81 research outputs found

    Topical anti-inflammatory activity of yacon leaf extracts

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    Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp.) H. Rob. , Asteraceae, known as yacon, is an herb that is traditionally used for the treatment of diabetes in folk medicine. However, recent studies have demonstrated that this plant has other interesting properties such as anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory actions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the topical anti-inflammatory property of different extracts prepared from yacon leaves and analyze the role of different chemical classes in this activity. Three yacon leaf extracts were obtained: aqueous extract, where chlorogenic acid derivatives and sesquiterpene lactones were detected; leaf rinse extract, rich in sesquiterpene lactones; and polar extract, rich in chlorogenic acid derivatives. All the extracts exhibited anti-edematogenic activity in vivo (aqueous extract: 25.9% edema inhibition at 0.50 mg/ear; polar extract: 42.7% inhibition at 0.25 mg/ear; and leaf rinse extract: 44.1% inhibition at 0.25 mg/ear). The leaf rinse extract furnished the best results regarding neutrophil migration inhibition, and NO, TNF-? and PGE2 inhibition. These data indicate that both sesquiterpene lactones and chlorogenic acid derivatives contribute to the anti-inflammatory action, although sesquiterpene lactones seem to have more pronounced effects. In conclusion, yacon leaf extracts, particularly the sesquiterpene lactone-rich extract, has potential use as topical anti-inflammatory agent.FAPESP #2007/00844-3CAPES #314/0

    Educação ambiental nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental em escolas públicas urbanas do oeste do Paraná

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    Resumo: A Política Nacional de Educação Ambiental (PNEA) postula que a Educação Ambiental (EA) deve ser trabalhada de forma permanente e interdisciplinar. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se as ações de EA desenvolvidas nas escolas de um município do estado do Paraná seguem as diretrizes do PNEA, e quais vertentes da EA estão sendo trabalhadas com mais frequência. A metodologia de caráter quali-quantitativa consistiu na aplicação de um questionário aos professores de Ciências do Ensino Fundamental Inicial das três escolas urbanas do município. Os resultados mostraram que, para se adaptar ao PNEA, as escolas precisam incluir a EA no período de planejamento dos professores, ampliando os esforços de interdisciplinaridade e incentivar a participação da comunidade. Verificou-se, ainda, que as abordagens Conservacionista e Pragmática são mais empregadas do que a abordagem Crítica, assim, é importante inserir mais ações voltadas para EA Crítica no planejamento curricular, contribuindo para seu desenvolvimento prático.Palavras-chave: Educação Ambiental; PNEA; Ensino de Ciências. Environmental education in the urban public elementary school in west of ParanáAbstract: The National Environmental Education Policy (PNEA) postulates that Environmental Education (EE) must be worked in a permanent and interdisciplinary way. Thus, the objective of this work was to verify whether the EE actions developed in schools in a municipality in the Paraná (Brazil) follow the guidelines of the PNEA, and which aspects of the EE are more frequent. The qualitative and quantitative methodology consisted of the application of a questionnaire to teachers of Sciences of the Elementary Education of the three urban schools. The results showed that, in order to adapt to the PNEA, schools need to include EE in the planning period of teachers, expanding interdisciplinary efforts and encouraging community participation. It was also verified that the Conservationist and Pragmatic approaches are more used than the Critical approach, therefore, it is important to insert more actions focused on Critical EE in the curricular planning, contributing to its practical development.Keywords: Environmental Education; PNEA; Elementary School.

    Levantamentos florísticos e sua importância para a produção de mel no Oeste Paranaense

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    Floristic surveys make it possible for the beekeeper to determine the time of permanence of hives in a given location by determining the flowering. The objective was to carry out the floristic survey of remnants of a native forest in the region and areas of forest recovery for the purposes of conservation and production, in order to assist local beekeepers to define strategies for rational exploration and conservation of forest remnants and reforestation areas from western Paraná state. The plant surveys were carried out at the Experimental Stations (EE) of Entre Rios do Oeste (ERO) and Marechal Cândido Rondon (MCR), both linked to the State University of Western Paraná (Unioeste) and at the Biological Refuge of Santa Helena (RB-SH), which is an Area of Relevant Ecological Interest (ARIE). At the EE of Unioeste, MCR and ERO, an area of 20 meters x 5 meters was delimited for each point, by the method of plots of fixed rectangular areas, and the collection of each species in the reproductive phase was carried out. To map plant collection areas, four points were georeferenced in each season. The collections were biweekly and monthly from December 2017 to November 2019. At RB-SH the method used was to walk the pre-existing ecological trails at the site and the survey was carried out by means of biweekly collections of botanical samples in the reproductive phase, between August 2017 and June 2018. One hundred and seventy-three (173) plants were collected, 121 of which were identified, 103 at the species level, nine at the genus level and nine at the family level, belonging to 41 botanical families. The general Shannon-Wiener index (H’) was 3.15 nats individual-1, with the values ​​found being 2.30 nats individual-1 in MCR; 2.94 nats individual-1 in ERO and 4.22 nats individual-1 in RB-SH. Regarding similarity indices, the lowest value was observed between the sampled areas of RB-SH and MCR and the highest between ERO and RB-SH. It is concluded that the botanical families Poaceae and Myrtaceae, were representative in the analyzed honeys, being identified in the honey samples of Apis mellifera the pollen types Myrceugenia euosma, Urochloa arrecta, Triticum aestivum, Albizia niopoides, Avena sativa and Eugenia uniflora.Os levantamentos florísticos possibilitam ao apicultor determinar a época de permanência de colmeias em determinado local por meio da determinação das floradas. Objetivou-se realizar o levantamento florístico de remanescentes de mata nativa da região e de áreas de recuperação florestal para fins de conservação e produção, com o intuito de auxiliar os apicultores locais a definirem estratégias de exploração racional e de conservação dos remanescentes florestais e áreas de reflorestamento do Oeste paranaense. O levantamento das plantas foi realizado nas Estações Experimentais (EE) de Entre Rios do Oeste (ERO) e de Marechal Cândido Rondon (MCR), ambas vinculadas à Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste) e no Refúgio Biológico de Santa Helena (RB-SH), que é uma Área de Relevante Interesse Ecológico (ARIE). Nas EE da Unioeste, MCR e ERO, foi delimitada, para cada ponto, uma área de 20 metros x 5 metros, pelo método de parcelas de áreas fixas retangulares e realizada a coleta de cada espécie em fase reprodutiva. Para mapeamento das áreas de coleta de plantas, foram georreferenciados quatro pontos em cada estação. As coletas foram quinzenais e mensais de dezembro de 2017 a novembro de 2019. No RB-SH, o método utilizado foi o de caminhamento nas trilhas ecológicas pré-existentes no local e o levantamento foi realizado por meio de coletas quinzenais de amostras botânicas em fase reprodutiva entre os meses de agosto de 2017 a junho de 2018. Foram coletadas 173 plantas, das quais 121 foram identificadas, sendo 103 em nível de espécie, nove em nível de gênero e nove em nível de família, pertencentes a 41 famílias botânicas. O índice de Shannon-Wiener (H’) geral foi de 3,15 nats indivíduo-1, sendo os valores encontrados de 2,30 nats indivíduo-1 em MCR; 2,94 nats indivíduo-1 em ERO e 4,22 nats indivíduo-1 no RB-SH. Com relação aos índices de similaridade, o menor valor foi observado entre as áreas amostradas de RB-SH e MCR e o maior entre ERO e RB-SH. Conclui-se que as famílias botânicas Poaceae e Myrtaceae foram representativas nos méis analisados, sendo identificados nas amostras de mel de Apis mellifera os tipos polínicos Myrceugenia euosma, Urochloa arrecta, Triticum aestivum, Albizia niopoides, Avena sativa e Eugenia uniflora


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    Objective: to create and validate an app that establishes the diabetic foot risk degree by associating the patients' health conditions.Methodology: a methodological study conducted between March 2019 and December 2021 in Crato – CE – Brazil, and divided into three phases: 1) Review of the national and international guidelines; 2) Creation of the educational technology; and 3) Face and content validation of the technology. This study followed the guidelines set forth in the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence guide.Results: in the review phase, similar content was identified between the guidelines for designing and organizing the content. The technology that was created enabled data collection, as well as diabetic foot risk assessment and classification. A total of 18 judges evaluated the instrument in the validation stage, obtaining a CVI value of 0.96.Conclusion: the study may contribute to improving the indicators referring to hospitalizations, amputations, reduced mobility, dependence, frailty and mortality resulting from diabetic foot


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    A artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ), doença pediátrica crônica comum na infância e adolescência, compreende um grupo de entidades clínicas distintas de etiologia incerta. Definida como uma inflamação crônica nas articulações (sintomas duram por pelo menos 6 semanas), tem início antes dos 16 anos de idade. Com um diagnóstico complexo, é necessária a integração de vários profissionais e, por vezes, do cirurgião-dentista (CD). Assim, objetivou-se buscar e analisar a possibilidade do CD diagnosticar pacientes portadores de AIJ. Performada uma busca nas principais bases de dados (PubMED, SciElo e ScienceDirect) utilizando palavras-chave (“juvenile idiopathic arthritis”, “diagnosis”, “temporomandibular joint”), foram admitidos estudos publicados entre os anos de 2015-2020, escritos na língua inglesa. Aplicados os requisitos de busca, somaram-se 13 artigos. Apresentando sintomas articulares como dor, vermelhidão, limitação de movimento e inchaço, a AIJ atinge, em até 96% dos casos, uma articulação bem conhecida pelos CDs: a articulação temporomandibular. Abertura bucal assimétrica e até a redução desta são achados comuns, tendo a disfunção temporomandibular como diagnóstico diferencial. Padrão de reabsorção óssea, duração das queixas, sintomas em outras articulações e até sintomas extrarticulares como a uveíte (inflamação ocular) devem ser observados. Assim, torna-se clara a contribuição do CD para o diagnóstico da AIJ, devendo também realizar o encaminhamento para áreas como reumatologia, ortodontia/ortopedia, fisioterapia e outras que se façam necessárias a depender de cada caso

    Degree of satisfaction of puerperal women about the quality of care in Rooming-in of a Public Maternity

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    Objective: to identify the degree of satisfaction of puerperal women regarding the Quality of Care (QOC) in Rooming-in (RI) of a public maternity. Method: descriptive quantitative research with 351 women who answered a structured interview that obeyed legal procedures for research involving human beings. Data analysis was performed by means of the Likert scale. The study was approved by Ethics Research Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under the Protocol No. 034/11-P and certificate presentation to Ethics Assessment nº. 0043.0.051.000-11. Results: there was satisfaction with the care, multidisciplinary team, guidelines, visiting hours and dissatisfaction for the indicators: physical structure, privacy, comfort and ventilation. Conclusion: it is concluded that most users are satisfied with the health services although there were complaints with the ambiance. The opinion of the mothers is important and reflects the actions that have been developed in the health sector, directing to a planning that offers quality, once that the RI is characterized as a hospital system and should provide cozy space with comfort, privacy, infrastructure to have adequate assistance