19 research outputs found


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    Mangroves are plants that are able to survive in coastal areas under environmental conditionsthat are influenced by tides and muddy seawater. Mangrove forests have an ecological function, whichis to play a role in efforts to mitigate global warming because mangrove forests absorb and store carbondioxide (CO2) which is carried out through the process of photosynthesis and storing it in biomass stock.There are 2 objectives of this study, namely: (1) to estimate the carbon stored in mangrove vegetationin Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency (2) to find out how much potential carbon stock is storedin mangrove vegetation and absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) on mangrove stands. The method usedin this study was a sample plot transect line (Dharmawan and Pramudji, 2001). Based on the resultsobtained from the calculation of the biomass and carbon stock stored in mangrove vegetation inLikupang District, North Minahasa Regency, it can be seen that the average value is 452.42 tons/hawith a carbon content or the amount of carbon stored is 212.64 tons C/ ha or equivalent to 780.38 tonsof CO2/ha.Keywords: Mangrove Vegetation, Carbon, North Minahasa ABSTRAKMangrove merupakan tumbuhan yang mampu bertahan hidup di daerah pesisir pantai dengandi bawah kondisi lingkungan yang dipengaruhi oleh pasang surut air laut dan berlumpur. Hutanmangrove memiliki salah satu fungsi ekologis yaitu berperan dalam upaya mitigasi pemanasan globalkarena hutan mangrove sebagai penyerap dan penyimpan karbon dioksida (CO2) yang dilakukanmelalui proses fotosintesis dan menyimpannya dalam stok biomassa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ada 2yaitu: (1) mengestimasi karbon tersimpan pada vegetasi mangrove di Kecamatan Likupang, KabupatenMinahasa Utara, dan (2) mengetahui berapa besar potensi stok karbon tersimpan pada vegetasimangrove dan serapan karbondioksida (CO2) atas tegakan mangrove. Metode yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah garis transek petak contoh (Dharmawan dan Pramudji, 2001). Berdasarkan hasilyang diperoleh dari perhitungan biomassa dan stok karbon yang tersimpan pada vegetasi mangrove diKecamatan Likupang, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, dapat nilai rata-rata sebesar 452,42 ton/ha dengankandungan karbon atau jumlah karbon tersimpan sebesar 212,64 ton C/ha atau setara 780,38 tonCO2/ha.Kata Kunci: Vegetasi Mangrove, Karbon, Minahasa Utara &nbsp

    The action of judo coaches focused on professionalization: an action‐research in an international experience

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar uma investigação‐ação de dois profissionais de educação fĂ­sica, treinadores de judĂŽ, que atuaram na 29ÂȘ Summer UniversĂ­ade de Taipei em 2017. A investigação‐ação pode ser definida como um conjunto de processos que envolvem açÔes e suas posteriores compreensĂ”es. As anĂĄlises apontaram que os resultados esportivos podem ser atingidos com mais eficĂĄcia a partir de uma efetiva aplicação do conhecimento cientĂ­fico, seja em situaçÔes de diagnĂłstico dos atletas, logĂ­stica do evento, açÔes pré‐competitivas e açÔes durante o evento esportivo. Espera‐se com este artigo que, pelo menos no judĂŽ, inicie‐se um debate para promover o desenvolvimento de procedimentos profissionais para treinadores esportivos a partir de situaçÔes reflexivas e aplicadasThis work aimed to present an action‐research of two Physical Education professionals, judo coaches, at the 29th Summer Universiade of Taipei in 2017. The action‐research can be defined as a set of processes involving actions and their subsequent understandings. The analysis showed that sporting performance can be achieved more effectively from an effective application of scientific knowledge, whether in athletes’ diagnostics, logistics, pre‐competitive and competitive actions. It is hoped with this article that, at least in judo, a debate will begin to promote the development of professional procedures for sport coaches from reflexive and applied situation

    Metabolomic analysis of the lichen everniopsis trulla using ultra high performance liquid Chromatography-Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometry (UHPLC-Q-OT-MS)

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    A new depside was identified in the methanolic extract from the lichen Everniopsis trulla based on the metabolomics UHPLC-DAD-MS analysis and HESI-MS-MS fragmentation patterns along with thirty-two known compounds for the first time. The compounds were structurally characterized by UV and high resolution quadrupole orbitrap mass spectra and by comparison with literature. According to the characteristic fragmentation patterns, the presence of two simple aromatic compounds, six lipid derivatives, eight depsidones, thirteen depsides, a chromone, two diphenylethers, and a dibenzofuran were identified. To our knowledge, this is the first study of the lichen E. trulla by liquid chromatography hyphenated with tandem mass spectrometry.FONDECYT REGULAR 115074

    Metabolomic Analysis of Two Parmotrema Lichens: P. robustum (Degel.) Hale and P. andinum (Mull. Arg.) Hale Using UHPLC-ESI-OT-MS-MS

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    Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi with microalgae and/or cyanobacteria. Lichens belonging to the Parmeliaceae family comprise 2700 species of lichens, including the Parmotrema genus which is composed of 300 species. The metabolites of this genus include depsides, depsidones, phenolics, polysaccharides, lipids, diphenylethers and dibenzofurans, which are responsible for the biological activities reported including antidiabetic, antihelmintic, anticancer, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimitotic, antitumoral, antifungal, and antioxidant enzyme inhibitory. Due to scarce knowledge of metabolomic profiles of Parmotrema species (P. andinum and P. robustum), a full metabolome study based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography- diode array detector-electrospray ionization-quadrupole-orbitrap-mass-spectrometry (UHPLC-DAD-ESI-Q-orbitrap MS) was performed for a comprehensive characterization of their substances. From the methanolic extracts of these species, a total of 54 metabolites were identified for the first time using this hyphenated technique, including thirty compounds in P. andinum, and thirty-seven in P. robustum. Moreover, two compounds were not identified as known compounds, and could be new structures, according to our data. This report shows that this technique is effective and accurate for rapid chemical identification of lichen substances and the compounds identified could serve as chemotaxonomic markers to differentiate these ruffle lichens

    International consensus on the most useful assessments used by physical therapists to evaluate patients with temporomandibular disorders: A Delphi study

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    Objective To identify assessment tools used to evaluate patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) considered to be clinically most useful by a panel of international experts in TMD physical therapy (PT). Methods A Delphi survey method administered to a panel of international experts in TMD PT was conducted over three rounds from October 2017 to June 2018. The initial contact was made by email. Participation was voluntary. An e‐survey, according to the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E‐Surveys (CHERRIES) was posted using SurveyMonkey for each round. Percentages of responses were analyzed for each question from each round of the Delphi survey administrations. Results Twenty‐three experts (completion rate: 23/25) completed all three rounds of the survey for three clinical test categories: 1) questionnaires, 2) pain screening tools, and 3) physical examination tests. The following was the consensus‐based decision regarding the identification of the clinically most useful assessments. 1) 4 of 9 questionnaires were identified: Jaw Functional Limitation (JFL‐8), Mandibular Function Impairment Questionnaire (MFIQ), Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia for Temporomandibular disorders (TSK/TMD), and the Neck Disability Index (NDI). 2) 3 of 8 identified pain screening tests: Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Numeric Pain Rating Scale (NRS), and pain during mandibular movements. 3) 8 of 18 identified physical examination tests: physiological temporomandibular joint (TMJ) movements, trigger point (TrP) palpation of the masticatory muscles, TrP palpation away from the masticatory system, accessory movements, articular palpation, noise detection during movement, manual screening of the cervical spine, and the Neck Flexor Muscle Endurance Test. Conclusion After three rounds in this Delphi survey, the results of the most used assessment tools by TMD PT experts were established. They proved to be founded on test construct, test psychometric properties (reliability/validity), and expert preference for test clusters. A concordance with the screening tools of the diagnostic criteria of TMD consortium was noted. Findings may be used to guide policymaking purposes and future diagnostic research

    Two- versus three-dimensional dual gradient-echo MRI of the liver: a technical comparison

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare 2D spoiled dual gradient-echo (SPGR-DE) and 3D SPGR-DE with fat and water separation for the assessment of focal and diffuse fatty infiltration of the liver. METHODS: A total of 227 consecutive patients (141 men; 56 ± 14 years) underwent clinically indicated liver MRI at 1.5 T including multiple-breath-hold 2D SPGR-DE and single-breath-hold 3D SPGR-DE with automatic reconstruction of fat-only images. Two readers assessed the image quality and number of fat-containing liver lesions on 2D and 3D in- and opposed-phase (IP/OP) images. Liver fat content (LFC) was quantified in 138 patients without chronic liver disease from 2D, 3D IP/OP, and 3D fat-only images. RESULTS: Mean durations of 3D and 2D SPGR-DE acquisitions were 23.7 ± 2.9 and 97.2 ± 9.1 s respectively. The quality of all 2D and 3D images was rated diagnostically. Three-dimensional SPGR-DE revealed significantly more breathing artefacts resulting in lower image quality (P < 0.001); 2D and 3D IP/OP showed a similar detection rate of fat-containing lesions (P = 0.334) and similar LFC estimations (mean: +0.4 %; P = 0.048). LFC estimations based on 3D fat-only images showed significantly higher values (mean: 2.7 % + 3.5 %) than those from 2D and 3D IP/OP images (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Three dimensional SPGR-DE performs as well as 2D SPGR-DE for the assessment of focal and diffuse fatty infiltration of liver parenchyma. The 3D SPGR-DE sequence used was quicker but more susceptible to breathing artefacts. Significantly higher LFC values are derived from 3D fat-only images than from 2D or 3D IP/OP images. KEY POINTS: ‱ Magnetic resonance imaging can assess focal and diffuse hepatic fatty infiltration ‱ Both 2D and 3D dual-echo MRI techniques can be used for chemical shift imaging of the liver. ‱ The single breath-hold 3D dual-echo technique is faster but more susceptible to breathing artefacts. ‱ Three-dimensional fat-only images show higher fat estimates than in- and out-of-phase images