244 research outputs found

    Ants Sleep, Plants do not: The Variation in Species’ Activity Influences the Topology of Interaction Networks

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    The emergence of graph theory allowed using the complex network approach to aggregate detailed information about interactions between species. Although the use of the complex network approach has improved the understanding about community structuring, few aspects such as the temporal variation in the species’ activity pattern in the networks’ topology were explored so far. The current study used the ecological network approach to investigate ants interacting in the extrafloral nectary (EFN) of plants in order to test the hypothesis that the temporal variation in the foraging behavior of these animals affects the networks’ topology. In order to assess the temporal effect on the interaction networks, 24-hour collections divided in two 12-hour shifts (day and night) were performed in 20 plots, thus totaling 288 collection hours over 6 months. The ant-plant interaction networks presented similarity among the topological metrics assessed throughout the day. Different ant species presented distinct foraging times. Thus, two modules referring to the day and night shifts emerged from the network and presented specific species at each foraging shift. On the other hand, the plants kept on providing the resource (active EFNs) throughout the day. The results found in the current study have shown that ecological networks keep their structures constant; however, the ecological processes ruling these networks can better respond to the effects caused, for example, by the temporal variation in species’ activity. Therefore, it is worth always taking into consideration the importance of ecological processes at the time to analyze interactions in the nature

    Políticas Sociais de Transferência de Renda na América Latina: Um Estudo Comparativo entre Brasil e Colômbia.

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    Resumo: O presente artigo tem como tema as políticas sociais de transferência de renda. O objetivo central que orientou a pesquisa foi realizar um estudo comparativo entre dois programas de transferência de renda do Brasil e Colômbia. A respectiva pesquisa se define como estudo qualitativo e bibliográfico, com base em bibliografias específicas e não específicas da área do Serviço Social. A conclusão do respectivo trabalho apontou que ambos os programas apresentam similitudes apesar de estarem inseridos em contextos nacionais distintos

    Ecophysiology modeling by artificial neural networks for different spacings in eucalypt

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    Growth and production models are widely used to predict yields and support forestry decisions. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are computational models that simulate the brain and nervous system human functions, with a memory capable of establishing mathematical relationships between independent variables to estimate the dependent variables. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of eucalypt biomass modeling under different spacings using Multilayer Perceptron networks, trained through the backpropagation algorithm. The experiment was installed in randomized block, and the effect of five planting spacings was studied in three blocks: T1 – 3.0 x 0.5 m; T2 – 3.0 x 1.0 m; T3 – 3.0 x 1.5 m; T4 – 3.0 x 2.0 m e T5 – 3.0 x 3.0 m. A continuous forest inventory was carried out at the ages of 48, 61, 73, 85 and 101 months. The leaf area, leaf perimeter and specific leaf area were measured at 101 months in one sample tree per experimental unit. Two thousand ANN were trained, using all inventoried trees, to estimate the eco-physiological attributes and the prognosis of the wood biomass. The artificial neural networks modeling was adequate to estimate eucalypt wood biomass, according to age and under different spacings, using the diameter-at-breast-height and leaf perimeter as predictor variables.Growth and production models are widely used to predict yields and support forestry decisions. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are computational models that simulate the brain and nervous system human functions, with a memory capable of establishing mathematical relationships between independent variables to estimate the dependent variables. This work aimed to evaluate the efficiency of eucalypt biomass modeling under different spacings using Multilayer Perceptron networks, trained through the backpropagation algorithm. The experiment was installed in randomized block, and the effect of five planting spacings was studied in three blocks: T1 – 3.0 x 0.5 m; T2 – 3.0 x 1.0 m; T3 – 3.0 x 1.5 m; T4 – 3.0 x 2.0 m e T5 – 3.0 x 3.0 m. A continuous forest inventory was carried out at the ages of 48, 61, 73, 85 and 101 months. The leaf area, leaf perimeter and specific leaf area were measured at 101 months in one sample tree per experimental unit. Two thousand ANN were trained, using all inventoried trees, to estimate the eco-physiological attributes and the prognosis of the wood biomass. The artificial neural networks modeling was adequate to estimate eucalypt wood biomass, according to age and under different spacings, using the diameter-at-breast-height and leaf perimeter as predictor variables

    The effectiveness of food and nutrition security policies based on the preservation of food traditions

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    O processo de criação dos sistemas alimentares não se define como algo natural, mas como resultado das tradições e dos significados atribuídos a tal. Logo, a comida e as significações envolvidas no ato de alimentar-se surgem como determinantes culturais de um grupo social, fazendo com que todo indivíduo carregue consigo os hábitos provenientes da sua cultura alimentar. O que se come e de que forma se come são significados provenientes de tradições culinárias que apresentam a distinção entre “alimento”, que é natural e referente a todos os seres humanos, e “comida”, que se define por meio de marcadores identitários. Tendo vista dos objetivos que compõem o conceito de segurança alimentar e nutricional, faz-se necessário assegurar que as características socioculturais e as tradições alimentares dos indivíduos estão sendo consideradas na criação de políticas públicas que venham a garantir o direito humano à alimentação adequada. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo discutir acerca do que seriam tradições alimentares em paralelo com o conceito de cultura alimentar e sua relação com a segurança alimentar e nutricional. A metodologia utilizada consistiu em uma revisão bibliográfica, referenciando publicações de autores relevantes sobre os conceitos discutidos, tendo como intenção buscar referências que pautem a necessidade de preservação das tradições culinárias para a garantia do direito humano à alimentação adequada. Dado a isso, subentendemos que os hábitos alimentares dos brasileiros fazem parte de um sistema cultural composto por símbolos, significados e classificações, ao ponto de que todo os alimentos fazem parte das associações culturais que lhes são atribuídas pela sociedade. Com a imensa extensão territorial do Brasil, com uma variedade de recursos naturais e povo, a sua diversidade cultural é indiscutível; desde o início do processo de colonização, a cultura alimentar diversa já era relatada. Os hábitos alimentares de uma sociedade são fruto de particularidades como capacidade produtiva, facilidade de distribuição, conhecimento acerca da produção e do consumo de determinados alimentos, além do aspecto financeiro para aquisição do alimento. Dentro do constante movimento do mundo globalizado, encontramos o processo de construção e reconstrução das tradições alimentares, fruto proveniente das inúmeras modificações nos modelos de produção e consumo. Porém, para que se tenha efetividade nas políticas de segurança alimentar e nutricional do Brasil, faz-se necessário preservar as tradições culinárias existentes no sistema alimentar de cada indivíduo, considerando todos seus significados de consumo. O que resulta na diminuição na incidência de fracassos relativos às políticas públicas, tendo em vista que as verdadeiras necessidades do grupo social serão consideradas. Contribuindo diretamente com o equilíbrio do sistema alimentar brasileiro, servindo de alicerce para que, por fim, a soberania alimentar do país seja instaurada com criteriosidade

    Movinvenções em pesquisa

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    O presente artigo pretende recolher marcas de um percurso de uma pesquisa de dissertação de mestrado intitulada “Sem título & com muitos nomes”, a partir da utilização do Método Maquinatório de Pesquisa. Para tanto, os pesquisadores fabulam acerca de como o método funciona no trabalho em questão e como implica e envolve a língua e a linguagem a partir da literatura; um código aberto que se constitui durante os movimentos do pesquisar. Um procedimento para mapear os deslocamentos que a pesquisa inventa-cria, quando acontece um encontro: QR Codes e pesquisadores. QR Codes: um “como dizer” do que a pesquisa insiste em produzir. Movimentos de maquinações abstratas de um outro código em uma mesma língua. Um diagrama. Movinvenções

    How to evaluate the quality of suppliers in a PIM`s Company X

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    The research was carried out in Company X that operates in the electronics industry at Manaus Industrial Pole (PIM). The objective is to propose a system of indicators to evaluate the quality of suppliers, in order to enable the relationship`s continuous improvement among company and its suppliers. Based in the collection and analyzed data, it was possible to identify six successful cases of suppliers\u27 quality assessment indicators system, which permitted to propose, in partnership with managers, a model that does not need a high cost investment to implement it. Finally, it was suggested to company: a) computerize this process; b) to train employees that work in quality material sector; c) to strengthen relationships with current and future suppliers by showing the company\u27s new vision and model. Doing so, it is believed that the company studied will have a great advance in the field of raw material acquisition, thus obtaining more quality and may be more competitive in the market

    Climatic suitability for Eucalyptus cloeziana cultivation in four Brazilian states

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    The objective of this work was to identify zones with climatic potential for Eucalyptus cloeziana cultivation in four Brazilian states (Bahia – BA, Mato Grosso do Sul – MS, Minas Gerais – MG e São Paulo – SP). 490 records of this species in Australia were obtained. Current prediction of the distribution of habitat suitability was based on climatic conditions recorded between 1960 and 1990. For the future projections of 2050, four scenarios were used: RCP 2.6 W/m2, RCP 4.5 W/m2, RCP 6.0 W/m2 and RCP 8.5 W/m2. MaxEnt was used in modeling, and only climatic information was used as predictor variables. The modeling was robust and presented high values of AUC (> 0.95). Annual precipitation and isothermal were the variables that contributed the most for the quality of the models. It was concluded that the Brazilian mesoregions of Itapetininga (SP), Litoral Sul Paulista (SP) and Zona da Mata (MG) presented the most climatically suitable sites for E. cloeziana cultivation. Climatic changes may restrict the distribution of suitable zones for E. cloeziana cultivation. The negative effect of global warming was more prominent in MG