60 research outputs found

    Un quartiere sperimentale a Sant'Erasmo. Studi per una progettazione integrata

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    Il volume nasce dagli sforzi di docenti e studenti del laboratorio integrato di Progettazione urbanistica del corso di laurea magistrale in Architettura dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Udine, nell\u2019anno accademico 2015\u20132016. L\u2019opera analizza la sperimentazione di nuove forme di citt\ue0 umanistica che, ribaltando il processo pianificatorio del Novecento, possano individuare buone pratiche per la pianificazione della citt\ue0 attraverso la progettazione puntuale e rappresenta il tentativo di far crescere negli studenti l\u2019attenzione per lo spazio minuto della citt\ue0 consolidata. Cosa c\u2019\ue8 di meglio dello spazio concluso di un\u2019isola della Laguna di Venezia per costringere a ripensare le forme contemporanee per la nuova citt\ue0 compatta? Il modello potrebbe essere esportato per contrastare il consumo di suolo e per migliorare i rapporti sociali di vicinato \u2014 tornando a interpretare gli spazi \u201call\u2019italiana\u201d per un\u2019architettura contemporanea \u2014 attraverso una pianificazione semplice basata su una progettazione complessa

    "ELPIS" - Enhancement of Lignocellulose Processing for Innovation and Sustainability

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    CO2 Photoreduction to Solar Fuels: Basis Effect on TiO2 Photocatalysts

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    Evasión tributaria y su incidencia en el impuesto a la renta de la constructora Rafaile S.A.C Chimbote-2021

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    El presente informe de investigación titulado “Evasión tributaria y su incidencia en el impuesto a la renta de la constructora Rafaile S.A.C Chimbote-2021”, tiene como objetivo determinar la incidencia de la evasión tributaria en el impuesto a la renta. Este informe de investigación está desarrollado bajo una metodología de enfoque cuantitativo, correlacional-causal, diseño no experimental de corte transversal, se realizó el muestreo no probabilístico, por la que se estimó a 04 trabajadores, aplicando la guía de entrevista como instrumento de recolección de datos, para la validez de los instrumentos se utilizó el juicio de expertos de la Universidad César Vallejo y se utilizó el análisis documental. Finalmente sé concluye que la evasión tributaria si, incide en el impuesto a la renta de la empresa Constructora Rafaile S.A.C., ya que el p valor fue de 0.0 < a 0.05, asimismo el coeficiente de determinación R^2 es de 0.67 lo cual indica un 67% de variabilidad de incidencia de la variable independiente sobre la dependiente, y al tener un coeficiente negativa de -0.23 se puede decir que por cada S/.1,000.00 de evasión, el impuesto a la renta que paga la empresa disminuiría y sería de S/. -230.0

    Investigation of process parameters assessment via Design of Experiments for CO2 photoreduction in two photoreactors

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    CO2 photoreduction with water to obtain solar fuels is one of the most innovative and sustainable processes to harvest light energy and convert it into hydrocarbons. Although photocatalytically active materials and photoreactors have been developed for this purpose, lack of standardisation in testing conditions makes the assessment of process parameters and the comparison of material performance a challenge. Therefore, this paper is aimed at investigating the effect of CO2 photoreduction parameters irradiance and reaction time on production of methane from two photocatalytic rigs. This was pursued through a design of experiments (DOE) approach, which assessed the influence of experimental conditions between different setups. Using low irradiance (40-60 W m-2), reaction time and temperature significantly affected methane production, with a maximum production of 28.50 μmol gcat-1 (40 W m-2, 4 h). When using high irradiance (60-2400 W m-2), only irradiance was found to significantly affect methane production, with a maximum production of 1.90 ∙ 10-1 μmol gcat-1 (1240 W m-2, 2 h). Considering proposed reaction mechanism for CO2 photoreduction, this paper highlights that experimental results give different yet complementary information on the two most important steps of the process, i.e. photoexcitation and surface chemical reaction

    Liquid vs. Gas Phase CO2 Photoreduction Process: Which Is the Effect of the Reaction Medium?

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    The use of carbon dioxide, the most concerning environmental issue of the 21st century, as a feedstock for fuels productions still represents an innovative, yet challenging, task for the scientific community. CO2 photoreduction processes have the potential to transform this hazardous pollutant into important products for the energy industry (e.g., methane and methanol) employing a photocatalyst and light as the only energy input. In order to design an effective process, the high sustainability of this reaction should be matched with the perfect reaction conditions to allow the reactant, photocatalyst, and light source to come together: therefore, the choice of reaction conditions, and in particular its medium, is a crucial issue that needs to be investigated. Throughout this paper, a careful study of carbon dioxide photoreduction in liquid and vapour phases are reported, focusing on their effect on catalyst performances in terms of light harvesting, productivity, and selectivity. Different from most papers in the literature, catalytic tests were performed under extremely low light irradiance, in order to minimise the primary energy input, highlighting that this experimental variable has a great effect on the reaction pathway and, thus, product distribution

    Composición y diversidad del matorral desértico rosetófilo en dos tipos de suelo en el noreste de México

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    The floristic and ecological characteristics of a rosette desert scrub in two areas differing in soil type (Rendzina + Lithosol, medium texture, lithic, and Regosol calcareous + Lithosol, medium texture) in northeastern Mexico were studied. Using 44 plots of 20 × 10 m we sampled succulents, shrubs and tree species. We estimated the following vegetation variables: density (N/ha), crown cover (m2/ha), frequency, importance value index (IVI), in addition to α- and β-diversity. By ANOVA, no significant differences were found in richness, diversity and crown cover. The results indicate that the floristic composition was different between the two soil types, the density being significantly higher in the Regosol (8909 N/ha) than in the Rendzina (4790 N/ha). The predominance of cacti is favored by low moisture retention in the calcaric + Litosol Regosol association.Se estudiaron aspectos de la flora y la ecología del matorral desértico rosetófilo en dos áreas que difieren en el tipo de suelo en el centro de Nuevo León, México (Rendzina + Litosol, textura media, lítico y Regosol calcárico + Litosol, textura media). Utilizando 44 parcelas de 20 × 10 m se muestrearon las especies suculentas, arbustivas y arbóreas. Se calcularon los atributos de la vegetación tales como densidad (N/ha), cobertura de copa (m2/ha), frecuencia, índice de valor de importancia (IVI), además de la diversidad α y β. Mediante un ANOVA no se encontraron diferencias significativas en la riqueza, la diversidad y la cobertura foliar. Los resultados indican que la composición florística presentó disimilitud entre los dos tipos de suelos, siendo además la densidad significativamente mayor en el Regosol (8909 N/ha) que en la Rendzina (4790 N/ha). La predominancia de cactáceas es favorecida por la baja retención de humedad de la asociación Regosol calcárico + Litosol