12 research outputs found

    On Using The Probabilistic Approach To Synthesis Of Logical Circuits With Low Power Consumption

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    The problem of state assignment of a discrete automaton aimed to decreasing the switching activity of memory elements in the implemented circuits is considered. To solve this problem the probabilities of transitions between states of the automaton is taken into account

    Custom scanning hyperspectral imaging system for biomedical applications: modeling, benchmarking, and specifications

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    Prototyping hyperspectral imaging devices in current biomedical optics research requires taking into consideration various issues regarding optics, imaging, and instrumentation. In summary, an ideal imaging system should only be limited by exposure time, but there will be technological limitations (e.g., actuator delay and backlash, network delays, or embedded CPU speed) that should be considered, modeled, and optimized. This can be achieved by constructing a multiparametric model for the imaging system in question. The article describes a rotating-mirror scanning hyperspectral imaging device, its multiparametric model, as well as design and calibration protocols used to achieve its optimal performance. The main objective of the manuscript is to describe the device and review this imaging modality, while showcasing technical caveats, models and benchmarks, in an attempt to simplify and standardize specifications, as well as to incentivize prototyping similar future designs.This research, as well as APC charges, was funded by: CIBER-BBN; MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), grant numbers DTS15/00238, DTS17/00055, and TEC2016-76021-C2-2-R; Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Valdecilla (IDIVAL), grant number INNVAL16/02; Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, PhD grant number FPU16/05705

    Redukcja nielinearności PWM w oprogramowaniu sterownika mikrokrokowego

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    Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a popular method for controlling analogue circuits with digital output of a microcontroller. This paper is focused on practical issues of using PWM in precise positioning systems. PWM is easy to grasp intuitively, but due to the motor characteristics, is not as easy to implement as one would expect. There is a distortion or nonlinear gain between the reference and real output voltage in the PWM system. In this paper, we will present a pure software solution to perform the PWM correction. We will introduce a novel algorithm capable of running on a small microcontroller. The algorithm is capable of performing all necessary computations for the PWM compensation without a need of feedback.Modulacja szerokości impulsów (PWM) jest popularną metodą regulacji sygnału analogowego z użyciem cyfrowego wyjścia mikrokontrolera. W artykule skupiono się na praktycznych aspektach wykorzystania PWM w systemach precyzyjnego przemieszczania. System PWM jest łatwy do zrozumienia, niestety z powodu cech silnika, jego zastosowanie nie jest tak łatwe, jakby mogło się wydawać. W systemach PWM pojawiają się zakłócenia oraz nielinearności zysku. W artykule opisano ściśle programowe rozwiązania korekcji PWM. Przedstawiono nowy algorytm nadający się dla małych mikrokontrolerów. Algorytm zawiera wszystkie potrzebne obliczenia dla kompensacji PWM bez konieczności sprzężenia zwrotnego.Web of Science883a23623

    Mapování místností ve 3D s použítím laserového 2D skeneru

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    Drop Forging Process of the Wheel Hub

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    OLIVKA, Petr. Zápustkové kování náboje kola: bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra mechanické technologie, 2023, počet stran 46 s. Vedoucí práce: Ing. Ondřej Hilšer, Ph.D. Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem zápustkového výkovku náboje kola. V teoretické části je rozebráno kování obecně, včetně jeho rozdělení, na které postupně navazuje kování zápustkové. V praktické části je pak uveden samotný postup návrhu zápustkového výkovku se zaměřením na výpočet kovací síly v poslední dokovací operaci dle různých metod. Pro verifikaci vypočtené síly je pak na konci práce uvedena simulace kovacího procesu, kde kromě poslední operace lze vidět i pěchování a předkování spolu s potřebnými kovacími silami.OLIVKA, Petr. Drop Forging Process of a Wheel Hub: Bachelor's thesis. Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Technology, 2023, 46 p. Thesis head: Ing. Ondřej Hilšer, Ph.D. This bachelor's thesis deals with the design of a drop forging of a wheel hub. In the theoretical part, forging in general is discussed, including its division, which is gradually followed by drop forging. In the practical part, the process of designing the drop forging itself is presented, focusing on the calculation of the forging force in the last docking operation according to various methods. To verify the calculated force, a simulation of the forging process is shown at the end of the work, where, in addition to the last operation, you can also see tamping and forging together with the necessary forging forces.345 - Katedra mechanické technologievýborn

    Simulační knihovny pro modelování robotizovaných pracovišť

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaFakulta strojní VŠB (Ostrava). Katedra (354) robototechnik

    Robot Sensor System

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    Import 07/01/2015Tato disertační práce ukazuje, jakým kvalitativně lepším způsobem lze využít v praxi stávající 2D laserové skenery, aby jejich použití bylo efektivnější, než je dosud v praxi zvykem. V práci je představena a podrobně popsána konstrukce mobilního 3D laserového skeneru, kterým je možno měřit pracovní prostředí robotu ve 3D souřadnicích. Výstupem tohoto zařízení jsou mračna bodů. V práci se v souvislosti s návrhem zařízení řeší i problematika jeho kalibrace. Získaná mračna bodů jsou analyzována, aby bylo možno vyhodnotit kvalitu získaných dat a odhalit limitní možnosti sestrojeného zařízení. Získané údaje jsou použity pro detekci chyb v mračnech bodů. Práce dále ukazuje možnosti zpracování mračen bodů pomocí segmentace. Tento způsob zpracování transformuje mračna bodů do podoby, která je dále mnohem efektivněji použitelná pro další zpracování. Jako ukázka využití segmentovaných mračen je v práci představena metoda pro spojení jednotlivých mračen a vytvoření mapy pracovního prostoru.This dissertation theses presents the improvements to the current applications of the 2D laser scanners. The proposed method is more efficient then the majority of the widely used methods. The beginning of this work contains the description of the construction of the mobile 3D laser scanner. This device is capable to measure the outer environment in 3D coordinates. The output of the device are point clouds of the measured data. The proposed solution also includes the calibration of the device. The point clouds are further analyzed in order to validate the precision of acquired data and to obtain the limits of the proposed construction. The analysis results are used for error detection in point clouds data. This theses also covers the topic of point clouds segmentation. The segmentation results are more convenient for succeeding high level processing. As an example, this work shows methods for point clouds concatenation and environment map creation.Prezenční354 - Katedra robototechnikyvyhově

    Stability of hierarchical aggregation system for internet television broadcasting

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    Práce pojednává o Hierarchické agregaci a jsou zde popsány její jednotlivé části, komponenty a vlastnosti. V první části je také pojednáno o možnostech realizace. Druhá část je zaměřena na problém stability hierarchické agregace respektive na problém detekce poruchy Feedback target stanic ve struktue Heirarchické agregace. Je navrženo, implementováno a otestováno programové řešení protokolu detekující poruchu Feedback target stanic v jazyce JAVA. Je zde odvozená závislost šířky pásma na rychlosti detekce poruchy právě v hierarchické agregaci a jsou diskutovány problémy při vyhodnocování poruchy.This work is about Hierarchical agregation and it describes its parts in the rst part of this work. Next is described its parts, main features and properties in this rst part. Document describes the possibilities of realization. Second part describes an analysis of the stability problem. Realizes the detection of failures of the Feedback target stations by the implemented protocol. The protocol is programaticly realized in JAVA language and tested in the real enviroment. In this document it is described an function of bandwidth on the speed of failure detection. The issues of detection of failure on the feedback target manager machine are discussed in this document.

    Neural Network Classification of SDR Signal Modulation

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    Part 3: Images, Visualization, ClassificationInternational audienceWith the rising popularity of Software Defined Radios (SDR), there is a strong demand for automatic detection of the modulation type and signal parameters. Automatic modulation classification is an approach to identify the modulation type and its parameters such as the carrier frequency or symbol rate. In electronic warfare, it enables real-time signal interception and processing. In civil applications, it can be used, e.g., by the amateur radio operators to automatically set the transceiver to the appropriate modulation and communication protocol. This paper presents a modulation classification driven by a neural network. A set of signal features are provided as an input of the neural network. The paper discusses the relevance of different signal features and its impact on the success rate of the neural network classification. The proposed approach is tested on both artificial and real samples captured by the SDR

    Process of Point Clouds Merging for Mapping of a Robot’s Working Environment

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    Part 4: Optimization, TuningInternational audienceThe lidar is nowadays increasingly used in many robotic applications. Nevertheless the 3D lidars are still very expensive and their use on small robots is not economical. This article briefly introduces a construction of cheap 3D lidar for indoor usage based on the 2D laser range finder. Subsequently, this article introduces process of merging acquired point clouds. The every pair of neighboring point clouds is oriented in space to fit together in the best possible way. The result of this process is a 3D map of the robot working environment. This map can be segmented and further used for a navigation. In this way, it is also possible to map inaccessible and dangerous areas