1,387 research outputs found

    Atherosclerosis in aged mice over-expressing the reverse cholesterol transport genes

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    We determined whether over-expression of one of the three genes involved in reverse cholesterol transport, apolipoprotein (apo) AI, lecithin-cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), or of their combinations influenced the development of diet-induced atherosclerosis. Eight genotypic groups of mice were studied (AI, LCAT, CETP, LCAT/AI, CETP/AI, LCAT/CETP, LCAT/AI/CETP, and non-transgenic) after four months on an atherogenic diet. The extent of atherosclerosis was assessed by morphometric analysis of lipid-stained areas in the aortic roots. The relative influence (R²) of genotype, sex, total cholesterol, and its main sub-fraction levels on atherosclerotic lesion size was determined by multiple linear regression analysis. Whereas apo AI (R² = 0.22, P < 0.001) and CETP (R² = 0.13, P < 0.01) expression reduced lesion size, the LCAT (R² = 0.16, P < 0.005) and LCAT/AI (R² = 0.13, P < 0.003) genotypes had the opposite effect. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the risk of developing atherosclerotic lesions greater than the 50th percentile was 4.3-fold lower for the apo AI transgenic mice than for non-transgenic mice, and was 3.0-fold lower for male than for female mice. These results show that apo AI overexpression decreased the risk of developing large atherosclerotic lesions but was not sufficient to reduce the atherogenic effect of LCAT when both transgenes were co-expressed. On the other hand, CETP expression was sufficient to eliminate the deleterious effect of LCAT and LCAT/AI overexpression. Therefore, increasing each step of the reverse cholesterol transport per se does not necessarily imply protection against atherosclerosis while CETP expression can change specific athero genic scenarios.39139

    Monitoring Single-point Dressers Using Fuzzy Models

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    AbstractGrinding causes progressive dulling and glazing of the grinding wheel grains and clogging of the voids on the wheel's surface with ground metal dust particles, which gradually increases the grinding forces. The condition of the grains at the periphery of a grinding wheel strongly influences the damage induced in a ground workpiece. Therefore, truing and dressing must be carried out frequently. Dressing is the process of conditioning the grinding wheel surface to reshape the wheel when it has lost its original shape through wear, giving the tool its original condition of efficiency. Despite the very broad range of dressing tools available today, the single-point diamond dresser is still the most widely used dressing tool due to its great versatility. The aim of this work is to predict the wear level of the single-point dresser based on acoustic emission and vibration signals used as input variables for fuzzy models. Experimental tests were performed with synthetic diamond dressers on a surface-grinding machine equipped with an aluminum oxide grinding wheel. Acoustic emission and vibration sensors were attached to the tool holder and the signals were captured at 2MHz. During the tests, the wear of the diamond tip was measured every 20 passes using a microscope with 10 to 100 X magnification. A study was conducted of the frequency content of the signals, choosing the frequency bands that best correlate with the diamond's wear. Digital band-pass filters were applied to the raw signals, after which two statistics were calculated to serve as the inputs for the fuzzy models. The results indicate that the fuzzy models using the aforementioned signal statistics are highly effective for predicting the wear level of the dresser

    Fractional Wave-diffusion Equation With Periodic Conditions

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    We study a time-space fractional wave-diffusion equation with periodic conditions using Laplace transforms and Fourier series and presenting its solution in terms of three-parameter Mittag-Leffler functions. As a particular case we recover a recent result. We also present some graphics associated with particular values of the parameters. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.5312Caputo, M., Carcione, J.M., Hysteresis cycles and fatigue criteria using anelastic models based on fractional derivatives (2011) Rheol. Acta, 50 (2), pp. 107-115. , 10.1007/s00397-010-0524-zMainardi, F., Spada, G., Creep, relaxation and viscosity properties for basic fractional models in rheology (2011) Eur. Phys. J. Spec. Top., 193, pp. 133-160. , 10.1140/epjst/e2011-01387-1, e-print arXiv:cond-mat.mtrl.sci1110.3400v1Mainardi, F., Mura, A., Pagnini, G., The M-Wright function in time-fractional diffusion processes: A tutorial survey (2010) Int. J. Differ. Equations, 2010, p. 104505. , 10.1155/2010/104505, e-print arXiv:org/abs/1004.2950(2011) Fractional Dynamics, Recent Advances, , J. Klafter, S. C. Lim, R. Metzler, edited by and (World Scientific, Singapore, )Costa, F.S., Fractional thermal systems (2011) International Conference on Multimedia Technology (ICMT), , E. Capelas de Oliveira, Hangzhou, China, 26-28 JulyOliveira, E., Costa, F.S., Vaz, J., The fractional Schrödinger equation for delta potentials (2010) J. Math. Phys., 51, p. 123517. , 10.1063/1.3525976Oliveira, E., Vaz, J., Tunneling in fractional quantum mechanics (2011) J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., 44, p. 185303. , 10.1088/1751-8113/44/18/185303Machado, J.T., Kiryakova, V., Mainardi, F., Recent history of fractional calculus (2011) Nonlinear Sci. Number. Simul., 16, pp. 1140-1153. , 10.1016/j.cnsns.2010.05.027Podlubny, I., (1999) Fractional Differential Equations, , (Academic, San Diego, )Kilbas, A.A., Srivastava, H.M., Trujillo, J.J., (2006) Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations, 204. , J. Van Mill, and Mathematics Studies, edited by (Elsevier, Amsterdam, )Zhang, H., Liu, F., The fundamental solutions of the space, space-time Riesz fractional partial differential equations with periodic conditions (2007) Numer. Math. J. Chin. Univ., 16, pp. 181-192Prabhakar, T.R., A singular integral equation with generalized Mittag-Leffler function in the kernel (1971) Yokohama Math. J., 19, pp. 7-25Samko, S.G., Kilbas, A.A., Marichev, O.I., (1993) Fractional Integrals and Derivatives: Theory and Applications, , (Gordon and Breach, New York, )Mainardi, F., Luchko, Y., Pagnini, G., The fundamental solution of the space-time fractional diffusion equation (2001) Fract. Calc. & Appl. Anal., 4 (2), pp. 153-192. , e-print arXiv:cond-mat.stat.mech/0702419v1Camargo, R., Charnet, R., de Oliveira, E., On the fractional Green function (2009) J. Math. Phys., 50, p. 043514. , 10.1063/1.311948

    Morfologia e reprodução de Mesophyllum erubescens (Foslie) Me. Lemoine (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) do Sul do Brasil

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    The genus Mesophyllum Me. Lemoine includes around 147 species, of which only three have been referred to the Brazilian coast. Mesophyllum erubescens was originally described from Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Brazil (type locality). Here we present the first detailed description of M. erubescens based on Brazilian material. Samplings were made through scuba diving at the Biological Marine Reserve of Arvoredo Island, Santa Catarina. The relations of M. erubescens with other similar species, especially from the American Atlantic studied by W.R. Taylor are discussed.O gênero Mesophyllum Me. Lemoine compreende cerca de 147 espécies, das quais apenas três são referidas para a costa brasileira. Mesophyllum erubescens foi originalmente descrita para o Arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, Brasil (localidade tipo). Neste trabalho é apresentada a primeira descrição detalhada de M. erubescens baseada em material brasileiro. As amostragens foram realizadas através de mergulho autônomo na Reserva Biológica Marinha do Arvoredo, Santa Catarina. As relações de M. erubescens com outras espécies semelhantes são discutidas, sendo especialmente consideradas espécies do Atlântico Americano estudadas por W.R. Taylor

    The Fractional Schrödinger Equation For Delta Potentials

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    The fractional Schrödinger equation is solved for the delta potential and the double delta potential for all energies. The solutions are given in terms of Fox's H-function. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.5112Rangarajan, G., Ding, M., (2000) Phys. Lett. A, 273, p. 322. , 10.1016/S0375-9601(00)00518-1Mainardi, F., (1996) Appl. Math. Lett., 9, p. 23. , 10.1016/0893-9659(96)00089-4Duan, J.S., (2005) J. Math. Phys., 46, p. 013504. , 10.1063/1.1819524Figueiredo Camargo, R., Capelas de Oliveira, E., Vaz, J., (2009) J. Math. Phys., 50, p. 123518. , 10.1063/1.3269587Laskin, N., (2000) Phys. Lett. A, 268, p. 298. , 10.1016/S0375-9601(00)00201-2Laskin, N., (2000) Phys. Rev. E, 62, p. 3135. , 10.1103/PhysRevE.62.3135(1995) Lévy Flights and Related Topics in Physics, 450. , M.F.Shlesinger, G.M.Zaslavsky, U.Frisch, edited by and, Lecture Notes in Physics, (Springer, New York)Guo, X., Xu, M., (2006) J. Math. Phys., 47, p. 082104. , 10.1063/1.2235026Laskin, N., (2000) Chaos, 10, p. 780. , 10.1063/1.1050284Naber, M., (2004) J. Math. Phys., 45, p. 3339. , 10.1063/1.1769611Jeng, M., Xu, S.-L.-Y., Hawkins, E., Schwarz, J.M., (2010) J. Math. Phys., 51, p. 062102. , 10.1063/1.3430552Dong, J., Xu, M., (2007) J. Math. Phys., 48, p. 072105. , 10.1063/1.2749172Butzer, P.L., Westphal, U., (2000) Applications of Fractional Calculus in Physics, pp. 1-85. , R.Hilfer, and, "An introduction to fractional calculus," in, edited by (World Scientific, Singapore)Riesz, M., (1948) Acta Math., 81, p. 1. , 10.1007/BF02395016Gradshteyn, I.S., Ryzhik, I.M., (2007) Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, , 7th ed. (Academic Press, NY)Gasiorowicz, S., (2003) Quantum Physics, , 3rd ed. (Wiley, NY)Scott, T.C., Babb, J.F., Dalmano, A., Morgan, J.D., (1993) J. Chem. Phys., 99, p. 2841. , 10.1063/1.465193Mathai, A.M., Saxena, R.K., Haubold, H.J., (2009) The H-Function, , (Springer, NY)Braaksma, B.L.J., (1962) Compos. Math., 15, p. 239. , 2013, 1964Kilbas, A.A., Srivastava, H.M., Trujillo, J.J., (2006) Theory and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations, , (Elsevier, Amsterdam)Oberhettinger, F., (1974) Tables of Mellin Transforms, , (Springer-Verlag, Berlin)Churchill, R.V., (1960) Complex Variables and Applications, , (McGraw-Hill, NY)Podlubny, I., (1998) Fractional Differential Equations, , (Academic Press, San Diego

    Effect of surgical treatment on the cellular immune response of gastric cancer patients

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    Patients with gastric cancer have a variety of immunological abnormalities. In the present study the lymphocytes and their subsets were determined in the peripheral blood of patients with gastric cancer (N = 41) both before and after surgical treatment. The percent of helper/inducer CD4 T cells (43.6 ± 8.9) was not different after tumor resection (43.6 ± 8.2). The percent of the cytotoxic CD8+ T cell population decreased significantly, whether patients were treated surgically (27.2 ± 5.8%, N = 20) or not (27.3 ± 7.3%, N = 20) compared to individuals with inflammatory disease (30.9 ± 7.5%) or to healthy individuals (33.2 ± 7.6%). The CD4/CD8 ratio consequently increased in the group of cancer patients. The peripheral blood lymphocytes of gastric cancer patients showed reduced responsiveness to mitogens. The defective blastogenic response of the lymphocytes was not associated with the production of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-ß) since the patients with cancer had reduced production of TGF-ß1 (269 ± 239 pg/ml, N = 20) in comparison to the normal individuals (884 ± 175 pg/ml, N = 20). These results indicate that the immune response of gastric cancer patients was not significantly modified by surgical treatment when evaluated four weeks after surgery and that the immunosuppression observed was not due to an increase in TGF-ß1 production by peripheral leukocytes.33934

    Labyrinthine fístulae in chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma

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    The chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma (COMC) may evoluate to intracranial and extra cranial complications, including the labyrithine fístulae. In this study, we present the evolution of our patients with labyrinthine fístulae. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical prospective. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Ten out 82 patients with COMC had labyrinthine fístulae and underwent surgery from January/2001 to April/2002. They were assessed by clinical exam, computed tomography scans, and pre and postoperative audiogram. RESULTS: Hearing loss, otorrhea, tinnitus and dizziness were present in 100%, 90%,80%, and 40% of the cases. In one patient the fístulae was seen only in the coronal CT-scan, in another patient the fístulae was not seen neither in coronal nor axial images. Among the patients who had tinnitus, 66% referred improvement of this complaint after surgery. DISCUSSION: in the cases without invasion of the perilymphatic space, we noticed a tendency of improvement of the postoperative audiogram pattern and clinical outcome. In the extensive fístulae, on the other hand, there were no clinical changes. CONCLUSION: The CT-scan remains the best exam to assess the COMC with 90% of sensitivity for labyrinthine fístulae. In the stage II we had a good postoperative outcome.A otite média crônica colesteatomatosa (OMCC) pode cursar com complicações intra e/ou extracranianas, entre elas a fístula labiríntica. Neste trabalho, mostramos a incidência e a evolução dos casos de fístula labiríntica decorrentes da OMCC em nosso serviço. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Clínico prospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Dez pacientes com fístula labiríntica, do total de 82 pacientes com OMCC, foram submetidos à cirurgia no período de janeiro de 2001 a abril de 2002 e avaliados através de exame otorrinolaringológico completo, tomografia computadorizada e audiometria pré e pós-operatória. RESULTADOS: Perda auditiva, otorréia, zumbido e vertigem estavam presentes em 100%, 90%, 80% e 40% dos casos respectivamente na avaliação clínica pré-operatória. Em um paciente a fístula aparecia apenas nos cortes tomográficos coronais e tivemos um caso de falso-negativo. Dos pacientes com zumbido, 66% apresentaram melhora deste quadro no pós-operatório. DISCUSSÃO: Nos casos de fístula sem invasão do espaço perilinfático (até grau II), notamos uma tendência de melhora dos quadros clínico e audiométrico após a cirurgia. Nas fístulas extensas, por outro lado, o resultado audiométrico se manteve inalterado. CONCLUSÃO: A tomografia continua sendo o exame de escolha para os quadros de OMCC com sensibilidade de 90% para fístulas labirínticas. Nas fístulas grau II a cirurgia apresenta bom resultado funcional.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Otorrinolaringologia e Distúrbios da Comunicação HumanaSciEL