18,463 research outputs found

    Combustion of velcro in low gravity

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    An experimental program was conducted to investigate the low gravity burning characteristics on nylon and Nomex Velcro fastening tapes in an atmosphere of 30-percent oxygen, 70-percent nitrogen at a 70-kPa pressure. The tests were conducted using the NASA Lewis Research Center Zero Gravity Facility. The test results, as documented by high-speed cameras, indicate that both nylon and Nomex burn in low gravity for the full 5.18 sec test time but that Nomex burns less vigorously than nylon. Nylon melts as it burns, whereas Nomex forms a solid char. Nylon also sputters burning droplets as it burns. Thus, from these limited tests, it appears that Nomex Velcro is less hazardous than nylon Velcro for spacecraft applications. The results also show that residual gas velocities, and by analogy spacecraft air circulation, can enhance the low-gravity combustion

    Spectral variability in early-type binary X-ray systems

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    Theoretical models for the ionization of trace elements in a strong stellar wind by a compact binary X-ray source and for the resulting orbital phase dependence of the emergent soft X-ray spectra and the profiles of ultraviolet resonance lines are presented. Model results agree qualitatively with the X-ray and ultraviolet spectra of the system 4U 0900-40/HD 77581 and explain the suppression of the absorption profiles of the Si IV upsilon 1394 and C IV upsilon 1548 lines when the X-ray sources is in front of the star. The model predicts that the absorption profiles of the N V upsilon 1239 and O VI upsilon 1032 lines will be enhanced rather than suppressed during this orbital phase. We predict phase-dependent linear polarization in the resonance lines profiles. Future observations of these phase dependent effects in early-type binary X-ray systems may be used to investigate the dynamics of stellar winds and their interactions with the X-ray source

    The Light Ion Pulsed Power Induction Accelerator for ETF

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    The light ion Engineering Test Facility (ETF) driver concept, based on Hermes III and RHEPP technologies, is a scaled-down version of the LMF design incorporating repetition rate capabilities of up to 10 Hz. The preconceptual design presented here provides 250 TW peak power to the ETF target during 8 ns, equal to 2 MJ total ion beam energy. Linear inductive voltage addition driving a self-magnetically insulated transmission line (MITL) is utilized to generate the 36 MV peak voltage needed for lithium ion beams. The ~3 MA ion current is achieved by utilizing many accelerating modules in parallel. Since the current per module is relatively modest (~300 kA), two-stage or one-stage extraction diodes can be utilized for the generation of singly charged lithium ions. The accelerating modules are arranged symmetrically around the fusion chamber in order to provide uniform irradiation onto the ETF target. In addition, the modules are fired in a programmed sequence in order to generate the optimum power pulse shape onto the target. This design utilizes RHEPP accelerator modules as the principal power sourc

    The Light Ion LMF and Its Relevance to IFE

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    The inertial confinement fusion (ICF) program at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is directed toward validating light ions as an efficient driver for ICF defense and energy applications. The light ion laboratory microfusion facility (LMF) is envisioned as a facility in which high gain ICF targets could be developed and utilized in defense-related experiments. The relevance of LMF technology to eventual inertial fusion energy (IFE) applications is assessed via a comparison of LMF technologies with those projected in the Light Ion Beam Reactor Assessment (LIBRA) conceptual reactor design stud

    Interpreting forest and grassland biome productivity utilizing nested scales of image resolution and biogeographical analysis

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    Several hardware, software, and data collection problems encountered were conquered. The Geographic Information System (GIS) data from other systems were converted to ERDAS format for incorporation with the image data. Statistical analysis of the relationship between spectral values and productivity is being pursued. Several project sites, including Jackson, Pope, Boulder, Smokies, and Huntington Forest are evolving as the most intensively studied areas, primarily due to availability of data and time. Progress with data acquisition and quality checking, more details on experimental sites, and brief summarizations of research results and future plans are discussed. Material on personnel, collaborators, facilities, site background, and meetings and publications of the investigators are included

    Feeding Value of Early, Medium and Late Cut Prairie Hay

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    Prairie hay makes up a major part of the harvested feeds that are fed to cattle and sheep in many areas of South Dakota. A large number of animals are also grazed most of the winter on the matured and standing grass in the range area of the state. Chemical analysis of samples cut from various areas of the state, reflecting the extremes in harvesting dates (June to October), show this hay varies from more than 10 to less than 4 percent protein. Stage of maturity when harvested was found to have a big effect on the protein and phosphorus content. The amount of these two nutrients as well as the feeding value in general were re- duced considerably with advancing maturity. Yield of dry matter also decreases as the cutting date is delayed beyond the heading stage. Results of experiments in which these observations were made appear in bulletin 405 of the South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station

    Bulk Band Gaps in Divalent Hexaborides

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    Complementary angle-resolved photoemission and bulk-sensitive k-resolved resonant inelastic x-ray scattering of divalent hexaborides reveal a >1 eV X-point gap between the valence and conduction bands, in contradiction to the band overlap assumed in several models of their novel ferromagnetism. This semiconducting gap implies that carriers detected in transport measurements arise from defects, and the measured location of the bulk Fermi level at the bottom of the conduction band implicates boron vacancies as the origin of the excess electrons. The measured band structure and X-point gap in CaB_6 additionally provide a stringent test case for proper inclusion of many-body effects in quasi-particle band calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; new RIXS analysis; accepted for publication in PR

    A nullstellensatz for sequences over F_p

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    Let p be a prime and let A=(a_1,...,a_l) be a sequence of nonzero elements in F_p. In this paper, we study the set of all 0-1 solutions to the equation a_1 x_1 + ... + a_l x_l = 0. We prove that whenever l >= p, this set actually characterizes A up to a nonzero multiplicative constant, which is no longer true for l < p. The critical case l=p is of particular interest. In this context, we prove that whenever l=p and A is nonconstant, the above equation has at least p-1 minimal 0-1 solutions, thus refining a theorem of Olson. The subcritical case l=p-1 is studied in detail also. Our approach is algebraic in nature and relies on the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz as well as on a Vosper type theorem.Comment: 23 page
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