17 research outputs found

    Socio-cultural Observatory of the West of Montevideo: An integral university platform

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    Se realiza una descripción general del Observatorio Sociocultural del Oeste de Montevideo conjuntamente a un análisis de las principales dimensiones del mismo y sus implicaciones, presentando el resultado de una investigación realizada en el marco del Observatorio sobre las materialidades discursivas vinculadas a las dimensiones del habitar en el Oeste de Montevideo, cometido principal de esta plataforma que persigue sistematizar e interpretar las discursividades asociadas a los territorios referidos. La descripción y el análisis se estructura teniendo en consideración los tres ejes a partir de los cuales se desarrolla el Observatorio: arquitectura, diseño y comunicación urbana; medios masivos y las representaciones del territorio; medios locales y las representaciones del territorio. Las metodologías y actividades desarrolladas en el Observatorio se efectúan en el marco de los Espacios de Formación Integral de la Universidad de la República,1 buscando transformar la calidad de la participación de los habitantes en la construcción de los dispositivos que configuran sus interacciones con el hábitat en los territorios del Oeste de Montevideo. La detección de procesos de exclusión de este territorio y sus habitantes en las representaciones mediáticas, como parte de los resultados de la investigación referida, así como las causas sugeridas por la misma, son abordados detenidamente y habilitan a una serie de reflexiones que son expuestas a modo de ejercicio de visualización y problematización de los procesos de producción social del hábitat en los territorios del Oeste de Montevideo.A general description of the Social Observatory of the West of Montevideo is carried out together with an analysis of the main dimensions of the same and its implications, presenting the result of a research carried out within the framework of the Observatory on the discursive materialities related to the dimensions of inhabiting in the West of Montevideo, main task of this platform that aims to systematize and interpret the discursivities associated with the referred territories. The description and analysis is structured taking into consideration the three axes from which the Observatory is developed: architecture, design and urban communication; Mass media and representations of the territory; Local media and representations of the territory. The methodologies and activities developed in the Observatory are carried out within the framework of the Integral Training Spaces of the University of the Republic, seeking to transform the quality of the participation of the inhabitants in the construction of the devices that configure their interactions with the habitat in The territories of the West of Montevideo. The detection of processes of exclusion of this territory and its inhabitants in the media representations, as part of the results of the referred research, as well as the causes suggested by the same are approached carefully and enable a series of reflections that are exposed to Mode of exercise of visualization and problematization of the processes of social production of the habitat in the territories of the West of Montevideo

    Asociacionismo productivo y empoderamiento de mujeres rurales: Madres multiactivas, socias y mujeres campesinas

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    This article presents the progress of a major research whose objectiveis to analyze the relationships between the participation of womenin rural areas in associative economic and productive initiatives and their potential empowerment processes in intercultural contexts. Specifically, this work explores the processes of subordination awareness, transformation of gender roles and the construction of their positioning as social actors by participants of economic and productive associations from La Araucanía Region. Following the constructionist Grounded Theory perspective, ten notes of participant observations and a workshop of discussion were implemented with women associated with each other to develop this kind of enterprises. The conclusions show the empowerment of women in rural areasas a process in which they can go through multiple and paradoxicalmoments, both empowerment and disempowerment, which coexist, occur after one another or overlapEn este artículo se presentan avances de una investigación en desarrollo que analiza las relaciones entre la participación de mujeres rurales en iniciativas productivas de tipo asociativo y sus posibles procesos de empoderamiento en contextos interculturales. En específico, se exploran los efectos que tienen este tipo de iniciativas en la vida de las mujeres rurales de la Región de la Araucanía, explorando si a partir de su participación colectiva se producen procesos de toma de conciencia respecto de la subordinación de género y si se promueven cambios que favorezcan relaciones más equitativas para las mujeres. Bajo el diseño de la teoría fundamentada con perspectiva construccionista, se realizaron diez registros de observaciones participantes y un taller de discusión con mujeres socias de un emprendimiento de tipo productivo. Las conclusiones muestran el empoderamiento de las mujeres rurales como un proceso en el cual ellas pueden pasar por múltiples y paradójicos momentos tanto de desempoderamiento como de empoderamiento, los cuales coexisten, se suceden o se superponen entre sí

    Economic and productive associations and empowerment of women in rural areas: Multi-active mothers, productive partners and country women

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    En este artículo se presentan avances de una investigación en desarrollo que analiza las relaciones entre la participación de mujeres rurales en iniciativas productivas de tipo asociativo y sus posibles procesos de empoderamiento en contextos interculturales. En específico, se exploran los efectos que tienen este tipo de iniciativas en la vida de las mujeres rurales de la Región de la Araucanía, explorando si a partir de su participación colectiva se producen procesos de toma de conciencia respecto de la subordinación de género y si se promueven cambios que favorezcan relaciones más equitativas para las mujeres. Bajo el diseño de la teoría fundamentada con perspectiva construccionista, se realizaron diez registros de observaciones participantes y un taller de discusión con mujeres socias de un emprendimiento de tipo productivo. Las conclusiones muestran el empoderamiento de las mujeres rurales como un proceso en el cual ellas pueden pasar por múltiples y paradójicos momentos tanto de desempoderamiento como de empoderamiento, los cuales coexisten, se suceden o se superponen entre sí.This article presents the progress of a major research whose objective is to analyze the relationships between the participation of women in rural areas in associative economic and productive initiatives and their potential empowerment processes in intercultural contexts. Specifically, this work explores the processes of subordination awareness, transformation of gender roles and the construction of their positioning as social actors by participants of economic and productive associations from La Araucanía Region. Following the constructionist Grounded Theory perspective, ten notes of participant observations and a workshop of discussion were implemented with women associated with each other to develop this kind of enterprises. The conclusions show the empowerment of women in rural areas as a process in which they can go through multiple and paradoxical moments, both empowerment and disempowerment, which coexist, occur after one another or overlap

    A priori control of zeolite phase competition and intergrowth with high-throughput simulations

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    Zeolites are versatile catalysts and molecular sieves with large topological diversity, but managing phase competition in zeolite synthesis is an empirical, labor-intensive task. In this work, we controlled phase selectivity in templated zeolite synthesis from first principles by combining high-throughput atomistic simulations, literature mining, human-computer interaction, synthesis, and characterization. Proposed binding metrics distilled from more than 586,000 zeolite-molecule simulations reproduced the extracted literature and rationalized framework competition in the design of organic structure-directing agents. Energetic, geometric, and electrostatic descriptors of template molecules were found to regulate synthetic accessibility windows and aluminum distributions in pure-phase zeolites. Furthermore, these parameters allowed us to realize an intergrowth zeolite through a single bi-selective template. The computation-first approach enables control of both zeolite synthesis and structure composition using a priori theoretical descriptors.D.S.-K. and R.G.-B. acknowledge the Energy Initiative (MITEI) and MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Seed Funds. D.S.-K. was also funded by the MIT Energy Fellowship. C.P., E.B.-J., M.M., and A.C. acknowledge financial support by the Spanish government through the “Severo Ochoa” program (SEV-2016-0683, MINECO) and grant RTI2018-101033-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE). E.B.-J. acknowledges the Spanish government for an FPI scholarship (PRE2019-088360). Z.J., E.O., S.K., and Y.R.-L. acknowledge partial funding from Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF) from the National Science Foundation (NSF); awards 1922311, 1922372, and 1922090; and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) under contract N00014-20-1-2280. S.K. was additionally funded by the Kwanjeong Educational Fellowship. Z.J. was also supported by the Department of Defense (DoD) through the National Defense Science Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) fellowship program. T.W. acknowledges financial support by the Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2019-05465). Computer calculations were executed at the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center with support from MIT Research Computing and at the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) (53) Expanse through allocation TG-DMR200068

    Vulnerabilidad, desafiliación social y exclusión en un contexto de frontera II: la sexualidad en el campo de la salud. 16H218

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    Desde el contexto socio-económico hemos analizado cómo se generan diversas situaciones de vulnerabilidad, las condiciones materiales de vida constituyen una de las múltiples dimensiones. En el campo de la salud, advertimos que las diferencias entre usuarios y prestadores en cuanto a saberes y representaciones sociales acerca de la sexualidad profundizaban las situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Suponemos que el ocultamiento de la sexualidad como eje estructurante de los sujetos sociales imposibilita su tratamiento explícito y por ello distorsiona discursos y prácticas. Al acatar los discursos hegemónicos con sesgo patriarcal, de subordinación de las mujeres ante los varones, desde el sistema de salud se habilita el ejercicio de prácticas violentas -tanto físicas como simbólicas- hacia las mujeres. La influencia del discurso médico es potente, y se multiplica a través del sistema educativo y los medios de comunicación social que también inciden en la conformación de las representaciones sociales de los sujetos, habilitando o restringiendo perspectivas. El reconocimiento de la sexualidad como una dimensión vital en la constitución de los sujetos sociales constituye un aporte para la construcción de otro tipo de relaciones entre equipo de salud y usuarios. Desde una perspectiva constructivista continuamos esta investigación, apoyándonos en metodologías tanto cualitativas como cuantitativas. El área de estudio se circunscribe al Hospital Madariaga de Posadas, Misiones

    Economic and productive associations and empowerment of women in rural areas: Multi-active mothers, productive partners and country women

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    This article presents the progress of a major research whose objective is to analyze the relationships between the participation of women in rural areas in associative economic and productive initiatives and their potential empowerment processes in intercultural contexts. Specifically, this work explores the processes of subordination awareness, transformation of gender roles and the construction of their positioning as social actors by participants of economic and productive associations from La Araucania Region. Following the constructionist Grounded Theory perspective, ten notes of participant observations and a workshop of discussion were implemented with women associated with each other to develop this kind of enterprises. The conclusions show the empowerment of women in rural areas as a process in which they can go through multiple and paradoxical moments, both empowerment and disempowerment, which coexist, occur after one another or overlap

    Local magnetic behavior across the first order phase transition in La(Fe0.9Co0.015Si0.085)13 magneto caloric compound

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    We visualize, with a magneto optical imaging technique with indicator film, the local magnetic response of the compound La(Fe0.9Co0.015Si0.085)13 during its first order magneto structural transition. The technique allowed us by comparing the stray fields of the main magneto caloric phase and of secondary phases present in the sample to obtain the magnetic behavior of each phase above and below the Curie temperature with respect to the surrounds. Computing the change in the total magnetic flux, when the sample crosses the Curie point, both in cooling and heating, we are able to correlate the average thermal hysteresis of the transition with the local magnetic properties at single sites and analyze the influence of defects on the transition dynamic

    Application of the coaxial smart drain in patients with a large air leak following anatomic lung resection: a prospective multicenter phase II analysis of efficacy and safety

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    The presence of air leak following lung resection remains a frequent problem, which may prolong hospital stay and increase hospital costs. In the past, some studies documented the efficacy of soft and flexible chest tube in patients who underwent thoracic surgery. Nevertheless, safety in case of post-operative large air or liquid leak remains questionable. The objective of this study was to verify through a multicentre study the safety and the effectiveness of the coaxial chest tube in a consecutive series of selected patients who underwent anatomical pulmonary resection and with an active and large air leak

    Application of the coaxial smart drain in patients with a large air leak following anatomic lung resection: a prospective multicenter phase II analysis of efficacy and safety

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    Background: The presence of air leak following lung resection remains a frequent problem, which may prolong hospital stay and increase hospital costs. In the past, some studies documented the efficacy of soft and flexible chest tube in patients who underwent thoracic surgery. Nevertheless, safety in case of postoperative large air or liquid leak remains questionable. The objective of this study was to verify through a multicentre study the safety and the effectiveness of the coaxial chest tube in a consecutive series of selected patients who underwent anatomical pulmonary resection and with an active and large air leak. Methods: Between October 2016 and September 2017, data from patients submitted to anatomical lung resection with curative intent and operated in two Department of Thoracic Surgery of two different were prospectively collected. The inclusion criteria consisted in the presence of an air leak greater than 50 mL/ min measured with a digital drainage system during the 3 postoperative hours. A descriptive statistic was used to report the incidence of complications assumed to be associated with the use of the coaxial drain. Results: Forty-eight consecutive patients (27 males) submitted to lobectomy (37 patients: 77%) or anatomic segmentectomies (11 patients) were included in the analyses. Thirty-four operations (71%) were performed by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS). The median duration of chest tubes was 13 days [interquartile range (IQR), 4\u201319] and the median duration of air leak was 9 days (IQR, 2\u201317.5). No patient had undrained postoperative pleural effusion judged to require an additional chest tube placement. There were 12 (25%) cases of clinically or radiologically significant surgical emphysema; in none of these patients any additional procedure or re-operation was required, and they were treated conservatively by increasing the level of suction. Conclusions: Our experience with this novel Coaxial Drain was satisfactory with no clinically relevant complication caused using this drain, no need to insert additional drain or replace the existing one with another drain a duration of air leak and chest tubes as well as the incidence of subcutaneous emphysema that was in line with what observed in the daily practice in similar highly selected patients with large air leak

    Discovering Relationships between OSDAs and Zeolites through Data Mining and Generative Neural Networks

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    [Image: see text] Organic structure directing agents (OSDAs) play a crucial role in the synthesis of micro- and mesoporous materials especially in the case of zeolites. Despite the wide use of OSDAs, their interaction with zeolite frameworks is poorly understood, with researchers relying on synthesis heuristics or computationally expensive techniques to predict whether an organic molecule can act as an OSDA for a certain zeolite. In this paper, we undertake a data-driven approach to unearth generalized OSDA–zeolite relationships using a comprehensive database comprising of 5,663 synthesis routes for porous materials. To generate this comprehensive database, we use natural language processing and text mining techniques to extract OSDAs, zeolite phases, and gel chemistry from the scientific literature published between 1966 and 2020. Through structural featurization of the OSDAs using weighted holistic invariant molecular (WHIM) descriptors, we relate OSDAs described in the literature to different types of cage-based, small-pore zeolites. Lastly, we adapt a generative neural network capable of suggesting new molecules as potential OSDAs for a given zeolite structure and gel chemistry. We apply this model to CHA and SFW zeolites generating several alternative OSDA candidates to those currently used in practice. These molecules are further vetted with molecular mechanics simulations to show the model generates physically meaningful predictions. Our model can automatically explore the OSDA space, reducing the amount of simulation or experimentation needed to find new OSDA candidates