142 research outputs found

    L'utilizzo della P.E.M.F. in pazienti affetti da ipertrofia prostatica benigna. Effetti su volume ghiandolare e sintomatologia urinaria in uno studio pilota

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    BACKGROUND. L'eziopatogenesi dell'ipertrofia prostatica benigna (IPB) resta ad oggi in parte sconosciuta. Sempre maggior attenzione è rivolta al ruolo dell'infiammazione cronica intraghiandolare. Tale condizione determina la comparsa di LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symtoms) in grado di consizionare la qualità di vita (QoL) del paziente. La PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic ield therapy) è una metodica efficace dotata di azione antinfiammatoria. SCOPO DEL LAVORO. Valutare l'efficacia della PEMF nel ridurre il volume prostatico (PV) e la sintomatologia del minzionale. MATERIALI E METODI. Ventisette pazienti affetti da IPB sintomatica sono stati arruolati in uno studio longitudinale, prospettico e di intervento. La numerosità campionaria è stata calcolata con il modello dell'optimal-two-stage di Simon. Al baseline (V0) i pazienti si sono sottoposti ad stadiazione ematochimica, ecografica prostatica transrettale e compilazione del questionario validato IPSS (International Prostate Symptoms Score). E' stato loro consegnato il dispositivo Magcell®Microcirc (Physiomed Elektromedizin) per l'esecuzione della terapia con PEMF. Il protocollo ha previsto l'applicazione del dispositivo in sede perineale per 5 minuti a cadenza bi-giornaliera per 28 giorni. Al termine del ciclo (V1) i pazienti sono stati nuovamente ristadiati per valutare gli effetti ottenuti. La numerosità campionaria è staa dunque suddivisa in due bracci: il primo (PT - patients treatment) ha protratto la terapia con PEMF ulteriori 90 giorni, il secondo (FU - Follow-Up patients) ha interrotto la terapia sottoponendosi esclusivamente a controlli. L'intero campione è stato rivalutato a 90 giorni (V2). RISULTATI. E' stata osservata una riduzione del PV sia al V1 sia al V2: PVV0 44.5 mL (38.0;61.6) vs PVV1 42.1 mL (33.7;61.5, P = .039) vs PVV2 41.7mL (32.7;62.8, P = .045). Una riduzione anche dell'IPSS è stata osservata sia al V1 sia al V2: IPSSV0 11 (5.7;23.2) vs IPSSV1 10 (6;16, P = .045) vs IPSSV2 9 (6;14, P = .015). Non sono emerse differenze statisticamente significative tra i due bracci in termini di PV ed IPSS al V2. Una migliore risposta in termini di riduzione del PV è stata osservata in pazienti non affetti da sindrome metabolica (ΔPVV1nMetS −4.7 mL, 95%CI −7.3;‐2.0) rispetto ai pazienti affetti da tale condizione (ΔPVV1MetS 1.7 mL, 95%CI −2.69;6.1)(P = .017, Relative RiskMetS = 6). DISCUSSIONE. Una riduzione statisticamente significativa del PV e l'IPSS è stata evidenziata dopo soli 28 giorni di terapia con PEMF. Non si sono registrati eventi avversi. I pazienti hanno mostrato buona compliance al trattamento. CONCLUSIONE. La PEMF può costituire una metodica di trattamento efficace e non invasiva in pazienti affetti da IPB sintomatica unfit per terapie convenzionali e preferibilmente indenni da sindome metabolica

    Advanced chondrosarcoma of the pelvis: a rare case of urinary obstruction

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    Chondrosarcoma is the second most common malignant tumor of the bone with an incidence of 1 in 200.000 per year. Axial skeleton is frequently involved showing poorer oncological outcomes than appendicular one: human pelvis is a site predilection. It is rarely associated to urinary obstruction but according to its localization, it can be frequently linked to compression of pelvic organs as bladder, prostate or bowel. We describe the case of a 52 years old caucasian male with history of advanced pelvic chondrosarcoma and severe hydronephrosis due to total bladder dislocation

    Minimally invasive management of a symptomatic case of Zinner’s syndrome: Laparoscopic seminal vesiculectomy and ipsilateral nephroureterectomy

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    Introduction: Zinner syndrome is a rare developmental anomaly of the Wolffian (mesonephric) duct which is characterized by a triad of obstruction of the ejaculatory duct, the ipsilateral seminal vesicle cyst, and the ipsilateral renal agenesis. Usually is totally asymptomatic, however it can also determine symptoms such as lower urinary tract symptoms, perineal pain, ejaculatory disorders such as painful ejaculation or hematospermia, and infertility. Case report: We present a case of a 51 years old men with a 3-year history of lower urinary tract symptoms, perineal pain, obstructed defecation, recurrent urinary tract infections and infertility. CT scan showed a voluminous cystic neoformation of the left seminal vesicle, hypoplasia of the left kidney and ipsilateral ureteronephrosis. The mass was removed using laparoscopic “en block” seminal vesiculectomy with associated ipsilateral nephroureterectomy. No post-operative complications occurred. At 2-month post-operative control the patient reported an improvement of urinary and rectal symptoms

    Large primary leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle: A case report and literature revision

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    Primary Leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle is a very rare condition. We report a case of a 74-year-old man with a tumour detected by rectal symptoms with pelvic pain and dysuria at ultrasonography. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging suggest an origin in the left seminal vesicle and did not show a clear cleavage plan with the rectum and a right hydroureteronephrosis was also present. A radical vesiculo-cystoprostatectomy with ileal conduit and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy was performed, a sigmoidectomy with end colostomy was performed also. Pathological examination showed a high grade (G3) leiomyosarcoma of the seminal vesicle

    Risk factors for infections due to carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae after open heart surgery

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    OBJECTIVES Patients undergoing major surgery are at increased risk of developing infections due to resistant organisms, including carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (CR-Kp). In this study, we assessed risk factors for CR-Kp infections after open heart surgery in a teaching hospital in northern Italy. METHODS A retrospective study was conducted from January to December 2014. The primary outcome measure was postoperative CR-Kp infection, defined as a time-to-event end-point. The effect of potentially related variables was assessed by univariable and multivariable analyses. Secondary end-points were in-hospital mortality and 180-day postoperative mortality. RESULTS Among 553 patients undergoing open heart surgery, 32 developed CR-Kp infections (6%). In the final multivariable model, CR-Kp colonization [hazard ratio (HR) 227.45, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 67.13-1225.20, P < 0.001], cardiopulmonary bypass time in minutes (HR 1.01, 95% CI 1.01-1.02, P < 0.001), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (HR 3.99, 95% CI 1.61-9.45, P = 0.004), SOFA score (HR 1.29, 95% CI 1.08-1.53, P = 0.007), preoperative mechanical ventilation (HR 8.10, 95% CI 1.31-48.57, P = 0.026), prolonged mechanical ventilation (HR 2.48, 95% CI 1.08-6.15, P = 0.032) and female sex (HR 2.08, 95% CI 1.00-4.36, P = 0.049) were associated with the development of CR-Kp infection. Increased in-hospital mortality and 180-day mortality were observed in patients who developed CR-Kp infections in comparison with those who did not. CONCLUSIONS In our cohort, CR-Kp colonization was an important predictor of CR-Kp infection after open heart surgery. CR-Kp infection after surgery significantly affected survival. Preventing colonization is conceivably the most effective current strategy to reduce the impact of CR-Kp

    Association of the mtDNA m.4171C>A/MT-ND1 mutation with both optic neuropathy and bilateral brainstem lesions

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    Background: An increasing number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, mainly in complex I genes, have been associated with variably overlapping phenotypes of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with stroke-like episodes (MELAS) and Leigh syndrome (LS). We here describe the first case in which the m.4171C>A/MT-ND1 mutation, previously reported only in association with LHON, leads also to a Leigh-like phenotype. Case presentation: A 16-year-old male suffered subacute visual loss and recurrent vomiting and vertigo associated with bilateral brainstem lesions affecting the vestibular nuclei. His mother and one sister also presented subacute visual loss compatible with LHON. Sequencing of the entire mtDNA revealed the homoplasmic m.4171C>A/MT-ND1 mutation, previously associated with pure LHON, on a haplogroup H background. Three additional non-synonymous homoplasmic transitions affecting ND2 (m.4705T>C/MT-ND2 and m.5263C>T/MT-ND2) and ND6 (m.14180T>C/MT-ND6) subunits, well recognized as polymorphisms in other mtDNA haplogroups but never found on the haplogroup H background, were also present. Conclusion: This case widens the phenotypic expression of the rare m.4171C>A/MT-ND1 LHON mutation, which may also lead to Leigh-like brainstem lesions, and indicates that the co-occurrence of other ND non-synonymous variants, found outside of their usual mtDNA backgrounds, may have increased the pathogenic potential of the primary LHON mutation

    The role of nutraceutical medications in men with non bacterial chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome: A prospective non blinded study utilizing flower pollen extracts versus bioflavonoids

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    Introduction: Chronic prostatitis (CP)/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) represents a challenge for the urologist, since the therapeutic efficacy does not always result in a satisfactory quality of life for the patients. Often the side effects of the medications used (antiinflammatories, antibiotics, alpha blockers) far outweighs the benefits gained with their admission. The choice of nutraceutical medications is preferred for their effectiveness, that has been accepted and proven by the scientific community, and for the low incidence of side effects. The objective of this study to compare the therapeutic efficacy of the flower pollen extracts (Deprox®) versus Bioflavonoids in terms of reduction of symptoms, and in the average waiting time of the variation of the National Institute of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI), and to evaluate the quality of life improvement of the patients affected by CP/CPPS. Methods: Among the 68 patients presented with prostatic symptoms to the Hospital “Umberto I” in Rome, Italy between March 2016 and June 2016, 54 patients met the clinical diagnosis of CP/CPPS (class IIIa or IIIb according to the NIH classification). The patients were assigned to either treatment with Deprox® or quercetin based on a randomization scheme previously determined.The NIH- CPSI, IPSS, QoL questionnaires were administered. Every patient underwent bacterial cultures and trans-rectal ultrasound. Results: There was a statistically significant improvement of the NIH-CPSI score and QoL in the Deprox® group (p = < 0.0001 and p = 0.003 respectively). The average waiting time of the variation of the National Institute of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI) was statistically significant (p = 0.0019). In the absence of efficacy of the “conventional” medications, which also carries significant side effects, the dietary supplements may represent a valid alternative. Conclusions: DEPROX® has demonstrated a significant improvement of the symptoms and quality of life of patients diagnosed with by CP/CPPS. Furthermore, there was a statistical difference in the average waiting time of the variation of the NIH-CPSI) score without side effects as compared to the bioflavonoids complex with quercetin

    Mitochondrial DNA signals of late glacial recolonization of Europe from near Eastern refugia

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    Human populations, along with those of many other species, are thought to have contracted into a number of refuge areas at the height of the last Ice Age. European populations are believed to be, to a large extent, the descendants of the inhabitants of these refugia, and some extant mtDNA lineages can be traced to refugia in Franco-Cantabria (haplogroups H1, H3, V, and U5b1), the Italian Peninsula (U5b3), and the East European Plain (U4 and U5a). Parts of the Near East, such as the Levant, were also continuously inhabited throughout the Last Glacial Maximum, but unlike western and eastern Europe, no archaeological or genetic evidence for Late Glacial expansions into Europe from the Near East has hitherto been discovered. Here we report, on the basis of an enlarged whole-genome mitochondrial database, that a substantial, perhaps predominant, signal from mitochondrial haplogroups J and T, previously thought to have spread primarily from the Near East into Europe with the Neolithic population, may in fact reflect dispersals during the Late Glacial period, ?19–12 thousand years (ka) ago.<br/

    The Mitogenome Relationships and Phylogeography of Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica)

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    The barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) poses a number of fascinating scientific questions, including the taxonomic status of postulated subspecies. Here, we obtained and assessed the sequence variation of 411 complete mitogenomes, mainly from the European H. r. rustica, but other subspecies as well. In almost every case, we observed subspecies-specific haplogroups, which we employed together with estimated radiation times to postulate a model for the geographical and temporal worldwide spread of the species. The female barn swallow carrying the Hirundo rustica ancestral mitogenome left Africa (or its vicinity) around 280 thousand years ago (kya), and her descendants expanded first into Eurasia and then, at least 51 kya, into the Americas, from where a relatively recent (&lt;20 kya) back migration to Asia took place. The exception to the haplogroup subspecies specificity is represented by the sedentary Levantine H. r. transitiva that extensively shares haplogroup A with the migratory European H. r. rustica and, to a lesser extent, haplogroup B with the Egyptian H. r. savignii. Our data indicate that rustica and transitiva most likely derive from a sedentary Levantine population source that split at the end of the Younger Dryas (YD) (11.7 kya). Since then, however, transitiva received genetic inputs from and admixed with both the closely related rustica and the adjacent savignii. Demographic analyses confirm this species' strong link with climate fluctuations and human activities making it an excellent indicator for monitoring and assessing the impact of current global changes on wildlife

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of diagnostic methods in adult food allergy

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    Food allergy has an increasing prevalence in the general population and in Italy concerns 8 % of people with allergies. The spectrum of its clinical manifestations ranges from mild symptoms up to potentially fatal anaphylactic shock. A number of patients can be diagnosed easily by the use of first- and second-level procedures (history, skin tests and allergen specific IgE). Patients with complex presentation, such as multiple sensitizations and pollen-food syndromes, frequently require a third-level approach including molecular diagnostics, which enables the design of a component-resolved sensitization profile for each patient. The use of such techniques involves specialists' and experts' skills on the issue to appropriately meet the diagnostic and therapeutic needs of patients. Particularly, educational programs for allergists on the use and interpretation of molecular diagnostics are needed
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