398 research outputs found

    FESEM evaluation of smear layer removal from conservatively shaped canals: laser activated irrigation (PIPS and SWEEPS) compared to sonic and passive ultrasonic activation—an ex vivo study

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    Background: Irrigation of the pulp space is a mandatory step to get rid of all its organic and inorganic content. Activation of the irrigants play a key role in the era of minimally invasive endodontics. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of different irrigants activation methods in removing the smear layer at 1, 3, 5 and 8 mm from the apex from conservatively shaped canals. Methods: Eighty-five human mandibular premolars were selected. Specimens were shaped to TruShape 25/.06 and divided into 5 groups (1 control and 4 test groups) according to the final activation technique (EndoActivator, EA), Ultrasonic (EndoUltra, PUI) and Laser (PIPS and SWEEPS). EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) followed by NaOCl (Sodium Hypochlorite) and again EDTA were activated for each test group. Specimens were then split longitudinally and observed by Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM). Blinded evaluation of the presence of smear layer was performed at 1000X magnification, according to a 5-score index system. Comparison between groups were analysed statistically using the Kruskal–Wallis non-parametric analysis of variance. Bonferroni multiple comparison tests were used. Results: At 1 mm only PIPS and SWEEPS performed better than the control group. At 3, 5 and 8 mm from the apex, every activation technique showed statistically significant reduction of smear layer when compared to the control group. PIPS and SWEEPS obtained better cleanliness result compared to EA, while only PIPS was superior to PUI in terms of cleanliness. Conclusions: PIPS and SWEEPS showed the best results in conservative canal preparations. Nowadays, contemporary rotary instruments allow fast and minimally invasive shaping of the endodontic space. In this scenario irrigants’ activation may be regarded as a mandatory step to a favourable clinical outcome

    Paediatric laser dentistry. Part 3: Dental trauma

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    Dental traumas are frequent and sometimes complex events, and at times real emergencies. There are no wellcoded guidelines for laser applications in these clinical events. Laser-assisted therapy can offer new treatment possibilities, simplify dental procedures, reduce postoperative sensitivity and the need for post-operative medications because of the laser-induced biostimulating and anti-inflammatory effects

    Toxicity in aquatic environments: discussion and evaluation methods

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    Aquatic toxicity tests are assays performed with different aquatic organisms of different ecological organization levels. Such tests are a source of information on the toxicity of a given substance or wastewater under controlled conditions, and they complement the physico-chemical analyses. Moreover, they allow one to evaluate the risks resulting from the presence of toxic substances in the environment. Algae, crustaceans, fishes and bacteria are frequently used in toxicity tests. In this work, we will present the main aspects related to the aquatic toxicity tests and a discussion of their applicability will also be presented.FAPES

    Modified-atmosphere packaging of hen table eggs: Effects on pathogen and spoilage bacteria

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    Abstract As part of a more comprehensive research activity on the use of modified-atmosphere packaging for the improvement of quality and functional properties of table eggs, the effects of air, 100% CO2, and 100% O2 packaging were also evaluated on the survival of experimentally inoculated pathogen bacteria (Salmonella Enteritidis, Escherichia coli, and Listeria monocytogenes) as well as on spoilage bacteria (total aerobic mesophilic bacteria) on table eggs during 30 d of storage at 4, 25, and 37°C by colony count method. In general, temperatures played a major role, rather than gasses, in influencing the bacterial survival. In particular, the lowest microbial loads were registered at 4°C on E. coli and spoilage bacteria, whereas 37°C was the best storage temperature to avoid the psychrotropic microorganism L. monocytogenes development regardless of the gas used. One hundred percent CO2 packaging, in association with a low storage temperature (4°C), had a significant positive effect in reducing Salmonella loads. On eggs inoculated with L. monocytogenes and stored at 4°C as well as on eggs containing only spoilage bacteria and stored at 25°C, 100% CO2 resulted the best gas in comparison with air and O2. One hundred percent CO2 packaging showed no negative effect on pathogen survival compared with air. Although further improvements are required to control RH within packaging to limit bacteria growth/survival, in view of the positive effects of CO2 packaging on quality traits of table eggs, 100% CO2 packaging might represent a promising innovative technique for the maintenance of egg characteristics during transport, retail, and domestic storage

    Observing Brownian motion in vibration-fluidized granular matter

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    At the beginning of last century, Gerlach and Lehrer observed the rotational Brownian motion of a very fine wire immersed in an equilibrium environment, a gas. This simple experiment eventually permitted the full development of one of the most important ideas of equilibrium statistical mechanics: the very complicated many-particle problem of a large number of molecules colliding with the wire, can be represented by two macroscopic parameters only, namely viscosity and the temperature. Can this idea, mathematically developed in the so-called Langevin model and the fluctuation-dissipation theorem be used to describe systems that are far from equilibrium? Here we address the question and reproduce the Gerlach and Lehrer experiment in an archetype non-equilibrium system, by immersing a sensitive torsion oscillator in a granular system of millimetre-size grains, fluidized by strong external vibrations. The vibro-fluidized granular medium is a driven environment, with continuous injection and dissipation of energy, and the immersed oscillator can be seen as analogous to an elastically bound Brownian particle. We show, by measuring the noise and the susceptibility, that the experiment can be treated, in first approximation, with the same formalism as in the equilibrium case, giving experimental access to a ''granular viscosity'' and an ''effective temperature'', however anisotropic and inhomogeneous, and yielding the surprising result that the vibro-fluidized granular matter behaves as a ''thermal'' bath satisfying a fluctuation-dissipation relation

    Association between exposure to fine particulate matter and osteoporosis: a population-based cohort study

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    Long-term environmental air pollution exposure was associated with osteoporosis' risk in a cohort of women at high risk of fracture. Cortical sites seemed to be more susceptible to the exposure's effect

    Glioblastoma cusa fluid protein profiling: A comparative investigation of the core and peripheral tumor zones

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    The present investigation aimed to characterize the protein profile of cavitating ultrasound aspirator fluid of newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma comparing diverse zones of collection, i.e., tumor core and tumor periphery, with the aid of 5\u2010aminolevulinic acid fluorescence. The samples were pooled and analyzed in triplicate by LC\u2010MS following the shotgun proteomic approach. The identified proteins were then grouped to disclose elements exclusive and common to the tumor state or tumor zones and submitted to gene ontology classification and pathway overrepresentation analysis. The proteins common to the distinct zones were further investigated by relative quantitation, following a label free approach, to disclose possible differences of expression. Nine proteins, i.e., tubulin 2B chain, CD59, far upstream element\u2010binding, CD44, histone H1.4, caldesmon, osteopontin, tropomyosin chain and metallothionein\u20102, marked the core of newly diagnosed glioblastoma with respect to tumor periphery. Considering the tumor zone, including the core and the fluorescence positive periphery, the serine glycine biosynthesis, pentose phosphate, 5\u2010 hydroxytryptamine degredation, de novo purine biosynthesis and huntington disease pathways resulted statistically significantly overrepresented with respect to the human genome of reference. The fluorescence negative zone shared several protein elements with the tumor zone, possibly indicating the presence of pathological aspects of glioblastoma rather than of normal brain parenchyma. On the other hand, its exclusive protein elements were considered to represent the healthy zone and, accordingly, exhibiting no pathways overrepresentation. On the contrary to newly diagnosed glioblastoma, pathway overrepresentation was recognized only in the healthy zone of recurrent glioblastoma. The TGF\u3b2 signaling pathway, exclusively classified in the fluorescence negative periphery in newly diagnosed glioblastoma, was instead the exclusive pathway classified in the tumor core of recurrent glioblastoma. These results, preliminary obtained on sample pools, demonstrated the potential of cavitron ultrasonic sur gical aspirate fluid for proteomic profiling of glioblastoma able to distinguish molecular features specific of the diverse tumor zones and tumor states, possibly contributing to the understanding of the highly infiltrative capability and recurrent rate of this aggressive brain tumor and opening to potential clinical applications to be further investigated

    Decision Making on Vestibular Schwannoma: Lessons from a Multidisciplinary Board

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    Background: Management of vestibular schwannoma (VS) is a complex process aimed at identifying a clinical indication for fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (sRT) or radiosurgery, microsurgical resection, or wait and scan (WS). We describe the experience of our VS multidisciplinary team (MDT) at a tertiary university referral center created for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of VS patients. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on 132 consecutive patients referred to the MDT and managed by observation (WS), microsurgery, or fractionated sRT. The analysis included patient age, tumor size, hearing level, facial nerve function, tumor control, complications, and quality of life questionnaires. Results: Among the patients, 21% were subjected to microsurgery, 10% to sRT, and 69% to WS. The median follow-up time was 30 months. Outcomes based on different management modalities are described. Statistically significant differences among groups were detected in terms of quality of life (physical domain). Conclusions: MDT may provide the best individualized therapy for VS patients compared with a single gold-standard strategy

    Development and tests of a new prototype detector for the XAFS beamline at Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste

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    The XAFS beamline at Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste combines X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction to provide chemically specific structural information of materials. It operates in the energy range 2.4-27 keV by using a silicon double reflection Bragg monochromator. The fluorescence measurement is performed in place of the absorption spectroscopy when the sample transparency is too low for transmission measurements or the element to study is too diluted in the sample. We report on the development and on the preliminary tests of a new prototype detector based on Silicon Drift Detectors technology and the SIRIO ultra low noise front-end ASIC. The new system will be able to reduce drastically the time needed to perform fluorescence measurements, while keeping a short dead time and maintaining an adequate energy resolution to perform spectroscopy. The custom-made silicon sensor and the electronics are designed specifically for the beamline requirements.Comment: Proceeding of the 6YRM 12th-14th Oct 2015 - L'Aquila (Italy). Accepted for publication on Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Heterogeneity matters: Different regions of glioblastoma are characterized by distinctive tumor-supporting pathways

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    The glioblastoma microenvironment plays a substantial role in glioma biology. However, few studies have investigated its spatial heterogeneity. Exploiting 5-ALA Fluorescence Guided Surgery (FGS), we were able to distinguish between the tumor core (ALA+), infiltrating area (ALAPALE) and healthy tissue (ALA-) of the glioblastoma, based on the level of accumulated fluorescence. The aim of this study was to investigate the properties of the microenvironments associated with these regions. For this purpose, we isolated glioma-associated stem cells (GASC), resident in the glioma microenvironment, from ALA+, ALA-PALE and ALA-samples and compared them in terms of growth kinetic, phenotype and for the expression of 84 genes associated with cancer inflammation and immunity. Differentially expressed genes were correlated with transcriptomic datasets from TCGA/GTEX. Our results show that GASC derived from the three distinct regions, despite a similar phenotype, were characterized by different transcriptomic profiles. Moreover, we identified a GASC-based genetic signature predictive of overall survival and disease-free survival. This signature, highly expressed in ALA+ GASC, was also well represented in ALA PALE GASC. 5-ALA FGS allowed to underline the heterogeneity of the glioma microenvironments. Deepening knowledge of these differences can contribute to develop new adjuvant therapies targeting the crosstalk between tumor and its supporting microenvironment
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