4,289 research outputs found

    New results on atmospheric neutrinos from Soudan 2

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    Neutrino interactions recorded in a 5.1 fiducial kiloton-year exposure of the Soudan-2 iron tracking calorimeter are analyzed for effects of neutrino oscillations. Using contained single track and single shower events, we update our measurement of the atmospheric nu_mu/nu_e ratio-of-ratios and find R = 0.68 \pm 0.11 \pm 0.06. Assuming this anomalously low R-value is the result of nu_mu flavor disappearance via nu_mu to nu_tau oscillation, we select samples of charged current events which offer good resolution, event-by-event, for L/Enu reconstruction. Oscillation-weighted Monte Carlo events are fitted to these data events using a chisq function summed over bins of log(L/E_nu). The region allowed in the (sin^2 2\theta, \Delta m^2) plane at 90% CL is obtained using the Feldman-Cousins procedure: 0.46 < sin^2 2\theta < 1.0 and 2.2x10^-4 < \Delta m^2 < 2.2x10^-2 ev^2. A small but relatively energetic sample of partially contained nu_mu events has also been isolated. Their distribution in log(L/E_vis) relative to null oscillation Monte Carlo is compatible with nu_mu to nu_tau oscillation scenarios within the parameter region allowed by our contained events.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; presented at NU2000, the XIXth Int. Conf. on Nuetrino Physics and Astrophysics, June 16-21, 2000, Sudbury, canad

    Education Curriculum

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    This resource contains information about the course description such as the syllabus and class rules. It also contains information such as class assignments including journal entries, vocabulary and terms and curriculum

    Private focus on public spaces : an exercise in photographic construction

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    Orientador: Mauricius Martins FarinaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ArtesResumo: Villém Flússer propõe em seu texto Filosofia da Caixa Preta dois conceitos opostos que desafiam a autonomia criativa no fazer fotográfico. Se "funcionário" é operador do aparelho e age de acordo com programa pós-industrial revestido em seu interior, a figura do "fotógrafo" vem acrescentar uma possibilidade de subversão a esse programa. Esta capacidade demonstra-se então bem relativa pois é da natureza do aparelho servir-se da criatividade do fotógrafo criando novos programas que aumentarão as exigências do desvio. Haverá então repertório infinito para novas imagens? Esta pesquisa propõe apontar alguns paralelos entre uma fotografia na qual a documentalidade vinculada a um imaginário fortemente calcado no realismo perspectivista é marca aparente, e uma fotografia que procura finalmente transcender os programas impostos por esta visão aparelhística. Procurou-se exemplos desta problematização em obras heterogêneas como a de Rodtchencko, August Sander e Bernd & Hilla Becher, incluindo também, no último caso, as escolas fundadas a partir de suas metodologias de abordagem entre objeto e referente. Ponto capital na análise de cada obra é o domínio rigoroso da sintaxe fotográfica demonstrada por cada autor, mesmo que, o grau de contingencialidade prevaleça mais em uns que em outros. De forma dialógica, esta pesquisa ainda propõe apontar certos aspectos onde o domínio da programaticidade e da retilinearidade do aparelho escapa a raros estados em que a fotografia não mais se coloca como uma construção semântica codificada por elementos geométricos historicamente convencionados, mas como Barthes nos diz: como "uma força constativa", ao "isto é" e "isto foi", no qual o noema não parte do objeto, mas do tempo. Se este é o caminho para a renovação da fotografia a idéia da liberdade do fotógrafo adquire contornos diversos ao que foi apresentado por Flússer. Concomitante à revisão da literatura, a outra metade do desenvolvimento desta pesquisa compreende um exercício de construção fotográfica em forma de tipologias com móveis domésticos descartados no ambiente urbano, Esta proposta prática é indissociável aos conceitos teóricos aqui propostosAbstract: Villem Flusser suggested in his text "Towards a Philosophy of Photography" two opposite ideas which challenge the creative autonomy in making photography. If the "worker" is the "operator" of the apparatus and act according to the postindustrial program inward cover, the "photographer" come to add more subversive possibilities to the program. This capacity then demonstrate relativity for it's the apparatus nature to serve the creativity of the photographer creating new programs which adds the demand of diversion. Then there will be a repertory of infinite new image? The proposal of this research is to show some parallels between the photography in which a imaginary documental links strongly - stepped on realistic perspective which is the aparent mark, a photography which search firmly to beyound of its program impose for this visual apparatus. Looking after example of this question in heterogeneous work, like Rodtchencko, August Sander and Bernd & Hilla Becher, which includes also in the last case, the school founded, starting on its methodic approach between object and reference. The analitical highpoint in each work is the rigorous dominion of the photographic sintax demonstrated by each author inspite the degree of contingency that prevails, mor or less at each others. The dialogical form of this research again, suggest certain aspects where dominion of programaticity and the retilianerity of the apparatus escape to rare moments in which photography doesn't set like a semantic construction codified by geometrical elements historically agreed, but as Barthes have said, "confirmed force", a "that is" / "that was" in which perception (noema) don't start from the object, but from time. If this is the way of the photographic renovation, the idea of the emancipation of the photographer acquires diverse configuration which on presented by Flússer. Together with the literary revision, the other half of the development understand the practice of the photographic construction in the tipological form with cast-off household furniture in the urban environment. This practical proposal is unseparable with the theorical ideas as proposeMestradoArtes VisuaisMestre em Arte

    Testing Bell's inequality with two-level atoms via population spectroscopy

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    We propose a feasible experimental scheme, employing methods of population spectroscopy with two-level atoms, for a test of Bell's inequality for massive particles. The correlation function measured in this scheme is the joint atomic QQ function. An inequality imposed by local realism is violated by any entangled state of a pair of atoms.Comment: 4 pages, REVTeX, no figures. More info on http://www.ligo.caltech.edu/~cbrif/science.htm

    Measurement of the traction force of biological cells by digital holography

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    The traction force produced by biological cells has been visualized as distortions in flexible substrata. We have utilized quantitative phase microscopy by digital holography (DH-QPM) to study the wrinkling of a silicone rubber film by motile fibroblasts. Surface deformation and the cellular traction force have been measured from phase profiles in a direct and straightforward manner. DH-QPM is shown to provide highly efficient and versatile means for quantitatively analyzing cellular motility

    CMB Signals of Neutrino Mass Generation

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    We propose signals in the cosmic microwave background to probe the type and spectrum of neutrino masses. In theories that have spontaneous breaking of approximate lepton flavor symmetries at or below the weak scale, light pseudo-Goldstone bosons recouple to the cosmic neutrinos after nucleosynthesis and affect the acoustic oscillations of the electron-photon fluid during the eV era. Deviations from the Standard Model are predicted for both the total energy density in radiation during this epoch, \Delta N_nu, and for the multipole of the n'th CMB peak at large n, \Delta l_n. The latter signal is difficult to reproduce other than by scattering of the known neutrinos, and is therefore an ideal test of our class of theories. In many models, the large shift, \Delta l_n \approx 8 n_S, depends on the number of neutrino species that scatter via the pseudo-Goldstone boson interaction. This interaction is proportional to the neutrino masses, so that the signal reflects the neutrino spectrum. The prediction for \Delta N_nu is highly model dependent, but can be accurately computed within any given model. It is very sensitive to the number of pseudo-Goldstone bosons, and therefore to the underlying symmetries of the leptons, and is typically in the region of 0.03 < \Delta N_nu < 1. This signal is significantly larger for Majorana neutrinos than for Dirac neutrinos, and, like the scattering signal, varies as the spectrum of neutrinos is changed from hierarchical to inverse hierarchical to degenerate.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figure

    AAT Imaging and Microslit Spectroscopy in the Southern Hubble Deep Field

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    We present a deep photometric (B- and R-band) catalog and an associated spectroscopic redshift survey conducted in the vicinity of the Hubble Deep Field South. The spectroscopy yields 53 extragalactic redshifts in the range 0<z<1.4 substantially increasing the body of spectroscopic work in this field to over 200 objects. The targets are selected from deep AAT prime focus images complete to R<24 and spectroscopy is 50% complete at R=23. There is now strong evidence for a rich cluster at z\simeq 0.58 flanking the WFPC2 field which is consistent with a known absorber of the bright QSO in this field. We find that photometric redshifts of z<1 galaxies in this field based on HST data are accurate to \sigma_z/(1+z)=0.03 (albeit with small number statistics). The observations were carried out as a community service for Hubble Deep Field science, to demonstrate the first use of the `nod & shuffle' technique with a classical multi-object spectrograph and to test the use of `microslits' for ultra-high multiplex observations along with a new VPH grism and deep-depletion CCD. The reduction of this new type of data is also described.Comment: From the better late than never department: AJ in press (2006). 16 pages, 2 tables, 6 figures, final data release + Appendix at http://www.aao.gov.au/hdfs/Redshifts