51 research outputs found

    Husserl en los textos de Ortega.

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    Husserl en los textos de Ortega.

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    La influencia del género en el management de la comunicación corporativa estudio de caso en Aragón (España)

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    En este artículo, analizamos los cambios en el management de la comunicación corporativa derivados de la influencia de las nuevas tecnologías, utilizando como estudio de caso el mercado de las agencias de publicidad en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón (España). Con el objetivo de determinar si el género de quienes ocupan puestos de dirección de las empresas anunciantes influye en la forma de gestionar el nuevo entorno empresarial, se realizó un análisis descriptivo utilizando como técnica de investigación los focus group. Como variable de estudio se seleccionó el género, por lo que se llevaron a cabo dos sesiones distintas, una con hombres y otra con mujeres, con el objetivo de analizar, de manera comparativa, las posibles diferencias existentes en las características de la relación anunciante vs agencia. La principal conclusión a la que llegamos en esta investigación es que existe un interés diferente para hombres y mujeres en relación a los diversos parámetros de análisis. Mientras que los varones prestaron más atención a la competitividad externa y a la necesidad de reaccionar rápida y contundentemente a los cambios, las mujeres se mostraron más preocupadas por la desaparición de fronteras interdepartamentales y por la forma en que se toman las decisiones en marketing. We analyze the changes in the management of corporate communication due to the influence of new technologies, using as a case study the market of advertising agencies in the Autonomous Community of Aragon (Spain). In order to determine if the gender of those in management positions of the advertisers influences the way of managing the new business environment, a descriptive analysis was carried out using the focus group as a research technique. As a study variable, gender was selected, so two different sessions were held, one with men and the other with women, in order to analyze the characteristics of the advertiser vs. agency relationship. The main conclusion we reached in this research is that there is a different interest for men and women in relation to the different parameters of analysis. While men paid more attention to external competitiveness and the need to react quickly and forcefully to changes, women were more concerned about the disappearance of interdepartmental borders and the way marketing decisions are made

    De marge a Lisa: El nuevo paradigma de la mujer en Los Simpson

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    Los Simpson es la serie de ficción televisiva que ha redibujado el término de éxito. Tras treinta años en antena, continúa cautivando audiencias de todo el mundo, con un humor ácido y osado, así como con unos guiones y tramas argumentales, que ironizan sobre cualquier asunto de calado social. La presente investigación estudia, la alusión a cuestiones de género, machismo, feminismo, igualdad y reparto de roles, presentes en episodios emitidos entre 1989 y 1997, correspondientes a las ocho primeras temporadas, mediante las técnicas cualitativas del análisis de discurso y de personajes. Como resultados, se observa que Marge es una mujer sumisa, prototipo de la ama de casa de los 60, no obstante, aplicando un modelo de educación diferente del recibido, trata de formar a su hija Lisa en valores y con patrones de conducta, que le permitan ser una mujer autónoma e independiente, preparada para desarrollarse plenamente en un contexto distinto al de la segunda década del siglo XX. Se concluye, que la relación existente entre Marge y Lisa, madre e hija respectivamente, y el vínculo que ambas establecen con el resto de personajes, plasma el cambio de paradigma de la mujer del siglo XX a la del siglo XXI. The Simpsons is the television fiction series that has redrawn the term of success. After thirty years on the air, he continues to captivate audiences around the world, with an acid and daring humor, as well as with some scripts and plot lines, which ironic about any issue of social significance. The present investigation studies the allusion to questions of gender, machismo, feminism, equality and distribution of roles, present in episodes broadcast between 1989 and 1997, corresponding to the first eight seasons, using the qualitative techniques of discourse and character analysis. As results, it is observed that Marge is a submissive woman, prototype of the housewife of the 60s, however, applying a different model of education from the one received, she tries to train her daughter Lisa in values and with behavior patterns, which allow her to be an autonomous and independent woman, prepared to develop fully in a context different from that of the second decade of the 20th century. It is concluded that the relationship between Marge and Lisa, mother and daughter respectively, and the bond that both establish with the rest of the characters, reflects the paradigm shift of women from the 20th century to that of the 21st century

    Stability analysis of f(R)-AdS black holes

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    We study the stability of f(R)-AdS (Schwarzschild-AdS) black hole obtained from f(R) gravity. In order to resolve the difficulty of solving fourth order linearized equations, we transform f(R) gravity into the scalar-tensor theory by introducing two auxiliary scalars. In this case, the linearized curvature scalar becomes a dynamical scalaron, showing that all linearized equations are second order. Using the positivity of gravitational potentials and S-deformed technique allows us to guarantee the stability of f(R)-AdS black hole if the scalaron mass squared satisfies the Breitenlohner-Freedman bound. This is confirmed by computing quasinormal frequencies of the scalaron for large f(R)-AdS black hole.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, version to appear in EPJ

    Aerosol direct radiative effects of a transatlantic biomass burning plume over Granada, Spain

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    This work presents the assessment of the aerosol direct radiative effects for a special episode of transatlantic transport of a biomass burning plume, performed over Granada, south-eastern Iberian Peninsula, on 20th August 2007. The knowledge of aerosol radiative impact requires an accurate determination of their optical and microphysical properties, which are obtained here using ground-based remote sensing instrumentation by means of a combination of lidar and sun-photometer. Our data highlight the presence of a multilayered structure with a well-defined planetary boundary layer and biomass-particles in elevated layers, extending up to 9 km asl, at the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. The aerosol direct shortwave radiative effects, evaluated from simulations with SBDART code, show that the biomass burning plume increases the heating rate up to 0.5 K/day in spite of the small contribution of these particles to the total aerosol optical depth (10-20%). In addition, our results indicate that the biomass burning plume strengths the negative radiative forcing about -5 down to -8 W/m2 at the surface, between noon and evening. At the TOA, radiative forcing appeared slightly positive but very close to zero at noon, and negative in the evening with a decrease of 1.5 W/m2 caused by the presence of the biomass burning plume.Postprint (published version

    Optical properties from extinction cross-section of single pollen particles under laboratory-controlled relative humidity

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through projects ELPIS (PID2020-12001-5RB-I00), by the Junta de Andalucía Excellence project ADAPNE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820), FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa, EQC2019-006423-P, INTEGRATYON (PID2020-117825 GB-C21 and PID2020-117825 GB-C22), the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program through project ACTRIS. IMP (grant agreement No 871115), and ATMO-ACCESS (grant agreement No 101008004), and ACTRIS-España (RED2022-134824-E), FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades project DEM3TRIOS (A-RNM-430-UGR20) and by University of Granada Plan Propio through Excellence Research Unit Earth Science and Singular Laboratory AGORA (LS2022-1) programs and project Pre-GREENMITIGATION (PP2022.PP.34).A growing body of research suggests that pollen suspended in the atmosphere have a major environmental and climatic impact. However, our current knowledge of pollen is rather limited with respect to its extinction capacity, its optical properties and how these vary with atmospheric water content. Understanding their water absorption capacity can improve our understanding of their radiative effects and, thus, improve climate models. In this work, an electrodynamic Paul trap was coupled to a cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) to directly measure the ring down time () of four individual types of pollen particles: Olea, Fraxinus, Populus and Salix exposed to changing relative humidity (RH). Resonant structures in values between ∼90 and 45 % RH indicated that pollen was wettable at high RHs. was used to calculate light extinction cross-section at 532 nm as a function of RH. Optical growth factor () was evaluated as the ratio between and From , the semi-empirical single hygroscopicity parameter () was found to be 0.038–0.058 for the four pollen types. Under controllable treatment of the water content and an adequate selection of complex refractive index , CRDS- data was fitted to theoretical from Mie theory. The reasonable agreement achieved allowed for gaining knowledge about the and how particle size shrugged during dehydration. As a result, a climate-lowering effect of Olea pollen particles, which contain a fraction of scattered aerosol, should be considered in the models.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2020-12001-5RB-I00)Junta de Andalucía Excellence: ADAPNE (P20-00136), AEROPRE (P-18-RT-3820), FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa, EQC2019-006423-P, INTEGRATYON (PID2020-117825GB-C21, PID2020-117825GB-C22)European Union's Horizon 2020 CTRIS.IMP 871115ATMO-ACCESS 101008004ACTRIS-España (RED2022-134824-E)FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades DEM3TRIOS (A-NM-430-UGR20)University of Granada LS2022-1, PP2022.PP.3

    Aerosol number fluxes and concentrations over a southern European urban area

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    Although cities are an important source of aerosol particles, aerosol number flux measurements over urban areas are scarce. These measurements are however important as they can allow us to identify the different sources/sinks of aerosol particles and quantify their emission contributions. Therefore, they can help us to understand the aerosol impacts on human health and climate, and to design effective mitigation strategies through the reduction of urban aerosol emissions. In this work we analyze the aerosol number concentrations and fluxes for particles with diameters larger than 2.5 nm measured by eddy covariance technique at an urban area (Granada city, Spain) from November 2016 to April 2018. This is the first study of particle number flux in an urban area in the Iberian Peninsula and is one of the few current studies that report long-term aerosol number flux measurements. The results suggest that, on average, Granada urban area acted as a net source for atmospheric aerosol particles with median particle number flux of 150 x 10(6) m(-2) s(-1). Downward negative fluxes were observed in only 12% of the analyzed data, and most of them were observed during high aerosol load conditions. Both aerosol number fluxes and concentrations were maximum in winter and 50% larger than those measured in summer due to the increased emissions from domestic heating, burning of residual agricultural waste in the agricultural area surrounding the site, as well as to the lower aerosol dilution effects during winter. The analysis of the seasonal diurnal variability of the aerosol number concentration revealed the significant impact of traffic emissions on aerosol population over Granada urban area in all seasons. It also shows the impact of domestic heating and agricultural waste burning emissions in winter as well as the influence of new particle formation processes in summer and spring seasons. Closer analysis by wind sector demonstrated that both aerosol concentrations and fluxes from urban sector (where high density of anthropogenic sources is located) were lower than those from rural sector (which includes agricultural area but also the main highway of the city). This evidences the strong impact of aerosol emissions from traffic circulating on the highway on aerosol population over our measurement site.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of atmospheric aerosols for a long-range transport of biomass-burning from North America over the Iberian Peninsula

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    This work presents the characterization of atmospheric aerosols performed over the Iberian Peninsula in the framework of EARLINET for a special episode on 20th August 2007. The assessment of aerosol radiative impact requires an accurate determination of their optical and microphysical properties, which are presented here for a variety of instrumentation including passive remote sensors, as sun-photometers, and active systems both ground-based and on board CALIPSO satellite. Measurements highlight the presence of a multilayered structure with a well-defined planetary boundary layer and biomass-particles in elevated layers, extending up to 7 km asl over the central Iberian Peninsula, and even higher, up to 9 km asl, at the southeastern part of the peninsula. Lidar computations reveal a contribution to the aerosol optical depth around 10-40% for these biomass-burning particles, with backscatter-related AngströPostprint (published version

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    The Osteology of Barbus bocagei (Steindachner, 1866) (Pisces: Cyprinidae).El crecimiento del Cacho (Leuciscus cephalus pyraenaicus Günther, 1862) en el rio Jarama (cuenca del Tajo)Contribución al estudio de la bermejuela, Rutilus arcasi, Steindachner 1866 de la cuenca del Júcar (Osteichthyes: Cyprinidae) 1. MorfometríaDimensiones, estructura, forma y disposición en la cavidad de los nidos de Corvus monedula.Variaciones altitudinales en la composición de las comunidades nidificantes de aves de Sierra Nevada (Sur de España)Ecomorfología de una comunidadde Passeriformes en la Sierra de Cazorla, SE de EspañaLa Distribución del pez-sol (Lepolllis gibbostlS L.) en la Península IbéricaSobre la distribución de Barbus haasi (OSTARIOPHYSI: CYPRINIDAE)La Distribución de Barbus bocagei STEINDACHNER, 1865 (OSTARIOPHYSI: CYPRINIDAE) en la Península IbéricaLighy effects on circadian locomotor activity of Lacerta lepida under constant temperatureEvaluación de diferentes métodos para estimar el área de campeo de dos especies de iguánidos.Un Casal de Cartaxo-Nottenho (Saxicola rubetra) a criar em Portugal.Nidificación de Passer hispaniolensis en antiguos nidos de Dendrocopos major thanneri.Observación de un lince ibérico (Lynx pardina) en la provincia de Lugo. Norte de España.El Visón americano, Mustela vison SCHREBER, 1777 (MAMMALIA, MUSTELIDAE) en Cataluña, N.E. de la Península Ibérica.Peer reviewe