2,983 research outputs found

    Failure of the Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine: Some species of environmental mycobacteria block multiplication of BCG and induction of protective immunity to tuberculosis

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    The efficacy of Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine against pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) varies enormously in different populations. The prevailing hypothesis attributes this variation to interactions between the vaccine and mycobacteria common in the environment, but the precise mechanism has so far not been clarified. Our study demonstrates that prior exposure to live environmental mycobacteria can result in a broad immune response that is recalled rapidly after BCG vaccination and controls the multiplication of the vaccine. In these sensitized mice, BCG elicits only a transient immune response with a low frequency of mycobacterium-specific cells and no protective immunity against TB. In contrast, the efficacy of TB subunit vaccines was unaffected by prior exposure to environmental mycobacteria. Six different isolates from soil and sputum samples from Karonga district in Northern Malawi (a region in which BCG vaccination has no effect against pulmonary TB) were investigated in the mouse model, and two strains of the Mycobacterium avium complex were found to block BCG activity completely

    Epithelioid hemangioma of the penis: case report and review of literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Epithelioid hemangioma is a rare vascular tumor found in the penis. It is essential to avoid misdiagnosis with Peyronie's disease and penile cancer, as management differs significantly.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present a case of epithelioid hemangioma of the penis in a 50-year-old Caucasian man. We also review the literature to evaluate the incidence of benign vascular anomalies of the penis and their management.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Epithelioid hemangioma of the penis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients presenting with painful penile lumps. A thorough histological and immunohistochemical examination is required to make the diagnosis. Optimal management is complete local excision and periodic physical examination for local recurrence.</p

    Perturbation drives changing metapopulation dynamics in a top marine predator

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    Funding: O.E.G. was supported by the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland, funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant no. HR09011). E.L.C. was supported by a Newton Fellowship (Royal Society of London), Marie Curie Fellowship (EU Horizon2020) and a Rutherford Discovery Fellowship (Royal Society of New Zealand). A.J.H. and D.J.F.R. were supportedby NERC (grant no. SMRU 10/001).Metapopulation theory assumes a balance between local decays/extinctions and local growth/new colonisations. Here we investigate whether recent population declines across part of the UK harbour seal range represent normal metapopulation dynamics or are indicative of perturbations potentially threatening the metapopulation viability, using 20 years of population trends, location tracking data (n = 380), and UK-wide, multi-generational population genetic data (n = 269). First, we use microsatellite data to show that two genetic groups previously identified are distinct metapopulations: northern and southern. Then, we characterize the northern metapopulation dynamics in two different periods, before and after the start of regional declines (pre-/peri-perturbation). We identify source-sink dynamics across the northern metapopulation, with two putative source populations apparently supporting three likely sink populations, and a recent metapopulation-wide disruption of migration coincident with the perturbation. The northern metapopulation appears to be in decay, highlighting that changes in local populations can lead to radical alterations in the overall metapopulation's persistence and dynamics.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The response of perennial and temporary headwater stream invertebrate communities to hydrological extremes

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    The headwaters of karst rivers experience considerable hydrological variability, including spates and streambed drying. Extreme summer flooding on the River Lathkill (Derbyshire, UK) provided the opportunity to examine the invertebrate community response to unseasonal spate flows, flow recession and, at temporary sites, streambed drying. Invertebrates were sampled at sites with differing flow permanence regimes during and after the spates. Following streambed drying at temporary sites, dewatered surface sediments were investigated as a refugium for aquatic invertebrates. Experimental rehydration of these dewatered sediments was conducted to promote development of desiccation-tolerant life stages. At perennial sites, spate flows reduced invertebrate abundance and diversity, whilst at temporary sites, flow reactivation facilitated rapid colonisation of the surface channel by a limited number of invertebrate taxa. Following streambed drying, 38 taxa were recorded from the dewatered and rehydrated sediments, with Oligochaeta being the most abundant taxon and Chironomidae (Diptera) the most diverse. Experimental rehydration of dewatered sediments revealed the presence of additional taxa, including Stenophylax sp. (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae) and Nemoura sp. (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). The influence of flow permanence on invertebrate community composition was apparent despite the aseasonal high-magnitude flood events

    High maternal mortality estimated by the sisterhood method in a rural area of Mali

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Maternal mortality is high in Mali. Nevertheless, there are few studies on this topic from rural areas, and current estimates are mostly based on studies from urban settings. Our objective was to estimate the maternal mortality ratio in Kita, rural Mali.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using the "sisterhood method", we interviewed participants aged 15-50 years from 20 villages in Kita, Mali, and thereby created a retrospective cohort of their sisters in reproductive age. Based on population and fertility estimates, we calculated the lifetime risk of maternal death, and from that the estimated approximate maternal mortality ratio.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 2,039 respondents reported 4,628 sisters who had reached reproductive age. Of these 4,628 sisters, almost a third (1,233; 27%) had died, and 429 (9%) had died during pregnancy or childbirth. This corresponded to a lifetime risk of maternal death of 20% and a maternal mortality ratio of 3,131 per 100,000 live births (95% confidence interval 2,967-3,296), with a time reference around 1999.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found a very high maternal mortality in rural Mali and this highlights the urgent need for obstetric services in the remote rural areas.</p

    Transcriptional characterization of human megakaryocyte polyploidization and lineage commitment

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    BACKGROUND: Megakaryocytes (MKs) originate from cells immuno-phenotypically indistinguishable from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), bypassing intermediate progenitors. They mature within the adult bone marrow and release platelets into the circulation. Until now, there have been no transcriptional studies of primary human bone marrow MKs. OBJECTIVES: To characterize MKs and HSCs from human bone marrow using single-cell RNA sequencing, to investigate MK lineage commitment, maturation steps, and thrombopoiesis. RESULTS: We show that MKs at different levels of polyploidization exhibit distinct transcriptional states. Although high levels of platelet-specific gene expression occur in the lower ploidy classes, as polyploidization increases, gene expression is redirected toward translation and posttranslational processing transcriptional programs, in preparation for thrombopoiesis. Our findings are in keeping with studies of MK ultrastructure and supersede evidence generated using in vitro cultured MKs. Additionally, by analyzing transcriptional signatures of a single HSC, we identify two MK-biased HSC subpopulations exhibiting unique differentiation kinetics. We show that human bone marrow MKs originate from these HSC subpopulations, supporting the notion that they display priming for MK differentiation. Finally, to investigate transcriptional changes in MKs associated with stress thrombopoiesis, we analyzed bone marrow MKs from individuals with recent myocardial infarction and found a specific gene expression signature. Our data support the modulation of MK differentiation in this thrombotic state. CONCLUSIONS: Here, we use single-cell sequencing for the first time to characterize the human bone marrow MK transcriptome at different levels of polyploidization and investigate their differentiation from the HSC

    Familial risks in nervous system tumours: joint Nordic study

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    Background:Familial nervous system cancers are rare and limited data on familial aspects are available particularly on site-specific tumours.Methods:Data from five Nordic countries were used to analyse familial risks of nervous system tumours. Standardised incidence ratios (SIRs) were calculated for offspring of affected relatives compared with offspring of non-affected relatives.Results:The total number of patients with nervous system tumour was 63 307, of whom 32 347 belonged to the offspring generation. Of 851 familial patients (2.6%) in the offspring generation, 42 (4.7%) belonged to the families of a parent and at least two siblings affected. The SIR of brain tumours was 1.7 in offspring of affected parents; it was 2.0 in siblings and 9.4 in families with a parent and sibling affected. For spinal tumours, the SIRs were much higher for offspring of early onset tumours, 14.0 for offspring of affected parents and 22.7 for siblings. The SIRs for peripheral nerve tumours were 16.3 in offspring of affected parents, 27.7 in siblings and 943.9 in multiplex families.Conclusion:The results of this population-based study on medically diagnosed tumours show site-, proband- and age-specific risks for familial tumours, with implications for clinical genetic counselling and identification of the underlying genes.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication, 25 May 2010; doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6605708 www.bjcancer.com