2,734 research outputs found

    Alternatives to involuntary resettlement: making an argument for in situ multi-storey social housing in Maputo

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    A Research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Masters of Built Environment in Housing. Johannesburg, April 2018Resettlement has been a common worldwide practice in development projects criticised for promoting difficult living conditions, raising ‘new poverty’ (Cernea, 2003), causing involuntary segregation and contributing to the exclusion of the right to the city (Jorge, 2016 and Melo, 2015). The last five years, during the implementation of urban infrastructure projects in Maputo, more than 5500 individuals were relocated (Jorge, 2016 and PROMAPUTO, 2017.) Such urban investments benefit mostly an upper middle class and impair the lower social classes, drawing them to areas far from the urban centre (Jenkins, 2001 and Jorge, 2016). Maputo also faces the constraint of lack of vacant land for housing within its administrative boundaries (PROMAPUTO, 2017). In this context, it is urgent to introduce a new resettlement approach, which may promote better outcomes, help to reorganise the territory in integrated and sustainable ways, and allow a greater right to the city to all its citizens. Three key concepts that are analysed in the context of Maputo are involuntary resettlement, social housing, and the right to the city, including land management. The report is guided by the main question: Could multi-­‐storey social housing construction in situ, offer an alternative to involuntary resettlement operations in Maputo? Applied research, based on qualitative methods for data collection (interviews and a focus group), is used to analyse three case studies of resettlement undertaken within the ProMaputo programme. This research report aims, firstly, to contribute to promoting other forms of resettlement procedures in Maputo as well as the development of a policy that gives people a choice, and distinguishes different approaches to resettlement. It also aims to raise awareness among stakeholders about the need to develop multi-­‐storey social housing near the city centre as an alternative to relocation elsewhere and to identify the characteristics of such houses, which can promote the right to the city as well as the implementation of the national housing policy. The report intends to find that depending on the characteristics of in situ multi-­‐storey social housing, it can be an effective solution for accomplishing these aims, and that the affected population can be equal beneficiaries in urban interventions.MT 201

    Las paradojas del tráfico y la trata de mujeres de la Amazonía brasileña en España

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    En la actualidad, según informes de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo, un 55% de las víctimas de la trata de personas en el mundo está constituido por mujeres, objetos de la explotación sexual comercial. El Brasil se presenta entre los principales países de origen, mientras que la Amazonía brasileña es la región con mayor cantidad de víctimas y rutas del tráfico internacional de mujeres. Los estudios apuntan que gran cantidad de estas mujeres llegan a España donde se encuentran los principales mercados internacionales de la explotación sexual comercial. La presente investigación tiene como referencia el análisis de los resultados de una encuesta realizada en Manaus, capital del Estado Amazonas, región norte de Brasil, la cual fue aplicada a 171 personas, participantes de una audiencia pública sobre el tráfico y la trata internacional de mujeres, en mayo de 2010. A estos análisis fueron añadidos algunos estudios de casos realizados con mujeres en situación de tráfico y trata en Andalucía. El estudio intenta comprender los dispositivos que explican la naturalización de las prácticas del tráfico de mujeres en las relaciones sociales, culturales e históricas en la Amazonía brasileña, así como, la vulnerabilidad de las involucradas ante las estrategias de los traficantes internacionales. También problematiza los roles que mantienen y alimentan la industria del sexo en España

    Adrienne Rich : towards a feminist poetics

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão2016-01-08T17:29:22

    Thermodynamic, Dynamic and Structural Anomalies for Shoulder-like potentials

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    Using molecular dynamic simulations we study a family of continuous core-softened potentials consisting of a hard core, a shoulder at closest distances and an attractive well at further distance. The repulsive shoulder and the well distances represent two length scales. We show that if the first scale, the shoulder, is repulsive or has a small well, the potential has a region in the pressure-temperature phase diagram with density, diffusion and structural anomalies. However, if the closest scale becomes a deep attractive well the regions in the pressure-temperature phase diagram where the three anomalies are present shrink and disappear. This result enables us to predict by the shape of the core-softened potential if anomalies would or would not be present

    Interplay between structure and density anomaly for an isotropic core-softened ramp-like potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations and integral equations we investigate the structure, the thermodynamics and the dynamics of a system of particles interacting through a continuous core- softened ramp-like interparticle potential. We found density, dynamic and structural anomalies similar to that found in water. Analysis of the radial distribution function for several temperatures at fixed densities show a pattern that may be related to the origin of density anomaly.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Structural anomalies for a three dimensional isotropic core-softened potential

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    Using molecular dynamics simulations we investigate the structure of a system of particles interacting through a continuous core-softened interparticle potential. We found for the translational order parameter, t, a local maximum at a density ρtmax\rho_{t-max} and a local minimum at ρtmin>ρtmax\rho_{t-min} > \rho_{t-max}. Between ρtmax\rho_{t-max} and ρtmin\rho_{t-min}, the tt parameter anomalously decreases upon pressure. For the orientational order parameter, Q6Q_6, was observed a maximum at a density ρtmax<ρQmax<ρtmin\rho_{t-max}< \rho_{Qmax} < \rho_{t-min}. For densities between ρQmax\rho_{Qmax} and ρtmin\rho_{t-min}, both the translational (t) and orientational (Q6Q_6) order parameters have anomalous behavior. We know that this system also exhibits density and diffusion anomaly. We found that the region in the pressure-temperature phase-diagram of the structural anomaly englobes the region of the diffusion anomaly that is larger than the region limited by the temperature of maximum density. This cascade of anomalies (structural, dynamic and thermodynamic) for our model has the same hierarchy of that one observed for the SPC/E water.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Business plan for social impact: mobile application to address size discrimination

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    Size discrimination, also called sizeism, is a type of discrimination based on people’s weight or height and often appears unnoticed in everyday life. The main purpose of this work is to present a business plan for a mobile application that aims to help address size discrimination, contributing to the social inclusion of those who have experienced it. This mobile application will allow personal experiences and unheard voices to be public and shared without temporal and spatial barriers. Furthermore, it gives an opportunity for professionals to learn and change their attitudes toward size discrimination by connecting with people’s experiences. In order to better understand the impact of this project on society, it was made a research about weight and height discrimination, as both are included in size discrimination, its roots and major issues. Moreover, it was conducted a survey in which was obtained significant results for this project. Additionally, strategic analysis tools such as PEST Analysis, Five Porter’s Forces and SWOT Analysis, were used in order to review this project’s market and competitive context. The following steps were to develop the segmentation, target and positioning as well as the marketing mix of this project. Lastly, there are many private programs and government programs that support social causes and social entrepreneurship. Therefore, this business intends to request funds from them, with the purpose of that, a financial analysis was developed to find out how much would be requested.A discriminação por tamanho, também chamada de tamanhismo, é um tipo de discriminação com base no peso ou altura das pessoas e que muitas vezes passa despercebida na vida cotidiana. O principal objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um plano de negócios para uma aplicação móvel que visa ajudar a combater a discriminação por tamanho, contribuindo para a inclusão social de quem a vivência. Esta aplicação móvel permitirá que experiências pessoais e vozes não ouvidas sejam públicas e partilhadas sem barreiras temporais e espaciais. Ademais, é uma oportunidade para os profissionais aprenderem e mudarem suas atitudes em relação à discriminação por tamanho, ao conectar-se com as experiências das pessoas que as partilham. Para melhor compreender o impacto deste projeto na sociedade, foi feita uma pesquisa sobre a discriminação por peso e altura, visto que ambas estão incluídas na discriminação por tamanho, como também suas raízes e principais questões. Além disso, foi realizado um levantamento através de um questionário online, no qual foram obtidos resultados significativos para este projeto. Além disso, ferramentas de análise estratégica, como Análise PEST, 5 Forças Competitivas de Porter e Análise SWOT, foram usadas para revisar o mercado deste projeto e o contexto competitivo. As etapas seguintes foram desenvolver a segmentação, o objetivo e o posicionamento, bem como o mix de marketing deste projeto. Por último, existem muitos programas privados e programas governamentais que apoiam causas sociais e o empreendedorismo social. Portanto, este negócio pretende solicitar recursos e fundos deles, para tal, foi desenvolvida uma análise financeira para saber quanto seria solicitado

    Water diffusion in rough carbon nanotubes

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    We use molecular dynamics simulations to study the diffusion of water inside deformed carbon nanotubes with different degrees of deformation at 300 K. We found that the number of hydrogen bonds that water forms depends on nanotube topology, leading to enhancement or suppression of water diffusion. The simulation results reveal that more realistic nanotubes should be considered to understand the confined water diffusion behavior, at least for the narrowest nanotubes, when the interaction between water molecules and carbon atoms is relevant.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Social skills and drug abuse in adolescents

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    The present article proposes a bibliographic revision on social skills and drug abuse. This article was elaborated from a research in the following Databases: Pschynfo, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Proquest, Medline and Lilacs, between 1996 and 2006. The used describers were: social skills, social skills training, social competence, assertiveness, adolescents, teenagers, substance abuse, drug abuse, cannabis and marijuana. In the databases in Portuguese language we used the terms habilidades sociais, treinamento em habilidades sociais, assertividade, adolescentes, abuso de substâncias, drogas and maconha. The studies, the majority of which were in English, pointed the existence of deficits, mainly the difficulty in resisting to drugs and in saying no. It can be concluded that the construction of resistance skills to the offering of drugs, self-efficacy training and the stimulation of decision making capabilities can reduce substance use. Few Brazilian studies were found approaching this subject.O presente estudo propõe uma revisão bibliográfica sobre habilidades sociais e abuso de substâncias. Este artigo foi elaborado a partir de pesquisa nas Bases de Dados Pschynfo, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, Proquest, Medline e Lilacs, entre 1996 e 2006. Os descritores foram: social skills, social skills training, social competence, assertiveness, adolescents, teeenagers, substance abuse, drug abuse, cannabis e marijuana. Nas bases de língua portuguesa, foram: habilidades sociais, treinamento em habilidades sociais, assertividade, adolescentes, abuso de substâncias, drogas e maconha. Os estudos, a maioria de língua inglesa, apontaram a existência de déficits, principalmente a dificuldade em resistir às drogas e dizer não. Conclui-se que a construção de habilidades de resistência ao oferecimento de drogas, a auto-eficácia e o estímulo à capacidade de tomada de decisões pode reduzir o uso de substâncias. Poucos estudos brasileiros foram encontrados abordando esta temática.Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do SulFaculdade MeridionalUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Faculdade de Psicologia Programa de Pós-Graduação em PsicologiaUNIFESPSciEL

    Quality management and sustainability in logistics service providers: case study in brazilian company

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    Logistics operators have become important agents in supply chains, due to the current trend of outsourcing logistical activities by companies. In this way, the level of quality of the services provided is an important aspect for the competitiveness of companies. In addition, the sustainability aspect has become relevant, given the environmental impact caused by logistics activities. Studies have shown that there are points of convergence between quality management approaches and sustainable practices. The objective of this work was to analyze aspects of quality management and sustainability in Brazilian logistics operators, from the perspective of the company contracting these services. To this end, a case study was conducted at a large company that outsources its logistics activities. The five main logistics operators providing services to the company were considered. The analysis was carried out on the basis of a model that integrates sustainability and quality management criteria. Quality assets, processes and dimensions were considered.&nbsp; It was found that the contracted logistics operators have a wide portfolio of services offered, quality assets and well-defined processes. However, sustainability practices are still in their infancy