2,997 research outputs found

    Colony Performance of Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Meliponina) in a Greenhouse of Lycopersicon esculentum (Solanaceae)

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    The use of stingless bees in greenhouses has provided tremendous benefits to diverse crops in terms of productivity and fruit quality. However, knowledge about management techniques in these environments is still scarce. The present study aimed to evaluate the adaptation of Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier, 1836 in a greenhouse of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. for its potential use in pollinating this crop. Six nests of M. quadrifasciata were introduced in a greenhouse in Araguari, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. The development of colonies inside the greenhouse was investigated and the foraging behaviour of the workers was assessed before introduction into the greenhouse and again after the nests had been removed. The vital activities of colony maintenance were performed unevenly throughout the day inside and outside the greenhouse, but with confinement the daily period of foraging decreased and bees started collecting pollen from the flowers after approximately six months. The difficulty in orienting to and identifying flowers by the workers was attributed to sunlight diffusion and blockage of ultraviolet radiation caused by the cover on the greenhouse. Structural changes in the greenhouses, as well as improvements in management techniques, are required for better utilization of stingless bees for pollination of plant species grown in greenhouses

    Improvement in planning and resource management for an automotive company’s parts feeding system

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    The increasing sophistication of the automotive market and the constant change in customer requirements increases companies’ concern to ensure efficient internal logistic flows in line with Just-In-Time philosophy and Lean principles, to deal with wastes and variability. Variability arises from the growing differentiation of products, from the adoption of multi and mixed model assembly lines, and from the uncertainty in customer demand resulting from the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19. Considering the automotive supplier company as research subject, several problems were found to be compromising the efficiency of one of its in-plant parts’ feeding systems, the most critical problem being the lack of planning and management of resources (human and material) needed to perform the logistic service. Through Action-Research methodology stages, the actions taken culminated in the development of a simulation and decision-support tool for the component supply system resource management and efficiency improvement. The simulations made revealed reliable and adjusted results of workload and workforce to face the variations in customer demand and the existing product mix. After the tool creation, resource planning and balancing was no longer based on managers experience and empirical knowledge only but based on scientific knowledge: concise and reliable data from information systems, measurements, study of times, and literature review on in-plant milk run systems, lean, just-in-time and continuous improvement techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Internacionalização Acelerada de Empresas de Base Tecnológica: o Caso das Born Globals Brasileiras

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    The born global phenomenon has been made apparent, mainly in high technology sectors, which requires new theoretical understandings about the role of nascent and small international companies. This article analyzes the relationship between a company’s external environment in its country of origin, internal organizational factors and the factors relating to how some technology-based firms (TBFs) internationalize. A survey was applied to Brazilian TBFs. At the end of the data collection period, the first database generated 214 responses. Out of these, 85 (39.7%) were obtained from companies involved in some kind of business abroad. However, only 54 questionnaires were considered valid for this research. The data were analyzed using logistic regression statistical techniques. The results show that external factors influence the internationalization of TBFs more as compared to internal factors. Integration in the value chain and an entrepreneur’s ability to manage internationally are the factors that best distinguish the internationalization of born-global TBFs. Thus, this paper contributes to the discussion of the internationalization process of born-globals and TBFs, filling the gap regarding the importance of external, internal and entrepreneurial factors in these companies’ internationalization processes

    Interventions to promote a healthy sexuality among school adolescents: a scoping Review

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly citedSchools are particularly suitable contexts for the implementation of interventions focused on adolescent sexual behavior. Sexual education and promotion have a multidisciplinary nature. Nurses’ role and the spectrum of the carried-out interventions is not clear. We aimed to identify interventions that promote a healthy sexuality among school adolescents. Our review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews and was registered in the Open Science Framework. Published articles on sexuality in adolescents in school contexts were considered. The research limitations included primary studies; access in full text in English, Spanish, or Portuguese; and no data publication limitation. Research was carried out on the EBSCOhost, PubMed, SciELO, and Web of Science platforms; gray literature and the bibliographies of selected articles were also searched. A total of 56 studies were included in the sample. The studies used a broad range of research methods, and 10 types of interventions were identified. Multi-interventional programs and socio-emotional interventions showed a greater impact on long-term behavioral changes, and continuity seemed to be a key factor. Long-term studies are needed to reach a consensus on the effectiveness of interventions. Nurses’ particular role on the multidisciplinary teams was found to be a gap in the research, and must be further exploredinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formação de Formadores: A história das resistências e da educação popular através das imagens murais na América Latina.

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    Este projeto tem como objetivo geral produzir uma experiência coletiva a partir do encontro entre várias entidades que trabalham a arte mural na América Latina e o Caribe, com o fim de sistematizar e consolidar um material pedagógico sobre as práticas da educação popular no continente. Como exercício de difusão e projeção da proposta, foram realizadas várias ações, entre elas curso de formação de formadores para educadores populares e da rede pública da educação municipal de Foz, em parceria com o SINPREFI, a partir de sua própria demanda à UNILA. Além desse trabalho, em 2018 iniciamos atuação com as crianças da Ocupação Bubas, com oficinas e espaços coletivos de aprendizagem. A intencionalidade é a de explicitar a educação popular como premissa e princípio organizativo para e desde o popular. A referência metodológica é da pesquisa-ação ancorada no materialismo histórico dialético como método que analisa a realidade com vistas a potencializálas

    Toward quality 4.0 : identifying trends for the future studies

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    Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros (2023) - International conference on technology management and operations. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-273-0.Industry 4.0 (I4.0) has driven significant changes in organizational processes for product and service development. As result, companies have created strategies and practices to implement I4.0 technologies in various areas, such as quality, occupational health and safety, and marketing. The implementation of I4.0 technologies in quality, known as Quality 4.0 (Q4.0), can improve operational performance and financial results for organizations. Q4.0 enables the identification and implementation of process, product, and service improvements, facilitates more assertive decision-making, monitors and controls defects, and improves the design and development of new products, etc. However, Q4.0 is an emerging topic, and organizations may encounter challenges in implementing it effectively. Therefore, this work aims to identify and systematize the main scientific gaps in Q4.0 to support the development of new studies that contribute to the advancement of this research field. A literature review was conducted to selectand analyze articles and scientific reviews published in the Scopus database. The scientific gaps identified were grouped into six clusters according to their affinities. Thus, this work contributes theoretically to the thickening and expansion of theory on the subject, supporting the development of new research on Q4.0. In a practical way, this study contributes to increasing customer satisfaction and the competitiveness of organizations

    Accelerated Internationalization in Emerging Markets: Empirical Evidence from Brazilian Technology-Based Firms

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    This paper offers an analysis into the external factors influencing the accelerated internationalization of technology-based firms (TBFs) in the context of an emerging country, Brazil. This type of firm is typically called born global and has been reported mainly in high technology sectors and from developed countries. A survey was applied to small and medium Brazilian TBFs. Logistic regression was used to test the research hypotheses. The results suggest that new and small Brazilian technology-based firms, which followed an accelerated internationalization process, are most likely to be integrated into a global production chain. Results also show that TBFs which take more than five years to enter the international market, benefit more from the location in an innovation habitat, the partnerships in the home country, and the pro-internationalization government policies. Therefore, this research contributes to a better understanding of the phenomenon and points to new perspectives of studies

    A retórica despolitizante da corrupção e a dialética da grande e pequena política: uma narrativa sobre o espetáculo neoliberal

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    The aim of this article is to discuss the depoliticizing character of the rhetoric of corruption and how this is a true phenomenon of the hegemonic substantialization of small politics in Brazilian neoliberal reality. Without losing sight of the determinant category of material conditions and the dialectical conception of history, the hypothesis that conjugates this study is that, in neoliberalism, the Capital sums up efforts to establish a distance between the subjects and the themes of the great politics and, for that, it spectacularises the terrain of small politics. The present article is thus guided by important Gramscian keys - such as hegemony, the search for consensus and the idea of an intellectual - in dealing with neoliberal reality, spectacle and corruption as rhetoric. In addition, we analyze how the logic of the Spectacle, coined by Debord, hinders political action in the neoliberal context, and corroborates the acceptance of rhetoric such as corruption itself.El objetivo de este artículo es abordar el carácter despolitizante de la retórica de la corrupción y cómo ésta es un verdadero fenómeno de la sustancialización hegemónica de la pequeña política en la realidad neoliberal brasileña. Sin perder de vista la categoría determinante de las condiciones materiales y la concepción dialéctica de la historia, la hipótesis que conjuga este estudio es que, en el neoliberalismo, el Capital suma esfuerzos para establecer un alejamiento entre los sujetos y los temas de la gran política y, para ello, espectaculariza el terreno de la pequeña política. El presente artículo, de este modo, es guiado por importantes claves gramscianas -como la hegemonía, la búsqueda por consenso y la idea de intelectual- al tratar de la realidad neoliberal, del espectáculo y de la corrupción como retórica. Además, se analiza cómo la lógica del Espectáculo, acuñada por Debord, dificulta la acción política, en el contexto neoliberal, y corrobora para la aceptación de retóricas como la de la propia corrupción.O objetivo deste artigo é abordar o caráter despolitizante da retórica da corrupção e como esta é um verdadeiro fenômeno da substancialização hegemônica da pequena política na realidade neoliberal brasileira. Sem perder de vista a categoria determinante das condições materiais e a concepção dialética da história, a hipótese que conjuga este estudo é de que, no neoliberalismo, o Capital soma esforços para estabelecer um afastamento entre os sujeitos e os temas da grande política e, para tanto, espetaculariza o terreno da pequena política. O presente artigo, desse modo, é guiado por importantes chaves gramscianas - como a hegemonia, a busca por consenso e a ideia de intelectual - ao tratar da realidade neoliberal, do espetáculo e da corrupção como retórica. Além disso, analisa-se como a lógica do Espetáculo, cunhada por Debord, dificulta a ação política, no contexto neoliberal, e corrobora para a aceitação de retóricas como a da própria corrupção