar drabbas av rotröta Ă€r inte nĂ„got nytt, man kĂ€nde till detta redan under tidigt 1800-tal. Men hur har dess förekomst i granbestĂ„nd förĂ€ndrats i Norrland respektive Svealand och Götaland förĂ€ndrats de senaste decennierna? Att undersöka det var syftet med denna studie. Analyserna i studien gjordes med hjĂ€lp av riksskogstaxeringens data. Detta datamaterial samlades in under Ă„ren 1983-2013 frĂ„n deras tillfĂ€lliga provytor. PĂ„ dessa provytor togs borrprov i brösthöjd dĂ€r man noterade om det förekom röta eller ej. Det datamaterial som anvĂ€ndes i analyserna var av bestĂ„nd med minst 70 % granvolym och uppdelat i tvĂ„ grupper (omrĂ„den); Svealand och Götaland respektive Norrland. Analyserna av datamaterialet som erhölls utfördes i Excel. De analyser som utfördes var trendanalyser med glidande fem-Ă„rs medelvĂ€rdet. Trendanalyser gjordes för att se om det kunde finnas nĂ„got linjĂ€rt samband mellan rötad granvolym och Ă„r. Resultatet av studien pĂ„visade ingen tydlig signifikans pĂ„ en ökad trend nĂ€r det kommer till procentuell andel rötad volym. Dock kunde man se att det fanns skillnader i volymen rötad gran, att det har blivit en större volym i Svealand och Götaland, medan det hade blivit lĂ€gre i Norrland.Every year the root rot is causing major economic losses for the forest industry in Sweden, partially because saw logs become downgraded to pulpwood or firewood, but also due to the growth losses that the root rot causes. The fact that our forest is affected by root rot isn’t something new; they knew that already during the early 1800s. But how has its presence in spruce stand changed in Norrland in the recent decades? The aim of this study was to investigate that. The analyzes in this study were made with the help of the National Forest Inventory data. The data were collected during 1983-2013 from their temporary sample plots. On these plots, the stems were drilled at breast height and it was noted if root rot was present or not. The dataset that were used in the analysis were stands with at least 70 % spruce of the total volume and the dataset were divided into two groups (areas). The first of the two areas were Svealand and Götaland and the other one was Norrland. The analyzes of the data obtained was performed in Excel. The analyzes that were performed was a trend analysis with moving a five-year average. The trend analysis was done to see if there could be a linear relationship between root rot infected spruce volume and year. The results of the study showed no clear significance of an increased trend when it comes to the percentage of root rot infected volume. However, you could see that there were a difference in the volume of root rot infected spruce, it has become a larger volume in Svealand and Götaland, whereas it had become lower in the north

    En kartlÀggning av aktiviteter i vardagen samt upplevelser av dessa hos ungdomar med en reumatologisk sjukdom

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    Syftet med studien var att fÄ en inblick i hur vardagen sÄg ut för ungdomar med en reumatologisk sjukdom. KartlÀggningen bestod av att ta reda pÄ vilka aktiviteter ungdomarna Àgnade sig Ät, hur mycket tid de spenderade pÄ aktiviteterna, var aktiviteterna utfördes samt tillsammans med vem. Syftet var Àven att ta reda pÄ hur de upplevde sina utförda aktiviteter samt om de varit tvungna att vÀlja bort nÄgon aktivitet pÄ grund av sin sjukdom. I studien ingick sju flickor i Äldern 14-16 Är. Datainsamlingen gjordes med hjÀlp av en ÄterberÀttad tidsdagbok, veckoöversikt samt en fördjupande intervju kring de aktiviteter som nÀmndes i den ÄterberÀttande dagboken. Resultatet visade att ungdomarna spenderade sin tid olika beroende pÄ vilka roller och vanor de hade och hur familjeförhÄllandena sÄg ut. Sjukdomen pÄverkade valet av deras fritidsaktiviteter, dÄ vissa valde aktiva aktiviteter sÄsom fotboll och andra mer lugna aktiviteter sÄsom datoranvÀndande. Som följd av sjukdomen visade det sig att vissa ungdomar kÀnde sig mindre delaktiga i fritidsaktiviteter. I skolidrotten upplevdes mindre delaktighet dÄ vissa aktiviteter inte gick att anpassa eller dÄ idrottslektionen Àven uteslöts helt frÄn schemat

    Decreased inducibility of TNF expression in lipid-loaded macrophages

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    BACKGROUND: Inflammation and immune responses are considered to be very important in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Lipid accumulation in macrophages of the arterial intima is a characteristic feature of atherosclerosis which can influence the inflammatory potential of macrophages. We studied the effects of lipid loading on the regulation of TNF expression in human monocyte-derived macrophages. RESULTS: In macrophages incubated with acetylated low density lipoprotein (ac-LDL) for 2 days, mRNA expression of TNF in cells stimulated with TNF decreased by 75%. In cell cultures stimulated over night with IL-1ÎČ, lipid loading decreased secretion of TNF into culture medium by 48%. These results suggest that lipid accumulation in macrophages makes them less responsive to inflammatory stimuli. Decreased basal activity and inducibility of transcription factor AP-1 was observed in lipid-loaded cells, suggesting a mechanism for the suppression of cytokine expression. NF-ÎșB binding activity and inducibility were only marginally affected by ac-LDL. LDL and ac-LDL did not activate PPARÎł. In contrast, oxidized LDL stimulated AP-1 and PPARÎł but inhibited NF-ÎșB, indicating that the effects of lipid loading with ac-LDL were not due to oxidation of lipids. CONCLUSIONS: Accumulation of lipid, mainly cholesterol, results in down-regulation of TNF expression in macrophages. Since monocytes are known to be activated by cell adhesion, these results suggest that foam cells in atherosclerotic plaques may contribute less potently to an inflammatory reaction than newly arrived monocytes/macrophages

    Effect of skin-to-skin contact on parents\u27 sleep quality, mood, parent-infant interaction and cortisol concentrations in neonatal care units: Study protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Separation after preterm birth is a major stressor for infants and parents. Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) is a method of care suitable to use in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to minimise separation between parents and infants. Less separation leads to increased possibilities for parent-infant interaction, provided that the parents\u27 sleep quality is satisfactory. We aimed to evaluate the effect of continuous SSC on sleep quality and mood in parents of preterm infants borndischarge. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A randomised intervention study with two arms-intervention versus standard care. Data will be collected from 50 families. Eligible families will be randomly allocated to intervention or standard care when transferred from the intensive care room to the family-room in the NICU. The intervention consists of continuous SSC for four consecutive days and nights in the family-room. Data will be collected every day during the intervention and again at the time of discharge from the hospital. Outcome measures comprise activity tracker (Actigraph); validated self-rated questionnaires concerning sleep, mood and bonding; observed scorings of parental sensitivity and emotional availability and salivary cortisol. Data will be analysed with pairwise, repeated measures, Mann Whitney U-test will be used to compare groups and analysis of variance will be used to adjust for different hospitals and parents\u27 gender. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study is approved by the Regional Research Ethics Board at an appropriate university (2016/89-31). The results will be published in scientific journals. We will also use conferences and social media to disseminate our findings. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03004677

    Perceptions of health and wellbeing among employees in a work integration social enterprise in Sweden

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    Background: Work Integration Social Enterprises (WISEs) constitute an important vehiclefor providing employment opportunities for disadvantaged groups.Objective: The goal of this qualitative case study is to explore perceptions of health andwellbeing among employees working in a WISE located in the GĂ€vleborg region, in eastcentral Sweden.Methods: Data were gathered using 16 in-depth, semi-structured interviews with thesocial enterprise employees.Results: Findings were categorized into three main categories: the importance of financialindependence and societal benefits; team spirit and a sense of belonging; and improvedquality of life and wellbeing.Conclusion: The participants perceived that working in the WISE gave them a feeling offreedom and increased their self-esteem because of the possibility to earn an income.Also, they were satisfied with their job (e.g., with regard to work quality and flexibility)and believed that their work contributed to society. Moreover, through working in a WISE,the participants felt a sense of belonging and togetherness through interaction with coworkersand managers, and an improved quality of life for themselves and their families

    Pathways from research to sustainable development: insights from ten research projects in sustainability and resilience

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    Drawing on collective experience from ten collaborative research projects focused on the Global South, we identify three major challenges that impede the translation of research on sustainability and resilience into better-informed choices by individuals and policy-makers that in turn can support transformation to a sustainable future. The three challenges comprise: (i) converting knowledge produced during research projects into successful knowledge application; (ii) scaling up knowledge in time when research projects are short-term and potential impacts are long-term; and (iii) scaling up knowledge across space, from local research sites to larger-scale or even global impact. Some potential pathways for funding agencies to overcome these challenges include providing targeted prolonged funding for dissemination and outreach, and facilitating collaboration and coordination across different sites, research teams, and partner organizations. By systematically documenting these challenges, we hope to pave the way for further innovations in the research cycle

    Palaeoclimate inferred from ÎŽ18O and palaeobotanical indicators in freshwater tufa of Lake Äntu SinijĂ€rv, Estonia

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    We investigated a 3.75-m-long lacustrine sediment record from Lake Äntu SinijĂ€rv, northern Estonia, which has a modeled basal age >12,800 cal yr BP. Our multi-proxy approach focused on the stable oxygen isotope composition (ÎŽ18O) of freshwater tufa. Our new palaeoclimate information for the Eastern Baltic region, based on high-resolution ÎŽ18O data (219 samples), is supported by pollen and plant macrofossil data. Radiocarbon dates were used to develop a core chronology and estimate sedimentation rates. Freshwater tufa precipitation started ca. 10,700 cal yr BP, ca. 2,000 years later than suggested by previous studies on the same lake. Younger Dryas cooling is documented clearly in Lake Äntu SinijĂ€rv sediments by abrupt appearance of diagnostic pollen (Betula nana, Dryas octopetala), highest mineral matter content in sediments (up to 90 %) and low values of ÎŽ18O (less than −12 ‰). Globally recognized 9.3- and 8.2-ka cold events are weakly defined by negative shifts in ÎŽ18O values, to −11.3 and −11.7 ‰, respectively, and low concentrations of herb pollen and charcoal particles. The Holocene thermal maximum (HTM) is palaeobotanically well documented by the first appearance and establishment of nemoral thermophilous taxa and presence of water lilies requiring warm conditions. Isotope values show an increasing trend during the HTM, from −11.5 to −10.5 ‰. Relatively stable environmental conditions, represented by only a small-scale increase in ÎŽ18O (up to 1 ‰) and high pollen concentrations between 5,000 and 3,000 cal yr BP, were followed by a decrease in ÎŽ18O, reaching the most negative value (−12.7 ‰) recorded in the freshwater tufa ca. 900 cal yr BP
