1,545 research outputs found

    Global Monopole in Palatini f(R) gravity

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    We consider the space-time metric generated by a global monopole in an extension of General Relativity (GR) of the form f(R)=RλR2f(\mathcal{R})=\mathcal{R}-\lambda \mathcal{R}^2. The theory is formulated in the metric-affine (or Palatini) formalism and exact analytical solutions are obtained. For λ<0\lambda<0, one finds that the solution has the same characteristics as the Schwarzschild black hole with a monopole charge in Einstein's GR. For λ>0\lambda>0, instead, the metric is more closely related to the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m metric with a monopole charge and, in addition, it possesses a wormhole-like structure that allows for the geodesic completeness of the space-time. Our solution recovers the expected limits when λ=0\lambda=0 and also at the asymptotic far limit. The angular deflection of light in this spacetime in the weak field regime is also calculated.Comment: 15 pages, version accepted to PR

    Nonlinear σ\sigma-models in the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld Gravity

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    In this paper we consider two different nonlinear σ\sigma-models minimally coupled to Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity. We show that the resultant geometries represent minimal modifications with respect to those found in GR, though with important physical consequences. In particular, wormhole structures always arise, though this does not guarantee by itself the geodesic completeness of those space-times. In one of the models, quadratic in the canonical kinetic term, we identify a subset of solutions which are regular everywhere and are geodesically complete. We discuss characteristic features of these solutions and their dependence on the relationship between mass and global charge.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Maghemite Nanofluid Based on Natural Ester: Cooling and Insulation Properties Assessment

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    The objective of this work is to study the effect that the addition of magnetic nanoparticles to a natural ester has on its properties and its cooling capacity. Some samples of ferrofluid (natural ester with maghemite) have been prepared using different concentrations. These have been characterized by measuring their thermo-hydraulic and dielectric properties, to find an optimal concentration. Then, the cooling capacities of the optimal nanofluid and the base fluid have been tested in a transformer immersed in these liquids. The experimental platform allowed the measurement of temperatures in different locations at different load levels. Parallel simulations of these tests have been carried out with a Computational Fluid Dynamics model of the experimental platform. The results show an improvement of the insulating capacity of the base fluid with the addition of maghemite nanoparticles, and an enhanced cooling capacity.

    The nearly Newtonian regime in Non-Linear Theories of Gravity

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    The present paper reconsiders the Newtonian limit of models of modified gravity including higher order terms in the scalar curvature in the gravitational action. This was studied using the Palatini variational principle in [Meng X. and Wang P.: Gen. Rel. Grav. {\bf 36}, 1947 (2004)] and [Dom\'inguez A. E. and Barraco D. E.: Phys. Rev. D {\bf 70}, 043505 (2004)] with contradicting results. Here a different approach is used, and problems in the previous attempts are pointed out. It is shown that models with negative powers of the scalar curvature, like the ones used to explain the present accelerated expansion, as well as their generalization which include positive powers, can give the correct Newtonian limit, as long as the coefficients of these powers are reasonably small. Some consequences of the performed analysis seem to raise doubts for the way the Newtonian limit was derived in the purely metric approach of fourth order gravity [Dick R.: Gen. Rel. Grav. {\bf 36}, 217 (2004)]. Finally, we comment on a recent paper [Olmo G. J.: Phys. Rev. D {\bf 72}, 083505 (2005)] in which the problem of the Newtonian limit of both the purely metric and the Palatini formalism is discussed, using the equivalent Brans--Dicke theory, and with which our results partly disagree.Comment: typos corrected, replaced to match published versio

    The cosmic snap parameter in f(R) gravity

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    We derive the expression for the snap parameter in f(R) gravity. We use the Palatini variational principle to obtain the field equations and regard the Einstein conformal frame as physical. We predict the present-day value of the snap parameter for the particular case f(R)=R-const/R, which is the simplest f(R) model explaining the current acceleration of the universe.Comment: 9 pages; published versio

    Torsion and accelerating expansion of the universe in quadratic gravitation

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    Several exact cosmological solutions of a metric-affine theory of gravity with two torsion functions are presented. These solutions give a essentially different explanation from the one in most of previous works to the cause of the accelerating cosmological expansion and the origin of the torsion of the spacetime. These solutions can be divided into two classes. The solutions in the first class define the critical points of a dynamical system representing an asymptotically stable de Sitter spacetime. The solutions in the second class have exact analytic expressions which have never been found in the literature. The acceleration equation of the universe in general relativity is only a special case of them. These solutions indicate that even in vacuum the spacetime can be endowed with torsion, which means that the torsion of the spacetime has an intrinsic nature and a geometric origin. In these solutions the acceleration of the cosmological expansion is due to either the scalar torsion or the pseudoscalar torsion function. Neither a cosmological constant nor dark energy is needed. It is the torsion of the spacetime that causes the accelerating expansion of the universe in vacuum. All the effects of the inflation, the acceleration and the phase transformation from deceleration to acceleration can be explained by these solutions. Furthermore, the energy and pressure of the matter without spin can produce the torsion of the spacetime and make the expansion of the universe decelerate as well as accelerate.Comment: 20 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with gr-qc/0604006, arXiv:1110.344

    Static quantum corrections to the Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We study static quantum corrections of the Schwarzschild metric in the Boulware vacuum state. Due to the absence of a complete analytic expression for the full semiclassical Einstein equations we approach the problem by considering the s-wave approximation and solve numerically the associated backreaction equations. The solution, including quantum effects due to pure vacuum polarization, is similar to the classical Schwarzschild solution up to the vicinity of the classical horizon. However, the radial function has a minimum at a time-like surface close to the location of the classical event horizon. There the g_{00} component of the metric reaches a very small but non-zero value. The analysis unravels how a curvature singularity emerges beyond this bouncing point. We briefly discuss the physical consequences of these results by extrapolating them to a dynamical collapsing scenario.Comment: 10 pages; Talk given at QG05, Cala Gonone (Italy), September 200

    Two-point functions with an invariant Planck scale and thermal effects

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    Nonlinear deformations of relativistic symmetries at the Planck scale are usually addressed in terms of modified dispersion relations. We explore here an alternative route by directly deforming the two-point functions of an underlying field theory. The proposed deformations depend on a length parameter (Planck length) and preserve the basic symmetries of the corresponding theory. We also study the physical consequences implied by these modifications at the Planck scale by analyzing the response function of an accelerated detector in Minkowski space, an inertial one in de Sitter space, and also in a black hole spacetime.Comment: 12 pages, no figure