216 research outputs found

    Multilingual query expansion in the Svemed+ bibliographic database : a case study

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    SveMed+ is a bibliographic database covering Scandinavian medical journals. It is produced by the University Library of Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The bibliographic references are indexed with terms from the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus. The MeSH has been translated into several languages including Swedish, making it suitable as the basis for multilingual tools in the medical field. The data structure of SveMed+ closely mimics that of PubMed/MEDLINE. Users of PubMed/MEDLINE and similar databases typically expect retrieval features that are not readily available off-the-shelf. The SveMed+ interface is based on a free text search engine (Solr) and a relational database management system (Microsoft SQL Server) containing the bibliographic database and a multilingual thesaurus database. The thesaurus database contains medical terms in three different languages and information about relationships between the terms. A combined approach involving the Solr free text index, the bibliographic database and the thesaurus database allowed the implementation of functionality such as automatic multilingual query expansion, faceting and hierarchical explode searches. The present paper describes how this was done in practice.NoneAccepte

    Специфіка методики викладання порівняльного правознавства

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено осмисленню специфіки методик викладання порівняльного правознавства. Автор вважає, що для слухача курсу достатньо вивчення правових явищ однієї з правових систем з використанням її джерел мовою оригіналу. На основі здійсненого аналізу існуючих методик викладання порівняльного правознавства, а також його сприйняття обґрунтовується необхідність самостійного визначення методики для отримання максимальної варіативності функціональних результатів

    Dynablox: Real-time Detection of Diverse Dynamic Objects in Complex Environments

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    Real-time detection of moving objects is an essential capability for robots acting autonomously in dynamic environments. We thus propose Dynablox, a novel online mapping-based approach for robust moving object detection in complex environments. The central idea of our approach is to incrementally estimate high confidence free-space areas by modeling and accounting for sensing, state estimation, and mapping limitations during online robot operation. The spatio-temporally conservative free space estimate enables robust detection of moving objects without making any assumptions on the appearance of objects or environments. This allows deployment in complex scenes such as multi-storied buildings or staircases, and for diverse moving objects such as people carrying various items, doors swinging or even balls rolling around. We thoroughly evaluate our approach on real-world data sets, achieving 86% IoU at 17 FPS in typical robotic settings. The method outperforms a recent appearance-based classifier and approaches the performance of offline methods. We demonstrate its generality on a novel data set with rare moving objects in complex environments. We make our efficient implementation and the novel data set available as open-source.Comment: Code released at https://github.com/ethz-asl/dynablo

    Learning to Open Doors with an Aerial Manipulator

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    The field of aerial manipulation has seen rapid advances, transitioning from push-and-slide tasks to interaction with articulated objects. So far, when more complex actions are performed, the motion trajectory is usually handcrafted or a result of online optimization methods like Model Predictive Control (MPC) or Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control. However, these methods rely on heuristics or model simplifications to efficiently run on onboard hardware, producing results in acceptable amounts of time. Moreover, they can be sensitive to disturbances and differences between the real environment and its simulated counterpart. In this work, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL) approach to learn motion behaviors for a manipulation task while producing policies that are robust to disturbances and modeling errors. Specifically, we train a policy to perform a door-opening task with an Omnidirectional Micro Aerial Vehicle (OMAV). The policy is trained in a physics simulator and experiments are presented both in simulation and running onboard the real platform, investigating the simulation to real world transfer. We compare our method against a state-of-the-art MPPI solution, showing a considerable increase in robustness and speed

    Основи охорони праці

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    Навчальний посібник містить курс лекцій, теми рефератів та питання, що виносяться на семінарські заняття з дисципліни «Основи охорони праці» для студентів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів всіх спеціальностей і напрямів підготовки за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «бакалавр» і курсів післядипломної освіти


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    La chute des régimes communistes et l'instauration de démocraties pluralistes en Europe centrale et orientale, accompagnées de proclamations de rupture radicale avec le passé, ont engendré un bouleversement général des repères qui jusque-là permettaient les identifications individuelles et l'élaboration d'identités collectives dans toutes les sphères sociales. Le rejet obligé du passé a été décliné de différentes manières selon les pays, en fonction des diverses expériences du communisme (et de sa chute) dans chacune des sociétés concernées. Toutefois, si les modalités sont variables et les calendriers spécifiques, ces recompositions sociales et politiques se sont toutes inscrites dans un même cadre mental. La condamnation globale du communisme a favorisé des visions polarisées et simplifiées du passé, fondées sur des catégories binaires et des figures stéréotypées, plus ou moins marquées, de bourreaux et de victimes. Au-delà du consensus affiché dans le rejet et la condamnation du communisme, un examen plus fin du rapport au passé dans ces sociétés dites post-communistes souligne la difficulté d'élaborer un discours commun sur le passé (...)

    Cripto promotes A–P axis specification independently of its stimulatory effect on Nodal autoinduction

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    The EGF-CFC gene cripto governs anterior–posterior (A–P) axis specification in the vertebrate embryo. Existing models suggest that Cripto facilitates binding of Nodal to an ActRII–activin-like kinase (ALK) 4 receptor complex. Cripto also has a crucial function in cellular transformation that is independent of Nodal and ALK4. However, how ALK4-independent Cripto pathways function in vivo has remained unclear. We have generated cripto mutants carrying the amino acid substitution F78A, which blocks the Nodal–ALK4–Smad2 signaling both in embryonic stem cells and cell-based assays. In criptoF78A/F78A mouse embryos, Nodal fails to expand its own expression domain and that of cripto, indicating that F78 is essential in vivo to stimulate Smad-dependent Nodal autoinduction. In sharp contrast to cripto-null mutants, criptoF78A/F78A embryos establish an A–P axis and initiate gastrulation movements. Our findings provide in vivo evidence that Cripto is required in the Nodal–Smad2 pathway to activate an autoinductive feedback loop, whereas it can promote A–P axis formation and initiate gastrulation movements independently of its stimulatory effect on the canonical Nodal–ALK4–Smad2 signaling pathway

    sept7b is required for the differentiation of pancreatic endocrine progenitors

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    Protection or restoration of pancreatic beta-cell mass as a therapeutic treatment for type 1 diabetes requires understanding of the mechanisms that drive the specification and development of pancreatic endocrine cells. Septins are filamentous small GTPases that function in the regulation of cell division, cytoskeletal organization and membrane remodeling, and are involved in various tissue-specific developmental processes. However, their role in pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation remains unknown. Here we show by functional manipulation techniques in transgenic zebrafish lines that suppression of sept7b, the zebrafish ortholog of human SEPT7, profoundly increases the number of endocrine progenitors but limits their differentiation, leading to reduction in beta- and alpha-cell mass. Furthermore, we discovered that shh (sonic hedgehog) expression in the endoderm, essential for the development of pancreatic progenitors of the dorsal pancreatic bud, is absent in larvae depleted of sept7b. We also discovered that sept7b is important for the differentiation of ventral pancreatic bud-derived cells: sept7b-depleted larvae exhibit downregulation of Notch receptors notch1a and notch1b and show precocious differentiation of NeuroD-positive endocrine cells in the intrapancreatic duct and gut epithelium. Collectively, this study provides a novel insight into the development of pancreatic endocrine progenitors, revealing an essential role for sept7b in endocrine progenitor differentiation.Peer reviewe