403 research outputs found

    The impact of partial sleep deprivation on military naval officers’ ability to anticipate moral and tactical problems in a simulated maritime combat operation

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    The current research investigated how long-term partial sleep deprivation influenced naval officers’ abilityto generate anticipations of potentially critical problems at the entry of an operation. The study was organisedas a balanced experimental design, testing the officers both in a rested and a sleepless conditionduring a complex naval simulator exercise. The results showed that lack of sleep severely impaired theofficers’ ability to foresee important problems within both the moral and tactical domain of the operation.These findings indicate that lack of sleep may obstruct planning and preparations in maritime operationsin a way that may increase the risk of accidents and fatal errors, which again underscores the importanceof sleep and rest as an integrated element of maritime operations and leadership

    A new model for understanding teamwork onboard: the shipmate model

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    The increasing complexity onboard a ship underline the importance of crews that are able to coordinateand cooperate with each other to facilitate task objectives through a shared understanding of resources (e.g. team members’ knowledge, skills and experience), the crew’s goals, and the constrains under whichthey work. Rotation of personnel through 24/7 shift-work schedules and replacements often put crews ina position of having little or no previous history as a team. Findings from 3 studies indicated that unfamiliarteams used less efficient coordination strategies which reduced efficiency and increased levels of stress insituations where team members where experts on task, distributed or unknown to task and environment.Implications for staffing, safety and training are discussed

    Responses of biological and chemical components in North East Atlantic coastal water to experimental nitrogen and phosphorus addition – A full scale ecosystem study and its relevance for management

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    Highlights: • A full-scale 5 year experimental study of ecosystem responses to increased nutrients. • Concentrations of DIN and DIP did not respond positively to increased nutrient input. • Concentrations of PON and POP and phytoplankton biomass responded positively. • PON is suggested as credible indicator for chemical and ecological state. • A general scientific concept for managing nutrient input to coastal waters is presented. Abstract: The objective of this study was to quantify chemical and biological responses to an experimentally increased nutrient input to an open coastal planktonic ecosystem and to contribute to a scientific concept and credible indicators for managing nutrient supply to coastal waters. Data were derived in a 5 year fertilisation experiment of a tidal driven coastal lagoon at the outer coast off Central Norway (63°36’ N, 9°33’ E), with a surface area of 275.000 m2, volume of 5.5 mill m3, mean depth of 22 m and a water exchange rate of 0.19 day- 1. The lagoon was fertilised in the summer season 1998 and 1999, while summer seasons 1996-97 and 2000 and inflowing water were used as unfertilised references. Most measured chemical and biological variables showed linear responses with an increasing loading rate of inorganic N and P (LN and LP, respectively). PON, POP and POC ( 0.05) as did heterotrophic biomass (P > 0.05). We evaluate the response variables assuming a stepwise incorporation process of nutrients in the planktonic ecosystem and how that will interact with biological response times and water dilution rates. We suggest that PON is a credible indicator of both chemical and ecological states of the planktonic ecosystem and that natural background and upper critical concentrations are 46 and 88 mg PON m- 3, respectively. The study was supported by data from mesocosms. We discuss the scientific relevance of our suggestions, how results can be extrapolated to a broader geographical scale, and we propose a science-based concept for the management of nutrient emission to open coastal waters

    On Humanization of Life

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    Exploring the core of crew resource management course: speak up or stay silent

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    The Norwegian Costal Express travels 24/7 along a coast considered as one of the most dangerous littoral areas of the world. It is crucial for safe voyage to speak up when one of the crewmembers discovers a discrepancy or vital new information to the passage that needs to be shared and acted upon. Crew resource management courses are intended to increase safety and we suggest that the key is to enhance the ability to speak up. Watch keepers valued a 4-h course intended to enhance the ability to speak up and improve listening skills as highly relevant (89%) and educational (69%). These high scores indicate that this type of training is necessary to improve safety.

    Implementering av digitale enheter – En casestudie av digitalisering i norske skoler

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    Større satsing på digitale enheter i skoleverket, har gjort implementering av 1:1-dekning utbredt i Norge. Fagfornyelsen [LK20] legger grunnlaget for det som kan bli en stor endring i undervisningens praksis. Konsepter som “å lære å lære” skal gjøre elever mer reflektert rundt egen læring. Studien viser at forankring og støtte hos nøkkelinteressenter, skifte i pedagogisk paradigme og god ledelse spil-ler svært sentrale roller i implementeringen. Eierskapet kommunen tar til prosjek-tet har stor påvirkning på visjonen og ambisjonsnivået

    Do Ideals Differ and Matter? An Investigation of Authentic Leadership Ideals Among Norwegian Military Officers Across Generations – and Its Impact on Leadership Practice

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    The aim of the present study was to learn more about the content of leadership ideals among Norwegian military officers, and to what degree such ideals influence the officers’ actual leadership practice. We have also explored possible generational differences between generation X officers (born between 1965 and 1980) and generation Y officers (born between 1980 and 1998) related to leadership ideals. The sample consisted of 117 younger and 91 older Norwegian officers. The ideals framing the study were operationalized as authentic leadership (AL), portrayed in the literature as an ideal form of leadership. The results showed that the officers in both generations perceived all dimensions of AL as ideal. Younger officers, however, perceived an internalized moral perspective and balanced processing as less ideal than their older colleagues. No relationship between AL ideals and practice was found for the sample, after controlling for the effect of self-evaluations. However, the results indicated a positive influence of ideals among the young officers. These results are discussed in relation to the existing literature and practical implications. Suggestions for future studies are also outlined.publishedVersio

    Smart Grid challenges - Device Trustworthiness

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    The Power Grid development brings about technological design changes, resulting in increased connectivity and dependency on IoT devices. The changes offer opportunities to manipulate the IoT hardware as the root of trust. Although terrifying, hardware attacks are considered resource-demanding and rare. Nonetheless, Power Grids are attractive targets for resourceful attackers. As such, the Ukraine attacks boosted Power Grid cybersecurity focus. However, physical assurance and hardware device trustworthiness received less attention. Overhead Line Sensors are utilized in Dynamic Line Rating doctrines for Power Grids. They are potentially essential in the future to optimize conductor ampacity. Conductor optimization is crucial for Power Grids because future throughput volatility demands a high level of grid flexibility. However, there may be challenges to the integrity and availability of the data collected using Overhead Line sensors. We believe that in securing the future Smart Grid, stakeholders need to raise attention to device trustworthiness entailing the hardware layer. That said, integrated into cloud-enhanced digital ecosystems, Overhead Line Sensors can also be manipulated through the network, software, and supply chain to impact their trustworthiness

    Montana Kaimin, August 28, 2008

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/6186/thumbnail.jp

    Virtual team-cooperation from home-office: a quantitative diary study of the impact of daily transformational- and passive-avoidant leadership – and the moderating role of task interdependence

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the workforce moved from office setting to home-office and virtual teamwork. Whereas the relationship between leadership and team cooperation in physical settings is well documented – less is known about how daily virtual team cooperation is influenced by daily constructive as well as destructive leadership, and how intervening mechanisms influence this relationship. In the present study, we test the direct effect of daily transformational- and passive avoidant leadership, respectively, on the daily quality of virtual team cooperation – and the moderating effect of task interdependence. Using virtual team cooperation as outcome, we hypothesized that (a) transformational leadership relates positively to virtual team cooperation, (b) passive-avoidant leadership relates negatively, and (c) moderated by task interdependence. Our hypotheses were tested in a 5-day quantitative diary study with 58 convenience sampled employees working from home in virtual teams. The results show that virtual team cooperation is a partially malleable process – with 28% variation in daily virtual team cooperation resulting from within team variation from day to day. Surprisingly, the results of multilevel modeling lend support only to the first hypothesis (a). Taken together, our findings suggest that in virtual settings, inspirational and development-oriented transformational leadership plays a key role in daily team cooperation, while passive-avoidance has little impact – independently of task interdependence. Hence, in virtual team settings, the study shows that “good is stronger than bad” – when comparing the negative effects of destructive leadership to the positive effect of constructive and inspirational leadership. We discuss the implications of these findings for further research and practice
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