79 research outputs found


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    Texto de apresentação da edição temática "Paulo Freire"

    Manejo do Nitrogênio Químico e Orgânico em Dois Ciclos de Alface Irrigado com Água Residuária

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    Increasing the cost of mineral fertilizers and increasing environmental pollution make the use of organic waste in agriculture an economically attractive option due to the cycling of C and nutrients. The objective of this work was to evaluate the productivity and nutrition of lettuce in different management of chemical and organic nitrogen irrigated with wastewater from the Sewage Treatment Station in two cycles of lettuce. The experiment was carried out in a pot with 5 liters capacity, in a greenhouse, the experimental design was composed of 6 treatments and 5 randomized blocks as follows: T0 - without N; T1 - 0.54 grams of N (urea) per plant divided into three times (7, 14 and 28 days of transplantation); T2 - 0.27 grams of N (Organic Compound) and 0.27 grams of N (urea) divided into urea three times per plant (7, 14 and 28 days of transplantation); T3 - 0.54 grams of N (organic compound) per plant; T4 - 0.81 grams of N (organic compound) per plant; T5 - 1.08 grams of N (organic compound) per plant. Lettuces that were fertilized with organic compost obtained higher yields of fresh mass and accumulation of nutrients both in the first and second cycles.O aumento do custo de fertilizantes minerais e a crescente poluição ambiental fazem do uso de resíduos orgânicos na agricultura uma opção atrativa do ponto de vista econômico, em razão da ciclagem de C e nutrientes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade e a nutrição do alface em diferentes manejos de nitrogênio químico e orgânico irrigado com água residuária proveniente da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto (ETE) em dois ciclos de alface. O experimento foi realizado em vaso com capacidade para 5 litros, em casa de vegetação, o delineamento experimental foi composto por 6 tratamentos e 5 blocos casualizados da seguinte maneira: T0 – sem N; T1 – 0,54 gramas por planta de N mineral proveniente da ureia esta adubação foi dividida em três vezes (7, 14 e 28 dias de transplante); T2 – 0,27 gramas de N proveninete do composto organico (esterco de galinha e casca de eucalipto) e 0,27 gramas de N proveniente de ureia dividido  em três vezes por planta (7, 14 e 28 dias de transplante); T3 – 0,54 gramas de N (composto orgânico) por planta; T4 – 0,81 gramas de N (composto orgânico) por planta; T5 – 1,08 gramas de N (composto orgânico) por planta. As adubaçoes com composto organico foi realizada antes do plantio e misturado ao solo. As alfaces que foram adubadas com composto orgânico obtiveram maiores produtividades de massa fresca e acúmulo de nutrientes tanto no primeiro quanto no segundo ciclo

    Surgical treatment of ankle fractures and removal of plates/screws: descriptive study on health care financing in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 2014-2019 / Tratamento cirúrgico de fratura do tornozelo e retirada de placas/parafuso: estudo descritivo sobre o financiamento em Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil, 2014–2019

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    Objective: to describe hospitalizations and hospital costs for surgical treatment of unimalleolar ankle fractures, by surgical treatment of bimalleolar, trimalleolar ankle fracture, ankle dislocation fracture and by removing the plate and/or screws, in the period from 2014 to 2019, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Methods: Retrospective descriptive study carried out between 2014 and 2019 with epidemiological data obtained in the database of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System, from the registration of the Hospitalization Authorization and the values, total and for hospital services, spent with the treatment. surgical fracture of the unimalleolar ankle; surgical treatment of bimalleolar, trimalleolar ankle fracture, ankle dislocation fracture; and the plate and/or screw removal procedure. Results: Between 2014 and 2019, 13,721 surgical procedures were recorded in the ankle region, with R$ 7,889,737.75 being spent on invasive interventions. Conclusion: from the results of this research, it is suggested the need to reinforce public policies aimed at the implementation of concrete actions to seek better efficiency in the process of selecting materials, reviewing clinical and surgical protocols

    De pé no chão também se aprende a ler: uma escola democrática (1961-1964) / Standing on the floor you can also learn to read: A Democratic School (1961-1964)

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    Essa pesquisa rememora o contexto social e político em que ocorreu o projeto “De pé no chão também se aprende a ler” no período anterior ao golpe militar de 1964. O objetivo desse trabalho é compreender o contexto social e políticoque envolveu tanto o período de 1961-64 quanto suas conseqüências: a prisão dos envolvidos nesse projeto de alfabetização e inclusive mortes durante este exílio, referenciando a importância do trabalho da educação popular no Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi a pesquisa bibliográfica, tendo como fonte primária o livro de Moacyr de Góes sobre esse trabalho de alfabetização, além de vídeos e depoimentos da época. Os resultados esperados na construção dessa pesquisa são fazer uma reflexão a respeito dessa iniciativae relembrar desse trabalhobrutalmente interrompido pelo golpe militar

    Ultrassonografia quantitativa do fígado de gatos hígidos: nota prévia

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    The ultrasonographic exam presents divergence in the interpretation of its findings, due to subjective and individual analysis. The livers of 18 healthy cats were evaluated by the ultrasonographic exam, making use of the gray-level histograms method. There were taken measures referring to the echogenicity (LMEAN), echotexture (NMOST/NALL) and echo amplitude standard deviation (SD). The mean values and standard deviations observed in this clinical assay were: LMEAN 5.6 ±1.08, NMOST/NALL 28.31 ±3.84 e SD 11.48 ±1.77. The gray-level histograms method is very important for the standardizing of hepatic echogenicity and echotexture values, helping in the diagnosis and monitoring of diffuse hepatopathies.O exame ultrassonográfico apresenta divergência na interpretação dos seus achados, devido à análise subjetiva e individual. Avaliou-se ultrassonograficamente a quantificação dos níveis de cinza de fígado de 18 gatos hígidos pela técnica de histograma, obtendo-se medidas referentes à ecogenicidade (LMEAN), ecotextura (NMOST/NALL) e desvio padrão da amplitude do eco (SD). As médias e desvio padrão dos valores encontrados foram para LMEAN 5,6 ±1,08, NMOST/NALL 28,31 ±3,84 e SD 11,48 ±1,77. Ressalta-se a importância da técnica do histograma na padronização de valores de normalidade referentes à ecogenicidade e ecotextura do fígado, favorecendo o diagnóstico e o monitoramento de hepatopatias difusas

    Overview of University Actions Aimed at The Nutrition of Two Indigenous Communities In The Interior of The State of Mato Grosso Do Sul – Brazil: Report of Experience In Public Policies

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    The diet composed of adequate food is reported in the literature as one of the aspects of health promotion and maintenance, and it is the duty and obligation of the State to promote public policies that seek to meet these needs of the population. However, due to a number of factors, the minority or vulnerable populations end up not benefiting from a good part of the projects in force in Brazil. Thus, this work aimed to conduct a case study with two indigenous communities living in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, listing the main points related to food practices, evaluation of the state of health in force and measures that help adherence to good food practices. The largest target audience was children from 0 (zero) to 12 (twelve) years, totaling 190 (one hundred and ninety), followed by newborns and puerperals who totaled 14 (fourteen) family nuclei and the elderly population of the community, which totaled 15 (fifteen). The service team was composed of Nutritionist, Health Agent, Social Worker and Nutrition Intern professionals. Several activities were developed, occurring according to the public attended during the different days of visit in the villages, mainly home visits, community actions such as vaccination campaigns, lectures and collective guidance. It is concluded that the measures adopted in public policies related to feeding the indigenous community is a powerful tool to provide the benefits for a better quality of life, well-being and maintenance of the health of indigenous peoples

    Food Science from the Perspective of the Nutrition Professional

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    This work had as thematic the study in analysis of foods from the perspective of the nutrition professional. The objective of the research was to seek the training of this professional for the then analysis of the performance in quality control and formulation of products, with the perspective of assistance to projects carried out on site. This research was conducted in a community cafeteria located in a university in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. As a data collection tool, preparation technical sheets were used in which costs were collected, the preparation order, and the nutritional value provided. Sensory observation was used as an analysis of the data in order to measure and analyze and interpret the reactions of food and material characteristics. It appears that with the identification, attributions and activities developed by a nutritionist in the area, it became possible to analyze the processing of raw material and industrialized food products, according to the needs presented by the site. As for the points not reached were not due to any other factors than those related to the specificities of the research site, which did not prevent the acquisition of theoretical, practical, scientific, social and environmental knowledge of the points concerning the area of action of the nutritionist professional within the field of food science

    Nutritional Intervention in the Area of Clinical Nutrition in a Hospital Environment: A Report of Field Experience

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    The present experience report narrates a nutritional intervention in the area of individual and collective clinical nutrition that took place in a University Hospital (HU) in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. The main objective of this field work was the professional training for hospital and outpatient nutritional care through general and specific activities performed on site. The specific activities consisted in writing care protocols and standardization of hospital diets while the general activities consisted in the analysis of medical records, survey of clinical diagnoses, proposal of dietotherapic conduct, monitoring of nutritional status, prescription and dietary adequacy, preparation of nutritional guidelines and development, presentation and discussion of clinical cases. This work also reports on the difficulties in implementing and carrying out this intervention agenda and, given the results obtained, it was concluded that the field experience in the hospital area was a valid and beneficial opportunity in which it was possible to harmonize theory with practice

    Os jogos como instrumento de ensino e aprendizado para operações com números complexos na prática docente/ Games as a teaching and learning tool for operations with complex numbers in teaching practice

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     Este trabalho, relata as experiências vivenciadas no Estágio Supervisionado no Ensino Médio. Para tal, seus dados e considerações obtidas, foram coletados em duas escolas públicas estaduais, a primeira Professora Ecila Pantoja da Rocha e a segunda Professora Ernestina Pereira Maia, situadas no município de Moju – Pará. Portanto, este artigo descreve as partes fundamentais da experiência do Estágio Supervisionado: observação e aplicação. Onde as observações foram realizadas em duas turmas, uma do 1°ano e a outra do 3° ano, ambas no ensino médio, para isso, foram feitas anotações acerca da realidade escolar, juntamente com a didática dos professores em sala. A partir da análise destas anotações, resolvemos realizar uma proposta de intervenção, onde voltou – se para a turma do 3º ano com o conteúdo de Números Complexos. Nesse momento foi aplicada um Projeto de Intervenção denominada Exposição de Matemática, a EXPOMAT, onde cada dupla de estagiários apresentaria seus assuntos por meio de materiais manipuláveis, com o objetivo de proporcionar aos alunos uma matemática mais palpável e divertida, tentando assim, contribuir com o processo de ensino e aprendizagem do referido assunto

    Ultrassonografia quantitativa do fígado em gatos com tirotoxicose induzida

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    Este estudo avaliou ultrassonograficamente o fígado de gatos submetidos à tirotoxicose induzida pela técnica de histograma dos níveis de cinza com o objetivo de melhor avaliar possíveis alterações hepáticas decorrentes do excesso de hormônios tiroidianos. Para isto, foram utilizados nove gatos hígidos, adulto-jovens, que receberam diariamente 150µg/kg de levotiroxina sódica, por 60 dias. O histograma hepático não demonstrou diferença estatística ao nível de 5% de significância entre os momentos avaliados; entretanto, as variações dos valores das variáveis estudadas sugeriram a promoção de aumento da heterogeneidade e diminuição da ecogenicidade do parênquima hepático quando comparado ao momento inicial. A avaliação citopatológica e histopatológica revelou quadro de hepatite tirotóxica em todos os animais.This study evaluated ultrasonographically the liver of cats submitted to induced thyrotoxicosis by the technique of gray-level histogram with the objective of better evaluating the possible hepatic alterations decurring from the excess of the thyroid hormones. For that, there were used nine adult-young healthy cats, which received daily 150ìg/kg of sodic levotiroxin, for 60 days. The hepatic histogram has not demonstrated statistical differences in the 5% level of significance between the evaluated moments; however, the variations of the studied variables' values suggested an increasing of the heterogeneity and a decreasing of the echogenicity of the hepatic parenchyma when compared to the initial moment. The cytopathologic and histopathologic evaluations have shown of a clinical picture of thyrotoxic hepatitis in all the animals