39 research outputs found

    Análisis de programas contra el acoso escolar con éxito en los centros educativos

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de Siciologia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Jose Ramón Flecha GarcíaEl trabajo expone aquellos programas anti-Bullying que han obtenido éxito, en aspectos concretos, para la disminución del acoso escolar. El fin de tal búsqueda consiste en la realización de una comparativa sobre qué aspectos difieren o se asemejan de los programas y entidades buscadas, para compararlas con las que tratan el mismo problema social en España. Los programas analizados han sido: proyecto KiVa de Finlandia, el programa Dando pasos hacia la paz, juntamente con una visión general de las asociaciones en España. Los resultados a destacar del análisis residen en la falta de aplicación de la responsabilidad por parte de los centros educativos, la necesidad de fortalecer los lazos entre asociaciones y las instituciones educativas, juntamente con la exigencia de rigurosidad científica en la metodología de las asociaciones españolas para su avance de crecer y mejorar unos mecanismos que, en el debate sobre los programas anti-Bullying a nivel mundial, se cuestionan diariamente su eficacia

    Remote control devices using microcontrollers

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    Autoavaluació de competències transversals a l'assignatura d'anestesiologia mitjançant l'ABP

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    L'EEES incideix en la necessitat de contemplar les competències transversals en la formació de pregrau. A l'assignatura optativa de pregrau d'Anestesiologia apliquem l'ABP des de l'any 2001, i ens qüestionem cóm són les competències basals dels estudiants i si les fomentem. Objectiu: Mesurar l'autoavaluació dels estudiants de les competències transversals i analitzar el seu grau de progressió al llarg del nostre curs. Mètode: Estudi prospectiu i descriptiu amb estudiants de cinquè. Es sol·licita consentiment informat. Segons el projecte "Tuning" s'ha dissenyat un qüestionari on cada estudiant autoavalua al primer i a l'últim dia del curs les seves competències instrumentals, interpersonals i sistèmiques. La valoració va del 0 (incapaç) al 5 (molt capaç). Resultats: Tots els estudiants (13 dones i 1 home; edat mitja 23,78 anys) que participat en l'estudi han experimentat un increment de les seves competències amb una mitjana de 0,9 punts. Les competències millor valorades han estat la capacitat en la presa de decisions, el compliment de compromisos adquirits, la habilitat per treballar de forma autònoma, sent la més valorada la motivació per la consecució d'objectius d'aprenentatge. Les més deficitàries han estat el coneixement d'anglès i les habilitats per a investigar. Les de major progressió han estat: l'habilitat en recerca d'informació, capacitat d'expressió i per dissenyar i gestionar treballs. Conclusió: Cal conèixer el perfil basal de l'estudiant i quines són les seves mancances competencials per a després dissenyar un enfocament de l'educació basada en competències. L'autoavaluació i l'ABP ens ajuda a fomentar les competències transversals de l'estudiant.According to the Bologna Declaration transversal competencies should be improved in undergraduate education. In our optional course of Anesthesiology we apply PBL since 2001 and now we ask ourselves what kind of transversal competencies our students have and if we can help students to improve them. Objective: To measure students' self-evaluation of their transversal competencies and to analyze their progression throughout our course. Method: Prospective, descriptive study with 5th year medical students. Informed consent was asked. As described in the "Tuning" project, we designed a self-evaluation questionnaire on their instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competencies to be filled in by every student on the first and last day of class. We used a Likert scale going from 0 (unable) to 5 (excellent) for this purpose. Results: All students (13 women and 1 man; mean age 23.78 years old) filled in the questionnaire and showed a mean increase of their competencies of 0.9. The best evaluated competencies were the capacity of taking decisions, the realization of acquired compromises and the ability to work in an independent way. The best evaluated one was the motivation for the prosecution of learning objectives. The English knowledge and the ability to investigate were very deficient. The competencies that showed the most progression throughout the course were: the ability of searching information, the capacity of oral and written expression and finally their work management capacity. Conclusion: It is important to know the baseline profile of our students in terms of deficiencies of transversal competencies to design a competence-based education. PBL and self-evaluation help us to improve transversal competencies in our classes

    Long-term outcome of patients wih distal ulcerative colitis and inflammation of the appendiceal orifice

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    Background & Aims: Skip inflammation of the appendiceal orifice has been described in distal UC (UC-IAO) but long-term clinical outcomes are poorly established. Our aim was to evaluate the long-term clinical outcomes of UC-IAO as compared to classic distal UC. Methods: Patients with UC-IAO were identified from the local IBD database. Disease outcome and therapeutic requirements during follow-up were accurately collected, and compared with a control group of patients with distal UC without periappendiceal involvement matched by disease extent (proctitis/distal), smoking habit, and date and age at diagnosis. Results: Fourteen UC patients were found to have UC-IAO, most of them with initial extent of UC limited to the rectum. All patients were initially managed with mesalazine administered orally (28.5%), topically (28.5%), or in combination (43%). After a median follow-up of 78 months (interquartile range - IQR 45-123) most UC-IAO patients were successfully managed with oral and/or topical aminosalycilates. Only one of them developed proximal disease progression. As compared to controls, no differences in clinical outcomes or therapeutic requirements were found. Conclusions: Patients with UC-IAO tend to present a mild course, with a low probability to develop proximal progression of disease extent or to require immunosuppressive therapy or colectomy.CIBERehd of Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, from the Spanish Ministry of HealthMedicin

    Miopatía y polineuropatía en el paciente crítico. Estudio PEC : parálisis del enfermo crítico

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    Alguns pacients ingressats en la Unitat de Cures Intensives (UCI) desenvolupen una debilitat muscular en grau variable que pot arribar fins a la tetraparesia o tretraplejia. Aquesta condició és deguda a una disfunció neuromuscular perifèrica. No existeix consens internacional per al diagnòstic. En aquest treball s'estudien, de manera prospectiva, les alteracions en l'electromiograma i la seva correlació amb l'anatomia patològica del múscul com a mètode diagnòstic de miopatia i/o neuropatia del pacient crític. A més s'avaluen diversos factors predisponents i pronòstics, conseqüències d'aquesta malaltia i el seu moment d'inici.Algunos pacientes ingresados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) desarrollan una debilidad muscular en grado variable que puede llegar hasta la tetraparesia o tretraplejia. Esta condición es debida a una disfunción neuromuscular periférica. No existe consenso internacional para el diagnóstico. En este trabajo se estudian las alteraciones en el electromiograma y su correlación con la anatomía patológica del músculo como método diagnóstico de miopatía y/o nueropatía del paciente crítico. Además se evalúan diversos factores predisponentes y pronósticos, consecuencias de esta enfermedad y su momento de inicio

    Què vol dir ser d'esquerres a Catalunya? Un estudi sobre el pes de la clivella nacional en l'eix ideològic

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    L'augment del pes polític de l'independentisme català en els darrers anys ha erosionat el sistema polític de Catalunya. L'eix esquerra-dreta, el qual ha passat en un segon pla durant els anys de l'anomenat "Procés", no ha fet sinó decantar-se cada cop més cap a l'esquerra en aquests darrers temps, fins al punt que Catalunya ha esdevingut la societat més escurada a l'esquerra de tot Europa, juntament amb el País Basc. El present estudi analitza els valors que fan que un individu s'ubiqui més a l'esquerra en una societat postmaterialista com la catalana, i posteriorment analitza fins a quin punt el sentiment nacional de cada individu té un pes sobre aquests.The increase in the political weight of Catalan independence in recent years has eroded the political system in Catalonia. The Left-Right axis, which has taken a back seat during the years of the so-called "Procés", has only shifted more and more to the left in recent times, to the point that Catalonia has become the most left-leaning society in Europe, along with the Basque Country. This study analyses the values that make an individual more left-leaning in a post-materialist society such as the Catalan one, and subsequently analyses to what extent the national sentiment of each individual has a bearing on these values

    Long-term Outcome of Patients with Distal ulcerative Colitis and Inflammation of the Appendiceal Orifice

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    Abstract Background & Aims: Skip inflammation of the appendiceal orifice has been described in distal UC (UC-IAO) but long-term clinical outcomes are poorly established. Our aim was to evaluate the long-term clinical outcomes of UC-IAO as compared to classic distal UC. methods: Patients with UC-IAO were identified from the local IBD database. Disease outcome and therapeutic requirements during followup were accurately collected, and compared with a control group of patients with distal UC without periappendiceal involvement matched by disease extent (proctitis/distal), smoking habit, and date and age at diagnosis. Results: Fourteen UC patients were found to have UC-IAO, most of them with initial extent of UC limited to the rectum. All patients were initially managed with mesalazine administered orally (28.5%), topically (28.5%), or in combination (43%). After a median follow-up of 78 months (interquartile range -IQR 45-123) most UC-IAO patients were successfully managed with oral and/or topical aminosalycilates. Only one of them developed proximal disease progression. As compared to controls, no differences in clinical outcomes or therapeutic requirements were found. Conclusions: Patients with UC-IAO tend to present a mild course, with a low probability to develop proximal progression of disease extent or to require immunosuppressive therapy or colectomy

    The Effectiveness of a Program of Physical Activity and Diet to Modify Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Patients with Severe Mental Illness (CAPiCOR Study)

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    Background: Patients with severe mental disorders have a higher prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors. Obesity and sedentarism are cardiovascular risk factors and their control reduces morbidity and mortality. Thus, interventions directed toward decreasing weight and/ or increasing the level of physical activity are necessary.Objectives: The aim of this study would be to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational intervention focused on diet and physical activity in order to change the amount of physical activity, Body Mass Index and waist circumference in these patients.Design: Randomized clinical trial with a control group with one-year follow-up.Setting: Outpatient Mental Health Teams of Barcelona and a residence for patients with severe mental disorders.Participants: Patients between 18 and 65 years of age diagnosed with schizophrenia, a schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder in treatment with antipsychotic medication and a low level of physical activity (240 patients in each randomized group).Intervention group: Physical activity group educational program of 24 sessions over 12 weeks and diet (16 sessions in the fist 8 weeks) carried out by nurses and physical activity specialists.Control group: Usual practice with regular checks and the usual treatment of their disease.Main outcome measures: Level of physical activity (IPAQ questionnaire), weight, Body Mass Index and waist circumference.Other outcomes: Cardiovascular risk, quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), tobacco consumption, dietary habit (PREDIMED questionnaire), blood pressure and laboratory parameters (cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose).Evaluations will be masked and will be made at 0, 3, 6 and 12 months.Data analysis: Intention to treat analysis. Analysis of variance for repeated measures to adjust for differences attributable to the effect of the intervention for potential confounders (drug treatment, care level of intervention and mental status of the patient).Ethical aspects: The project has been evaluated and approved by the ethics committee (CEIC) of the Primary Healthcare-University Research Institute IDIAP Jordi Gol, with registration number P11/64.Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01729650

    Seguiment de l'execució d'un habitatge unifamiliar aïllat a Benissa (Alacant)

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado [TFG], corresponde al seguimiento de la ejecución de distintas fases de la construcción de una vivienda unifamiliar aislada, situada en la Avinguda de les Calcides, nº 39, en la zona costera de la localidad de BENISSA (Alicante). Dicha zona está clasificada por el planeamiento urbanístico vigente de la localidad, como suelo urbano consolidado de carácter residencial ciudad jardín. La vivienda objeto de este documento, es de promoción privada, y ocupa una parcela urbana de 810,00 m2. La superficie construida total computable, es de 202,21 m2, mientras que la superficie total edificada, según el proyecto básico, es de 450,44 m2 . La vivienda propuesta, se desarrolla en planta sótano, planta baja y planta primera. Las fases de la obra, en las que se prevé la realización del presente trabajo, corresponden a la ejecución del movimiento de tierras, cimentación y estructura. Los objetivos que se persiguen con el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado [TFG], son: Desarrollar el estudio y análisis del proyecto, bajo la óptica del CTE. La redacción de un diario de obra. El estudio, programación y seguimiento, del control de calidad. El estudio y análisis, de las medidas de seguridad y salud, y de los equipos auxiliares, a implantar en el proceso de construcción de esta obra. Comparación y comprobación, en el apartado económico, entre la obra proyectada y la obra realmente ejecutada.[EN] This Final Degree Project [TFG] corresponds to the monitoring of the execution of different phases of the construction of an isolated single-family house, located on Avinguda de les Calcides, nº 39, in the coastal area of the town of BENISSA (Alicante). This area is classified by the current urban planning of the town, as consolidated urban land of a residential garden city character. The dwelling that is the object of this document is privately developed and occupies an urban plot of 810.00 m2. The total computable built area is 202.21 m2, while the total built area, according to the basic project, is 450.44 m2. The proposed house is developed in the basement, ground floor and first floor. The phases of the work, in which the realization of this work is foreseen, correspond to the execution of the earthworks, foundations and structure. The objectives pursued with this Final Degree Project [TFG] are: Develop the study and analysis of the project, from the perspective of the CTE. The writing of a work diary. The study, programming and monitoring of quality control. The study and analysis of the health and safety measures, and the auxiliary equipment, to be implemented in the construction process of this work. Comparison and verification, in the economic section, between the projected work and the work actually executed.Oller Puig, J. (2022). Seguimiento de la ejecución de una vivienda unifamiliar aislada en Benissa (Alicante). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/183420TFG