3,766 research outputs found

    Chinese Entrepreneurship in Portugal: the traditional ethnic strategies?

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    Although immigrant entrepreneurial activities have always been present in Europe three historical circumstances rendered them more visible in recent decades The increase in immigration flows and the concentration of immigrants in urban contexts stimulated the creation of a different type of demand associated with immigrant communities Also the economic growth and expansion of several markets during the 1950s and 1960s produced a decline in native small and medium enterprises leaving opportunities for immigrants in certain traditional sectors Finally the oil crisis in 1973 74 had substantial impacts in terms of the increase in immigrant unemployment Within this framework immigrants found in entrepreneurship an alternative to economic integration in European societies They were therefore responsible for the increase in rates of entrepreneurship between 1970 and 1980 Light and Rosenstein 1995 12-13 Waldinger et al 1990 8

    Music as living heritage

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    What is cultural heritage, and why has it received so much public interest in recent years? Almost three decades after the World Organization UNESCO defined and established international recognition of Cultural and Natural Heritage sites and devised ways of protecting them, a completely new approach to cultural heritage emerged with the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003. This global agreement for the maintenance, protection and dissemination of cultural manifestations and achievements that are not tangible objects or immobile monuments, like previous items classified as World Heritage, was a remarkable milestone of international cultural politics. This new understanding of cultural heritage owes much to representatives from Asian, African, and Latin American countries. In fact, just a few years after the promulgation of the 2003 Convention, the world cultural heritage map had already lost much of its European predominance. Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and India very soon showed up with lists of manifestations of their centenary (in some cases even millenary) national cultural heritages


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    What are the regulatory barriers, pitfalls, and challenges in Brazilian business mediation? In this article, we investigated the Brazilian Mediation Law no.13.140/15, to provide scholars, mediators, and other practitioners with a wide view on the legal issues involving the Brazilian Mediation Law, through an extensive literature review on the regulatory aspects of the Alternative Dispute Resolution, regarding the aforementioned Law. Case analysis and further implications are presented. Finally, conclusion and future research recommendations compile the present study

    English Teaching in Cyberculture: A Brief Analysis

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    The present study aimed to comparatively analyze the potential of BBC Learning English and Memrise platforms, in inclusive English teaching. This is a qualitative-interpretative research based in exploratory approach which methodological-theoretical framework is anchored to the Bakhtinian dialogic language conception, to the second language acquisition theory to the Computer-Assisted Language Learning theory), to multiliteracies; and to the English use as a Lingua Franca. For the analysis, we have built a matrix based on the English language acquisition context. The analysis steps ran through the evaluation matrix building, the exploration and development of a comparative study of BBC learning and Memrise platforms on the defined parameters. To the parameters building, the linguistic, methodological, and accessibility aspects in the websites were considered. After analyzing BBC learning English and Memrise, it was identified that they do not encompass dialogical language acquisition and the concept of multiliteracies

    Operationalization and Automation for Urban Management of Large Cities: Proposed Model and Case Study of the Operationalization Center in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

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    The cities require new elements to its management. The broad use of new information technology and communication (ICTs) are an alternative for improving the management of cities. The objective of this paper is to propose a model of operationalization center and urban automation for large cities to optimize the management of the city. The proposed model combines an operationalization Center, for managing the day to day of large cities, supported by technological and informational resources, combined with automation of urban equipments. The case study was conducted in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), mainly using the technique of semi-structured interview combined with documental research. As a result of this research, it is emphasized that the operationalization center contributes to the optimization of day to day management of the city, mainly by the integration of actions of various organizations involved in the management of the city studied

    27 de novembro - Dia Nacional de Combate ao Câncer

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    O Dia Nacional de Combate ao Câncer foi instituído pelo Ministério da Saúde, por meio da Portaria n2 707, de 07 de dezembro de 1988, com o objetivo de evocar a importância histórica das entidades de combate ao câncer, de consagrar os serviços que elas têm prestado ao Brasil e de proporcionar a mobilização popular para os aspectos educativos e sociais do combate ao câncer


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    Con gran orgullo aceptamos la invitación del Dr. Rodolfo Valdivia Maibach para escribirla presentación de la Revista Científica Odontológica de la Universidad Científica del Sur.Felicitamos a la Universidad por su evolución e incentivo al estudio, contando con exitososcursos de pre y posgrado, manteniendo convenios internacionales en las diversasáreas de la Odontología. Esto favorece que el alumno sea un excelente profesional, y enel futuro se convierta en investigador y líder de opinión.La iniciativa de editar una revista científica es muy importante porque engrandece a launiversidad dentro del medio académico, divulgando artículos que son fruto de investigacionesbien fundamentadas, que enriquecen a la comunidad odontológica, y como consecuenciala población recibirá un tratamiento de mejor calidad.Estamos seguros que los artículos publicados serán de gran valor científico, pues tuvieronasesores altamente calificados, pasaron por un protocolo internacional, y además fueronanalizados y seleccionados por los comités de esta revista, así la claridad y confiabilidadde los artículos la convierten en atractiva y bien ranqueada.Es así que la ciencia evoluciona, todos contribuyendo para el bienestar de la sociedad."La mente que se abre a una nueva idea, jamás volverá a su tamaño original" A. Einstei
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